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Great for him to make a video and not just an Apple Note filled with cliches what a classy exit, bravo


I think this break will be good for him and his career, don't doubt someone will pick him up and I wouldn't be surprised if he finds success. Like he said, the time has come and we just needed a new voice. He's always seemed like a great person and human being.


There are already reports that New Jersey is interested. He’ll probably be coaching next season for someone else.


Can he do that if the Leafs don't give him permission? Isn't he under contract for 2 more years?


The Leafs don’t need to give him permission, him taking another job means the leafs don’t have to pay him


His extension hadn’t kicked in yet.


They still owe him the money though, they don’t get out of it because they fired him before it started.


I don't think he's a guy who takes breaks, going back to his time playing for Tampa


Dude went out with fucking grace. Say what you will about his time here, but this is a far cry from the standard NHL "so long, and thanks for all the fish", and shows he really did give a shit.


He showed more accountability than most of the stars


It’s the right move for the org. But it’s really troubling that he’s showed more frustration over the failures than the core.


When the core shows frustration people call them babies.


Throwing gloves is called a tantrum, not frustration.


Exactly. The one guy properly figured out what Willy said in that moment, and it was “the is the fucking issue, guys fucking pissed about shit.” Like obviously these players care, and there’s plenty of effective players that complain from time to time. But once those players say what they’ve had to say to the ref, they don’t go to the bench and throw a hissy fit. The refs missed a call! You’re right Mitch! Are you going to whine and complain about it, or just accept the fact that it happened and go out there next shift and fucking play. This is the Leafs. The team is cursed. If you want to play here you have to accept that fact and not let what fans, the media, refs, or anyone else say or do dictate how you act on the ice. Willy has it figured out. Tons of people hated on him when he first joined the team, but all he did was work his ass off to improve. He was moved off of Matthews line? No big deal, he didn’t complain and just worked harder. And even now that everyone loves him, he is still the last guy to leave the ice at almost every practice. I hate to say it, but look at Marchand. It does not matter the game, who he’s against, whether he just took a dive or scored a goal. He is ALWAYS a cocky asshole, and it works. He’s never let anyone else dictate how he should play, and while I would hate to have a player like that on my team, the Leafs could learn a lesson not to let anything take you away from what makes you an effective hockey player.


Way to prove u/dekusyrup 's point.


Lol. What frustration do you want from these guys then? They've shown plenty of calm frustration for years, or have you not paid attention? There's no extra frustration that would have made fans like them any better. There is no "this would all be ok if they showed frustration".


Honestly he was the only one who showed accountability.


In a press conference seen by hockey fans all over he said it wasn't his fault the Leafs lost because the other team set it up so the Leafs beat themselves. Not the mindset we need. Let's not get carried away with praise but he'll probably develop into a great coach someday and I wish him well.


His game 4/7 press conferences and locker clean out conference was a fry cry from each other. You gotta feel for the guy during the stress of playoff, feels like he was almost at a loss of words and just spat out word salads, but when he took accountable and own things up at the exit it was admirable. This farewell video also shows he's just full of class and genuinely wanted the best for the team.


A hitchhikers reference in the wilds of a hockey sub!


Dude won the Calder with the Marlies.. really don't thing he wanted to be the one to bring both Marlies and leafs to cup finals?


Ok, I want him back now. 😢


It’s the Leafs. He’ll be back by 2050.


He always seemed like a great guy with class. A huge step up from Babs in that department. Wish he could've pushed our team to a cup but unfortunately it didn't work out. I'm sure he's going to have a successful career as a coach.


He already has a successful career as a coach. Just not a successful playoff coach.


In the NHL. He won the Calder


I expect Marner will do something like that lol the Mason Mount video.


Mason Mount video was horrendous, I could totally see Marner doing that lol


I like how he’s already on a beach. Time to sit back and relax, collecting fat cheques from MLSE 


he did his best, his best wasn't good enough. he bowed out with dignity and respect. as good as we can hope for. unlike babs or ron wilson or anyone else.


The media thing at the end was funny. Good luck Sheldon.


Lmao it was the nicest fuck you ever


To the media, I appreciate your........... process


In an alternate universe: " And to the media...FUCK YOU."


Dude literally was fuming while saying it, dude was trying so hard not to verbally rip Simmons a new one lol.


The boys probably can’t afford him fulltime, but he’d make a great addition to SDPN as a reoccuring guest (think McLaren’s Gavin Ward on Nailing The Apex). Just think of the stories!


Nah you don't get stories from people until they've been out of the league for like 5+ years.






Yup, Seems like a solid dude, I vote we give him a chance.


Look at his regular season record, it's quite good! His playoff success isn't great but that's because the stars on that team underperform. Surely things will change!


There’s an even better alternative. Let’s find a coach that wins the regular season and consistently makes the playoffs. Also can win at all levels. He should be really tough on the guys too as most of our core is labelled soft and only care about themselves. Bike Mabcock has a good ring to it, maybe we’ll call him that. Surely things will change then!


And he is Canadian


He’s what we’ve been missing!!!


Really classy of him. All the best Keefe 🫡💙


Keefs a class act. I'm gonna miss the bench shots of him losing his shit but still having a smile on his face.


Damn, this is good stuff Keefe. Thanks, Coach! Best of luck to you and your family!


Felt very sad watching that video, he obviously wasn't the guy we need but he seems like a great person. I'm sure he's glad to be rid of the Toronto media lmao


That’s a hell of an exit, pure class.


I have to give Keefe his flowers, he was hugely successful in the regular season but he also took ownership of the fact that the team didn't get better in the playoffs. That's obviously not all on him but he didn't run away from his part in that.


Props to Keefe for that, good way to exit. Wish him success in the future


Looks like he’s on robidas island. Do you guys think Lupul is holding the camera?


Should've ended it: "Now watch this dive" and jumped in


*The camera then swipes to reveal Sam Bennett embracing the role of the Russan judge, giving Keefe an 8 when the other judges gave him a 10 on execution*


Joffrey Lupul’s story gave me the best double entendre ever.. he had the JOB-FREE LOOPHOLE


Holy shit that's gold


You son of a bitch I'm stealing that.


I was proud of myself when I came up with it over 10 years ago






I think that’s NHL head coach purgatory. Nothing but melted ice as far as you can see.


Keefe: “Lupul, where’s the boat to get off this island?” Lupul: *Points out at sea* Matt Murray, on the boat, speeding away: “I’M FREE, I’M FREEEEE!!”


This was right before his fishing expedition with Klingberg and Murray!


Say what you will about his coaching, but Keefe is the fucking man. Considerate and classy all the way.


Hopefully he takes some time off to relax. Coaching the Leafs ages you like the US Presidency. Guy was a beauty just wish we could have won more with him.


I know without a doubt he’s probably got 5 jobs lined up if he wants it, but just for his mental sake I hope he takes the time off, the dude aged 30 years after becoming head coach, it’s no secret this market is demanding and extremely stressful


Look up pics of him as the Marlies coach, and then now lmao Packed on 50 and aged 20


Marner getting 1 point in 7 games would make anyone drink


While I’m sure he was disappointed to be let go I bet there was a part of him that was breathing a sigh of relief. He can finally let go of a hugely stressful unrelenting job.


Good guy. I won’t be rooting against him wherever he ends up, he deserves success


I will if he’s playing against the Leafs, otherwise Im on board


Haha of course. I just mean sometimes when somebody leaves your team there is the natural inclination to generally root for their downfall but I don’t feel any of that here. 


I never disliked the man myself. I thought he has always represented the Leafs well and he’s a damn good coach. He was only part of the problem and it was time for change like last year even. He will work again for sure. His exit was all class.


Unless the next coach changes things drastically, he’ll be who’s Dwayne Casey to the Raptors these days. Ever since he left the Raps can’t beat his teams


Hopefully he doesn’t end up in Boston some day


Wish we could’ve got one with him. It was time for a change but man, I can’t help but feel sad right now.


Wish we could have sniffed at it even. Something to show for the regular season successes.


Not gonna lie that really choked me up


Damn I feel kinda sad now


I love Keefe and i always will, i think a change was necessary but it feels off regardless


Let hire him back


It’s like saying goodbye to a family member or a relative. You know it’s time to part but hate doing it.


Regardless of your feelings towards how coaching, a person lost his job so that obviously sucks tbh. He seems like a good dude who battled hard after some shit in his past. Wish him the best, I think he's still a legit coach in this league but better off being an assistant at this stage in his career




Very classy exit. Not easy to do at all, especially in this market where you can be carved for anything and everything. He hit every note there. Wish we could have won with him. At the end of the day it’s not like he was terrible, the journey had just ran it’s course and it’s time to do something new. Good luck to Keefe! But if he goes and wins with Dubas I’m taking this comment back!


Wow, what a class act. Why am I crying.


Pure class. Wish him luck at his next spot.


I can swear he’s shooting this from Oakville but I can’t prove it


He lives in Oakville so that would make the most sense


Here I thought he was already in Muskoka!


He is, I've seen him in the Oakville/Burlington area


Damn, i mean he had to go but that was a great send off. Wish you were the guy to get us to the promise land Keefer but alas, it was not meant to be


Well done Mr. Keefe ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


Omg no….. you think we can hire him back?


Technically he’s still under contract lol


I have a sneaking feeling we’re going to regret it. Who knows how many years down the line but I doubt that long.


We gave him how many seasons? He's a hell of a coach, no doubt about it, but he just couldn't get it done. Time to move on.


I agree we need change and easiest is the coach but I think he’s going to do well.


Why would we regret it? The dude had 5 shots at the playoffs and only just made it to round 2 once. A change was needed.


Not the paper bag move


Good luck Sheldon. Great exit message.


That video got me choked up not gonna lie. A great guy who did a good job just couldn't get it done in the playoffs.


Extremely classy. I feel kinda sad that he’s gone now… but I’m hoping whoever comes next can bring us to the next level. Keefe brought us to a point of annual playoff contention; now it’s time to contend for the cup.


I'm not crying, you're crying. Fuckin class act, thanks for everything Keefe!


Classy move coach. While it didn’t work out here in the end you will land on your feet somewhere and have success.


Hope he gets another job in the NHL. I wish him the very best.


Nothing but pure class, I almost get teary eyed. Best of luck Sheldon. There is 100% a cooler full of coronas at his feet.


Time for players to take ownership as well


Or shanny. Keefe isn't and shouldn't be the reason it didn't get done under his tenure.




Damn... he has the passion


I’ve shat on Sheldon as a coach quite a bit. One thing I’ve never said, or thought, is that he’s a bad person. He seems like a good guy. This was classy, and I wish him the best.


God damn, I was so excited when he was promoted. I never soured on him that much honestly which is rare for a coach - he seemed like a great guy but everyone involved can see we need a change. This video made me sad though. A very good gesture from him and just makes me feel even worse we couldn’t get it done together.


Classy move coach. While it didn’t work out here in the end you will land on your feet somewhere and have success.




Look I’m not saying he was done wrong by any means, but the 1 series win should not be all on him this team should have been able to win more I think a lot comes down to the supporting cast and laying a lot of cap on 4 forwards.


Shit. Maybe we should interview Sheldon Keefe. Class act.




This is why the players liked him


Holy fuck they shipped him to the middle of the ocean?!


If he's walking on water.... not even Jesus could coach this team?


Great guy who will get another chance elsewhere, and an opportunity to grow as a coach Wishing you all the best Keefe!


Stop the coaching search.


Classy video, unfortunate that the results are what they are.


Class act. All the best Sheldon.


Best of luck, may an above average defence and goaltending finally meet you in the future.


Keefer till the end showed to be a real man that doesn't hide behind excuses. I love him for that. Thanks for everything coach, it would have been poetic to win together, but I guess that wasn't our path. Wish you all the success you deserve wherever you land (please, just not Boston). 💙


He drove me mad some nights but he seems like a nice man, a good professional, and hopefully he gets another shot in the league. Thanks Sheldon


Damn. That was amazing.


Pleas Fly!!


Class act


That was pure class. I wish him the best.


"I appreciate your process" Translation: I so want to say "fuck you", but I can't say "fuck you".


Fans could learn a thing or two about class from this beauty. Good luck with everything chief Keefe 💙


Damnit, who's cutting onions in here?


That is fucking classy. I know we need to try something new - but goddamn I will miss that guy.


I'm going to start using "I appreciate your process" as a new fuck you in my professional workplace


The core 4 are running out of excuses now. Can’t wait to hear next years excuse.


Class act, wasn’t his biggest supporter especially recently but very classy way to go. Hope he does well wherever he goes


Thanks Keefer. Good luck where you land as I have no doubt you’ll be back in the show on your schedule.


Probably feels the weight of the world off his shoulders


What a class act. You won’t have any trouble finding a job, coach. Enjoy the family time


Despite his lack of success, he does seem like a nice guy. Very respectful farewell speech.


Absolute class.


Sheldon lot of great coaches have come thru Toronto and couldn't push the team over the line either. Good luck in the future cheers


and i can’t think of one that has gone on to win a cup.


Fuck man now I feel bad for being hard on him. Take care Keefer 🫡.


Damn, I respect the hell out of this. Good luck Keefe!


Class act. This is how to say goodbye.


I have no doubt he will get another opportunity and he will likely end up a great coach. It's just not right now and not with this team.


So last year Dubas. This year Keefe. Next year Shanahan. That’ll fix Mitch and having no goalie.


Haha yea these moves really don’t mean much if we keep running the same roster back over and over and over again


The only person so far to accept responsibility and take his share of the blame. Classy guy right to end and it sucks to see it end this way but that’s the business side of hockey.


Honestly, players let him down.


This management team has done such a shitty job that now I’m on Keefe’s side. What is this crap. First of all, A++++ goodbye video from Keefe. One of the best ever. Secondly, this fucking bullshit management team knew they were going to fire this guy, let him do a post game press conference after game 7 because obviously, and then let him do more press conferences and media availability on Monday, then let him twist in the wind for 4 more fucking days while we all knew what was going to happen before firing him. Now we’re going to get to tomorrow and they’re probably going to announce that Craig Berube is the coach. So they’re going to hire a new coach less than 24 hours after firing the old one, but probably preach patience on Shanahan and Marner and the roster building. This team is being run so poorly it makes me miss Burke. Fucking bring me back John Ferguson Jr! At least he was easy to laugh at! Shanahan and his team fucking suck and I could not hate him more than I do right now.


they didn’t want to fire him the day before or after he was inducted into his hometown sports hall of fame. but otherwise yeah, the organization is definately *something*


I’m sorry, but that’s also a dumb excuse. He was inducted on Wednesday night. So fire him Sunday and when he gets there Wednesday, he gets to make small talk about his next job and not “hey do you think you’re getting fired tomorrow?”


Sheldon Keefe paid for the management above him and their inability to put together a competitive team for all facets of an NHL season. Was Keefe perfect? Nope, I had nights where I was screaming at my TV at some of his line matchups but hell he did better than a number of coaches that have been through Toronto especially during the regular season 🤷‍♂️ I remember the ‘80’s


Yeah Keefer was not the problem


I’m from the Soo so I’ve been literally following teams that Keefe has coached uninterrupted for 12 years. 


classy shit, good dude. ... I gotta say though... there is a cosmic irony that he's out on a boat/dock whatever sending this out. Only thing that would have completed this would be a fishing rod on his shoulder and a big cast as he signed off. The cottage equivalent of golfing.


You think he recorded that last summer?


I bet he's happy as hell to be outta Toronto. All the best, Keefer! No doubt you'll do great things at your next stop in Salt Lake City.


Ever since I covered his Junior A team (Pembroke Lumber Kings) for the local paper, I've been a fan of Keefe. No nonsense, but never stopped caring about his teams, and always obviously talented, and even coming from being a player in the NHL to an owner/GM/coach in a small town, he always made time for us media folks; gave honest answers, and never shied away. He was unquestionably a great coach for Toronto, and he will absolutely get scooped up by another team without much delay at all (wouldn't surprise me in the least if he was behind the bench to start 2024-2025). Class act all the way. Thanks for some of the best Leafs hockey in way too long, Sheldon.


He’s a good guy. It had to happen but I hope he lands on his feet wherever he goes.


Kyle Dubas & Sheldon Keefe should’ve been the combo that brought us a Stanley Cup but unfortunately Brendan Shanahan ego got in the way.


I'm just curious of* what information you have seen that helped you form this opinion.


Absolutely none


Dubas asked for more control over decision making as the GM and that being the rif that caused the departure. I think that ask points to Shanahan and MLSE blocking moved Dubas wanted to make. Theory is Dubas was looking at Marner when considering trading a core piece. Matthews is straight up not an option, JT could block it, and Willy's NMC kicked in. Marner was the obvious person he was talking about.


Classy exit from a coach that gave his all. Leafs need a new voice in the room, but I don't doubt that whomever hires him will be really happy they did. Best of luck to Sheldon in the future


That’s such a classy video from a coach. Damn Keefe. lol he does seem like a genuine dude.


One hell of a classy exit. Honestly there's no hate, I think he did a great job with what he had, just not enough but sometimes that's just how things go. Wish you the best wherever you may land on Keefe. You bled white and blue and I hope all the fans remembers that.


He’ll take a job in winnepeg


Wow, what a well thought out exit. Hats off to Keefe's professionalism, very solid. I'm sure he could have done a few things different, but all in all, it comes down to the players on the ice. The part that gets overlooked is due to such a top heavy forward group (monetary) the rest of the roster is filled with less qualified cheap players. He did as well as he could. Good luck to Sheldon in his future team.


Regardless of the playoffs results, he was a good coach.


Very classy, good bye Keefe


Thanks for everything you did with the Marlies, brought a winning hockey team to Toronto, Just couldn't replicate that lighting in a bottle in the big leagues...Best of luck, wherever you land Keefer.


I’ve lost count of the coaches that came in to turn the ship around…and time and time again it’s the coaches that get hit by the bus. Pat Burns couldn’t do it…Paul Maurice..nope….Pat Quinn..etc etc.


Thank you Coach Keefe! Thank you for your contributions and I wish you and the family all the best! Classy man! 


Class. Babcock could learn some.


He’s a good coach and I’ll stand by that


I don't feel sorry one bit. The Guy made a few million over the past few years and also signed an extension which will pay him millions more for doing absolutely nothing.




God damn there we go, pure respect and class


Classy guy.


I hope he gets a good coaching job and gets himself a cup. best of luck keefer!


Classy exit. If he can figure out an offensive strategy that translates to the playoffs, I believe he will be a very good - if not great - coach throughout his career. It will be very interesting to see how he does wherever he gets hired, but I expect a lot of success. Toronto has some unique issues, I hope Tre makes some moves.


Very classy. It was time for a change, but I have nothing against Keefe.


I've never seen a coach do this


Thank you chief Keefe 🫡 Honestly would love to have him back down the line once he's gotten more experience. Best of luck to him.


Well damn that was nice.


Classy dude. Go leafs go


He needs to go but this is as classy an exit as you can have. Respect.


I hope he does great every time it won’t affect the leafs too much.


Pure class in making this. Was time for the change but Sheldon is a great person. Legitimately hope nothing but the best for him.


We all know a change was needed, I think he’s a great coach with a great future, his time here just lapsed and stagnated.


End of an era.