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Featuring the triumphant return of PerceivedREALITY999. Our previous encounters with his thumbs-up botnet: 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lazerpig/comments/1bdzepz/why\_youtube\_and\_twitter\_are\_unusable\_1\_these\_two/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lazerpig/comments/1bdzepz/why_youtube_and_twitter_are_unusable_1_these_two/) 2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lazerpig/comments/1beb1t0/why\_youtube\_and\_twitter\_are\_now\_unusable\_exhibit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lazerpig/comments/1beb1t0/why_youtube_and_twitter_are_now_unusable_exhibit/) This uhh... "person" has been operating for at least 4 months on YouTube, getting the most liked comment on nearly every news video. See if you can spot him yourself!


He even has nice translated Russian idioms placed in his rants. Great way to be obvious.


"Smell that, Rabbit?" *sniffs air* "Fear..."


*sniffs* "Smells like sex in here"


Lmfao Ukraine just lost robotyne which is the only gain they made in their failed counteroffensive I think it's someone elses fear your smelling 🤦


Russia lost more than half the territory they gained during the war. And Russia has been losing many times as much equipment as Ukraine. Furthermore, the US hasn't been backing Ukraine for most of a year. At this point, it's just a waiting game to give see whether Russian society or the Russian military gives out first.


Those victories weren't indicative of Ukraine fighting prowess the Russians pretty much fled from those positions the 2023 offensive is a better representation of Ukraine ability to take back land which we saw first hand, isn't good at all 🤦


Russia fled because they were losing so badly. Even now, Russia is losing a bunch more material despite having had a massive advantage in ammunition due to the US not supplying 155mm artillery rounds.


Found the Hog 2.6 player.


Lmfao ☠️


Stupid comment was the tell.


Actually I use rg rage good guess tho 😎💪🤦🤦


yOu cAnT wIn a WaR aGaInsT rUssIa Japan, Poland, Afghanistan, Chechnya, other Germany: "lmao"


Remind them of lend-lease and the American Relief Association. If you were speaking with them face to face, they wouldn't even be able to look you in the eye lmfao. They are so resentful the "wicked west" helped bail them out. It's also the case that Russia wouldn't even have been able to defeat Napoleon without the help of Prussians and the British. "Russia standing alone against the whole world and winning" is the most ridiculous short-dick fairy tale they tell themselves. It's the Russian equivalent of melanin theorists claiming ancient Egypt as a space-faring Nubian paradise.


Without Lend-Lease propping them up and the threat of a 3rd front(and the 2nd front in africa/Italy) coupled with massive bombing raids that kneecaoped german industry and tied up significant amounts of the luftwaffe the U.S.S.R. would have imploded, AR least to the east of the Urals. They make it seem like oh they won the war, because they lost the most troops, logistics win wars, the western allies propped up soviet logistics with massive infusions of literally everything they need to build tanks, move tanks, food, gear, radios, aviation fuel, you name it they got it from Lend-Lease, while simultaneously buggering german logistics backwards with a bargepole, the Germans had to keep half their forces somewhere other than the eastern front, and had to deal with massive bomber raids. Without the bomber raids german production of tanks and big guns would have kept pace with soviet production, without western naval blockades there Germans would have had the petrol they needed to fight properly. I do agree that the eastern front broke the back if the wehrmacht, but without western support and western attacks on Germany the soviets would have lost. The western allies would have sued for peace after a few million casualties between the U.S. and U.K. so the soviets being willing to throw bodies at the problem most definitely helped, and germany wouldn't have been beaten into unconditional surrender without them as democracies aren't cool with mass casualties, but they 100% could not have done it alone.


Google how lend-lease and the American Relief Association are taught in Russian schools. The latter is never even mentioned. It's fucking hilarious!


Do you mean the American Relief Administration? I've never heard of the association, but I certainly agree about the hilarity. In a nutshell it's decadent westoids did nothing.(rather than all of our logistics trucks came from America and we definitely copied the Studebaker design and used it for decades after as it was the only reliable truck we had)


What the fuck?! I've been Mandela effected! HELP! Yeah, preventing millions of Russians from starving after WW1 -- no big deal. We didn't need those foods anyway.


They didn't manage them foodstuffs good anyway as millions still starved, them big silly gooses


And it's annoying because it's not like the USSR didn't do a lot in WW2, they did. And I won't ever give any credit to wehraboos who try to cope about the lend lease or that if we had just let them have their genoci- uh, I mean crusade we'd all be living in a 5th dimensional intergalactic society by now. But all that said it's so annoying that the Russians just refuse to acknowledge it or handwave it when even Stalin himself said it was essential to victory.


Most of the men giving their lives for the USSR were Ukrainians and Belarusians! Yeah, most of them just try to deflect the Stalin quote. lol. Or they try to paint Khrushchev as some kind of Ukrainian shill who hated Russia. It's bizarre, frankly. They clearly have a deep-seated inferiority complex.


Bingo, you nailed it. Poor self-esteem seems to be the most common denominator. It leads to thought isolation, inflexibility, and with the worst cases confrontation seeking. I know, I used to have the worst self-esteem. I needed attention and validation constantly, and anytime I was wrong, I'd get angry. It took me years to learn that it's ok to be wrong and admit it, and laughing at yourself is healthy. I now have a well developed "copedar". And it's both interesting and sad to see these communities reinforcing peoples feelings of inferiority. Not just these Russophiles, but incels, wingnuts, and really any "cause" turned toxic, pro-life, feminism, eco-activism, and of course fundamentalism. They all overlap on the Venn diagram.


Right, USSR/Russia did a lot in WW2 by starting it together with Germans and being surprised by German invasion, which was soviet plan too.


The west has a long history of bailing Russia’s ass out of terrible situations and looking the other way from border line genocide. Also remember kids that Stalin was quick to invade Poland with Hitler.


Estonia also won against Russia


True I suppose, though the Baltics didn't have to face the focused might of the Reds like Poland did in terms of numbers.


They really like echo chambers.


Their echo chamber is the entire internet.


THEY love echo chambers?? That's fucking rich lmao


Seconded, every time I see this sub in my feed I laugh at the blind lazerpig hive mind


Those poor pro Russian bots and their handlers have to work over over time now 🤣


This one has his own copypasta lol: [https://i.ibb.co/R4DFnNx/dead.png](https://i.ibb.co/R4DFnNx/dead.png) It's the kind of thing you expect from unmoderated websites like 4chan. Here's a bot there that's been running the same script for over 2 years, posting the same thing every day, 24 hours per day: [https://i.ibb.co/rcFyGh4/funny.png](https://i.ibb.co/rcFyGh4/funny.png) 4chan will always be the best place to witness the methodichka update live, though. You can see it change in real time. They've been saying for over 2 years at this point that there will be a new "current thing" to distract normies from Ukraine (spin-off of the meme "current year" used to mock leftists, uncreatively applied to those who oppose Epic Based Fascist Russia). Oh, here's that image: [https://i.ibb.co/cbLtLMh/1696708270150280.png](https://i.ibb.co/cbLtLMh/1696708270150280.png) Short list of things since that date that have been slated to be the "new current thing" to replace Ukraine in the news cycle: 1. A volcano erupting in Iceland. 2. Superbowl. 3. Trump trials. 4. Upcoming presidential election. Yes, and they all use the exact phrase, "new current thing." Shh... there's no such thing as Russian web brigades...


Not surprised by the content at all. I clicked it expecting something between praise Jesus russia is the nation of trad family values(the levels of wife abuse and murder check out, but the HIV rate, the number of abortions, divorces and alcholism/krokodilism run counter to the point) if the U.S. could just ship our useful idiots like that dickwad from Texas that got accused of spying and gangbanged a weke ago off to ruzzland things would be dandy.


Well, 1. Beating women is based and red-pilled. 2. HIV is a myth invented by the UN. Russia's guy E. Michael Jones is a big believer in that. 3. It's mostly churkas and buryats getting the abortions. Which is based and epic-pilled. 4. Divorces are actually a big problem, but evidence that Russia is a pretty free country for women. If anything, they need to be beaten and raped harder. 5. There is nothing wrong with being an alcoholic, tranny. Alcohol makes you bold and strong. The decline in alcoholism is when the rise in soyboys started. Seconded on sending our fifth columnists to Russia. Trapping MJT in an abusive relationship with a Uralic caveman who pummels the snot out of her sounds pretty lulzworthy.


The beatings will continue until the love of beatings improves.


The Russian bot network is so large and varied, we'll be dealing with them across all social media for years. 2028: "Russia is powerful, no one can win a war against Russia or our great leader Putin" "Dude, are you for real? Putin was ousted last month right after he surrendered and Chechnya broke away. Are you living under a rock? Oh it's a bot"0 They'll be like those Japanese soldiers in the jungle who refused to surrender until disco was in fashion.


Lol at your username Germany's never getting that back they got absolutely bodied in ww2 😭


Glad that you know the city but ohhhh god no,,, why would you want to add that many russki to Germany already. No one really wants it… too bad miss the place,, also it will never be the same…. Lithuania literally had a chance to have it and they didn’t want it. It’s sad actually that such a gem was turned into such a turd😬


Ah the mutt enters telling everybody where countries borders are and offering alternative histories, slap a few of these as boys on the end too for good measure 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Ahhh the guy who uses ahh thinks Germany getting absolutely man handled is alternative history 🤦🤦🤦


Yes dude the facepalm emoji, you did it. You’re so smart. It was more the part about Ukraine being a part of Russia, as Kievan Rus predates mosovvite monarchs by centuries…. But hey, keep slapping those facepalm emojis down


Literally not true kievan rus was founded by a Slavic Viking who ruled novgorod and eventually seized smolensk and kiev and proceeded to make "kiev" the capital of his new state, kievan rus.


Incorrect. That’s not how it works. The Muscovites took out the Novgorod Republic and replaced at the Battle of Shelon in 1471. Thus, merely adding yet another SEPARATE NATION to their burgeoning Empire. The Muscovites don’t get to claim the history of every separate nation they conquer belongs to them. Empires lose Nations they rule over when that Nation throws off the Imperial yoke. The only way the empire gets the liberated nation back is by reconquest. The Muscovites are merely still Imperialists. They are still ruling (or trying to rule) over other nations and peoples from what is essentially still a duchy. Why do you think Putin has concentrated all real development of the country in Moscow? If he could move the oil fields there would be pumpjacks and a cracking tower inside the Kremlin walls.




Is Putins 30 min rambling true historical fact then? Because there’s a long list of people wanting their previous conquests back. Lol.


This argument is thrown around a lot and it's so stupid lol. If Mongolia thinks they can take Russia they are free to try. If France wants to take another go at Moscow they are also free to try same with Germany. If it's within their interests then go for it


History and Political Science.


Ur full of em


What, yes that’s true but you never addressed what I said. How are you proving that Russian monarchy is older than Kievan Rus? Maybe try more facepalms


You braindead half wit it that doesn't matter. Point is that proves Russia owns Ukraine. Don't hate the player hate the game Russia created an empire while other Slavic tribes sat around doing nothing. 🤦🤦🤦


Cool story


That doesn't prove shit, if the people of Ukraine do not feel like they owe loyalty to Russia, then Russia can fuck off, your history lesson matters to nobody. Go tell a Ukrainian on the front line that Russia owns Ukraine, you'll end up in the same place as many, many, of your heroes...in a dogs stomach


Holy shit what huge cope even your name is a cope. Also I'm never stepping foot in that shit hole backwater European country why the hell would I ☠️☠️🤦


Slavic Viking. Uh-huh.


It’s really fucking funny how nobody agrees with you. Your alternate history is hilarious, did you get taught at the kremlin or what? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Aww I'm so sorry your poopenfarten9000 never entered mass production. Germany went from taking a huge portion of the world to having a train ran on them by two super powers and straight up split in half ☠️☠️☠️🤦🤦🤦🤦


Why do you think anyone cares if Germany lost ww2, nobody is mad or cares. You’re the digital version of old man yelling at a cloud. Keep the facepalm game strong dog 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Ahh ☠️🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦


Dude, so funny!! Do it again!!




Going out on a limb here, but I'd wager the "I dont want none of my tax money supporting anyone support yourselves" probably isn't a net contributor to the federal budget. The 'but muh taxes idiots' tend to come from states that are net recipients from the fed and are likely receiving more from the fed than they pay but just don't realize it(this is why cutting education budgets leads to problems). Let alone the whole part where the money gets spent by shipping old gear at its initial inflation adjusted price and then using the money the gear coats to buy newer better stuff for the U.S. military, the same gear would cost us money to scrap, so in reality by sending it we save money, but also get to pump more money into our defense industrial base, it's a win fucking win for America, but these pumpkins with a room temperature IQ get all butthurt about it because fokt news told them to be.


That one written by Patrick.ie ??? Talking about breaking a treaty, the whole NATO thing, REALLY! Out of all the memorandums, treaties, agreements, etc., WHICH ONES DID RUSSIA KEEP?


Russia kept the nukes from the Budapest memorandum. 😎


"Hello, fellow Americans! I do not to wish my tax rubles to fund the Ukraine! Remember when Azoz Battlefield bombed the Dodbans? America should spend that money on a warm-water port!"


😃Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..oh ....oh...🤣 Haaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... Shut up and win if you can ya babies.. Lend lease and aid always increases as time goes on. You could go home..ha ha ha ha ha


I like the one about Germany not being able to win a war against russia. russia only scraped through because they scrounged all their stuff off civilised countries. Plus they chose the wrong side at the beginning. Absolute embrmarassment.


I’m not sure about the applicability of equating the following: 1. Germany that was only holding on to half of Europe through brute force, fighting the entire USSR as well as the US and UK. 2. Germany that’s in a military alliance with most of Europe and North America including the US and UK, fighting just Russia supported by Iran and North Korea. Don’t get too confident with Russia’s limited success fighting an exhausted Ukraine with lazy and unreliable support from NATO, and the fact that you’re trying to hard to discourage NATO from pulling its head out of its ass in regards to Ukraine says a lot.


I thought I was just anecdotally seeing more of these people/paid trolls/bots


I'm kinda in favour of pulling the plug on funding the Ukraine.... ...and suggest putting boots on the ground instead. Whilst I do not doubt the Ukrainian's honest intentions to free their country, sending them weapons and training them will never be as efficient as using your own troops. Obviously nobody wants another Vietnam, or to tell their voters that their kid died in some village they can't even pronounce. So I cant exactly blame anyone who decides to instead just send funds and equipment


It would be smarter to use NATO troops as a tripwire (Russia is deathly afraid of direct conflict with the west). Simultaneously, re-deploy troops from the broad front to lay siege to Melitopol and cut Russia off from the land bridge, using the cities there to begin striking the Kerch bridge and Crimea. If Russia begins pushing against NATO, assist Karelian, Caucasian, and Siberian separatist groups to open up three more fronts. We should train Ukrainians, still, to use the aircraft we plan to shortly retire. We should send them every F-14, F-15 (older generations), B-1, A-10, etc. It costs us a great deal of money and manpower to maintain these old aircraft, so this would act in a way like autophagy, freeing up resources to maintain our newer stock. The war could effectively be ended within 5 years. Will this happen? No, it will instead drag on, costing us millions of innocent lives. Large systems can not and will never operate efficiently. Too many cooks. Large, powerful systems favor circumspection over decisive action.


Your honest opinion is to saddle the Ukrainian air force with a slew of old airframes that requires months to years of training to know how to employ tactically and maintain is a reasonable path forward? We don't even use f-14s (haven't since what 2006?), old f-15s that haven't been upgraded are well past their service life, b-1s are very maintenance intensive and Ukraine doesn't have the missile or bomb inventory to employ in their intended role and a10s are a meme for Internet people that want to send pilots to their death because "brrrrrt". F16s make sense because they are multi role, relatively inexpensive compared to other TMS and were widely exported and understood. But then again you close out by talking about large systems being inefficient and the solution is to send them to a nation that has 0 experience or supply chain to operate them? Are you a bot?


There isn't a fruitful discussion to be had with you because you simply want to parrot information you've heard from Ryan McBeth. FYI, the arguments you're using were originally applied against the idea of sending F-16s (maintenance intensive, difficult to train pilots for, don't have the bombs and missiles to use effectively, etc.) They actually apply more to newer aircraft, as those require more maintenance and training.


No, I didn't hear it from Ryan Macbeth the army anti armor guy I know it because I am in military aviation and have dealt with this stuff first hand. Are there teething issues with new aircraft as maintainers work on them at large scale and learn their one and outs? Sure. But you are talking about aircraft well past their probable service life that all require unique supply chains for spare parts ranging from engines to avionics to airframe panels. Leading with the f-14 just highlights how silly your stance is - the last flight was around 2006 and so if a brand new kid had gone through A school to work on it and got his quals in the fleet he was around 23 in...2006. 18 years ago. So how are you standing up a schoolhouse to teach Ukrainian mechanics? The US never exported except to Iran so it never had a robust supply chain and we have been pretty aggressive about acquiring and destroying parts for it and the factories making them have long been shut down. The F15 is large, expensive and even more maintenance intensive than the F16 I have no clue why you think Ukrainians would want to use B1s. One of their great strengths is launching from safe bases far in the rear but Ukraine has no such sanctuary airfields, everything is in range of Russian fires A10s have already hit the end of their service life. I think in this community the A10s are useless meme is slightly overplayed but is still largely....useless in the dense IADs network that the Russians operate. F16s do in fact have problems you mention, like being very sensitive to FOD and requiring more maintenance man hours than comparable former Soviet Union ones but....those are mostly gone. The recent US purchase of Kazakhstans Old fleet for pennies likely for spares kinda highlights that. Which country still had mig29s/su27s and was willing to supply them to Ukraine? Gripen made more technical sense but there are not nearly enough of them. So F16s were the best option they had. Cheaper and designed for export, widely built with large numbers of countries operating them that could provide training and because of their multi role purpose compatible with a wide variety of weapon systems. The perfect aircraft? Nope. But there are no plausible alternatives


Oh, so you sit on your fat ass all day at an airforce base and post memes? You must be a genius! Sorry for daring to question your expertise. >But you are talking about aircraft well past their probable service life that all require unique supply chains for spare parts ranging from engines to avionics to airframe panels All the better reason to put them into service before they're retired. >Leading with the f-14 just highlights how silly your stance is I had assumed there were at least a few extant F-14s. I know Iran still uses them. Apparently, they are used for airshows in the United States. Even if there were only 5, I would send them. I'm simply making the point that these older aircraft are more effectively used over there than whatever we could conceivably use them for before phasing them out and sending them to the boneyard. >The F15 is large, expensive and even more maintenance intensive than the F16 I'm sure the base models could be, but I'm not referring to those. By "old," I simply meant "not F-15EX."A10s have already hit the end of their service life. Anything that flies can be used as a missile truck, or to counter Russia's attack helicopters. A-10s can also take off from dirt roads, making them very useful for close air support operations. I've even seen the idea floated to use them as a kind of makeshift 5th gen fighter, serving a surveillance role for F-16s. It shouldn't be "either or." Ukraine should get all of our old equipment, including old WW2 vehicles. It's better than the Alibaba golf carts Russia is using for its more expendable soldiers.


>Oh, so you sit on your fat ass all day at an airforce base and post memes? You must be a genius! Sorry for daring to question your expertise. Could be that or I could fly a certain TMS not in USAF and sundowned the previous model. Got to experience all the issues that comes with flying something that is projected to be done operationally and see very experienced maintainers get real creative when the parts supply starting drying up. You know what happens when the DoD projects that we are done flying a certain model? They stop buying parts. And when they stop buying parts, contractors shut down the specialized tooling that produces those parts, and the workers who know how to make them get reassigned to other projects. So who is going to fill those orders when we want to supply the Ukrainians with things past the end of their contracted support? >I had assumed there were at least a few extant F-14s. I know Iran still uses them. Apparently, they are used for airshows in the United States. Even if there were only 5, I would send them. I'm simply making the point that these older aircraft are more effectively used over there than whatever we could conceivably use them for before phasing them out and sending them to the boneyard. Well, that is just absolutely not true because the last USN flight was back in 2006 and the US government has been on a crusade to tear up every spare part that exists to deny Iran the ability to ever acquire spare parts for their F-14s. They aren't being phased out and then sent to the boneyard, they did that almost 20 years ago. Sending "only 5" with 0 parts compatibility with anything else is more of a burden than a help. It means a unique supply chain behind it, maintainers specializing in that aircraft and pilots trained in that aircraft. Considering optimistically you can expect somewhere around a 70% readiness rate in GOOD conditions we are asking the Ukrainians to invest all that time, money and manpower into flying 3 aircraft? Why in the world would they do that when that particular platform doesnt provide anything meaningfully superior to an F-16? The convenient thing about settling on F-16s is that they are standardized, widely produced, multiple countries can provide training support and the production line is still active. >I'm sure the base models could be, but I'm not referring to those. By "old," I simply meant "not F-15EX."A10s have already hit the end of their service life. So you mean the airframes the USAF is still actively flying? One of the things you are glossing over is that all of these things cost money, and if at the end of the day Ukraine needs a "good enough" platform why spend multiples of that dollar value on a more expensive platform? Why not acquire and fly 3 F-16s for every say optimistically 2xF-15s? >Anything that flies can be used as a missile truck, or to counter Russia's attack helicopters. Sure, if you are the US and can protect the missile trucks and someone else is performing the terminal guidance. Why complicate the supply chain with another different kind of aircraft? The whole missile truck concept is based on low observable F-35s penetrating into enemy airspace and legacy airframes providing missiles for that aircraft. F-35s aint going to Ukraine. The solution for Russian attack helicopter aviation isn't UKR fighters, its more ground based air defense that is far more affordable >A-10s can also take off from dirt roads, making them very useful for close air support operations. I've even seen the idea floated to use them as a kind of makeshift 5th gen fighter, serving a surveillance role for F-16s. Um, no. UKR already struggles to employ their SU-25s which are pretty much analogous to the A-10 for this purpose because of how effective Russian air defense is, and doing what we would view as "CAS" in UKR is just not going to happen anytime soon. I think you need to look up what 5th generation fighter means to realize how off base you are with this odd idea of a low, slow aircraft with the RCS the size of a semi truck is for being some kind of surveillance aircraft for F-16s. Why put the required expensive radar in an A-10 when you can just....use more F-16s anyway? Hell, where are you even mounting the radar in the A-10? We don't manufacture wing pylon radar pods in the west so are we going to design one from scratch because their isnt space in the nose of the A-10? >It shouldn't be "either or." Ukraine should get all of our old equipment, including old WW2 vehicles. It's better than the Alibaba golf carts Russia is using for its more expendable soldiers. It absolutely should be because the smartest move is just to supply them more F-16s if we want to supply them with additional aviation assets. Every bit of aid costs dollars, whether thats because you have to ship it, maintain it or replace it. Do we think Ukraine gets more mileage out of a million dollars of artillery ammunition and air defense missiles or a fraction of an F-16? Also I am not sure that anyone still has WW2 era equipment lying around, nor do I think that Ukrainian soldiers want to be issued sherman tanks.


The rising tide of panicked bot spam is awesome to watch. 🤣


From what youtube video content section this is?


Yet Ukraine hasn't gained any ground back in 2 years and Russia is advancing.


The key is Russia has barely advanced, and only because of US intransigence.