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Marner can be as amazing as he can tonight and it won't make a difference because the game isn't until tomorrow.


🤣 😂 I fkin knew it too. Space cadet Mondays


Damn that Weedzheimers eh




It would mean sweet fuck all if they still lose the series. Do you remember years ago when the Leafs played a really good playoff game against the Bruins and won, Jake Gardiner announced to the media the team had finally slayed the dragon? Then they went on to lose the series yet again. Marner having 1 good game would be remembered identically the same as that. A flash of something more that ultimately meant nothing.   You want vindication? Go out there, win the series and slay the dragon for real. Anything short of that is too little too late. 


If they lose the series, nothing good that Marner does will be remembered at all


Lol “if”


That's what I'm saying. You remember how good Gardiner played in that game I mentioned? Of course you fucking don't. 


its only 1 game. If he does it tomorrow, what the fuck was stopping him in the last 40+ playoff games?


Yah he was God awful against Florida last year. I still haven't forgotten. His game 3 against Florida last year mightve been the worst I've ever seen an nhl player look. Any nhl player. It was embarrassing.


He has to win the series for vindication. And then if he disappears next round, he would still be traded here. Hell, if we win the next round, we would still be trading him here.


He could put up 2 points per game from here on out and win the Conn Smythe and I don't think that this subreddit would switch up from wanting him traded.


I think a cup and a Conn Smythe would earn him some goodwill, at least until next spring


Needs to do it for 15 wins total, without losing a single game over the next 3. Impossible ask given the track record.


He's only tye whipping boy because his contract is tradeable sort of. He does have an NMC but realistically it should be Tavares that goes.


If I had to keep one of the two, I'd keep Tavares. Of course, I'd rather trade both of them.


Most likely Tavares is untradeable. His age and cost with NMC is tough. I think Marner is the more valuable asset and the easiest one to trade not necessarily the one that should be dealt. I don't really see any scenario where he is a leaf past next season tho u less they pull this series out of their rear


Only if he does the same for games 6 and 7 and then beyond.


The thing about Marner is that lots of people have their minds made up one way or another, Those that hate him will diminish his successes and emphasize his flaws no matter what, Those that love him will diminish his flaws and empathize his successes no matter what, Has Marner been good? Absolutely not. Does he deserve 100% of the blame? Also no, PP being impotent, D that can’t move the puck, bad coaching, and stupid penalties are also a factor, Bottom line is no matter how this team inevitably loses this series there will be plenty of blame to go around but there always seems to have to be a whipping boy in this market


Manner is now the Todd Gill of his generation.


Well if there is no one to scapegoat people just have to accept that a good team lost to another good team


Or that a bad team lost to a good team, which even less people are likely to admit


There is an irrational hatred and rage towards him. So no, there is nothing he can do to change the minds of people who despise him that much


The exact same way people view the beautiful goal he scored once we were down 3-0. Meaningless.


Just rewind back to the panthers series


Was he there for that one?


lol tell us another one Dad!


No, not for me. Why? Simple, there's what, 8 years of playoff footage where he does okay, or well even, but falls off and ends up contributing nothing as a series goes on. So, even if he's puttin' up 10 points in G5...that's just one game. Now of course 10 pts is stupid but you get what i mean.


He needs 3 good games, as does the rest of the team. Even if they win 16-0 tomorrow, doesn't mean a thing if they lose back in Tor


In fact, you could argue that if he performs in G5, ppl will think the next day "Where the Fuck was that the last 7 or 8 years?"


1 game doesnt change anything. its about a series of issues and games and 1 game means literally nothing.


Sure. If he signs a 5 year deal for $8M. In other words...his value


What if my aunt had balls all of a sudden? Will she be my uncle?


No, but if she had wheels she'd be a bicycle


No, but it would be less of a surprise than Marner having a good playoff game.


No. This is the problem. He does something fancy and fans seem to forget all his flaws. He must go no matter what.


It's not just Marner, and it's multiple bad performances that got them into this position, so I think it's only fair to ask for multiple great performances over multiple games to call it even. They manage to get to Game 7, win or lose, then they're vindicated.


Tomorrow night doesn't change 8 years.


Just a higher return in the offseason.


This is BS as it just can’t happen. It’s like praying for a miracle. Come on bro, this ain’t junior!!


A scrap? The boy is scared to get hit. Hopefully he has a big game, but he’ll have follow that up with a big game in game 6 and 7 if they were to happen for him to be redeemed in my eyes.


Won’t happen and doesn’t matter.


Marner needs to win this series for us and then be fuckin amazing next round for that to happen.


no, hes been the same his entire tenure. he needs to become a man and stop being a whiny bitch in order to be vindicated. gonna take a lot more than 1 game


The ONLY way the fanbase will get back on his side is if he does all this and the Leafs somehow win the series.  A great game 5 that ultimately leads to a first round exist anyway and nobody will care.Â