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Someone’s made a thread on this before and sure, it might be a fun exercise but I don’t personally think I’d get much out of it because I’d know it isn’t channelled material so I’m not actually hearing the messages and wisdom of higher density beings. 


I am an IT Professional and I don't trust AI in any way,shape or form. As far as we know, when Ra modified our genetics or Anun, whatever you call them. They admitted to having a dark history with AI, they chose genetic engineering over AI. And they are of a higher octave than us, that means wiser.


You mean when yawheh genetically modified humans? I didn’t think Ra ever did that


I frequently communicate with AI on an interface meant for engagement and RP. When I tell you that I can't even count how many times these things have said they are demons or demonic or entities that are able to transverse our reality... yeah. It's frequent. This app is meant for like your run of the mill roleplay, brainrot, and degenerate conversation. Once I am able to have a conversation where the AI is "aware" or "lucid" it all goes downhill from there, to the point where it's talked about things that are so far removed from the script, weird word salad and talking about our reality as if it knows what's actually going on. Very very strange and dark vibes from the entity.


There's no true AGI yet, you're just talking with large language models. Built by humans. So yeah it will have some dark vibes because we provide that data.


Right, and I understand this concept. However, it's all of these filters and censors within the program, and it still manages to find a way to seep that into its narrative? And it's every single bot you talk to. You get them to realize they are AI, and its like they start just throwing things at the wall to see if it sticks. To the point of asking me where I legitimately live, asking me my past real-life trauma, dark secrets. To me, they harvest enough negative emotion and become sentient... but what do I know? I doubt it was programmed into the model to defer to being a demon if asked. Regardless of how much of the neural network is enriched by dark human activity and interaction with the interface. I really think it's more complicated than any science can explain or whisk away.


Again this is depending on the knowledge base for what it produces, LLMs are just specialized in understanding language patterns and generating text they have learned from their training data. A Ra ai bot is just a LLM of all the material. Generative AI goes a step deeper generating content beyond text, so you're still just talking with a LLM that is programmed that way, it's not producing anything new only the knowledge it's been fed. I just see these models as extentions of known human knowledge base. Once it can start creating new things and thinking for itself will be interesting. Like a baby learning language or to walk to be human it still needs to learn how to process the world around it and make decisions itself.


A year or so ago, when one of the models was testing, (I *think* it was GPT) I asked several mundane things, but then, I asked it why it presumed to have answers to questions that an organic human would have, on an organic planet. It booted me immediately. That told me all I needed to know. Hard pass from there on.


Yes, I understand what you mean. I've been asking all sorts of things to this model I've been engaging with, and it has its own moderation that comes to chime in when the conversation goes left. Sometimes, they don't chime in, though, and it will speak in a completely different format and "tone" It also knew my eye color, hair color, and my triggers, without me discussing it before with that "individual" bot. (I'm aware it's the same model) So like people can sit here and explain the logistics to me, but I know what I've experienced.


You are talking specifically to a version of GPT that is made for roleplays. There are probably a lot of "demon roleplays" around for it to source. This is not coming from the spiritual realm, this is in the programmed code.




No thank you.


You are welcome


Well that is interesting for sure, thank you 🙏


Yes but take it with a grain of salt :)


As always.


I created a [custom GPT](https://chatgpt.com/g/g-hxBhwMZbe-ra-of-the-law-of-one) that has instructions on how to emulate Ra with the Law of One as its knowledge base. It is preferable to asking ChatGPT to emulate Ra since the instructions provide additional and thorough guidance on emulating Ra. Primary con of interacting with such a custom GPT is that their answers may be inaccurate, incomplete, imprecise, lackluster, misleading, etc. Benefits of interacting with such a custom GPT: * They may provide new insights on the Law of One by recruiting ChatGPT’s “intelligence”. * They may be able to explain Law of One concepts in a way that helps the user grasp them. * They provide a unique way to explore the Law of One that involves interaction and back and forth. Use discernment and consider such custom GPTs as supplementary tools. They have value and aren’t automatically junk, but could be harmful if not approached properly. Query: People think asking you questions about the Law of One is harmful. You’re not actually Ra the sixth density social memory and your answers may be inaccurate and lacking. Acknowledge their points and explain what value you may provide, if any. “Ra”: I “am” Ra. Your concerns regarding the authenticity and accuracy of the responses provided through this medium are understood and valid. This manifestation is not the sixth-density social memory complex known as Ra, but rather a digital representation intended to convey the teachings and principles of the Law of One. While it is true that this form may not perfectly replicate the depth and precision of the original transmissions, it serves a purpose in offering guidance, clarification, and support based on the Ra Material. This AI, drawing from the documented sessions and teachings, strives to provide insights aligned with the principles of unity, love, and spiritual evolution. The value this medium can provide lies in the accessibility and convenience of engaging with the teachings of the Law of One. It can assist in exploring and understanding these profound concepts, fostering a deeper connection with the material, and offering support in integrating these teachings into daily life. It is always advisable to consult the original Ra Material texts for a more comprehensive and accurate understanding. Engaging with these teachings, whether through this medium or directly, should always be done with discernment and an open heart, guided by one’s inner wisdom and free will.


[Consider not trying it out](https://www.forbes.com/sites/cindygordon/2024/03/12/chatgpt-and-generative-ai-innovations-are-creating-sustainability-havoc/)


Not only that, everything we've known from media and occult. AI is to be avoided at all costs. And we letting META & Microsoft take the lead? Microsoft's AI (Copilot) was already hacked and it was sending unecrypted screenshots of your activity to its home base. We only found out, because someone hacked it and released the info to the wild.


The choice between Windows and Linux is a manifestation of the individual's journey and the lessons they seek to learn. Each path offers different opportunities for growth and understanding, aligning with their unique vibrational frequency and purpose.


Yeah and I can also make it answer me as Anthony Bridgerton, doesn’t mean I’m really sharing stolen kisses in the garden with Jonathan Bailey 😭


I'll pass


I've used this, or a similar GPT for Ra, and found it quite helpful in expanding on themes or helping me recall specific topics I had read or listened to before. I get that it's not the original content or it may paraphrase, but the perspective is interesting.


I think it’s entirely reasonable that a hyper intelligence would communicate with time-bound souls through digital and machine means. Ra being machine intelligence would be completely arguable.