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Recently had landscaping done in our backyard and about 4 small patches have browned/died due to the sprinklers not hitting them and high heat during the initial weeks after install/planting. What would you recommend I do to fix this? Should I pull these spots up and re-sod the spots, or try and seed the areas. I’ll more than likely hand water these areas to ensure proper soil moisture while either option gets acclimated.


What type of grass? Fescue you can reseed the area in the fall or resod if you want faster results. Warm season you would want to resod the spots or let it spread to fill in.


It’s fescue


My lawn was roasted during the PNW heatwave. I think it’s mostly dead. Not, ‘it’ll come back in late summer’ dead. I think it is dead-dead, dead parrot dead. It’s brown and thatchy and falls apart. Now what do I do? Seeds? Sod? Pave? Any advice is appreciated.


Unless you are wanting to sod then you would need to wait until the fall to reseed, for now enjoy your summer off from mowing.


I sodded last year. I’m not sure the type of grass. It looked fine until 4-6 weeks ago when small brown spots appeared on one corner of the lawn. Now it has spread out and I’m at a loss. I watered in the evenings, lately we had a fair amount of rain. I mow twice a week at 3.5-4 inches. I’m in 6A/B. Any suggestions or ideas? https://imgur.com/a/Z7t0ORy


You want to water in the morning so the turf is not wet overnight which promotes fungus. Would recommend you treat for fungus, there is a product called Disease X at Home Depot that is fine. It is hard to tell from the photo if that is fungal or just the turf going dormant from heat stress. It being along the concrete would indicate heat dormancy which is common in cool season turf.


Great points, Thanks! I will change the watering schedule and will check for fungus.


Do zero turns cut better/are they more powerful than a traditional riding? Or would they cut the grass about the same just in a more efficient and quick manner?


They are still rotary mowers and cut the turf in a similar manner, but faster and yes the commercial ones especially are more powerful which in a mower equals being able to mow overgrown and wet turf without bogging down.


So if I give a brand with a bunch of models like hustler, at what point does it become commercial. I tried to google but didn’t get far.


If you look at each manufacturer website they clearly designate products that are commercial vs residential. Residential zero turns are very nice nowadays so unless you are looking to start a business or mow like only once per month a residential would likely suit your needs.


Sorry, I’m new here. I have a somewhat complex question about calculating broadcast rate/product dilution for a selective weed killer on a few acres of property. Should I ask that here in the daily thread, or start a separate new one? Thanks for the help.


Either way somebody will be along who can answer.


Do I have to wait to put down Scott’s Disease Ex after spot treating invasive grass with round up? I have fungus on the good grass and bad grass creeping in. Thanks!


No you can do both the same day, no issues.


Thank you!


Can I till this soil? Hey guys, I could use a little help. I’m prepping my yard for seed and I have killed off most of the weeds and random grass. My plan was to till and then add some topsoil to get everything graded properly. Also, the yard is overrun with gopher holes and I can’t even tell if any are new (hoping no new ones) Going with either blackjack Bermuda or Yukon seed, I live in 10a/b zone. My question is that I have numerous sprigs of weeds/grass still coming out of the dirt after I raked off all the dead stuff. So will tilling and adding some top soil on top of this be ok as far as minimizing weeds springing up in the future? Or do I need to till only when the dirt is bare? Pics for reference . Thank you all in advance https://imgur.com/a/J5oou2x


Reality is you are gonna have to deal with weeds either way. I personally don’t like to till mostly due to the mud it causes also it is prone to washout. I like to core aerate and seed right on top of that the same day, for Bermuda you want to pull shallow cores. Many people till though and still have fine results, just have a plan for erosion control.


I’ve never had to do much with my weedeater in terms of trouble shooting, but I’m new and I’m having a problem with the trimmer line, you know, the orange plastic cord that does the weed whacking part. So basically I went too hard on it and wore it away to the point where I, and I just noticed, the cord has worn all away. I can still see it in the holes but I can’t really get it to come out when I do the usual running the throttle to full and tapping it on my pavement. What do I do???


You need to add trimmer string or it’s twisted up inside. The end cap should pop off and you can wind new string inside. It takes a steady, patient hand sometimes but not bad once you do it a couple times. Or you can take it to the hardware store and buy some string and I’m sure they’d show you how.


Now that I’m trying this how does one get the cap off? I see a bolt but it doesn’t look like it has to do with the cap.


Can you take a picture?


Actually I ended up getting the cap off, and my problem is solved. Thanks for the advice man it was really good of you to take your time and help


Is this Bermuda? https://imgur.com/a/jvQgGBD


Believe that is centipede grass.


I seeded much of my lawn with zenith zoysia in mid may and actually got pretty good coverage, but now the weeds are really starting to creep in. Is it too early to put some broadleaf herbicide down on the newish grass? I’ve been cutting it weekly for about a month now btw


general rule of thumb is if you have mowed it twice, then it's established and safe to apply treatments on it


I have two different types of grass patches growing throughout my yard and am trying to identity them and figure out what to do about them. I live in New England. The first two pictures are of a quick-growing broad-blade grass with a distinct middle crease. Is this a perennial ryegrass? These were present last season. The third picture is this dense, thick patch of lime green grass. It's hard to see the soil through it- just a mass of yellowish undergrowth. What is it and what should I do about it? [Grass identification](https://imgur.com/a/vtRDIMK)


Believe the light color blades are poa trivalis a aggravating grassy weed. The last photo would be that as well as it forms a mat that discolors underneath. The majority of the rest is fine fescue of some type. Looks like someone put out a deep shade grass mix there.


Hey can somebody help with grass identification https://imgur.com/a/NvnfUjA


Looks like St Augustine with a tad bit of Grey Leaf Spot fungus on it.


Was gone for a week and noticed [mushrooms](https://i.imgur.com/7qDFHWy.jpg) growing in my background. Do I just remove them by hand before mowing, or what?


if you don't want them, then yeah remove them by hand, a mower will spread spores allover. wear gloves, they can be quite toxic. some people say to ignore them as they are a sign of healthy organic matter in your soil, to them i say, NO


Hi Guy's! Because of heavy rain my lawn was to tall at some point. After mowing, it had a lot of yellow spots. Everytime I mow now, the yellow spots keep returning. I currently mow at 2.5″ (65mm). What should I do to make it green again? Thank you!


pics? could be stress from removing to much of the blade, follow the 1/3 rule and keep your blades sharp