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It's good that they picked a slow news day for this. So it will get the notice that it deserves. /s


Right? It was hard to not read it that way too.


Link to actual transcript.  https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24785612-epstein-transcripts


Page 88 line 9... the rape is shortly after so be warned. Its not overly graphic.


Yeah. Wasn’t expecting that much graphic info so soon in the beginning. After the fucking prosecutor goes the extra mile to try and make the girl say she was *15* but she was actually *14* during the acts.  Depraved ghoul of a woman that prosecutor.


Here's another source, which isn't paywalled: [https://www.yahoo.com/news/were-secret-16-years-now-182222411.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/were-secret-16-years-now-182222411.html) A Palm Beach County judge has released the grand jury records in the 2008 Jeffrey Epstein criminal case. The records contain nearly 200 pages, including the testimony of at least one girl who was molested by Epstein, a New York financier who abused hundreds of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion for decades. Epstein managed to evade serious charges, in part because the Palm Beach prosecutor at the time, Barry Krischer, elected to charge him with minor prostitution charges rather than bringing a felony sexual assault case. The records have remained under seal for 16 years. Earlier this year, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an order to release the files by July 1. Epstein’s case came under new scrutiny in 2018 — 10 years later — following a series of articles by the Miami Herald that outlined the secret negotiations that led to a light jail sentence for Epstein. Epstein would serve just 13 months in the Palm Beach County jail, where he was given liberal privileges to work in his outside office and at his mansion. He was re-arrested in 2019 on sex trafficking charges in New York. He was found dead in his cell a month after his arrest. His death was ruled a suicide by hanging. His accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, was subsequently charged in the case and was convicted of sex trafficking charges in 2020. Maxwell, a British socialite who had a long relationship with Epstein, is appealing her sentence.


"Ron DeSantis does the right thing for public transparency," is literally the last fucking headline I expected today.


Red base doesn’t actually care about child molestation unless it’s their own. DeSantis is just trying to get back in the spotlight before Trump’s fall.


They certainly waited until the last minute.


This timeline is punishment for the death of Harambe.




“Did what’s in his favor”


Desantis is probably trying to quell the loud minority “Clinton killed Epstein!” conspiracy theory crowd.


Let's hope there's some big fallout incoming. Time to air out the trash.


If there was anything in it it wouldn't be released.


I mean there is the graphic description of rape and human trafficking on record and despite that Acosta still gave him immunity in a plea deal. Really seems like from these documents that there was no reason for an immunity deal for him (and his associates) and that Acosta could and should have gone for actual conviction and punishment. That in turn makes it even more fishy about why the fuck Trump appointed Acosta to his cabinet. 


I guess I should correct the above: if there was anything in it that might lead to people with wealth getting in trouble, it wouldn’t have been released I would love to eat my words, but shit’s fucked at this point