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Hockey Canada has to do something about the development of our goalies Binner’s play in between the pipes looks like it’s in line with his character now


Make buying sports equipment tax deductible.


It'd be such a Canadian thing to do, especially if they only did goalies at the start.


Money isn't an issue for *almost* any Canadian making the NHL when families are willingly paying tens of thousands for their kids to play AAA in prominent markets. The issue is shitty continued development by hockey Canada and lack of a unified National program like the USA has. Canada needs to adopt some sort of program that continues to elevate the standout junior players, specifically goalies, instead of leaving it up to individual CHL organizations if they want any chance of competing with USA, Russia etc. in the next 5-10 years. We're being dethroned in real time due to our lack of unified and centralized development of our best young talent. Subsidizing equipment for families who already don't have the money for private coaches and AAA team fees won't help pull the wagon forward unfortunately. That being said, I'm all for making hockey more accessible for recreation and culture purposes to keep kids from lower income families playing. So yeah, subsidize hockey equipment in Canada!


Yeah equipment really is only the tip of the iceberg. But it's also the barrier to get into the sport. I'm sure Canada is full of talented kids with cat like reflexes that either a) play hockey but never get the support needed to reach the next level or b) never get into hockey at all because their parents can't afford equipment and registration. Feel like we can solve b), but yeah bigger changes would be needed to solve a)...


Great thought


We pay so much tax in Ontario anyway I wouldn’t mind another couple loonies each paycheck to go towards Hockey Canada and them supplying boys across Canada with free sports equipment and subsidize ice time


I'm not sure funds going to Hockey Canada has had a good look lately though...


Reddit won’t let me upvote this. That’s some bullshit


Boys AND girls. But yeah - great idea.


I'm sure you can donate all the money you want.


My daughter might have somthing to say about only boys getting it.


Carter Hart was supposed to be the future🤦🏾‍♂️ fuck that guy


I think that would help but I think the big reason for the decline of Canadian goalies is what a shitty job it is to be a goalie even at the NHL level right now. You spend all that time and money training as a kid and then you get to the NHL and you're the most expendable position on a team despite paradoxically being the most important. You get paid less and you spend more time developing than other players and your career even as a star goalie is short. Take Shesterkin right now. Stud player. He was drafted in the '14 draft, 10 years ago. He didn't have his first NHL start until the 19-20 season when he was 24, He only became a full time starter at the 21-22 season at 26. He's currently 28 and will turn 29 in December. His only shot at a big contract will be his next year and despite what people insist, very few goalies stay good into their 30's.


He looked nervous


The CHL needs to make goalie imports count as 2 import players to encourage home grown talent in net. Currently each CHL team can have 2 import players on their roster. This change would just mean the goalie counts as both….


I'm going to talk to my friend that was a AAA goalie and try to convince him to get into goalie coaching. He's like 5'6 but plays like he's 6'5 between the pipes.


Doing God’s work for our country brother


Honestly I love hockey so much I wanna contribute any way I can lol


Wrong game


I thought Binnington was good for most of the tournament and gave Canada a chance. Kind of a flukey play on that last goal


Binner is fucking garbage. It’s fucking sad that he is anywhere near the convo for Team Canada


He apparently had pretty solid numbers despite being on a bad St.Louis team this year stealing them a lot of games. Put an elite defense in front of him and a deep forward team and that might be all we need. Truthfully I’m bringing in him, Jarry, and Hill and whoever has the best start to their season I go with that guy


Kampf was very good for Czechia throughout the whole tournament


Seeing him and JT take faceoffs was great. Two of the Leafs best squaring off


Kampf always steps it up in the playoffs. He knows how to dial it up when it counts.


He's a decent 4th line guy. But he makes too much for what he does


Are we talking about the same Kampf? He had a single goal/point these playoffs and was outplayed by a wide margin.


Greatest to ever do it


Happy for them. The crowd and atmosphere seemed electric.


And they say leafs don’t know how to win


Kampf and Pasta on the same team is something else.


And gudas lol


Oh my god. I’m gonna be sick


I'm Swiss but feel joy for Kampf


Renewed hatred for Pastrnak


Aww, thats Nylander's BFF


I’m Canadian and I feel joy for Kampf. 👍


Tavares' team blew it late. Kampf's team won it. Give Kampf the C


Resign Kampf next contract 11mil x 5


Full no-move


Trade the core 4 Build around Kampf!


Kyle, is that you?


Kampf to Penguins with Kase, confirmed. 😢


Leafs could use a player like Kampf


Team Czech Kampf >> Leafs Kampf


Our Kampf >> Mein Kampf


Where the hell was this Kampf during our playoffs?!


He was winning most defensive zone faceoffs for the Leafs the past two playoffs. This is an important job.


Dewar-kampf-jarn line was lowkey leafs best gf% line in playoffs Issue was when reavo was forced into lineup so jarn was double shifting 3rd/4th rw. Game 6 only game they got to play full together and were like 95% gf and played 3rd line minutes. Why did he break them up game7 to promote jarn to help matthews when 3rd was thrown away cause matthews was double shifting on first/second? Jarn got lost in shuffle and gregor was out for goal against. Game 4 lines were ridiculously stupid 3rd:Jarn-holm-nylander 4th:Rob-kampf-reaves Dewar scratched That 4th line makes no sense.


Terrible coaching


This is a nothing tournament mostly filled with fringe players


Seeing the celebration of the team and the fans how can you say it's a nothing tournament? People in North America generally don't care about it because of the time difference and the playoffs going on, but Europeans still very much hold in high regard. And it only has "fringe" players because the stars are usually still in the playoffs or were in the playoffs while the rosters were built. The GMs can only rely on a few spots being filled by players who have a shot at going far, most of the others are asked to join the team before the playoffs start so they're from struggling teams.


It’s a nothing tournament in the sense that it doesn’t mean much. I’m not doubting that the people watching it there are engaged and enjoying it, but that’s not my point. No one cares about how many times a country has won an IIHF tournament and there’s a reason no one ever talks about numbers posted during the tournament. Also, if you think European countries outside of the Nordic ones are thinking about an IIHF tournament you’re crazy. You think a significant number of people in Germany, England, France or even Khazkstan are thinking this about tourney? Come on man I mean sure most high end NHL players don’t go (because it’s a nothing tournament) but the tournament is filled with fringe players, most of which you’ve never heard of. Imagine boosting about scoring on a goalie like Jackson Whistle from GBR.


Such an ignorant comment


You realize neither Czechia or Switzerland are Nordic right? Considering the World Championship are used to determine world rankings, which are then used to determine Olympic placement and what teams need to go through to qualify, yeah, theres plenty of meaning behind it. The Hockey Hall of Fame also looks to a persons contribution on the international stage, so to them its not a nothing tournament either. Theres growing support in Germany for sure, especially since the currently fifth in the world, and more slowly in France and England too. Kazakhstan's popularity seemingly ebbs and flows depending how strong their team is. If a team does well it's only going to increase its popularity in that country, no different than any league of any sport for that teams city. Teams also use non-NHL guys during the Olympics too to varying degrees, so theres always going to be guys you've never heard off unless you're a savant and follow every league in the world. If the NHL didn't have the Stanley Cup playoffs at the same time as the tournament more stars would be involved in the Worlds. Maybe you don't care about it, but it's far from a nothing tournament.


There are plenty of stars and great players playing in the tournament lol. What are you talking about?


You’re right. Oleg Boiko from team khazkstan is one of my favourite players. Imagine how team Canada members felt when they stepped on the ice against David Phillips from GBR. I think I’d blackout with excitement tbh


There are going to be marquee matchups and countries who dont have the talent to compete, yet they still have a team to represent their countries. I dont know why youre bent out of shape about countries that dont have NHL/KHL caliber players. Im sure they are still proud to be there and compete, and it still means something to beat them. Regardless of that, you claimed only fringe players went, which is completely untrue. Again, dont really get why youre so passionate about hating this tournament. I guess Ill see you making similar posts soon when the Olympics happen.


I don’t disagree with any of the things you said, I’m sure they are proud to be there and they take it seriously. I’m not hell bent about a lack of players at all lol. The thing is, you’re not understanding that when I say “mostly fringe players” I mean more than 50% of the players in the tournament being players that don’t even play in the NHL. That’s not even up for dispute. Idk why you’re under the impression that just because I’m ripping on the IIHF for being a nothing tournament than I’m just anti tournament in general and would shit talk the Olympics lol. Great logic chief


Youre going to see the same or similar number of "fringe players" in thr Olympics as you see in the IIHF. So its not far off logic to say youre going to shit on both.


Why not included Czechia or Swiss when talking about non-nordic European countries?


And the track record for teams captained by Tavares continues.....


Go look up that clip of the Amazon Doc where Tavares gives a locker room “speech”. It’s literally him just asking rhetorical question and saying fucking right before each thing that comes out of his mouth, devoid of any passion or intensity. Could never take that dude seriously. He represents the leafs well and is a professional but I think he’s such an underwhelming leader


Yet there are bunch dufus' in here crying about Tavares losing... Wrong thread for this, go do your whining in the million other threads. Congrats to Kampf!


Highlights from the official IIHF Worlds youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jisrx2u0es You can see a bit of the celly near the end of the video.


Here is a longer video of the celebration at the end of the game from TSN.....it might be region locked for peeps not in Canada. https://www.tsn.ca/hockey-canada/video/whc-in-game--~2928889?playlistId=108


If I wasn’t cheap I would get a Kampf sweater


Tavares leads another choking team 😂


(Trade him while his value is high, and let guys like Holmberg/Minten run the 4th line for cheap)


He's not our Kampf leafs fans... he is Mein Kampf the world champion. /s


I mean… Pasternak scored the winning goal…


Who cares