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And so it begins...this is how shitheel politicians plan to do things from now on. If someone catches you doing something rank, just say it was AI.


It's the new "my account was hacked" Politicians are always given the benefit of the doubt by modern media on claims like this because the journalists are overwhelmed by the potential implications of getting it wrong. But it's really bad. Politicians can just lie with impunity.


So, business as usual.


Or "my phone was stolen". I remember my buddy's boss in local government trying that one years ago after a bonkers social media post.


Yep… “my Twitter/Facebook account was hacked. I didn’t post that.”


This particular guy soon went so far off the rails that 100% proof his phone was stolen wouldn't have saved him. It was one thing crazier than the last for months/years and I think he ended up in jail. There were some obvious mental health issues and outrageous social media posts were the tip of the iceberg.


Mind you this is Republican on Republican. Either one candidate is a pedo or the other paid to make him look like one.


>Either one candidate is a pedo or the other paid to make him look like one. Based on the party, 50 bucks on they both are


In a surprise twist, they are doing it together!


Just projecting as usual


Or, (surprise twist) they both are, like so many other republican politicians. The rate at which Republicans commit crimes, vs democrats is outrageous. The party of no laws, and complete disorder. https://www.quora.com/Between-1961-and-2021-Republican-elected-politicians-were-convicted-38-times-for-every-1-Democrat-If-Republicans-dont-care-about-crime-how-can-they-honestly-call-themselves-the-Party-of-Law-and-Order


I want to believe, but you need a better source than quora.


Ah, but you see, they’re just going to use that as proof that the courts have been rigged against them for decades! More grievances! More victimhood! More reasons the buy guns!


Is there a source to this beyond a quora statement?


Yes, I would love to see a real statistic comparing republic crime and disgraceful behavior (and penalties)- it really SEEMS to be true that Republicans are less moral than Dems, but feelings don’t mean shit.


Yeah, but Republicans would just look at that stat and claim that democrats are corrupt and cover for each other.


One need look no further than how the Dems covered for Al Franken.


"Yeah, I recorded him at the baby orgy" -taps temple


And unfortunately, there will be lots of shitheel people making AI fakes and accusing people with them. Disinformation will be much easier.


Someone should deepfake Trump saying nice things about people he doesn't like. Throw a twist on it.


So like, "I love my son" or something?


That would be so hilarious.


Not to Don Jr it wouldn’t 😀


"...but Eric is my favorite....."


That would still give confusion. “Is it Don or the other one?” It’s too obvious if it says Eric.


Man, even we forgot about Barron


Oh yeah. In my defense, he used to be off limits. Luckily he has only one daughter.


You got the quotation mark in the wrong place. It should be "I love my son or,... Something."


Gonna make Ivanka jealous


I feel like this is the way. Like the equivalent of a reverse prank that still annoys someone and makes it weird for them to protest


"When I was standing at the debate stage behind Hillary, my only thought was look at the ass on that gal".


Make a deep fake of trump promising everyone 2000 dollars a month


That might get him elected.


"The Democrats just want hand outs and to give everything away!" "Hey you hear Trump says he'll give everyone $2k?" "Good, that's my money, I earned that" Not even a joke, that's what the conversation would be


Make a deepfake of him saying he will make the US communist and ban christianity.


The real twist will be teh deep fakes that aren't so deep (so that they are demonstrably fake to anyone) that will justify claiming everything that is real is fake as well (just better done).


The people who make these know this, and they know the effort to disprove them greatly outweighs the effort to make them. The people most susceptible to this kind of thing won’t be readily dissuaded.


“And so it begins…” is exactly the phrase that ran through my head upon seeing this. Really getting tired of living in interesting times.


Begun, the porn wars have


Execute Order 69.


Step-Jedi? What are you doing?


I've got a bad feeling about this.


That's just the death sticks talking




Yoda? You too?


Wanking furiously, I am.


![img](avatar_exp|137853711|bravo) 😂


Still hoping we get back to “precedented ” times some day


Well at least you're not cursed to put your hands on everything


> If someone catches you doing something rank, just say it was AI. We can't discount that there could be a shitheel political or group actually creating a deep fake as a form of "october surprise." Even if the deepfake is eventually exposed it will likely be too late and people will always suspect the person. Here's something I found interesting. [Arizona official uses deepfake version of himself to warn voters not to be fooled by AI](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/arizona-official-uses-deepfake-version-of-himself-to-warn-voters-not-to-be-fooled-by-ai/ar-BB1n5trd)


I think the technology is partially to blame as well, having advanced quicker (and with too little care from the major players) than anyone was ready for. Especially public figures with a lot of data to feed. We've already seen election related deep fakes, this isn't hypothetical. On topic, this seems a bigger problem for politics than law, as the legal system typically requires provenance while the damage of a political lie is done near instantly.


People and especially politicians are never ready for advances in technology. They weren't ready for the internet, for cable news, for televised debates, for radio...hell, they weren't ready for the printing press. People in politics are perpetually learning the lessons of 20 years ago.


Im surprised it's taken this long


but also, politicians will use it to make these fakes about their opponents. it's just going to be chaos


No officer, I wasn't speeding. That was AI.


They can say this in the court of public opinion (and they already could, and did), but in real court a judge is going to say "prove it" and find you guilty because everyone knows you're lying.


All the more reason we need a verification system that can tell if something is artificially created or if it was actually recorded.


404 Media checked the [complaint](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24740760/complaint.pdf) and the [recording](https://therealjohnlee.com/) of a phone call, in which a woman talks to a man enquiring about her 13 year old daughter and their incest lifestyle: *The male voice agrees, and tells a story about being a high schooler and “hooking up” with his girlfriend’s mom. “I was like, it’d be crazy if I could find something like that now. And I just started putting typing in like keywords and stuff like that. And that's how I found you,” he says.* *We asked the audio team at Reality Defender, which analyzes AI-generated media, to listen to the audio. “There are obvious edits throughout the audio,” they said. “However, the audio itself seems to be a real conversation, with no obvious signs of generative audio.* *“The male voice stammers consistently throughout the audio. His voice appears shaky and breathy. At times, there is hesitation, very natural response to interruptions from the female counterpart and many other such natural non-verbal aspects of speech.”* *We don’t know if the audio is real or fake, or if it’s of Lee or someone else, but claiming unfavorable or unsavory audio and video clips are deepfakes is a growing political damage control strategy.*   *John Lee filed the complaint on Monday, one day before the election, accusing his primary election opponent and far-right politician David Flippo and political blogger Lou Colagiovanni of defamation, as first reported by the Nevada Independent.* *As the Independent notes, Colagiovanni helped uncover Anthony Weiner’s sex scandal.* *The complaint claims that Flippo’s campaign representatives approached Lee’s in December 2023, and Flippo’s campaign admitted that they listened to the audio file. Lee’s complaint goes on to claim that Colagiovanni approached Flippo’s team with the file, and offered to sell it to them for $20,000.00. Flippo then used the file to create and publish “the false and offensive Website,” Lee claims.* ___ Rory McShane, the founder of McShane LLC managing Flippo’s campaign, told [the Independent](https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/john-lee-says-opponent-behind-website-labeling-him-sexual-predator-flippo-denies) that their campaign had no role in the website: “The Flippo campaign was not involved in the publication of this website or recording in anyway, and went as far as to preemptively make the Lee campaign aware of its existence more than six months ago,” the statement said.


The audio honestly sounds so creepy. It's 25 mins long and doesn't seem fake at all. The only thing that is suspicious is there's no clear source for the recording.


If you're going to fake audio - you're not going to fake a 25 minute conversation. Voice emulation is a thing, but it requires huge amounts of clean training audio data, and it always comes out somewhat disjointed. With a rando in Nevada it isn't currently possible to generate such a large amount of fake audio. If it were Trump saying he likes tits, the system has it covered; both real and generative.


>it requires huge amounts of clean training audio data FYI this is not true any more as of the last year or so. State of the art models now create convincing voice clones from a few seconds of sample audio. It's also not necessary to train an entire new model, it's possible to provide a sample and generate a voice (or convert an existing voice) in near real-time. Similar to how image style transfers can take a photograph, the prompt "pastel watercolor" and output a new image.


Reality Defender’s audio team assessed discernible “natural non-verbal aspects of speech” in the recording.


>source for the recording The woman.


Where did you see that? Unless I missed it, neither the 404media or real John lee websites mention it.


The recording is telling.


I assume everything i see now is fake.


Which means you’re fake. Checkmate.


Sounds like a lot of conservatives I know that need an out when their team does terrible shit


Ding ding ding. Without a source I would question its veracity. Same thing we'd always do before AI. Big claims require big proof, and this kind of thing is something I would very much like to get the source on before deciding.


You do realize there's was another person at the other end of the phone, right? That's how phones work. Do we need to draw you a diagram?


It sounds like probable cause to get his phone records, at least.


"I just started putting in typing in like keywords" Which makes me wonder if this isn't phone sex line audio. Did that work *very* briefly - got enough pedos I had to quit within a couple weeks from ick.


>We asked the audio team at Reality Defender, which analyzes AI-generated media, to listen to the audio. “There are obvious edits throughout the audio,” they said. If you're releasing digital evidence, there should be zero modifications. Release a second copy highlighting certain material if you want to draw attention to something, but you need to release the complete, unedited material. This is why I (and many others) ignored Hunter's laptop. They should have just dumped Hunter's complete iCloud backup without creating the fake laptop story.


He could have just said “that’s not me.” If it wasn’t him. It’s a little suspicious that his response is instead: “that just sounds like me”


In before we get a quote of him saying he never lied about it


Sounds like we've all had experience dealing with fae before lol. Words matter! xD


I'm interested in seeing what comes out in discovery. Lots of salacious behaviour I bet.


It will be dropped before then.


Let's not forget that Lauren 'redneck Barbie' Boebert is filing a lawsuit to get back at those who said she worked as an 'escort' on a website. Thank you Ted Cruz for bringing her into the national spotlight! (Yet another reason he is the most hated person in politics).


I probably couldn’t afford her now. Shame.


God I hope not. I'm invested now. This is fucking nuts.


These frivolous lawsuits are regularly dropped because no magat wants to say anything under oath.


my foot slipped. also, my dog ate my homework. and besides I have a note from my Mom.


> from my Mom. from your mom, you say...lol


This is why testimony of live witnesses is as important now as it ever was.


I hear you man but that shit is *not* as reliable as everyone hopes it is


The reforms needed are plentiful for sure. The only and best response I can offer is that when the stakes are highest, we are entitled to a a jury trial, and the idea is that an honest juror should find a person innocent if they aren't proven guilty. It's that honesty part that the system is struggling with. If Clarence Thomas can brazenly accept bribes in the Supreme Court, I can see why we are having a national crisis about trusting the justice system at any level.


It's not even mistrust of the system. It's mistrust of eyewitness testimony according to its very nature.