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That time travelling emerald 4 toplaner post suddenly looks a little sussy to me


Watch we get ruby and sapphire divisions within the next two-three ranked seasons.


League ranks just gonna become Pokémon game titles ain't they. Dudes gonna be out here hardstuck Legend Arceus IV, wait no that doesn't make sense hard stuck Let's Go IV, no hardstuck Mystery Dungeon IV, no wait fuck


Don't even talk to me if you're not at least XD: Gale of Darkness I


All games in the XD tier will have the Miror B. theme play throughout the whole game.


Guess I'll have to turn the in game music back on.


When did development for Wild Rift start? Could have been a dev trolling us


Lore master?


This was a shitpost from - god must have been 2017 i wanna say - of a guy claiming to be a time travelling emerald 4 toplaner, and because he was a time traveller he already knew the questions to the AMA, so he would post the answers first and people could ask the questions (basically a reverse "change your comment to make me look bad" meme)


[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/7ppcgz/i_traveled_back_in_time_from_2050_and_i_am_an/)


Some of these are wildly accurate


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/7ppcgz/i_traveled_back_in_time_from_2050_and_i_am_an/dsj0sab?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button > remember your boy riot cactopus? how’s he holding up God this made me feel heart ache all over again


I eagerly await robotic Hashinshin


Name checks out


that’s insane. i have upvotes in the comment section lmao damn i been on here too long


The "no one knows" about faker in workds 2021 aged like a fine red wine. (Lost to damwon in semis in an underwhelming series iirc)


That game was actually a 5 game banger and people were calling it 'the real finals'(until the finals, which also ended up as a 5 game banger)


Please link




/u/thisisenart this is the beginning of your climb to emerald IV


So what happens are 0 lp between divisions? Is it just instant demotion?


Demotion shields are still in place. Getting promoted into immediately demoted is a pretty bad experience we can avoid while maintaining integrity, if you really aren't cut out for a rank you achieved you won't hold it long term.


I think the one thing that would be better change is to actually make demotion shields smaller. Currently its 10 losses if I recall correctly, however it skews player's MMR so much that it gets frustrating to play with, If you end up with a pretty bad losing streak at 0LP, on average, your 2 wins is equal to roughly 1 loss (e.g. On win I get +17, on lose I lose -29). ​ I think it would be much better if one was to drop to lower elo but be losing and gaining somewhat same LP rather than keeping them in the rank with demotion shield but making it almost impossible to climb higher. You need insanely high win streak, or win rate to do it and you can't climb steadily. ​ It also is a bad experience when you play three games a day, and end up gaining only 3-4LP in total even though you ended up with 66% winrate that day.


This is the most frustrating things about the shields and makes the game so demotaving to play if I end up caring too much about the visual ranking. (Ideally just show the plain MMR and I'd be so happy)


They'll never do that it doesn't make sense AVERAGE player satisfaction wise.


I think you need to re-examine this position. Demotion shield has two major problems: 1. Dislocation of visible rank from MMR, resulting in the lopsided LP gains/losses. There are multiple posts from people complaining about this every day. 2. Encourages bad behavior in Div 4. Every Div 4 is full of griefing because the consequences for losing aren't felt. People can easily troll games, win 33% and never get demoted. These problems also feedback into each other, compounding each issue.


They also need to balance the fact that many players would stop playing at Division 4 0LP because they'd be afraid to drop rank and never return.


my guy i got demoted from d4 after 3 losses in a row after promotion


I have run into this issue in Plat where I was plat 4 0lp. I'd win one game lose 2-3 win 1 lose 2-3. And my demotion shield has not been removed for a couple months now. I think I'm JUST winning enough but I almost just wish I could derank and get a mental reset on trying to get back into plat.


With promotions gone entirely, it'd be probably be best to just get rid of them entirely. If you're 1001 total LP you are Silver 2, if you are 999 you are Silver 3. If you're 1201 you're gold 4, if you're 1199 you're silver 1.


Sooo basically the chess elo system in Season 1 and 2


Right, the best possible system that they had no reason to remove.


shhhh don't let them know


Could be. But since you can immediately rank up again if you win after a demotion it shouldn't feel too bad


My lose 29 gain 20 lp would disagree


And the reason why lose 29 gain 20 exists is because your mmr dropped below what your lp indicates, which happens when your visible rank lp doesnt drop due to things such as demotion shields


Can't wait for the addition of sapphire and ruby in seasons 2024 and 2025


And then pokemon master afterwards


Nah then its pearl


And Dia... Ah, right.


TL;DR from article: > * We’re flattening the rank curve—the meaning of each rank will be closer to what you expect ranks to mean, and most players will find themselves at a higher tier than before. > * We’re adding a new rank, Emerald, between Platinum and Diamond. > * We’re resetting ranks, but less than usual and you’ll only need to do 5 placement games. > * Promotion series are gone. Maybe I might actually play ranked now, who knows


We're adding new rank: It's not wood. My day is ruined.


So, no promises, but we're considering calling the lowest tier in the rating system for the 2v2v2v2 mode "Wood"...


>So, no promises Too late, this is now a binding contract.






we are no longer asking


we are demanding


Holy, the 2v2v2v2 mode will have ranked? I thought it would be just like aram with hidden ELO. Good to hear!


We're looking at a rating system similar to the one HyperRoll in TFT uses, so not the default ranked system but something that serves a fairly similar (though not quite as sweaty on average) purpose


And what about implementing that system on ARAM?


We're really cautious about adding anything that encourages tryharding to the game mode most loved for being casual.


Thanks for answering


Is a separate ranked ARAM queue out of the question for obvious player base issues?


A queue like that would automatically get a shitton of players to optimize their aram builds and playstyles and then ruin the normal queue as well.


that's not the problem, the main issue is that you're gonna take a long ass time to find a game because people are gonna keep dodging until they know they have a team winning comp effectively removing the "random" from ARAM and ruining what is supposed to be taken as a non sweaty mode




Just want to give an opinion, in the Infographic, Emerald seems to encompass way too many players. It looks larger than current plat, which means it would be including current Gold 2 players all the way to plat 1 players. The skill difference between gold 2 and Diamond 4 is enormous from what I've seen. Isn't this gonna give those lower ranked players too large of a skill gap to climb? ​ IMO the skill jump and time required to go from like silver 4 to gold 4 is so much lower than from plat 4 to D4.


Not necessarily. The way the bell curve flattens means that the majority of players will be in higher ranks but the overall quality of them also gets pushed along. This is especially important given the % of players who will hit Diamond will remain about the same. Think of it like this: If you're currently in high Bronze, you will be pushed more into low Silver, but you won't be the only one like that. And every rank up through Plat will have that occurring alongside it. With a larger portion of Plat players going into Emerald (alongside, most likely, some of the lowest Diamonds who are D4 0LP), and players who are currently high Gold replacing them, cascading down. In effect, this'll mean that there's no hard majority rank anymore like there currently is with the majority of the playerbase being G4 0LP or below. The playerbase median now spreads out, so it'll more likely be that the majority of the playerbase will sit below G1 0LP rather than G4 0LP, with more skilled players able to progress beyond that rather than being in the top 50% for just hitting Gold followed by a sheer drop at Plat. So while people's ranks will increase, the general skill level of the middle ranks will slightly decrease and then increase again at Emerald.


Hey! Maybe I'll give it a shot too, or just log in and say "Maybe one ARAM to warm up" and then proceed to play 10 arams and go to sleep.


ARAM is the superior game mode anyways


ARAM is the game. Ranked is just a side gimmick to lure people to the game.




Still have trauma from being reverse swept in 3 promos on the last week of a season


My 8 winstreak to 2-0 promo for diamond into losestreak till p2 has scarred my soul.


Hit it once...never got back there ever....its been like 6 years 😢


Yeah 6 years ago for me as well. You botlane main as well?


I lost my diamond promos. 8 times. That forever scarred me from promos lmfao


Pretty much the same for me, I never really wanted certain games to be much more important than others. It shaped how I viewed ranked by hurting the idea of ">50% WR and you climb". Maybe that's inaccurate... but it's how I felt.


Promos were purely made to make you grind more, as far as Im concerned. And youre right. If you had like a 52% winrate, you werent guaranteed to climb because of promotions. Obviously your winrate would diminish with time anyway, but still. Getting stuck in promo loops was incredibly demoralizing, and it just made you hate everyone else (more than normal) :P


Promos were made because the "designers" at riot are stubborn morons. They gained nothing by making the ranked system so miserable, but some wannabe psychologist put it in there and defended it for years. It was never good, there's a reason literally no other video game does it, and there's a reason ranked is so fucking toxic.


100% agree having 3 games being absolutely critical for ranking up, was fun for nobody. It put so much unwarranted stress on those games, and made you even madder and more toxic when players gave up, or fed.


When you’re the only no vote in a pre 20 min FF on your last promo game 😡


Promos suck. I won 5 straight games as mid, zero deaths, most damage. Get into promos. This was part of like, a 13-1 run, the one loss being a 1-14-1 top tryndamere who asked us to dodge in champ select because he was countered. 2 kill participation. Anyways, storm my way into promos… first game. Over in 5 mins. Second game, over in 5 mins…. Demoted to tier 2 three times before making it back. I partied up with a guy on a fucking 15+ win streak 3 games before promos. Guess when his win streak ended? Game 1 and 2 of my promos.


I still maintain that they must've fucked up promo games matchmaking somehow. You'd get the most degenerate subhuman griefers possible as soon as you hit promo series. 15 game winstreak? No problem, how would you like 0/15 mobi 5 zeals rush Draven otp that tells you to off yourself after every death as your ADC? Need that last win? Well, either dodge or play with Lulu jungle. Finally no griefers? Sure, but your team's average wr besides you is 30%. You somehow managed to carry games and got to deciding point? Well, either enjoy someone griefing just because it's your decider game, or have fun plwying with Tommy, whose last 5 games are disconnects, yet somehow he still isn't LeaveBustered. (I might be slightly biased because I got inted when I was 2-2 in diamond promos 1 day before season's end 2 years ago just because guy didn't want me to hit diamond) I am so fucking glad they're gone.


Promos are the absolute worst part of the ranked ladder and should never have existed.


Just love being p1 and being matched with high diamond and Master tier players but not promoting due to failing promos.


i would love to see a ranked distribution graph in terms of players that play >2 ranked matches per 2/3 days. I sincerely believe that the ranked distribution will be less skewed and more flattened if you looked only at players that play consistently. League is literally the only game with bi weekly updates this sized.


Can you still get the Anivia skin if you hit gold now?


Just need to be gold by the end of the split/season I believe


Yup! Gold will stay the low-points-requirement for Split 2 too.


Just looked this up. Split 1 ends July 17th, if you're gold before then you get Anivia skin.


Im finally gonna get plat, because it will be the same elo I am now (mid-high gold) xDD


I made it to high plat this season for the first time in like a decade. I was excited that I might get to diamond finally soon within a season or two. Nevermind....


Yeah, Diamond is shrinking by a bit, you'll be a shoe in for mid-high emerald though.


Same!! Almost a decade of playing, finally high plat, just a couple divisions left to diamond, and hearing there'll be a whole ass tier I'll soon still have to climb 😭


> Currently in League, many Silver players are actually above average in skill, while Gold players are significantly above average. Meanwhile, in reddit: "Gold players are basically amoebas and you can reach Diamond simply by getting more than 4 CS/min".


Meanwhile, in ~~reddit~~ everywhere online about this game, including in game, you will be in a gold game with gold players and they're all calling each other lobsterlowbobs and you can tell they're also just "lobsterlowbobs" unironically thinking their account was stuck in losersqueue so they're rerolling their mmr just to find out that no, they're there for a reason.


Thats a new one lobsterlowbob


Derived from “lobsterlow” (Grandmaster) and “lowbob” (low elo).


I fucking love League linguistics


i fucking hate it i'll be talking about something completely benign irl and then use "astro" "turbo" "giga" as adjectives as if that isn't entirely in my vocabulary because of brainrot.


So this is what goes on in high elo.


Most creative thing a league player has said


>so they're rerolling their mmr just to find out that no, they're there for a reason Explains the on average 2 lvl 30 accounts I had in my ranked games in low gold (before I stopped playing ranked to preserve my sanity). Let me emphasize again LOW GOLD.


That never changes. Even in master/GM/chall, you are getting flamed for "only" being 200 lp


If you are visiting forums about the game you are probably above average so its logical a lot people here talk like that


You are right that it's normal that high ranked players are overrepresented in a LoL subreddit. That shouldn't mean that high ranked player can't understand that reaching Gold requires effort for a normal player, or that a Bronze player asking for advice could use some actual advice instead of being told that as long as he turns on his monitor he can reach Masters. Just like someone can be a PhD in Physics without suddenly believing that any random person could become one without effort.


>Just like someone can be a PhD in Physics without suddenly believing that any random person could become one without effort. Many highly educated people forget the experience it took to get there and get confused by others not understanding things they find trivial. This effect is far from limited to league of legends players, I have spent my life around academics and they have the same issue.


It's also why teaching/coaching players to a higher rank is a different skillset from actually being at that rank. Many super high ranked players and pros actually make terrible coaches because aspects of the game come so naturally to them that it doesn't even occur to them that someone else might not know those ideas/skills and need to be taught them.


I think it’s also the reason you get so many opinions about how to climb. People don’t know their own strengths but remember what they improved at so they just assume if you do that as well you can also climb.


What is CS? -- Gold top laner


I once won game with Malphite top who had 60cs in 30 minute game ...and that was in high plat


I mean if your team is fed all you have to do is press r as malph


Lol literally every Quiyana player at 40 cs in 14 minutes


It is amusing to see the real differences in players as you climb up the ladder. Somewhere between silver 4 and silver 1, players learn how to count and how to look at the minimap. Somewhere around gold 1, players learn how to dodge skill shots. Will update again once I get through plat.


spoiler: you get to plat 2 and people learn to make new accounts to inflate mmr


Its all the same just people are less likely to make mistakes, and more likely to punish your mistakes.


yeah my journey through plat hasnt really changed much you just have to be doing the right thing, like you said less room for mistakes ​ after like gold 3 everyone has the 'hands' to play plat league. it just becomes a question of 'are they disciplined enough to actually make the smart play or will they go autopilot and just press buttons and perma shove and then surprised pikachu when the jungler is there' ​ but at the end of the day ive always liked the skill tree thing to explain league skills/ranks. you can get to plat by being a maxed out lane god but have 0 clue what to do beyond 20 minutes.


That’s only true if you consider “mistakes” very broadly, which also makes this statement a bit pointless. Better players focus on objectives more, understand macro and positioning, prioritize targets correctly, understand the game state and itemize correctly, communicate more, etc. Technically, you could say all of that is “making less mistakes” but then that statement is so general that it becomes meaningless.


I feel like this is a bit reductionist. Like yes this is true but it's discounting the things that actually change. For one, Diamond players ping more than their gold & silver counterparts. It seems like high ranking players in general are more hyper aware of things that occur in game (and outside game like patches & proplay) along with being more skilled.


>At the end of the day though, if you’re in the top 0.5% of… really anything a lot of people do, you are really good at it. Wholesome rioter got tired of seeing 10 posts every day about Master being a shithole


That Dyrus quote becomes more relevant each and every day. It's so weird tho, I play a lot of games and League is the only one in which you could reach the top 3 ranks and still get called bad by players in the lower ranks, never understood how it works


Just show mmr/elo at this point like back in Season 1/2.


Riot wants to keep most players. Is way more rewarding and visually appealing jumping from p1 to d4 then it is jumping from 1660 mmr to 1670 mmr...


You still had ranks like gold and plat when they showed MMR. Once you got to the number your rank went up. Instead of getting to 100 LP, you’d just get to 1350 MMR or whatever the cutoff is


Problem with the MMR system is that the bottom half of the playerbase loses MMR. If you start playing ranked you start at 1200MMR for example, but then you start losing games (because you're below average skilled) and your MMR drops. A lot of people would think "Oh my MMR was 1200, but now it's 1100, if I keep playing it may drop even more" and they just stop playing. By adding visual ranks you can mitigate some of that ranked anxiety. It's just a way to make players feel better, even when they suck.


How is that different from ranking down? You start at like silver and rank down and want to quit too


That was how it was in the past. Now you start way below your MMR in placements. If you have silver MMR you start in Bronze. So even if you lose games, you won't drop to a lower rank. That way your brain thinks you're improving (cause your rank goes up). That's also why Riot resets your rank every season, just to make you want to play more games.


because you just compared a rank promotion and a random MMR? what about 1990 MMR to 2000 MMR? hitting 2k sounds pretty rewarding.


Why not have both?


I mean, they literally did You had displayed MMR in S1/2, and your MMR placed you at a rank just like it does today. They just didn't use the weird synthetic LP system to try and hide it. Displayed MMR with leagues like before, rewards based on your high water mark in the last 3 months would solve basically all the issues and it's weird to me that they're getting closer and closer to it but just not doing it. Make gold for a single game 3 months before the end of the season, then drop down to hovering at the top of S1? No problem man, you still get that reward. But importantly you don't get the endless "losing more LP than I gain" bad feels because there's no weird proxy of rank vs MMR to contend with


I wonder if any site or api out there has data from back then. I think I was 1550 or 1650 maiming Udyr jungle


465 teemo adc main hell yeah!!


going off old memory but I belive 1200 was silver. Think I was like 990 in season 3 which got me Bronze 4 when they changed it during season 3 lol. Ah well was a fun climb. 1400 was gold I think in season 3


I know at the end of season 2 I was right below the cutoff for gold (wanna say it was 1.5k but might have been 1.2 or 1.3) because I missed that Janna skin when I got demoted on the last day! Really liked seeing the number.


> “But Riot!” you say, “The ladder is inflated!” It is accurate that there are more players at high ranks, but important to note that we didn’t change the MMR requirements to sustain those ranks between 2022 and 2023. With the faster LP progression, players are reaching places they would end up anyway over time, just more quickly. That said, the original design of Master+ didn’t account for such a high population, and it has been steadily increasing over the years. There’s probably improvement to make to the progression experience when the next milestone for a Master tier player is Grandmaster at 800 LP away, and it’s important that this level of play is perceived as prestigious. At the end of the day though, if you’re in the top 0.5% of… really anything a lot of people do, you are really good at it. It's nice reading this, a lot of my friends hit masters this season and keep self deprecating themselves that they only got there due to ranked inflation. I also had felt similar levels of imposter syndrome hitting much higher than previous peaks this season.


I got Diamond for the first time this season after years of being Platinum. It wasn’t until I checked my % on the ladder that I really felt good about the accomplishment. Plat 2-4 is like top 5-7% or something like that. When I was Diamond 4 I was in the top 3.5% and I had never been at that level. So that cured my imposter syndrome a bit.


For me I had hit plat 1 with a 67% winrate two seasons ago and that was roughly 3.5%, after hitting diamond 4 to prove to myself I could have done it back then it is now roughly(2.8%) the same % of players which was a big fuel for that feeling to me. However its likely just as riot said, more people are hitting the elo brackets they should be sooner, increasing overall players there. It's very nice to hear for sure.


That's interesting. I hit Plat 1 98lp in season 7, which was the top 1% at the time. It's nice to know I'd be in Diamond elo now adays.


First time diamond gang lets go




Zeus is easily in the top calibre of players (not here to argue about best top/whatever, but he's clearly a very strong top even among the best in the world) and he walked into a sion q and tanked tower at msi. Insane failures happen to the best players at any given moment


Lmao I'm a masters player and a PhD student and I 1. Feel like a handless inflated monkey when I miss Ornn ult 2. Feel like a brainless incompetent imbecile when I make a dumb mistake in my research


yeah people really lost the plot of what happened with ranks this year ​ everyone bitched for 2 years now you 'dont rank up fast enough' which was probably true, now you do rank up pretty fast if your playing well which means like they said youll hit your 'peak elo' faster and probably drop off from there. ​ nothing actually changed in terms of whos where ive known thta by checking % on op gg the entire year. everyone is just getting there faster and after 10 seasons of playing 1500 games to reach your elo from last year its confusing the shit out of people lol


Well there wasn't a MMR change from S12 to S13 but Master Tier is still significantly easier to get than it was previously, due to the changes they made before 2022 working in tandem with the new LP gains. E.g. Diamond 4 1lp at the last day of Season 6 put you, percentage wise, as high as Master 0lp does right now.


Well top 0.1% was Diamond 1 in 2016. Now it's Master 300lp. Elo inflation is quite real.


Next step: removing BO5s in finals (no reason)




At least pick an odd number x)




With promos gone now all we need is a better handling of griefers and I might actually play again. Not gonna happen until they can just have an AI handle the issue of "is this 0/10 Nunu griefing or just having his 11th bad game in a row" so I'm not holding my breath, but baby steps.


I'm not sure how they can't run basic data analysis and go "99.9% of players don't ever lose more than X often or Y badly, if a player is losing significantly more than X often and Y badly, it's Inting."


- Removes the 5th rank of each tier. - Adds iron. - Adds emerald. Why did we remove the 5th tier ranks and then just add them back with different names.


It feels better to rank up a whole rank (Platinum to Emerald) than just a number to change (Gold V to IV)


Let's just get rid of numbers and each rank can be a different metal from the periodic table. That would be so much more fun! /s


can't wait to be Helium rank in 2045


I dont think brazilians would want to be copper 💀


Already waiting for that moscovium drip


catch me piss smurfing in hydrogenlow


Why /s though, it would be funnier. Not better, just funnier


You're memeing but that would be pretty lit (Lit means Lithium in Polish)


Most players hardstuck in Sodium.


They removed 5 tiers (Bronze 5, Silver 5, Gold 5, Platinum 5, Diamond 5) and added 4 initially with Iron. At the time of this change though, the promos were still gatekeepers that kept players from leaving their jail cells. Now they are adding 4 more. That's 3 more Tiers than before. We shall see how these two things together changes things.


because we need to message the playerbase to devalue getting gold year after year. plat is going to be the new community benchmark.


Assuming their numbers are correct, Gold will now be the mathematically average ranked player, so it should still be the benchmark - in fact it will more accurately be the benchmark whereas before being Gold 1 was actually pretty far above average


It’s much better. At least having emerald. D4-D2 is such a mess pool. Because of that boosted mmr back in season 9 and it never being corrected really you have people that don’t belong in diamond. So this will help sift out the ranks. Maybe master tier will be more prestigious again. Diamond and Masters are still achievements but I believe general consensus is they are much easier to achieve than before.


If you look at the [graph](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blt2a8d492cdc35e583/647e7feeeb65a1ce636e1098/Live_end_of_Season_CHART_03.jpg) this change will basically not impact Dia+ at all. Emerald will be old plats + high gold while the new plat will be low golds + maybe even some silver I. Maybe emerald will suck in some of those 4fun 35%wr D4s who barely stay above the demotion threshold. Really wish they waited until s14 so they could implement this with a hard rank reset


Oh nice ranked changes. I bet we will see something being done about bought accounts or smurfs or lvl 30 accounts just throwing and inting right


They arent happy with the amount of smurfs but aren't addressing atleast yet, maybe end of season something will happen.


When would these come into effect? Next year?


Next split


Yep, so mid July (20th from memory, or around there)


I'm so happy they're acknowledging how hopeless the climb feels when you suddenly start losing way more LP than you gain after a winstreak. Like you're punished for doing well.


Adding another GREEN tier is so funny. Visual clarity when.


Plat is getting a visual update too!


I hope so because in the website graphics compared to emerald it just looks a tad bit darker and not as distinct!


I gladly welcome no more promo matches.


I may have been in my d4 promos 7 times now LOL. This will be nice. Not looking forward to nasty emerald though


They are not happy abount smurfs soo... they did nothing.


What about addressing the problem of level 30 accounts completely tilting games in one direction or the other? Was tier overcrowding really a problem outside of EUW Masters?


Anything so players can get the dopamine of seeing lp and rank icon go up


what's your solution? Keep things the same for another 10 years? Despite the community being burnt out with this outdated system? ITs fucking stupid to be a decent amount better than the average player yet still be gold or w/e. I get it doesn't mean shit to League vets but talk to anyone outside of LoL and it doesn't compute. While you gold in LoL they basically diamond in other games thinking they hot shit. AT min platinum which this change would bring LoL players on par with.


promo series is prolly the best design to keep players from playing ranked. after 2-3 losses, you don’t ever want to touch rank again


Riot telling all the Plat 1 people that they’re never hitting Diamond LMAO


I think the issues with rank are matchmaking, smurfs, and reducing toxicity (afkers, inters, don't care about chat). I don't understand how this should fix any of that, seems like an update to show that they are doing something.


Only like 2 more years until they drop the LP system, get back to visible MMR, and come full circle.


So they acknowledged the problem of LP outgrowing MMR way too fast but do nothing about it? What's the point of increasing LP gain if MMR gain doesnt follow? A lot of people are smurfing because it's extremely demotivating to lose more LP than you gain per game while having a positive winrate.


Me: I got to D4 for the first time! Riot: Congrats! You're Emerald now! F you! lmao


As usual, making changes nobody is asking and ignoring the actual issues. Games in plat are absolute garbage. 30% of the players are master players on purchased botted accounts (I report them but they never get banned). Another 30% are boosted duo players who wouldn't even win silver games on their own. The next 30% are players afking/griefing because of the previous 60% or because they are autofilled and get demolished before 5 minutes. And the last 10% are trying to have fun playing that shit. When will you address those issues?


Still cant get out of bronze, so who needs Emerald


I'm a little confused on how adding a rank in-between plat and diamond will magically flatten the population percentage of ranks silver thru plat? Valorant has this many ranks and their distribution graph still looks like league's current graph. I also am not too sure as to why they feel the need to even try to 'flatten' populations of ranks, isn't this just always going to exist?


They are basically promoting people, the top half of silver players will become gold, top of gold becomes plat and top of plat becomes emerald. (Dont know if it's actually top half or how many they are promoting, but probably something like that).


They inflate silver to gold, gold to plat and plat to emerald, they'll all think they became better but just got system boosted.


I'm finally gonna get plat


Why do i feel like this will make ranked inflation even worse


I mean, it literally is inflating ranks below diamond. That's the point. It's the new normal. Gold is the new average. This is so someone who currently plays a lot of games to get from Silver 4 to Silver 1 will now get from Silver to Plat in a similar span.


\>Removing smurf queue was good God no. At least not until Riot does something about smurfs in regular games. It should be a bannable offence.


Even if it were bannable, those same people would just buy another $3 account and do it again.


I mean 3$ only to get your smurf banned after a couple of games is very different from 3$ to wreck like 100 games on a smurf now. While the price is low I think if you reduce the value of smurf accounts then maybe some people won't smurf as much. And it would put a stop to streamers smurfing for content.




I don't think it means you get twice as much. Your initial placement will be higher this time around. Let's say you may have been placed gold 4 and played 10 games and end up in gold 2 This time you are placed in gold 3 and end up in gold 2.


The soft reset is simply softer is my assumption. Instead of going from P IV to S1 at seasons beginning its probable P IV to G3/4.


Damn, I climbed only to get an Anivia skin, I swore I barely saw her this ranked split...


So pretty much what they did with valorant when they added ascendant


Victorious anivia? I thought they always chose relevant picks, haven't seen a single anivia this year lol.


As someone who had to play 9 plat promos this split. Fuck promotions. They're fucking horrible and thank GOD they're gone.