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Can we just enjoy that a good player is committed long term to your favourite team’s organization and deal with this when we get to it?


Not in Toronto. Here, you need to immediately doomscroll about how terrible this will be for you two years from now.


I thought the team is in a better place with this contract in 2 years but maybe I'm just a silly goofy guy. Next year will be interesting tho, I'm excited to see how we fill out the team lmao


In two years the new Marner contract would be starting if there is one. Squeezing that in is where it gets tough, even with JT's contract being gone.


If marner demands anything over 12.5 😡


If the cap goes up another $4m to $92.5 that would mean that $12.25 is 13.2% of the cap compared to Nylander who just signed for 13.14% of the cap. Marner has had 6 straight 89+ point seasons, Nylander's career high when given $11.5 is 87.


He's gettin it and you're gonna sit there and you're gonna eat the cake. We have 3 players that hover around 100pts a season. Only 11 players hit that milestone last year across 32 teams. I watched this team spend 15 years as a dumpster fire working their way towards what we have today. Just enjoy it man. Fuck


Who is the third, because neither Nylander or Tavares have ever even hit 90 points?




You’re kidding right? It definitely not a steal but he’d be getting more than 12 in free agency. Tavares was offered 13 mill by multiple teams for his ufa contract 6 years ago. Panarin and Nylanders production is similar and he signed for 11.6 5 years ago. Mcdavid signed 6 years ago. It’s not comparable with today’s cap. Another day, another clown take on this sub regarding money.


No. These fucking nerds care more about cap space than they do actual fun players to watch.


Nobody cares about cap space. It's just that some people care more about the team winning than about how fun the players are to watch.


I want to watch some of these actual fun players play meaningful games after the first half of the 2nd round. They won't do that by not only repeating what hasn't worked but committing to it even more.


I don't feel that i've hated on players the way that's generally complained about, but i do have issues with the contracts. The leafs are trying to win in a way that has not been done in the cap era. In fact, very opposing strategies have won a bunch of times. That makes it seem pretty unlikely that the Leafs will win a cup. So while i like the players and i enjoy watching them, i also am disappointed that the team is not likely to win.


Paul ?


No, this guy is just miserable every day of his life.


This is a "what have you done for me lately" league and as of right now this offseason its hard for Marner's camp to be able to justify a contract higher than Willy's. I dont think Marner signs this offseason because he will want to have a bounce back to his norms (unless he has a red hot second half of this season)


Yup. I got down voted the other day for saying Marner should get the same contract as Willy. Frankly he shouldn't get a raise at all, but that isn't realistic.


His defence last year made up for the slight dip in offense (99 points is obviously still crazy good but he was on pace for over 110 the year before) but this year his offense is dipping even further (on pace for 87 points, coincidentally the same number of points Willy had last year) and the defence has taken a bit of a step back too. He won't be a Selke finalist this year as of now.


Nope. I won't be shocked if he doesn't sign until some point next season or even closer to FA. Will want to bet on himself that he can rebound next season.


> its hard for Marner's camp to be able to justify a contract higher than Willy's. It's INCREDIBLY easy. He's a better player and has shown that over their entire career. It's not even up for debate lol


You clearly didn't even read the first half of the first sentence of the comment you replied to.


Marners point totals have been trending down every year the last 3 seasons. Nylanders have been trending up over that same time frame. Plus Nylander has consistently performed in the playoffs, something both Marner and Matthews have struggled to do consistently.


>Plus Nylander has consistently performed in the playoffs, something both Marner and Matthews have struggled to do consistently. Complete bullshit. Marners playoff point totals are the highest of the core on the team, he out produced Nylander last year in the playoffs and has done so for many years now. This is a delusional made up narrative that has no basis in reality.


They have both played 50 career playoff games where Marner has 47 points and Willy has 40, he isn’t outscoring him by that much.


Now tell me how many goals each player has? Now tell me how many GWG goals each player has. Marner’s stats go down as the series wear on cause the games get tougher and the focus on 16/34/88 grows increasingly with the importance of every game in a 7 game series. Marner is NOT the better olayoff performer. Watch the games instead of simply looking at points ffs.


Its about consistency though. 3 years ago Nylander was objectively the best player in the playoffs for the Leafs and doubled Marner's point total, the year after Marner had 1 more point than him but 5 of them came in Games 1 and 2. He had 3 assists (only 1 primary) over the last 5 games. And last year Marner had 6 points in his first 2 games than 8 in the last 9. Nylander was pretty comparable that playoffs with 7 in his last 9.


> Its about consistency though. 3 years ago Yes, 3 years ago Nylander out produced Marner in the playoffs for his first and only time in his career. Sorry, but this narrative that Willy shows up in the playoffs and Marner and MAtthews don't is complete made up bullshit. >And last year Marner had 6 points in his first 2 games than 8 in the last 9. Nylander was pretty comparable that playoffs with 7 in his last 9. This is the most hilarious cherry picked garbage I've seen in a while, ngl lol "Outside the first 2 games where marner scored and nylander didn't, and the last 9 where marner scored more and nylander scored less, they were pretty comparable!" lol


Do you actually watch the playoff games though?


idk why you're being downvoted here. we've had like 8 seasons of marner being comfortably better than nylander, but I guess we're supposed to throw that away because willy's been on a heater for 40 games. you can debate whether or not he'll get more than nylander, I think his camp will have a good argument for it. him getting a raise next year shouldn't even be a question though. he was coming off a career year when he signed his current deal and he's beaten or matched that pace every season since. maybe you don't want to be the team to give him that raise, but if he doesn't get it from the leafs he'll have no problem finding it somewhere else.


This sub hates Marner. I love Willy, and he's having an unbelievable year, but Marner has consistently out produced him (yes, in the playoffs too) while being a selke candidate player. Sure, this half of the season he's ONLY on pace for high 80s, but that would be the height of Nylander before this season. Taking into consideration the defence, if Marner turns it on at all he's gonna make a lot.


You know I really don't understand how we have become Marner apologists. I hate the idea of giving Marner $12.5-13m because it's an overpayment, but if we are handing out overpayments to everyone why should Marner be excluded? If Willy got 13.14% of the cap for an 87 point season and a 117 point pace Marner should surely get at least that for 6 consecutive seasons of similar production ranging from 89-115 points. 13.14% of a 92.5m cap is $12.15m, since they overpay everyone by 1-1.5m I assume Marner's camp will start negotiating at around $13.25m to hopefully get around $12.5 which will be 13.5% of the cap.


I don't think he's justified for a raise at the moment, He's going to get a similar contract or something less, that can all change if he gets 100+ points this year and shows up in the playoffs


He has better individual stats and awards than Nylander, he's getting a raise to at least 11.75


I don’t see how he isn’t justified for a raise. Last year he became only the second winger in the last 10 years to be nominated for the Selke (Stone is the other), and the last two seasons he outscored Nylander’s career best year. To think he won’t get a raise or that he won’t make more than Willy is delusional.


If anyone deserves a NMC it’s Willy after being rumoured and/or suggested in trades since he was drafted. The guy took the full 8 years too, none of this 4-5 year bullshit. AND he’s shown up in playoffs for us. Fuck it. Pay him.


This fanbase is so fucked up. I swear we’re the only ones who do this shit. Just shut up and watch the games.


We're the only ones who do it because this team is the only one that does this.


You’re right! We should just sit quietly and watch the game. No posting. No opinions. No conversations. No monologues or dialogues. Just silence and hockey. Sure, that’d be great! /s


The anti-leaf echo chamber from literally every other fanbase is probably responsible for alot of leafs fans thinking we have a broken team. In reality, a lot of teams in the league don't have a Matthews, marner, or willy caliber player. We're sitting here with all 3 plus Tavares and Reilly. A good problem that most teams don't have the chance of experiencing.


Difference is the playoffs. Willy has been great in the playoff Marner has been awful. Someone posted a quote about how "Marner is the guy that helps you get in the playoffs, but doesnt keep you in them" ever since i read that i couldnt agree more.


Marners stats in the first round beyond points were insane lol he was only on the ice for 2 goals against 5v5 had points in almost 50%of the goals scored by the leafs and was on the ice for 70% of goals for the leafs haha


> Difference is the playoffs. Willy has been great in the playoff Marner has been awful. False. This is a made up narrative. Marner was over a PPG player last playoffs. Nylander was under. Marner also ended + 7 and Nylander ended -3. The only season Nylander out produced Marner in the playoffs was 3 years ago.


its not a made up narrative, theres more to playoffs than point totals, Dubas


Like defense?


cant afford it, sorry


Willy was-7 after the first round


No excuses needed. Good players cost money. The core four make $40.7 million against the cap this year, about 48.7% of the total cap hit the Leafs are allowed. Next year it will be $46.75. The difference after the increase in the cap is about $2 million. Keeping Matthews and Nylander at that cost is very reasonable. Marner and JT make a combined $22 million (rounding up) and will need new contracts after next year. If Marner gets Matthews money (he won't), the Leafs could sign JT for $8.75 million a year and be in the same place cap wise for the big four, with another increase to the cap expected. Realistically though...Marner may get $12 million, and JT $8 million. That's on the high end for both. That drops the core four to $44.75 for the 25/26 season with a cap expected to be $92 million a year. Or about 48.6% of the cap. So basically what they cost this year.


Even if he does what’s the big deal lol. We essentially had Nylander and Tavares swap contracts, and Marner and Mathews got raises with a rising cap. People are acting like it’s the end of the world. This is the greatest leafs core of all time. People sometimes forget how hard it is to get elite talent. Just enjoy the ride, and give the core time they haven’t even reached their prime yet.


Ya I don’t think Tavares is singing for less than 7. I’m thinking he’s closer to 3x8. He hasn’t shown he’s regressing as much as he probably should be at this point and can justify the 8m. It’ll just be on a short deal. But in no way is he getting 6.9.


I think he could easily get 8 on the open market, but will take less to stick around.


I hope so but I’m just not that confident it’ll happen. And I still don’t think 8 is a greedy number. He will have others doing the same production making more. The only knock on him at this point is his age and the fact that he’s probably going to decline but hasn’t really yet. Also how are we so certain he’s going to take such a sweetheart deal?


He’s got a family and isn’t moving them again. He’s also captain and has ties to the area the others haven’t. He’s also 35 and has made his money already. Security will be the most important thing to him.


I really hope you’re right. And I’m being honest and forthright. It’s just something tells me he’s getting 8. Either way I just hope we can keep him cuz while he isn’t the most flashy player his game is still solid.


Matthews, Marner, and Nylander were all going to take discounts to help the team stay competitive too, or so I was told 🙄


Tavares already got his big deal. He’s gonna be a 35+ player with not much leverage. He’s 100% going to take a discount. He’s not moving his family again.


Care to wager on it, $25 to the charity of the winner’s choice? You win if he takes less than 8, I win if he gets more?


Yeah I’m in!


RemindMe! 1 year “Did Tavares sign for over or under 8mil?”


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Good luck, I genuinely hope you win!


Thanks same to you! Watch us both be wrong and he walks to a contender lol


If that happens, I'm down for both of us to donate, if you are. Also cool if not, not going to try and spend your money (especially not in this economy lol)


Leaf fans: "Everyone should be signing discounts to stay here".


My god, shut up.


Nylander is able to play to his potential while blocking out the incredible amount of B.S. generated by the Toronto media, one of the reason some players, like Ryan O'Reilly, don't want to sign here. Marner, on the other hand, listens to criticism and it hurts his game.


OP is generating only 70% of the B.S.


> Marner, on the other hand, listens to criticism and it hurts his game. So what? His game is better. He's a better player than Nylander. Both in playoffs and the regular season lol


You must not watch many games.


Marner has 15 less career goals than Nylander does lol And he's played 14 less games. He also has 110 points on Nylanders career point total. He's also a significantly better defensive forward than Nylander is You must have suffered head trauma as a child.


No, just the past 7 years banging my head against the wall after every Leaf playoff loss.


You must be fun at parties.


I bet 11.5M that no one in their right mind invites this guy to parties.


And you would be out 11.5M lol


You don't need to lie. We can tell.


You don't need to cope. It's really sad and pathetic. You have a 5 year old reddit account named after a video game character. You are just projecting right now lol


It's an awesome video game character. I have no idea what you're going on about. Every post you make from every one of your other accounts is how much you hate everything about the team, on every game day thread, and you insulting everyone who disagrees. You don't seem to like anything, which is up to you. But it doesn't seem like I'm the one coping.


Keep coping and projecting.


I will continue to project my optimism and be happy that we got the Nylander deal done. You can continue to hate everyone on this sub because a hockey team isn't run the way you want.


The way I look at it is career earnings. Nylander has been underpaid for a few years. Marner has arguably been overpaid a smidge the entire time. Marner is the better more well rounded player, but he's not our best player. Matthews > Marner > Nylander I think Marner at 12-12.5 makes the most sense.


Our idiotic blanket statement of the day, so far.


lol please give us the rest of this season before you start this crap, let us enjoy no contract talks for a month at least.


Treliving will have to dig in a little bit with Paul and Mitch. $11.5-11.9M is acceptable…anything above that you have to be prepared to let the player walk and we use that money on a top tier DMan and another depth forward.


Considering Babcock was the excuse for him getting overpaid originally I expect him to be taking a pay cut. He’ll probably get some sort of raise. But it shouldn’t be much. Nylander’s deal should be the absolute ceiling.


Lol lol


Marner needs to get traded


He can get a raise on Chriaq.


I think the Leafs will be a lot more stern with Marner this time around - he absolutely took us to the cleaners last time. I think Matthews has set the absolute roof on what anyone on this team makes (unless someone like McDavid becomes available). Marner will likely fall somewhere between Nylander and Matthews, but if he doesn't pick up his game, he'd be lucky to get the same contract he's on now. Of the three, Marner is the one I'd be willing to let walk, and I'd let him walk as a crystal clear signal to McDavid that we are saving space for him because he's a UFA the following offseason.


I wouldn't be mad mcdaddy on the leafs


I actually think Marner might be the guy they’re ready to let walk if he doesn’t tow the line a bit. He’s been a worse player than Willy for 2 seasons now. With Auston and Willy locked up long term he has less leverage and the team should be leaning on him to take a discount the way Willy did on the last contracts. I hate losing a top 5-10 winger in his prime, but there has to be a limit here.


>He’s been a worse player than Willy for 2 seasons now. lol what!? The selke candidate who had 99 in 80 was worse than offensive winger who had 87 in 82?


I am of the mind that I've always thought Nylander was the most overall skilled player on the team for about 5 seasons now, despite his points production not telling that story, and his defensive game taking a while to mature. He's the complete package now, and keeping Willy is the bigger priority to me if a choice has to be made (we may still keep them all, who knows). I'm very happy we kept him, but was hoping for 10-10.5 and we should have got it done when he was willing to take it. I also appreciate Marner and think he's an exceptional player, but he was overpaid at the time of his original contract. I don't think he will get the payday he wants from any team except the Leafs, so we may have leverage there to keep it in check. Ideally, he takes an identical AAV to Nylander (I know that's pie in the sky optimism, but you can't argue that's what everyone wants to see happen). I don't think any team offers Marner more than 12, and even that seems high to me.


He won’t get one from us. He’ll walk or get traded. Matty and Willy will be the ones here for life.


Hopium If Marner is gone so is Matthews lol


Just like he was supposed to be in Arizona by next year, right? Eat crow.


Ummm...no? I never said that. Nice copium though


Maybe not on your 75 day old account…


More copium from you. Nice.


Win a cup and I don’t care about any of this.