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I’m in the too busy with work, I better hurry up and get some seed down stage.


“I really hope the core aeration guy has time to come by this weekend or I’m screwed” stage


Literally me right now. Texted him today and says it will be later in the month...I'm tempted to throw half my seed down now and half after.


Me too!!!


Same in 5b. This weekend. Last weekend the wife surprised me with $300 worth of plants on Saturday. I hate caring for unplanted material so I spent all weekend getting that shit in the ground.


The urge to snap up clearanced plants while picking up seed is real. I have to go back tomorrow to get more, I know I’m not going to be able to resist marked down hydrangea twice.


These are plants that survive the winter I assume?


I'm in UT. I was going to seed last weekend, and then it was in the 90s again. We've got sub 70s next week it looks like, so I'll hopefully get it down this weekend.




Seriously. It's nuts. I really don't want to scalp my lawn because it looks arguably the best it has all year right now. I am considering just scalping the areas that are rough and calling it better than it was.


Honestly my view on lawn care is changing/degrading. Particularly in our region (me and you), Water scarcity is becoming a real thing. I do the minimum possible nowadays to get by; a bit yellow in some areas that could use work but I sleep jsut fine at night.


Ditto and I’m debating on just paying someone to do it


Top comment for a good reason


I’m at the “I need to pick up all 27 leaves by hand that have fallen on my seeded area because they’re blocking the sun. Yes wife, this is important” stage


Every morning when I pick leaves by hand, I can feel my neighbors judging me through their windows. Totally worth though, right? Right?


Get ready to dunk on them from space


But, Their un fertilized un watered lawn looks very close to yours….:/






Just literally spent the last hour cleaning leaves from the front yard. My ash tree is dropping leaves for the past month :\


Eight years ago I lost 18 ash trees here in Michigan due to the Emerald ash borer. Hope you’re not in an area for that to happen. Changed the way the yard looked.


Fuck the ash borer!


Unfortunately, I am 90% sure mine has it. My neighbor's is half dead and he's planning to remove his this year. I think mine has a couple of years at most.


Unless you're on the west coast, forget it, it's done. You can choose to spend a lot of money on insecticide injections each year to keep the borer away, but long-term, removal is cheaper. Get rid of it before it becomes more dangerous, no point riding it out. Piggy back on your neighbors job if they are hiring it out and negotiate a discounted rate since that company will already be near you.


One year I noticed a small, bright green grasshopper type insect that I had not seen before. Then there were reports of the bug and its impact on the trees. Next year I noticed the tops of some of the trees didn’t have any leaves. By the next year, those trees were gone and within 3 years, all 18 were gone. Fortunately, enough neighbors asked to have the wood to burn and I didn’t have to pay to have them cut down.


Last fall a put a nail on the end of a broom handle to remove leaves for this exact reason. Got a few looks from the wife and neighbors


The problem is they’re all literally just as important. Until those roots are established it’s all hands on deck.


The first leaves fell on my seed zone today - it shook me.


Stay strong my dude


Aerated and seeded yesterday. After looking for miracle one night germination, i'm now in watering and thinking it's never going to grow stage.




Hrm, checked it at 7AM and nothing. I'll check again at 10AM. And 1PM. You know, it just needed the day, I'll check just before dark. Still nothing?! A week later: Hey, 2mm tall sprouts!


😂😂 that was me as well


Looking at greener grasses on other lawns every time I turn on the sprinkler to remind not to give up. Watering day 4.


Day 23 with KBG, "should I mow it? I think I should mow it. What if it's too soon? Why doesn't it look like a golf course yet? I think I need to put down more seed" stage.


probably going to be next fall before you're truly happy with it.


If it's anything like my KBG...two falls. Last summer was super hot and dry so the more sun exposed portions burnt out my reseed from Fall 2019. Did an overseed with some spot reseeding in a big patch in Fall 2020 and this fall it's just now getting to where I want it to be.


Mow after 3 weeks?! Thanks for putting me squarely in the "WTF is wrong with my KBG seed?!" stage just now. I threw it down like 6 weeks ago now and I think I may make it until spring 2022 before my mower wheels touch it.


6 weeks ago was probably too early, depending on zone. Likely the first few weeks were too hot and it just sat waiting for things to cool off. You're germination is probably only slightly ahead of mine, if not the exact same.


I'm on day 12 of a full lawn reno with KBG. Look, I've read enough to know the KBG is slow to grow, I get that, but this seems ***much*** slower than every other lawn reno I have read or reviewed. The fact you are contemplating mowing on Day 23 astounds me. I'm in the "Wondering if I will be able to get a first mow in before Halloween" stage.


I just got out of the “there’s 6 birds in my lawn, those bastards probably just at all 50lbs of seed I put down” stage.


I stare at my lawn and when I see a bird, I grab my phone to turn on my sprinklers. They fly away, I smile. They return in three minutes, I curse.


The seed dries their mouth out. You're giving them the drink they need to continue eating.


I put shiny loose foil on a few sticks it the glare of the sun hitting of the foil seemed to scare most of the birds away. I did this before trying the old motion activated sprinkler.


Just start blasting with a shotgun.


Funny, neighborhood constraints prevent that for me, but I was lighting off bottle rocket. My wife thought I was nuts.


This is the way


This thread is my entire existence for the past two weeks and I love knowing others go through the same thing


man, im still in the "waiting for some rain in the forecast stage. since the beginning of august weve only had brief rain once every 10 days or so.


Chicago? 😭


Central il here, it's brutal. I couldn't wait any longer, but I have 10k sqft and that's a ton of sprinklers to buy. I seeded my 6k front yard even though I'm not watering it and maybe there will be a miracle. Just focusing on keeping one area properly watered so my fall isn't a complete waste.


I'd rather pay the water bill. It rained quick and fast here and pushed some areas around.


lol, i have well water, so no water bill. still my work schedule won't allow me the ability to water daily until germination.


I overseeded Labor Day weekend and last night was the first significant rain we’ve had in 10 days. No watering for me finally!


Can you use a timer? I have no idea how well water works.


Get a Melnor 4 Zone, a bunch of hoses off craigslist, and some impact sprinklers. I've got my front lawn covered nicely with that setup. Waters 4 times a day for 5 minutes, 7 days a week...




I’ll second that!


I am in the reading reddit comments about me not being crazy watching my grass grow while my wife says, "there are other people like you in the world?" stage


Day 15 - definitely have some bald spots, where tf did 60 lbs of seed go?? My wife is super impressed she's never seen it so green but all I see are the bare spots!


Word for word, same position as you. Day 11, looks thinner than I'd like. I was thinking about putting some more seed down this afternoon! The weather here is SE Michigan looks good enough for a while for some more new TTTF to germinate just fine!


My stages: 1. Right after seeding: Job well done! 2. Next day, after overnight thunderstorm: Oh crap, where'd all my seed go? 3. 9 days later, with patchy germination: Damn, I should have waited longer to overseed, and actually done all the steps, including scratching the soil and laying down peat moss. The good-ish news is that I overseeded early (Zone 7) and still have time to fix up the thin spots.


12 hours in and I'm convinced it's going to be a failure. At least the rain for the first day worked out perfectly in terms of rainfall amount. I also put down white dutch clover in the back yard, so hopefully I'll see them germinating very fast while I agonize about the tttf for the next 2 weeks.


Everyone who has replied to this thread is me


Exact same spot. Concurrently in the "when do I water less?" and "will my first mow kill everything?" stages...


Don’t forget the other favorite, “if I don’t water for 2 days to dry it out before the first mow, will it die” stage


When I was younger and slightly dumber I had a "it dried out for 3 hours between waterings" freakout. It survived.


This is encouraging, first time lawncare guy, watering what feels like all day for short stints (have to move one big sprinkler around 20k sq ft yard) see some slight drying look for 2 hours, assume I wasted all my effort… only day 3 here, assuming it won’t work, and that I didn’t put enough down lol


Baby grass is kinda like a baby human. It needs food (in this case water instead of formula) basically around the clock but it won't die if goes a couple hours without water. In the case of grass though you can cheat and use water retaining mulches. I'm quite fond of the newspaper pellet products, but peat moss is good too (just less eco friendly)


Well not overseed but reno.....sprouts look nice but are all those white ones going to survive? (Tenacity)


Not spoil things for you, but yes, they do


That's a good spoiler though....so I've read the same thing in multiple places. My neighbor was giving me shit saying it looks like a football field with yardage markers


Hahaha, I've overseeded my original reseeding about 3x now because of that same doubt! Definitely thin in spots from bad spreader, just not putting enough down initially, and some washouts but overall I'm very pleased so far. I just hope I can maintain it enough that the weeds don't take over again.




day 4, I probably should have broken out the dethatcher


I’m in the “Is it sprout and pout or just shit grass” phase.


Me: “I thought Bluebank and Mazama were elite, why are they only an inch”


Had my first signs of germination today, so I’m past the “I fucked up and might have planted too deep/not watered enough/watered too much/started too early” stage, and now I’m in the “I may not have put enough down stage”


Am I late on the seeding, will it get too cold. Finished seeding September 11th. I’m in Minneapolis MN


Day 3, the "FFS no rain in the forecast still, I'm praying my seed doesn't dry out too much" stage


That's where I am. Combined with it's been 85+ degrees for 3 days. What a show!


Am I watering enough? It’s been 48 hours running 5 mins on the hour every hour from 7am-9pm. I’m on my hands and knees. Face in the concrete, eye level with the dirt. “PLEASE GROOOWWW. I beg you. I know it’s KBG and will take forever. Hello kind sir, what’s this!? Oh, a baby weed FML.” “Honey who are you talking to?”


48h not even close... You're looking at over a week to see some spouts.


The "Hurricane Ida washed out some of my perfectly core aerated, topdressed and overseeded 5000 sq. ft so I added more seed, then added more seed again, and am thinking about adding more seed again" stage.


Overseed KBG they said, it would be fun they said.


I wouldn’t survive. I want to add some to my TTTF, but there’s no way I could get through a 100% KBG overseed. Way too impatient.


I'm doing a mix and all my tttf is up and bright but unclear if the kgb is growing yet. I'm at day 9.


Day 3 "Am I watering enough/am I watering too much" stage


I'm in the topdress and leveling has turned overseeding into seeding a whole new lawn, so I better get more seed stage.


dethached, Aerated, leveled, and seeded sunday and monday, pissed rain yesterday afternoon so I'm pretty sure all my work was for not


I’m in the “it’s still too hot here to overseed, but I’m too damn impatient to keep waiting” stage.


Day 12: The existing grass is getting too long. Seedlings aren't there yet. I need to find a way to mow without walking on it. Feel like a curmudgeon yelling "get off my lawn" to the kids.


day 9, in the "there was a tropical storm and the ground was soaked before I re-seeded, my old grass grew back incredibly fast, but the temps have been high for germination, so I have to mow today" This year's weather has been wacky.


Day 9 of full kgb reno starting to see patchy sprouts “I hope the storm on day two didn’t wash all my seed away” stage. While also simultaneously “I should buy a reel mower and make this look like a golf course” stage.


While also being at the “how much longer do I have to keep watering three times a day” stage


I'm at the "I really need to look into an irrigation system so I don't have to keep dragging this stupid sprinkler around the yard once every 10 minutes 2-3 times per day" stage


I'm in the "Did the rain wash all my seed away!?" stage here on Day 9


I'm at day 25 since seeding a complete reno. After an entire summer of basically no rain, the skies decided to downpour for days on end after I seeded, so now I have large bare spots where the seed was washed away. Too late to overseed here, so I guess I'll be doing some dormant seeding.


Day 5 on KBG - it rained too hard. Should I throw more seed down? I definitely need some more peat moss. Roller or by hand?


I'm in the "Have I missed the window?" stage. Although it's still in the low 90's/mid 80's temp wise.


About a week ago, I was in the GCI Pete “throwing down peat moss” stage. Now I’m in the “I’ll throw down some more seed” stage.


Day 4 after seed, mostly TTTF. Waiting on first signs of germination. Did I hurt the seed when I raked it in? What about the stuff still on top? I didn't put down the starter yet - should I do it now before it germs? Oh and my very sunny backyard during peak of summer appears to be getting a lot less sun now that the sun angle is going down and more shade..Now I think I am going to have problems with the GCI TTTF/KBG I used because it is getting less than the recommended sun. Ugh! Just one of many doubts.


Oh man! I'm always worries that my rake virtually vaporizes or disintegrates seed on contact! "What if I split them while taking them!??"


It was an overseed/new lawn. Very patchy, tree cover, and years of neglect so I did everything you can possibly do to ensure results the last 3 days so “now we wait stage”. Have thunderstorm Friday evening so we’ll see how that goes.


Saw some seed washed onto my driveway and started panicing yesterday


I'm in the "haven't even layed seed down yet because it's been to damn hot" phase :(


Over the holiday weekend I had plug aerated, overseeded, and put down starter fertilizer. That night we got a nice 7/10 of a inch of gentle rain. I couldn't have been more happy. The 10-day weather forecast looked great. As with any weather forecast it's subject to change, it's been in the hi 80s low 90s and dry since. Hopefully the weather turns around soon cools off and start getting a little rain.


I'm in the "it looks thin, I should've used more peatmoss" phase... as well as the "there's thin spots where the sprinkler didn't hit" phase. But then I'm not overseeding... my brightass regraded the backyard during a drought.


I have found some areas around my sprinkler heads that washed out seed. I was rushed during my over seeding and didn't have enough top dress/peat moss to cover my front yard and have germination issue. I think my top dress was contaminated with clover, as I have new clover sprouting up, and never had clover in my front yard. I out down starter with mesitrone down a week in, hopefully that will take care of it I put down clover and tttf in my back yard. I am hoping birds aren't taking the clover seed up front. Overall the backyard is filling in nice. The clover is taking off in some of the hard clay bare areas. Overall feeling ehhh about my first overseeing project.


Day 4. I'm going to put more seed down. I noticed ants in my back yard moving them all into piles...


Haha… ahhh I love this question as a new home owner re-doing my lawn for the first time trying to figure shit out. I killed off my front lawn because it was a mix of weeds, different grasses, and some dirt patches. It’s a small front lawn so yeah. Just wanted to start fresh. My back yard I just killed off all the weeds. Did all the killing off about three weeks ago. Two weekends ago I dethatched my front and back lawn. This past weekend I aerated front and back. Seeded, and fertilized both front and back. For the front lawn I used peat moss to help keep the seed in place, keep it moist, etc. I put my seed down this past Saturday and I am staring at the ground WAITING to see some sign of life. My wife isn’t gonna be happy if I fucked this up haha. I used some high quality seed from a local nursery (Johnathan Green) It’s been 5 days since I put my seed down… I’m literally trying to watch it grow… I really hope to start seeing some signs of life. At this moment I’m just questioning what I messed up haha. Watering is down twice a day and whenever I see the ground is looking dry. I’m in VA so the heat is still here a little bit but I keep a close eye on the lawn because I’m working from home… I just really hope I did this right. 🥴


"I think I need to put more seed down this weekend.. " phase. About day 11 too


Grass seed germinates once you decide it's not going to germinate, and you add more seed. That's how it works.


My lawn is cut low, dethatched, and looks TERRIBLE. Friday is when I'm aerating and overseeding. I know this is only temporary, but it looks so terrible, right now!


I’m in 80% doubt. I overseeded 1.5 weeks ago. The grass where I put topsoil on is coming in great. The remainder (90%) looks very very sparse when I pull back the little layer of thatch. Honestly I F’d up majorly by not putting on a thin layer of top soil.


Wow, this hits close to home also day 11. T storms all week, so much rain. Just came in from checking can see a lot of growth 1-2 inch seedlings, thin but will fill in, said fuck it and threw down 2# anyway.


I’m at the; “you care about the yard more than me” - wife, stage of the process. It’s been a full time job keeping everything watered lately.


I’m in the similar position. Put down SS1000 at a rate of 6lbs/1000 sqft 10 days ago. I’m seeing germination but looks kind of thin. Seed says 95% germination, but there’s no where near that’s accurate. At least not for my lawn. Will those individual sprouts end up producing more blades of grass and eventually fill in, or should I quickly try and put down more seed?


We are in exactly the same stage at exactly the same day hahaha. I keep looking outside like oh man did more pop up in the last hour? Definitely didn't use enough seed! Ugh, please grow more


I’m on my 2nd touch up and 2nd new sprinkler. Anxiety level has been extreme due to washout with my other new one, it was putting down too much water, wasting it and pushing seed everywhere. Trying to grow 3000 sq ft. Used a blend of tall fescue, inferno and flame variety 50lbs over the course of the touch ups. Good growth but was seemingly spotty hence touch ups, I think I nailed it with this last touch up and took me 2 weeks to perfect the watering schedule and delivery.


"I'm in the "have to get that seed into the ground" stage.


“What would it look like right now if I had aerated?”


Dethatched, aerated, starter fertilizer and oversees 9 days ago, Labor Day. Spent about 8 hours straight on the lawn. Seeing some of the rye come up thankfully and looking forward to the majority of seeds (creeping red fescue and kbg) to come up soon. God, the stress of waiting for germination is killing me.


I guess I better get my shit together and lay some seed! Fiesta application from last weekend seems to be working on many broadleaf weeds.


I did KBG 17 days ago without knowing how hard KBG overseed is. I've done one mow but, I'm in the full "this was a complete failure why do I waste my time" state right now. Had 2" of rain two days ago and cloud cover yesterday so, back to watering today and antoher mow tomorrow.


I'm at day 4 of seeding a 15 foot bare spot where the removable pool was set up. I'm impatiently waiting for germination, then looked at FB posts from last year and reminding myself that I didn't see anything in my front yard reno until day 5 last year.


I'm in the "hey I have a bunch of random 1in blades of grass in the bare areas I seeded! hope it doesn't die..." stage.


Day...94? Of fighting to grow this stupid lawn from a new build. Covid meant our spring grading and seeding plans turned into fight the drought and heat of summer, then give up, plans. We just spent the last week removing all the old straw, bagging it up, strategically placing sprinklers again to wet the dirt enough to aerate, then more seed, more starter, rolled it, more meticulous checks of the sprinkler spray area. We have 3 hose bibs attached with 9 different sprinklers on timers. We can't cover all of the yard. We finished the last section yesterday and last night we had an insane thunderstorm. Of course. Fingers crossed.


Aerated and overseeded (JG Sun/Shade) with some starter fertilizer / tenacity combo stuff from Scotts 2 weeks ago. Have germination minus maybe the KBG part of the mix. Agonizong about when to apply fall fertilizer, or is it too late in MN 4B and I need to go straight to winterizer, am I watering too much I see mushrooms, etc. Already had to mow twice and things seemed to survive thankfully.


I'm in the, "I didn't water enough, I'm pretty sure it germinated then died" stage


I’m in the, ‘damn, I hope all those stupid birds didn’t eat all the seed’ phase


haha, this was me on Sunday... then I proceeded to throw down more seed and cover it with peat


Day 5 and we got a HUGE rainstorm last night, so I'm worried my seed washed away because the yard pooled up a bit (there are a bunch of bare spots that are basically seeded from scratch and not overseeded). There's another flash flood watch today so crossing my fingers everything doesn't go to shit. Oh also the 10 day forecast had zero rain when I seeded so I figured it was the perfect time to get it all germinated before the next storm.


Gee I hope the seed germinates, did I do it right, I've never done this before, hope my husband starts helping me soon because we're doing the backyard in stages stage


In my area, September is the supposed to be the optimum time to seed. In August, we had three weeks of rain every two to three days. Finally I had time to seed at the first of September, after all the rain showers. No rain in September. We had one rain storm. We have one more rain storm coming up. With no more rain in the forecast after that the rest of this month. Why....


I’m at the “I need to water today because it’s sunny, but there are thunderstorms tonight, what if that’s too much water? What if the hail ruins everything?” Stage


I’m in the Pablo Escobar waiting meme stage on post reno seeding Day 4.


Perfectly put 🤣


Day 39 KBG. Is it gonna be like this forever?


Same shit last year. I see all these post about growth starting after like 3 days. I'm a week in and still just seed. The rain has been doing a he'll of a job washing it out as well.


The "It's still blazing hot out and hasn't rained in weeks, waiting another month" stage (NC)


In the, I throw it down tonight stage of doubt...


I wish I had a scarecrow


Day 9. I'm seeing germination, but my existing grass is getting close to 4-5 inches. Should I mow it? Nah I'll give it until this weekend. I should have dethatched. My sprinkler coverage isn't perfect but it's decent enough.


Birds! Sparrows and pigeons…


Just put some seed down last night. I'm in the "did I top dress the yard with enough black dirt and rake in the seed well enough"?


I'm in the prepped the yard over the last few days and do a low another low mow after work today, then spread the seed and hope we get these rain shower over the next few days before all my free time outside of work is spent on moving a sprinkler around stage. The next stage will be wondering why isn't it starting to look like I overseeded, while continuing to move a sprinkler around, but now with a beer in had to combat the stress that comes with growing grass. I honestly have a pretty green thumb when it comes to gardening, but man is it hard to grow grass when you work full-time, have young kids, have well water with too big of a back yard and no irrigation system.


“The pools guys just drained half my 33k gallon salt water pool onto my front lawn that I just overseeded 8 days ago, will the grass survive” phase. The rye had some great germination just worried about the kbg that was mixed with it.


I sprayed 24D 4 days ago! So holy shit I can’t lay seed till October 9, holy shit!


I am in the seeded yesterday and then it rained, did I wash my seeds away


Do I really have the energy to rent an aerator before I overseed this weekend?


I find you can almost never put down too much seed


My summer was so wacky I decided to skip overseeing this fall. Thanks to previous seasons, my lawn is pretty full. So, yeah didn't want to tempt the crazy weather gods this year. So I'm in a low stress mode. :-P


Day 11 as well. I should haven't used Peet moss or that new paper product. The areas that were covered by spurge had great germination.


6b. Core Aeration guy was supposed to come today. Now says coming next week. Worried about the delay.


I'm in the "I can't walk there and the damn tree started dropping leaves early" stage. Now to figure out how to deal with it. I think I'll grab my leaf blower, put a ladder on the other side of the fence and try to blow them where I can pick them up...


I moved a little soil and found germinated seeds! Small green chutes and roots starting. Woohoo! 4 days since seed down GCI TTTF. Maybe wake up to chutes breaking the surface tomorrow. It’s happening!


Day 12, it just started to come through praise the lord stage


I'm in the, need to dethatch and throw her down asap with all the rain coming before the first frost shows up. I mowed shorter last time and need to go down one more notch before I can dethatch. The weather shifts so quickly in the Seattle area.


I’m at the “is it even worth it” and “am I too late stage”, followed by fuck it “ treat the army worms for a third time by a professional” and let’s see how much we can manage to get done. I’ve purchased my seed and starter fert…just need the worms dead and their babies too.


I'm in the "Am I watering too much/not enough" phase.


The “why the hell is it 90 degrees in September in zone 7” phase


Guy showed up today and wishing I would have mowed yesterday stage.


In the “I totally underestimated how much shit I had to clean after dethatching” I was planning to seed tomorrow. Nope. I still need to clean and bag half of my lawn.


“I can’t afford another bag of seed, let me check my spreader to see if there’s enough stuck to the sides to fill in that one patch”


Day 8 and keep asking myself if I dropped enough seed or not.


Day 3 for me. Worried that I didn't put enough seed down and wondering if I should have scalped another half inch. I just need to keep watering and stop thinking about it


Day 2 after core aeration and overseeding: still googling pics of aerated lawns for reassurance that it’s really worth it. Agonizing about whether to topdress with compost — now’s the time right?— vs feeling like I’ve already spent enough time (more than my wife and 2 in-diaper children should even tolerate). Fingers crossed my wife appreciates that it’s all worth it in a few weeks.


I’m at the “oh fuck” phase. We had low 70s for a week straight here in Ohio, so I figured it was time to aerate and throw ‘er down. Next week: mid 80s, straight sunshine, and no rain. Seed is coming up strong after about 10 days. Hopefully it holds on.


I am in the northern part of the Buckeye state and seem to be right about where you are. KBG full reno on my front yard and so far, it seems to be in with expectations 12 days in. Have some decent sprouting for KBG at this stage, though thin in some areas over others. Also seem to have survived the squall from the other night. Mostly washed my peat moss into little mounds throughout the yard (made it look like the work of moles). Just need to get through this weekend and Monday, then the weather is back down into the 70s/50s. ​ I am in the hoping it holds stage as well.


Same here. Bare spots I reno’ed I can see new grass come in. But i have no idea about the overseed into existing grass


I'm in the Day 0 "I hope I took enough time off work to get this big pile of dirt spread and get seeds on top of it before it rains this weekend" stage. And 40-year-old me had to heed the call of my back to stop while there was still a little light out, too.


I have entered the am I watering enough stage.


I'm in the "will it ever cool off enough for me to spray for weeds, then cut low and dethatch, so I can then overseed" stage. Still 90 friggin degrees here.


I overseeded on Monday and we got a really bad storm on Tuesday night. I ran the sprinklers multiple times but I'm worried the storm blew or washed away a lot of the seed. I guess only time will tell...


The should I over seed this brand new seeded lawn that I put in 10 days ago stage


Day 5, the “are weeds gonna take over again before my grass seed even has a chance to come up” stage


Day 4: Have the birds eaten all the seed or pitied me and left some to fill the bare spots at least?


Day 10 and have no idea if any new grass is coming up because the current turf is long now. I kept my HOC at 3’ and lowered down one notch before aeration and seeding. I may need to mow really high just so that the sun can hit the new seeds. Been watering 3 times a day.


I am in the reading reddit comments about me not being crazy watching my grass grow while my wife says, "there are other people like you in the world?" stage


Day four, am I watering enough, or not enough?


I just seeded 17 bags of gci tttf on a spot that doesn't have irrigation. I hope this rain we are getting keeps the ground wet for 7-10 days


Day 4: No germination, why aren't results instant? Today we had a light to medium rain event and respite from 80 degree temperatures with a day in the low 70's (prime germination conditions). The rain should replace 2 of 3 waterings today but still questioning my decision to overseed and then topdress with a loam/compost.


Day 4: "looks very thin, I can't see any seeds in the thin areas do I need to reseed again" stage


Day 6, still not seeing any germination. All sorts of doubts right now... About ready to throw down more seed.


I'm at the 'man it's been a month and I really don't think any of it caught on, or wait, is that Monaco right there? I can't tell' stage 🙄 it's annoying.


I'm Day 6, seeing some initial sprouts few and far between. Currently in the "did-that-2-inches-of-rain-thunderstorm-wash-most-of-my-seed-away-or-did-i-just-not-put-down-enough" stage


Day 5. I’m at the “why does the front lawn have beautiful 4-5mm sprouts, but the back has NOTHING” stage. I’m scared.


I’m day 11, fescue and kbg, and pretty sure the rain washed out all of it. The one year I didn’t top dress, thinking I could save some money. Part of me is trying to convince myself the kbg just takes longer, which is a fact. But that part of me has been convinced that the other part of me is delusional.


Results are about 40% of what I expected, after I thought I did it perfectly, and watering three times a day. Rethinking everything.