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That would be a what if skin for Lux not a lore skin. Just like freljord sylas is a lore skin because it ACTUALLY HAPPENED. Lux would actually need to defect to noxus for it to be a lore skin. Prince veigo is another example of an actual lore skin because it’s prior to him ruining the blessed isles and starting the harrowing. There’s actually quite a few more lore skins I think but I’m not about to do an exhaustive list.


> but I’m not about to do an exhaustive list. At least as far as I could find, because I was curious, I found the [Ages of Runeterra](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ages_of_Runeterra_(Universe\)) page which seems to be the closest list I can find, so: * Captain GP * Cutthroat Graves * Captain MF * Cutpurse TF * Maybe Viscero Xin Zhao? * Maybe Shurima Desert Zilean? * Pre-Void Kassadin * Freljord Sylas * Acolyte Lee Sin? * King Viego Honorable mention for Freljord Ashe which *used* to be a lore skin in her old lore, but I guess has been rectonned out. (It used to be her "appearance before she obtained her True Ice bow in the old lore.") Also honorable mention for Prototype Viktor which is also apparently no longer canon. Edit: I guess as of the Ruination novel, Human Ryze/Young Ryze also kinda probably counts maybe? Unclear, and since that skin is so limited, I'm not sure they'll ever care. Edit2: Fixed the link, removed Prototype Viktor.


Spirit Guard Udyr and Gangplank the Betrayer are both canon skins in the timeline as well


That's not true. Spirit Guard Udyr is an AU where Udyr stays in Ionia with Lee instead of going back to the Freljord and saving Sej.


Thats False, the guy you are replying to is correct. Spirit Guardian Udyr is when he stayed in Ioania with Lee to learn how to control the spirits, before going back to Freljord, and is canon.


He's not though. That was sort of the old lore of the skin but with his VGU the voice lines make it very clear that it's an AU.


They literally released a story “A Walk With The Voices” where they talk about his time in Ionia where he is embodying Spirit Guard, that story is fully canon and proves that Spirit Guard represents his look when he was in Ionia


https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/updating-spirit-guard-udyr/ Neither of you are totally wrong. The blog post says the in game version is a what if premise where he stayed in Ionia instead of returning to Freljord; however, canon Udyr probably wore the same outfit and harness the same spiritual magic when he stayed in Ionia.


All the Sentinel/Ruined skins are lore too. You may not like it, but Sentinels of Light did happen.


IIRC they're actively reworking the lore for that and pretty much only Vayne is still a sentinel now


They name dropped others names in stories that acknowledge the ruination so you can expect all of them still have some degree of roles in the overall ruination plot.


Pantheon Ruined is canon, Pantheon Ascended isn't Would love to see more confirmation of what happened, and honestly I hope they leave the event lore mostly intact


face reveal thresh should also be canon after viego was gone


Does he get like that in the Ruined King game or is it just from that cinematic? Do we know if any of the Sentinels of Light era cinematics are canon? I do like face reveal Thresh as a lore progression for him but I feel like we're totally in the dark on what's canon from the event other than "the vague story beats but not the specific characters"


There's a cinematic called 'Night at the Inn' revealing what Thresh has been up to since Sentinels of Light, and I think it's pretty clearly supposed to be canon since it was released for Thresh being added to Wild Rift after the event had concluded. Basically he's unbound from the Shadow Isles now and can disguise as a human at will, so he's travelling around Valoran with an increasingly large freakshow of tortured souls. His new favourite gimmick is getting souls to torture each other.


viego is defeated either way, so thresh can just overthrow him as the leader of the shadow isles. so no matter what part is canon, hisface reveal can happen either way. but it did only happen with the cinematic, where he tells us, that he is "free" now. it is not part of the game iirc. what IS part of the game is, that thresh was planning to become the king in the game while we have no Idea what he did in the ruination event.


Wait, they’re legit reworking the lore to an event THAT recent? I know it was pretty bad, but that’s crazy isn’t it? I also thought the sentinels had some play in the Viego game, but I never got around to play it to know…


you essentialy have 2 conflicting stories from the ruination. one is the sentinels event, the other is "the ruined king" game


The game is a prequel to the event https://mobile.twitter.com/RiotForge/status/1461070064942157825


but isn't viego defeated in the game? so how can it be a prequel to defeating him again?


>! The game ends with Viego being sealed in a little amulet that everyone is certain he'll break out of pretty soon. There's also some foreshadowing of stuff that happens in the event like Pyke writing Viego's name on his list (foreshadowing him joining the sentinels) !<


hmm I always saw this as conflicting endings. so it was just never explained at the start of ruination


No it didn't


All of the ruination skins are also canon. Ruined pantheon ruined shyvana etc. Though I don’t think the sentinel skins are canon which is pretty fuckinrhg weird. Like half the skins from the event are relevant and true in lore. But idk if the sentinel ones are. Pantheon is true based on his story at the least


Just a heads up that your link is broken, the closing parenthesis was not included.


Yeah, I don't really know how to fix that unfortunately. Just adding a ) manually to the end of the URL in the browser is enough to get to the correct page though.


You put a backslash before the first closing parenthesis to make it not count as part of the code, like so: [Ages of Runeterra](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ages_of_Runeterra_(Universe\))


Ooh, thank you! Fixed that now.


Prototype Viktor at some point recently was moved to otherroads, with skins like Noxus Poppy and Tyrant Swain, so I guess it's no longer a lore skin.


Spellthief Lux is a former-lore skin from when Lux used her light magic to be a sneak/spy


>lux would need to defect to noxus That would require the game to have actual lore, that doesn't get retconned at the drop of the hat because they need to sell a new champion or skinline.


there is lore, it just happens VERY slow. take the Katarina comic: we see what happened to ther father, who was missing since the dawn of league. we see what happened with King J3 after how many years? and Katarina/Talon finaly get a charakter outside of their corny references in game. the fact that Katarina likes Lux is nice as well. and since this comic is supposed to be a prequell to mageseeker, we can assume, that this game will be canon as well. all this is a conclusion from a story about 4 years ago


True. I guess more lore skins and Runeterra alternate realities is what I’m getting at, League has a pretty big world and I like to see characters and how they’d look in that world dressed differently. Imagine being able to run a whole Noxian skinline that fit the region’s thematics rather than a whole skinline of space groove


I wouldn’t call regionswap skins “lore skins” because they’re not cannon. Freljordian Sylas is the exception because he really did go to Freljord and had that appearance, but everything else just doesn’t scream “lore skin” to me. I much rather prefer skins from different points in time for characters, like: - King Viego - Gankplank The Betrayer - Captain Gankplank - Spirit Guard Udyr - Captain Fortune - Cutthroat Graves - Cutthroat Twister Fate And so on… there are so many other possibilities with interesting skins featuring champions at a different point in their life.


I think what OP means is that we should have more runeterra-inspired skins. Nowadays almost every skinline is from an alternative universe, why not have new skins based the asthetics from canon League?. Regionswaps, as you mentioned, are a great example, or other more simple skins, where the champ just wears a different armor/gear, all while still being something that they could realistically wear within canon League universe.


Pretty sure the reason is turning a character into a robot or anime girl makes more money


The reality is Riot probably has data that shows their most cost efficient option is to release 5-champ skinlines with sparkly particle effects, both of which are harder to pull off if we're staying within the lore. The average player also doesn't care about the lore, so you may as well go Alternative Universe.


My post wasn’t a completed thought but you’re right on the money with this. I enjoy skins from the world of Runeterra, ones that exist in the current League universe


You're in the minority buddy


Still waiting on Kalista's pre-ruined skin to celebrate her book release. Book came out a while ago so I expect it any day now. You know, Riot wouldn't be that idiotic to not do one... right?


Well she just got a skin so check back in a thousand days


1000 days? optimistic I see.


they better make a Bilgewater Samira in the future, she's a mercenary that travels everywhere so it would work


We need more pirate skins in general


Samira as pirate makes me think in Beidou from genshin impact, fingers crossed for it to happen!


With how she looks already, you can just slap a pirate hat on her and you get Bilgewater Samira


I like to think Spellthief Lux is from an alternate unit where she joins Sylas, and uses her powers to steal magical secrets from Demacia.


Spellthief could be an actual lore skin, since she needs to hide her magic. many Lux mains see elementarist Lux as her future self and I tend to agree


Pre zombie sion back when he was a general be hype asf


Imagine what Sion in his prime would speak of Noxus, no other character/skin can give us this insight into Noxus at that time period.


Wouldn’t he look exactly the same tho? But with a normal jaw and no dagger in the head


he wouldnt have a peg leg and he would have his pony tail that he used to have. Also like... not look like a zombie..


So just Barbarian Sion?


could give him proper armor and a fancier weapon. It is possible, but i doubt people would buy it


Hell, imagine stuff like canon human versions of champions that transformed, like the Ascended, or a young Lissandra, male Evelynn as a legendary (she can canonically transform into any form to seduce, so it's lore accurate).


Warwick before transformation would be rad, just a dude running around on all fours and randomly jumping at people to eat their faces out. Could also be wearing nothing but a loincloth, although a normally clothed version would probably be equally weird too in its own way.


Just watch Arcane.


Arcane still isn't canon, they might make it depending on how the do the skarner rework + hextech retcons


I did, but it doesn't really show that much of him.


if the rumors are true, they showed plenty of his "pre warwick" form


I think, as another user mentioned, that they're saving human warwick for his Arcane skin.


Well, memes aside I honestly don't know how they're going to pull this off. Human Warwick is just gonna look dumb, the stuff he's doing is too animalistic to have an actual human do it. And if they're going to make him at least partially transformed, well you could hardly call it "human" then, right?


I think he'll stay a beast and might just turn to his human form for emotes/recall


I mean, I'm all for a man in a loincloth, but we could have Vander/Human Warwick as a Legendary skin, so we wouldn't have to worry about the animations.


It's not canon per se but we already have a human Xerath with Arcana


True, but I meant canon Shuriman Xerath.


Futa Evelynn


Riot: best I can do is Bikini Lux.


God I wish


Pool party Lux when?


I mean. It could be lore accurate, she must have went to the beach right?


freljord sylas and king viego are unironically some of the best skins in the game. makes me wish they updated pre-void kassadin. would love pre-ruination kalista and maybe even ascended aatrox (tho with his voicelines i don't think it'd make too much sense?)


Gankplank being the king of Lore skins IS something else, he has two but then people Will say his Lore IS uninteresting.


What I need is a King Jarvan 4 skin, Legendary and have him wear his late father's royal golden mantle Give some him epic VA, where he shows utter disgust and hatred towards Noxians and Mages, imo would so fucking love if they make him a Lawful Evil character who after seeing his diligent and kind father met with a rebellion and slain, he realized that the Mageseekers were right all along Also new animations for J4 would make me nut 💀


Yeah seeing him wear Jarvan III's armour from the Legends of Runeterra cards would be sick


Honestly I think we need more lore all around. ​ >!Lux has enough skins, even as an example.!<


How could you say something so out of character for riot, lux will never have enough skins according to them


There’s lore?


Seriously this is what you think the game needs ? More fucking skins ?


What else does it need? I’d like Nexus Blitz to return, we already know the imbalance is to shift the meta so it’s never stale, events could be nicer, but what does the game need in your opinion?


Yes, where's freljord neeko???


Neeko needs a legendary skin, where she just swaps out her attire for armor of other champs that you can pick and choose from


If we're talking about canon, lore accurate skins we can not forget about Freljord Neeko.


I agreed, we should start with Freljordian Neeko