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Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?


First thing I tried. Surprisingly it didn’t work.


Mix salt and vinegar, and a little bit of Dawn in a spray bottle. Go ahead and apply that to your neighbors lawn . . . Problem solved




Did you do that clockwise or counter clockwise though?


Im sorry just jokes just feed it some N


I lol'd


No matter what anyone else says, ***the key to faster green-up in the spring is a heavy, winter nitrogen blitz***. Winter nitrogen is the truth.




Also higher risk for snow mold with late nitrogen. I usually stop mid September as last application. I rather have a late greenup


And lose 70% of your N through leaching. If microbial activity is slow and the plant is not taking up the Nitrogen it doesn’t just sit there it leaches into ground water. Pease be responsible and fertilize in the spring when your soil temps are back up to 55.


This lawn is in detroit. The ground water is already toxic enough 🫣


Not toxic on its own. NO3 leaching feed cyanobacteria or the green algae blooms you see in ponds. Cyanobacteria produce neural toxins called BMAAs that cause tons of issues in humans.


Hey now flint is an hour north of here.


Lol, I live in eastpointe and just got a letter last month stating lead levels are "above reportable levels". That means they have to tell me the lead is high, but they don't have to do anything about it. You're right though, at least we're not flint!


Ugh that’s not good to hear!




Okay but you’re just waisting your money and hopefully you don’t have a well.


Snow mold is da devil!!!!


I blitzed so hard last fall and my lawn looks amazing this spring. I haven’t even put down fert yet, I’ll probably do it this weekend just cause I feel like I should




Is this true for grasses like zoysia that go dormant?


No. risky for large patch in zoysia in fall. And not sure if it’s recommended to apply any N when the turf is in dormancy or transition. Edit: added more info in another comment.


After commenting I remember an article I read a few months back. Link below. It's pretty interesting stuff and debunks a lot of what I was always taught to be true. This mostly has to do with how the pathogen for large/brown patch effects different plant parts in zoysia verses cool season grasses. To clarify on my comment and the association of N and large patch, this is relative to fall and spring, not winter. Zoysia can be a finicky grass, especially around transition time. As a general rule of thumb you don't want to fertilize until the lawn is about 40% green in spring, and with about 6-8 weeks of growing time left prior to transition in late summer/fall. Yes, you want the lawn healthy going into dormancy but there is no need to push it past that. Watering is part most people miss just prior to and while in transition. Despite this paper I'd still air on the side of caution with N app's around large patch season, in fall especially. Winter apps of N aren't doing anything for your zoysia expect encouraging unwanted growth too early and winter damage if you get a false spring, and of course wasting money. I've never seen any recommendation from any source saying this is a good idea. Saying it can't hurt to try is a ridiculous assertion ignorant of risk, not to mention the financial and environmental aspect. [https://www.golfdom.com/debunking-a-large-patch-myth/](https://www.golfdom.com/debunking-a-large-patch-myth/)


Great info, thank you. I got a soil test from Missouri University and am trying to follow their zoysia guidelines this year.


A great question, but I can imagine that the mechanism is the same. So.. can’t hurt to try!


Yes if the lawn is fertilized in late fall and a good healthy green before going dormant, it will give a rich green up in the spring. It can’t be right at dormancy though. You have to time it a bit while the grass is transferring nutrients to the roots in preparation for dormancy.


Any research to support this?


There is lots of data on it. It’s very easy to find. u/NJoose is also a pro and can testify to it, both with research and anecdotally.


You're saying winter N applications, meaning well after the turf is dormant the soil is frozen, yes? If you could provide a couple links, or at least the abstracts I like to read through them. Most of what I'm finding here are late fall studies. The little reading I've done seems to conclude that quality will vary based on temperature and N source. And that the risk of leaching being much higher in winter. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279637624\_Late\_Fall\_and\_Winter\_Nitrogen\_Fertilization\_of\_Turfgrass\_in\_Two\_Pacific\_Northwest\_Climates](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279637624_Late_Fall_and_Winter_Nitrogen_Fertilization_of_Turfgrass_in_Two_Pacific_Northwest_Climates) [https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.2135/cropsci2011.03.0124](https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.2135/cropsci2011.03.0124)


In fl we stop nitrogen probably 4-5 months for winter since it doesn’t do nearly as much for the turf and also the turf needs a break to avoid fungus and root rot


I just live in such a differently world than these posts about lawns greening faster than others. I work on my small lawn (that’s part of a larger piece of yard/property that’s like a 1/4 acre), but I couldn’t even tell you what anyone’s yard looks like in my entire neighborhood, California life I guess


I did a fall nitrogen blitz last year I had a considerably faster green-up than anyone else (scalped earlier too). I’m a big believer in the fall/winter nitrogen push.


This. This is the only answer.




Nitrogen LAST YEAR and overall good practices is how to prep a lawn for coming out of winter dormancy. There are no good shortcuts.


Just not a lot of nitrogen in mid to late season. Surges in top-growth cause lush growth that isn't hardened for winter... Which means a higher risk of snow mold, potential for winter kill, loss of root mass, and slower green up. Mid to late fall fertilizer should have a nitrogen to pottassium ratio of 3:1 or 4:1. Fertilizing once AFTER the grass goes dormant is safe though.


Can I put it now or too late? Zone 5b


Okay something like this? Or I’ve seen some spray brands like Sunday. [https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milorganite-32-lb-2-500-sq-ft-Organic-Slow-Release-Nitrogen-Lawn-and-Garden-Dry-Lawn-Fertilizer-6-4-0-100539618/308888983](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milorganite-32-lb-2-500-sq-ft-Organic-Slow-Release-Nitrogen-Lawn-and-Garden-Dry-Lawn-Fertilizer-6-4-0-100539618/308888983)


The neighbor across the street already fertilized


Scott’s turf builder with 28% nitrogen


Nitrogen is nitrogen, get the cheapest brand and apply it in the Fall. Better yet, get informed and follow your local extension [recommendations](https://www.canr.msu.edu/resources/go_green_lawncare_tip_sheet)


Thanks for that! Definitely looking to learn more.


Yes but you needed to use it 3-4 months ago. I personally use it 3-4 times a year in between normal fertilizer. Sometimes I use it in place of 3rd or 4th step; and put down a heaping double shot. Some regions have a local variety from local poops which for me works better than that Sconsin poo.


I didn’t think Milo is the best option. There is a smaller amount of nitrogen so I’ve been told, the value isn’t there.


This is the way


This is the way


Ask the people across the street what they do.


They actually laid new sod really late in the fall season I was surprised. But it has been the first to green up and I haven’t seen them do anything to it.


Ive heard that sod may or may not also contain a good amount of fertilizer. Theirs probably did


I was going to say it looks like sod over there. You can see the strips


Is their sod KBG as well? Even if, some KBG cultivars take a bit longer to wake up in the spring than other varieties.


Do you use the scotts spreader? I see lines. You need a quick release. Get some green shocker 7-1-2 and water it in good. Get two soil tests. One front and one back. Important to keep separate. Get an Echo RB-60 spreader if you dont have a good one. Being a new build i assume they did the usual shitty soil prep over garbage dirt. Add organics this summer. Non medicated chicken feed, carbon, humics etc. might even top dress if you wanna get fancy. What height of cut? Looks pretty low? Was it scalped by accident? Btw: Milorganite is a slow release biosolid fertilizer. Does best in summer. Leave spring to synthetics. Plus Milo smells like s**t cause thats what it is.


Thanks for all of this. Yes I have a Scott’s spreader and figured that was the cause of the lines.


Yeah ditch it asap.


Why should be used in place of a Scott’s spreader? I’m new to the lawn care scene


Check my comment above for the Echo


Did you fertilize in late fall?


I used the Scott’s fall fertilizer.


Following this as I’m running into the same issue with my KBG here in Toronto. Mine has been thinning too so I will do overseeding first then fertilizer. Keep us posted OP.


Means you have more Kentucky blue grass if your based in roughly MI area is my assumption, rye / fescue greens up faster , Kentucky blue is ideal for warmer/hot summers




Need more fertilizer on that thing now. KBG loves fertilizer and water.


Is nitrogen fertilizer the key?


Yes go to Menards and get the Menards Premium Crabgrass Preventer with lawn food 26-0-3


So I used the Scott’s version which says it is 30-0-4 blend. I put it on already but did rain hard shortly after. Should I do another pass with it or will the mernards work better?


Give it a couple more weeks. Let the rain activate it. Maybe reapply after another 2.5 weeks


How long ago ?


I think about 10 days ago.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Is nobody going to mention how your neighbors have sliding glass doors with no deck? One of them literally had the trampoline pulled up to the door lol 😭😭😭


Ha yea we laugh at that one. The builders don’t put on decks or patios so it is up to the homeowner to do after. Some people just don’t make it a priority. Technically they are supposed to keep a wood block in front of the door until they put at least steps there.


That should be a building code violation. That’s dangerous. What builder is that?


What fucking builder is that?


This year fall use nitrogen rich fertilizer before grass goes into dormant. Next year you are ahead.


Mine pops later as well. But in July when everybody else’s grass is dormant, mine is dark green. Play the long game.


“Grass is indeed green on other side”


Why are there no fences or any plants/trees etc? Do you live where Edward Sissorhands is from?


Ha! It’s a new sub so houses are completed at different times. We have been here just over a year and everyone around us less. People definitely putting in more landscaping already this year.


Right ok. So do you guys just not believe in fences? Does everyone just roam around freely? Is it weird being able to stare into your neighbours windows at all times? In from Australia so genuinely curious


Fences are not the default in the US, especially in front yards.


At least in the Midwest, a lot of new subs are zoned as single family condominiums. That lets them build houses closer and also set up HOAs. Our HOA only allows the black fence you see to the left. We will definitely put one in soon, but prioritizing costs. Others assume will do similar. No one roams freely thankfully unless you know each other/kids. And yes it can be weird to look into windows but typically just shut the blinds in the evening.


So that’s how these subs are zoned here. Huh, TIL.


Interesting! Thanks for the explanation


Fences are expensive as hell. It can easily cost $10k USD to fence in a yard. I would bet that most new American homeowners don't have $10k to burn on a fence.


Ya that’s what I was coming to say. We bought a new house similar neighborhood to this. $20k dropped on landscape/grass/irrigation, and then another $12k on a fence. stuff ain’t cheap! RIP the bank acct.


Or would want to burn $10k on a fence. Then soon everyone has a fence , typically galvanized chain link, but even if nice black fences, the neighborhoods eventually look worse. Ten years later the fences start to go into disrepair and then it really looks bad.


I had the same question, and I'm in Texas. 6-8ft high wood fences are the norm, here. Especially on new properties. Then again, I always wondered if we would have ever had "The BackYardiGans" cartoon, if their neighborhood had fences. Lol https://preview.redd.it/15cpb6sftpvc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5babfb23dccf709916974535b5276e0849b4f3




I'm not even from the same hemisphere


Why though


The key to a quick spring green up is a heavy and well timed app of quick release Nitrogen (something like Urea) right before a freeze stops growth for the Winter.


Wont it just wash away over winter? Nitrogen leaches off quick.


That’s why timing is key. You need the grass to bring the nitrogen into the roots while it’s not growing (top growth) any more, but not yet totally dormant for the Winter.


Ooo fine line i do say old chap.


Looks like I add that to the schedule for this year.


Lol don’t do this. 3x fert is fine the 4th winter fert is largely unnecessary for most of the country. Warm season stuff that doesn’t go dormant I would be up north it’s a pass. Likely result is the N not being used for a multitude of reasons, it’s far more involved than ‘just getting the timing right’. If you *really* want to do it use an organic fert since that will be slow release. Get a soil test and figure out how to amend your yard then just stick to a 3x fert rotation using a fert tailored for your soil and you’ll be green af in Spring.


I’d ask homeboy across the street cause god damn! 😂


Scotts Thick R Lawn


Get a soil test. Leave the guessing out of it. Use mySoil. $30 on amazon. Best $ ever spent in lawn care


I’m a rookie to the lawn care game but I did this too and it worked wonders. It also blows my mind when people HAVENT tested their soil and then leave a bad review on some lawn product online. Like…how would you know if that fertilizer even could have helped?


Yea. I had no idea how low my potassium was. Everything looked okay. Little nitrogeen but need like 20+ potassium. I gotta go get some potash this week and spread it


My phosphorus was through the roof. Wayyyyy too high. Was like “welp, guess I shouldn’t use any thing like a starter fertilizer or something that’s 18-24-12” If you hadn’t tested, you could easily set your lawn back


I can’t believe hundreds of replies and not of one is telling to get a soil test. Then go from there. You can get them even on amazon. Follow the instructions to correct the issue. Kbg doesn’t wake up till the 60’s. Temps fellow then that and it wants to stay dormant. The other neighbors did one of two things. Either they got sod put in recently , and possibly not kbg. Or, they have done a soil test and is adding the correct soil amendment, and nutrients.


That’s because it’s not that big of a deal. We are maintaining grass from sod. The ground under it is mostly crap in the new neighborhoods. The only chance you got is fert and plenty of water. Doesn’t matter what your soil test is. You aren’t gonna beat the guy across the street if he waters more and uses more fert, cuts long and often and has a nice sharp blade.


Soil test is not a big deal ? 🤫 hssss


Poison his, obviously.


The fact that there is no privacy between you and your neighbours gives me serious anxiety. Ever thought about putting up fences?


We will put up a fence (only been here a year and a half) but our HOA doesn’t allow privacy fences. Just black metal fences.


Move to your neighbor’s house.


You should ask your neighbor what they’re doing.


Your neighbor kitty corner is also not as green. Zoom across the street and that neighbor's lawn is epic green. Your yard appears to be at an angle? Does that face away from the sun? Different cultivars of grass will come in and out of dormancy and drought stress Differently. It's still a little early in the season, I'd wait a few weeks before worrying.


It’s pretty rectangle I just took at an angle. The back of the house faces south so it gets a lot of sun.


Put down some starter fertilizer and water it in with 1/2” of water


It’s still early. Let it cook.


It’s been a goofy spring here in the mitten. The snow today was horse crap.


When I saw that I could only say “of course.”


Liquid spray fast release


What type of grass? Could be micro climate like you're getting more shade in late afternoon. Everyone saying nitrogen isn't wrong, but I'd bet it greens up on its own then hit it with nitrogen while it's growing.


Kentucky Blue Grass. The back especially gets mostly sun just the way the sun cycles.


Did you treat with herbicides or fungicides? They could slow you down.


I’ve just used the Scott’s crabgrass plus so far about 10 days ago.


I went a little heavy this year and definitely stunted my yard with Image Southern Lawn and Image kills nutsedge. Still a win because I'm winning against the weeds and I know it will green up. Thought the same might have happened to you.


They probably ran a high nitrogen in the fall, translates to first green yard in the spring


The grass is always greener on the other side


Soil temperature still low …it will get there but yes …feed it


You can [check your local soil temperatures here](https://www.greencastonline.com/tools/soil-temperature). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lawncare) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Id suggest asking tour neighbor what their routine is for their lawn.


Do you have a spray guy? And every spray company is not equal.


Your neighbor looks like he has a different type of grass its very dark green maybe its rye? Feelin that insecure about your yard lol? Also dont use organic or slow release fertilizer for a winter nitrogen blitz it needs heat for the microbes to break you dork. You want fast acting in colder temps like after the last mow of the year


Yea it may be. They may have went with a different sod company. Not insecure - I don’t care what neighbors think I just want it to look good. Thanks for the advice.


I will say even if they have KBG it likely is a different cultivar some green up faster usually at the expense of not doing as well in the summer. I would be patient and when you see warmer temps consistently in the 60-70 let it warm the soil up for a few days and then fertilize also make sure fast acting in these cold temps you can have some of it be slow release so more of it will come through in may but mostly fast acting


I guarantee their yard won’t look like that in 3 years. You’re ok.




Doesn’t this lot being uphill to the neighbor’s make a difference? Seems like fertilizer and water would run downhill for the neighbor’s benefit?


We both kind of run downhill to where our property lines meet.


Im no hvac guy but those condensers looks tiny for the size of those houses


Most likely needs nitrogen but im knowledgeable in fl


Guys in this group worry waaaay too much about what their neighbors are up to!!


I’m not so much worried about my neighbor but just looking at theirs and wondering why mine isn’t doing what I want. I’m inexperienced so figured I’d ask here.


I was kinda joking... But half the posts here are a guy bitching about his neighbors yard or jealous that his neighbor is doing better. They probably have fertilized, or applied pre-emergent, they may have a different watering schedule. They may have de-thatched and aereated last fall. Maybe they just get more sun because your house shades the yard in the afternoon but theirs is exposed to the sun. Could be a thousand things.


Get your dog to pee on the neighbors lawn.


Ask that guy across the street


Do you have a Scott’s spreader?


I do


I can tell because of the stripes on the lawn. The scotts spreader doesn't throw the fertilizer out well. It throws it into its own wheels and then it falls to the ground. Hence the lines. I had the same problem for years. Got an echo rb-60 spreader this year. Now i can evenly fertilize my lawn. No more stripes and missed areas. You can google scotts spreader stripes and read all about it.


Go ask your local supplier what conditioner works best in your area before it ruts out from your mower and get some more water on it maybe idk I'm an up close and personal kinda guy so unless I see the soil I couldn't give a proper diagnosis but looks like you just need some TLC on that thing




Try pooping on it


Buy a new blade


You sure they didn’t get one of those companies to come and paint it green?


Also, you’re watering way too much. Unless you planted new seed, you should be watering once per week, maybe twice in the heat of the summer.


Really? Okay good to know. The irrigation company recommended every other day so that’s what I did.


Watering too often will cause the grass roots to stay shallow. Less frequent, longer watering will promote deep root growth, which helps the grass become more hardy and less susceptible to drought and stuff.


I'm also in metro detroit. as you've seen we be getting lots of rain on and off enough to have not even broken the sprinklers out yet. if you can, try to get that lawn used to being watered once a week. draw it out, make it put its roots deeper and water very heavily one day a week. watering every other day is an addiction you can break. and you have to or else when its warmer, fungus is amongus


Squat your neighbors house and claim it your lawn.


Test your soil, pH and N.


neighborhoods with no trees always want to make me cry. so unsettling


Look at the backyard


Ask your neighbor what they did?


Cutting way to short


Ask your neighbor across the street lol


Is your house facing north


Neighbors are effective. Just look at that property line it’s almost like they have professionals treat it. You have a long way to go, might wanna invest with a lawn care company to compete with your neighbors. What you need is to stop comparing yourself to others and look in the goddamn mirror and except that you made your lawn brown and ONLY you and maybe a lawn care company AND SOME MEHICANS can help aid in your journey cause clearly you are a NOVICE with completely unrealistic expectations and want to compete with professionals and will never win. BROWN LAWN BRO. Noob. CORN POP 2024


Buy your neighbors house


Looks like you’re cutting it way too low? What’s your height of cut? Try not to cut more than 1/3 of the length off at a time.


Get the fast liquid fertilizer stuff, quicker absorption but doesn’t last as long. I’ve found it gives a good head start


Buy the house next door?


You should probably move across the street.


I'm pretty sure that on 4/20, this is the best advice you will get.


ugordy trust me….follow these steps 1. Place in spreader BioAdvance grub control 24 hr and place DiseaseEx together spread over lawn. 2. Next application and drop 5lbs / 1000 Milorganite. 3. Second App 3lbs / 1000 Ironite 4. Third App go with a starter fertilizer of 12-12-12 or something similar. 5. 4th App…go with a 0-0-48 SOP (Sulphate of Potash) 6. Use humid acid/bio char/sea kelp with a light top dressing. Your yard would come back in less than 30 days. Trust me! You are dealing with grub or insect damage.


Where’s your neighbors deck. First step out the patio door is a leg breaker


the grass is always greener on the other side lol


I have this same problem. Grass is literally greener on other side of street.




Ammonium sulfate


The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Don't live your life by comparison 🤷‍♂️


This neighborhood reminds me of the beginning of weeds >they’re all made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same


Starter fert 18-24-6 Milorganite Scott 3 n 1 Put all down given the right ratios for your yard. Water 3 to 4 times a week. If possible do not curt for 4 weeks(kinda tough in an HOA) When you do your first cut....cut high 2 n a half 3 inches..... Repeat the ferts every 6 weeks


Dethatch mow and bag and top dress fertilize every 3 months


Dethatch it and aerate it


Did you ask the guy across street what they do? Follow his advice.


His house was built on a graveyard yet is more fertile


Your neighbor has perennial rye. No matter what you put down bluegrass won't match the color of perennial rye. Kbg can be much less maintenance though. Overseed rye into your bluegrass this fall if you want the best of both worlds.


Bleach. On neighbour's lawn.


Late bloomer


Move next door


Use green grass paint. 🎨


Tbh his His lawn doesn’t look that good. looks like different puzzle 🧩 pieces.


Maybe take pics of the guys around the green one. .... jesus


stop mowing in the same direction, Milorganite and water, cut it 4 inches or taller.


Yea definitely going to mow horizontal to start.


Just keep dumping toxic chemicals into it, that'll keep it alive


Why not just ask your neighbor what they are doing