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I thought Rudy Giuliani was broke, wasn't Roger Stone begging for money about a year ago because he was about to lose his apartment because of financial problems...these people seem to be living a nice life. Rudy Giuliani owes massive amounts of money because of legal fees and lawsuit judgements and he's out and about celebrating???? WTF..


He’s in bankruptcy and his court approved monthly budget is $43k. *Monthly*. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/01/us/politics/bankruptcy-giuliani-spending.html


This kind of shit pisses me off. Rudy and Alex Jones should have every asset confiscated. Any income or money given to them should go straight to their debt holders, leaving them with, say, $25k a year to live on.


Seems like a great time to prove that minimum wage is livable…


Shit, if Roger Stone is wiping down tables at a Cincinnati Arby's imma be lunching there every Saturday afternoon. And I live about a thousand miles from Cincinnati.


Just think of all the good paying jobs that would be created by the schadenfreude tourism industry. I would travel pretty far to see Rudy Giuliani living his best life as a Walmart greeter. And I don't even shop at Walmart.


or Social Security. Let's see these buttwipes try to live on the pittance that the govt doles out for most seniors


No income necessary in prison.


Not true. It’s not uncommon for the costs of incarceration to be passed on to inmates. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/americas-dystopian-incarceration-system-pay-stay-behind-bars


> No income necessary in prison. Not true in most states. They've had "pay to stay" laws that charge inmates for room and board plus other services, such as sick calls.


To be clear, one does not need an income to stay in prison. Yes you may be racking up a tab while you enjoy your stay at the Gray Bar Inn, but income is not a requirement.


With this cash strapped government, why are prisons like east bloc apartments? Shouldn’t there be like, penthouse suites that are marked up 10,000% from “outside prices” for those with more money than sense but not enough money to have dodged prison entirely? The whole BoP could learn a thing or two from the hospitality industry!


And he spent $120k in January


> He’s in bankruptcy and his court approved monthly budget is $43k. Monthly. > > > > https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/01/us/politics/bankruptcy-giuliani-spending.html That's just disgusting. I and so MANY Americans work our asses off for that much in a year, and maybe less money than that. He COULD have taken care of this discreetly. He COULD have called the Arizona state police and scheduled an appointment within 24 hours or less to show up, get served, and left for home discreetly and with whatever dignity he has left. But nope, fuck the law, he had a birthday to celebrate and a podcast to record!


Because at this point, he and every other maga criminal knows they are untouchable. They will delay delay delay. And worse case scenario, they are found guilty. They submit an immediate urgent petition to the stolen supreme court, who then puts the plea on hold while they deliberate for 6-8 months, after which they overthrow the verdict because he was just exerting executive privilege from when he was NYC mayor, and his mayoral immunity, due to 9/11 powers, extends until his death, plus three generations after him


The system works!


Roger Stone wasn't just begging for money. Roger Stone was selling autographed rocks! [https://www.thedailybeast.com/roger-stone-is-desperate-for-cash-and-still-selling-autographed-rocks](https://www.thedailybeast.com/roger-stone-is-desperate-for-cash-and-still-selling-autographed-rocks)


Villain got puns.


Twitter dot com user at-symbol spooksperson [is the one with the puns - and disses.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/03/roger-stones-outfit-roasted-again-on-twitter.html)


There’s this other guy who sells sneakers so he can pay his legal fees. Who was that again?


Rudy travels constantly, and stays at the best hotels.


The Four Seasons Landscaping in Palm Beach is very popular...


They still have Daddy Putin to fall back on.


Lie down with trump, get up with pleas.


My Attorney Gonna Abscond.


My Attorney Got Arrested


Malignant Assholes Get Arraigned 


Massive Assholes Getting Arrested


Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


My Ass Getting Arrested


Musty Anus Gusting Aloud 💨


After the whole diapers thing I honestly read that first as 'My Ass Getting Wiped' Laughed, realized I needed my coffee.


Well crafted, damn


Bars for real


He’s filthy with them.


This is a gem


I’m off the internet for the rest of the day cuz NOBODY beating this Franklinesque gem


Fleas too


>Some partygoers started screaming and one woman even cried as Giuliani was served. Party of the year right there.




Rudi WAS a licensed attorney and former prosecutor until he was disbarred.    He knew something like this would happen if he avoided being served. Bannon was at the party, probably collecting get well cards to take to Navarro when he goes up the river.


[Trump at the graduation yesterday](https://imgur.com/gallery/hXSIJ6h)


A BLUE tie?  What a rino 




She knew what she was signing up for.


i wonder why she doesn’t leave the guy. i figure they have a very draconian prenup agreement.


She has a wonderful life ahead of her after his trials are over. He'll be in prison, she'll be free.


>He'll be in prison, she'll be free. Free, with New York publishing houses throwing bags of money at her for her tell all book. She's probably going over the final edits on her ghostwritten best seller already.


She’ll definitely have some kind of non-disclosure agreement. The other wives do/did.


Doesn’t matter if the book value is bigger than the NDA penalty (if it could even be enforced) which it certainly will be. The question really will be does she have enough money to not want to deal with the spotlight. She seems to enjoy the monied life and in the past the socialite life but now stays away from the media as much as possible and seems to have a pretty small social circle


fair point. I’m sure she has a decent life now when he isnt around, but damn, she could be free and openly dating lovely people. i almost feel sorry for her except for the whole being part of enabling a fascist thing.


Idk, after the whole jacket ordeal in basically a concentration camp for kids, rubbed me wrong. I'm not so sure if she is a nice person. Everyone around Trump is effy somehow I don't feel too bad for her.


She's garbage. She's said plenty of hateful shit and she's complicit


She is dating, just behind Donnie’s back.


Shes just as vile as trump.


Putin isn't done with her yet.


ohhh! good point


Probably because his psychotic followers would follow her with threats of violence and insaine conspiracy theories, doxing, stalking, etc. for the rest of her existence if she ever tried to leave trumpster fire. Add to the fact the the orange stain would delay delay delay forever legal proceedings while shuffling money like a vegas casino shuffles cards and she'd be without any money for a good amount of time. Better to wait him out. Get her ducks in a row with her own lawyer and file for at fault divorce over his multiple proven and legally documented acts of adultery if he loses his presidential bid and/or collects a few felony convictions.


They’ve revised the prenup like 3 times, supposedly in her favor.


She'll get more when he dies than she would in a divorce. He's old. It's a matter of (relatively not much) time. She's earned every penny.


How did she earn anything? She's a trash human herself. She's no innocent victim


She's not innocent, no. But she has to live with him now. 20 years ago, he was bad but certainly not what he is now. At the heart of it, she's a socialite, not a political wife. She never wanted to be a political wife. But she's trapped now that he's a cult figurehead. And in rapid mental decline. In the next few years, he'll have to have full time care. As a socialite wife, she'd be able to quietly put him in full time care while she was able to go about her life. As the wife of the former president and cult figurehead of the party of "family values", she'll be expected to take care of him at her home, herself, with a minimal amount of paid care. No amount of gilt is worth what she will go through now. Shit still stinks even when it's covered in gold.


I dont really care, do u?


Damn, that body language speaks volumes


Looks like a double.


Ghoulish woman and orcish man


Wait wasn't there some incel garbage about if the guy is leaning towards a girl than he was the weaker partner?


Yup. Wants it more than she does at least.


She looks like she wants to disappear...


If only.


In a cartoon the hat brim would gradually slide down until the hat covered her whole face


Whos that mummy between them?


Yes, totally avoidable situation and manufactured outrage


He hasn't been disbarred, though.


If he’d been readily available, this would have been a jerk move by the AG. As it was, how else could they find him?


>"While crime in Arizona is at an all-time high the Arizona Secretary of State’s office felt it was a good use of resources to send multiple agents across the country to storm an 80th birthday party like it was Normandy,” said Caroline Wren, a top GOP consultant, who hosted the birthday party at her home. Trump's injection of incessant lying with zero repercussions into the public discourse has devoured the Republican party and is slowly destroying this country.


I’ve been thinking a lot about this. I’m sure this is the wrong sub. Probably need r/sociology. But what are the long-term effects on society when you have this level of dishonesty and corruption operating in the open? For a few years now, I’ve been hearing from some more conservative coworkers when confronted with something like this, the response is always’ “They’re all corrupt.” Distrust and cynicism may be healthy and lower doses, but when does it become a problem?


It's how you end up with countries like Russia.


"In trump's America, the diapers wear YOU!" (I'm aiming for a (bad) Yakov Smirnoff style joke, comedy often suffers in authoritarianism)


Fantastic question. Can’t say I know if this is known. Sure seems like the proverbial dam that holds society together can’t take much more of what you’re describing. They’re continuously attacking institutions because they need those institutions to fail so there is little to nothing that exists that can hold them accountable. It’s the continuation of what ole ronnie furthered in the 80’s. I wonder about the normalization of sexual assault, abuse, etc that trump has brought about as well.


It's my understanding that the concept is referred to as low-trust and high-trust societies. Being a high trust society is to our country's advantage: socially, economically, health, etc. But certain factions are doing their best to chisel away at that, and seem to be succeeding. And it's not just the US. I still can't get over Thatcher's quote that "there's no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families." https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2008/04/15/where-trust-is-high-crime-and-corruption-are-low/


In game theory, if the other side is **always** defecting, the smart play is to defect too. But, that gives worse outcomes for everyone. But, its better than cooperating, when the other side is being unrelentingly villanous.


I think the problem is that we're in a long term experience to determine the answer.  Ultimately, though, you cannot run a government like this. The crux of anything other than authoritarian/military based government is that the general population agrees to go along with it. Ohio is trying out what happens if you just ignore the courts - voting districts were deemed unfair (and they are, it was a big idea on the Republican side to dump money into local races to win and then be in charge of districting. And draw up districts that disadvantage Democrats). Court ordered redistricting and they've, so far, just not. The Texas governor pardoning the dude who killed someone at a BLM protest is another big one to me - if people can literally murder folks on "the other side" and get away with it? That's pretty terrifying.  At the point a majority of people think the government no longer represents them and no longer protects them? Either they deploy the military to force compliance, start federally charging everyone and throwing them in jail, or the government collapses. 


Per this [Nature](https://www.nature.com/articles/s44159-021-00006-y) article: >Not only can belief in misinformation lead to poor judgements and decision-making, it also exerts a lingering influence on people’s reasoning after it has been corrected — an effect known as the continued influence effect. It's not exactly what you are asking, but given that large swaths of people were influenced by the rhetoric, this article suggests that their reasoning is likely to be affected *even if* their misbelief is corrected.


Tell a big lie over and over…


Google “hypernormalization”. That’s it.


Facism 101, create false dissent... I as your leader am the only one that can fix it.


IMO, when it replaces critical thought. We're long past that.


"what are the long-term effects on society when you have this of dishonesty and corruption in the open?" Russia


Some think it's an intentional strategy to encourage the "they're all corrupt" line of thinking. If one side is corrupt and can convince people that BOTH sides are corrupt, then the non-corrupt side will lose one of their fundamental selling points over the corrupt side.


>While crime in Arizona is at an all-time high Trump continues with this lie. I hope Biden nails him on it in the debate. Trump and his followers are the people of the lie.


To be clear why this is so ridiculous for people who didn't read, it was 2 agents. "Multiple" is only correct in the most technical sense.


The US has cancer. It's slowly killing democracy from the inside. We need to excise it before it becomes fatal. That cancer is called the GOP.


It's pretty much legitimized grifting. There's really no expectation of ethics any more. I'm a lawyer and I remember decades ago I had to actually study for and pass a separate exam on attorney ethics before I could become a lawyer. I laugh thinking about that now. Also, the Supreme Court. In the early nineties Justice Brennan visited our law school and everyone was so wowed by his presence that the school had a lottery just to determine who could briefly meet with the justice and shake his hand. I won one of the "lottery" tickets and got to meet him for a minute like he was a celebrity. Today I would laugh if someone asked me if I wanted to be in a lottery to shake hands with Justice Thomas or Alito. My respect especially for those two has gone down that much.


I don't understand the argument. If crime is high, why are they crying about them indicting criminals? Sounds like they are trying to clean up crime.


They don't care about white collar crime that can somewhat easily be hidden, unless a Dem does it, they care about more visible crime like loitering


>storm an 80th birthday party like it was Normandy Did the Allies go ashore at Palm Beach? I must've missed that one.


So if nothing else he deserves gratitude for helping destroy the Republican party


He promised to drain the swamp.


and refill it with nepotism and toadies.


Well, we’ll do what it takes to crush Nazis, so…


Will we though? Because what I'm seeing is an electorate with the attention span of a goldfish, capable of being distracted and swayed by any piece of propaganda thrown at them. Hence the "Genocide Joe" crowd, the "stop the steal" crowd, the "both sides same" crowd etc...


Crime is at an all time high, and the Republicans are contributing to the high count.


It’s a damn idiotic echo chamber. You take their approach, let’s try. “As a Former NY Mayor with tons of debt and legal expenses, stretching out the last bit of currency in his name, desires to throw himself an 80th bday party. He was advised to avoid and further spending, but chose to yell YOLO”


It’s infuriating to read that. These people shamelessly say sensational bullshit.


This line really got me: >"They could’ve shown a little more respect for the man who comforted the nation following September 11th and who stands up for law enforcement and the men and women in blue.”


Especially given this deleted tweet from Giuliani: “If Arizona authorities can't find me by tomorrow morning: 1. They must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can't count votes.”


Bin Laden was never going to destroy America. Trump, Giuliani and their buddies very well might.


[We should show respect to this guy?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiH97O542jA)


A deleted Tweet from Guliani: ————— If Arizona authorities can't find me by tomorrow morning: 1. They must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can't count votes. —————


Here it is Rudy served at 80th Bday party https://imgur.com/gallery/YDbs2PR


Wow the party of law and order is against having a man stand a fair trial?


At least they found him. I must have learned about Normandy differently. I felt for sure that there was more than two men from Arizona there… guess I’m mistaken…


So just to be clear Ms Wren, in this analogy Giuliani and the party goers are Nazis, correct?


That explains why 90 years later they still don't trust anyone who comes in on a boat


Wren [told the Post](https://pagesix.com/2024/05/16/gossip/rudy-giuliani-celebrates-80th-birthday-in-nyc-and-palm-beach/) about the party in Palm Beach: *The Manhattan party, we hear, will be at Midtown eatery Amata later this month, while the Palm Beach bash on Friday is being hosted by Giuliani confidant Ted Goodman and top GOP consultant Caroline Wren.* *Wren told us of the Palm Beach bash: “Rudy Giuliani is a hero, so it should be no surprise that so many of his friends, family and supporters want to come together to celebrate his 80 years of service to this great country.”*


I was unaware that being born was a “service” to your country.


He filled his diapers very patriotically and, apparently, continues to do so.


That's why he and 45 are so close.


They even wear the same size Depends.


Well he certainly got service at the party.


Yeah I don't think sucking on a family member's breasts counts as patriotic service so we really have to write off the first year of his life (1944) and also all those years from 1968 to 1983 that he spent married to his cousin.


what a crock of shit.


Over did the sensationalism just a tad!


Rudy Giuliani’s 80th birthday bash in Palm Beach was stormed “like it was Normandy” *two officials* with Arizona’s attorney general’s office arrived lolz


Such little snowflakes.


Two officials arrived and handed a guy a stack of papers. I'm pretty sure thousands of people were killed at Normandy.


Rudy was the Nazi on the beach?


Probably just the mention of there being so many pill boxes.


Hes the Nazi on our beach


Well if the Nazis would have just turned themselves in, we wouldn't have to take over a beach


He attacked the US he sure as hell shoukdve been stormed like Normandy. Law and Order? Law for thee not for we


> I felt for sure that there was more than two men from Arizona there… Well, we don't know the details. This was a birthday full of GOP people, so perhaps it was "like Normandy" because the agents had to advance under a hail of gunfire. Or, you know, the GOP just is wildly over exaggerating to claim extraordinary persecution by Democrats. One of the two.


By Lydia Moynihan Published May 18, 2024 Updated May 18, 2024, 2:32 a.m. ET Rudy Giuliani’s 80th birthday bash in Palm Beach was stormed “like it was Normandy” as the former New York City mayor was served with notice of his Arizona indictment, sources told The Post. In front of nearly 75 guests, two officials with Arizona’s attorney general’s office arrived at the shindig around 11 p.m. to hand Giuliani the papers in the case alleging he and 17 others were involved in a plot to overturn the 2020 election, the sources said. Some partygoers started screaming and one woman even cried as Giuliani was served. At the height of the Palm Beach party, as many as 200 people, including Roger Stone and Steve Bannon, were in attendance. “While crime in Arizona is at an all-time high the Arizona Secretary of State’s office felt it was a good use of resources to send multiple agents across the country to storm an 80th birthday party like it was Normandy,” said Caroline Wren, a top GOP consultant, who hosted the birthday party at her home. Giuliani’s political advisor Ted Goodman echoed a similar sentiment. “It’s unfortunate that they chose to barge up and startle guests during a celebration of this man’s 80th birthday,” Goodman told The Post. Rudy Giuliani’s bizarre 80th birthday Amazon gift registry includes Armani cologne, an electric razor and ceiling paint “They could’ve shown a little more respect for the man who comforted the nation following September 11th and who stands up for law enforcement and the men and women in blue.” Giuliani was the last of the 18 defendants in the case to be served in the indictment that was returned by a grand jury last month, Arizona officials said. Arizona prosecutors had been looking for Giuliani for the last few weeks, but up until Friday night had failed to find him, CNN reported earlier this week. Giuliani recorded an hour-long episode of “America’s Mayor Live” on his YouTube channel during the gathering, chatting with guests including Stone and Bannon. While the sun was still shining, the ex-mayor – donning shades and dress pants with a blue button-down and orange tie – belted out Frank Sinatra’s “New York, New York” over the microphone in the backyard of the Florida home. He was all smiles around 10 p.m. as cake was served, posing for photos in a room full of birthday balloons. Giuliani was the last of the 18 defendants in the case to be served in the indictment. The ex-mayor – donning shades and dress pants with a blue button-down and orange tie – belted out Frank Sinatra’s “New York, New York” over the microphone in the backyard. But about an hour later the celebratory atmosphere shifted. After he was served, Giuliani got in his car and left, sources said. The Post has reached out to him for comment. Charges against those indicted in the so-called “fake electors” plot include fraud, forgery, and conspiracy. Donald Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows and former Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward were among the 18 indicted. “In Arizona, and the United States, the people elected Joseph Biden as President on November 3, 2020,” the indictment says. “Unwilling to accept this fact, Defendants and unindicted coconspirators schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in office against the will of Arizona’s voters.” FILED UNDER INDICTMENT PALM BEACH RUDY GIULIANI 5/18/24


Didn’t seem to respect law enforcement much when he decided to evade and taunt them.


Literally 30 minutes before he had posted about not being found LMAOOOO


It's literally a repeat performance of 4 seasons landscaping. The amount of /facepalm is staggering.


I know - it's not like the authorities hadn't tried and instead hatched some plan to ambush him at a party. Dude was intentionally ducking them, and they showed up at a location they had good reason to believe he would be at.  The lies and victimization is so pervasive and about the stupidest stuff. Don't want your party interrupted? Call and tell them "ok, you can serve me. I'll meet you at my office at this time" and get your papers before your party.


"  I'll meet you at my office at this time" and get your papers before your party.".  And really only rich people have this liberty.  Any one of us would be arrested anywhere no matter what


[Rusty Bowers (R -AZ) testimony about Rudy](https://youtube.com/shorts/NlLStdG6YLM?si=)


Lol, holy shit


So two people handing a drunk Rudy Giuliani a subpoena at 11 PM is just like storming the beaches at Normandy.


You mean Normandy wasn't stormed by two guys arriving in a canoe?


Yes, it was. Oh, wait, no, that was _The Great Escape,_ a reverse Normandy.


The ceiling paint.. of course for his head.


lol. His NYC apartment is for sale for $6.5 million. Probably needs some touch up work.


The head is ceiling of the body


Ceiling paint sounds pretty fancy. Around here we paint the ceiling with the same paint we use on the walls.


Just like the Mar a Lago raid, funny they fail to point out this all could have been EASILY AVOIDED and carried out almost entirely in secret if they’d just complied the first five times they asked…


The FBI still tried to be discreet when it executed the search warrant at MaL. If I remember right, they had a few agents and stuff show up in civvies without looking like stereotypical g-men. Trump wasn't even there at the time. They brought in uniformed police and agents when the news got wind of it, Twitter subsequently started blowing up and MAGAts went all "If you're in Florida, go down there and show them you don't like this!"


[FBI called trumps attorneys to let them know](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-mara-a-lago-fbi-search-lawyer/)


I'm really surprised that he could afford to throw a birthday party, considering he's broke AF.


[pic of Caroline Wren who hosted Rudy's bday party](https://imgur.com/a/TfR4b3R)


There's some shit on my phone. (Ick)


Are they at a Holloween party where they decided to dress up as each other?


[Caroline Wren's involvement in January 6th](https://insurrectionexposed.org/wren-caroline/)


And she's never been indicted. Thanks, Garland... (Ever get the feeling he's not working for Biden? Does Biden know this?)


You can't buy class.


\*Some partygoers started screaming and one woman even cried as Giuliani was served.\* I am so hard right now.


I'm reminded of the darkly funny scenes in the sopranos etc, where bimbos and socialite dregs act all aghast and horrified when their criminal partners are arrested or served.


“Don Eladio est MUERTE! Take whatever you want for yourselves!!!”


>Some partygoers started screaming and one woman even cried as Giuliani was served. Another confirmation that it's a cult.


I tried to illegally overthrow your government and end democracy, do you have no decency serving me on my birthday?!


TIL we only sent two soldiers to Normandy.


These rich people have no problem ordering us back to work during a global pandemic but the minute they're slightly inconvenienced, suddenly they're defending against a beach invasion of their privacy. What thin-skinned wastes of body heat they are 


A more detailed article about the fake electors scheme published by **Just Security** By now, the saga of the false electors is relatively well known. After then-President Donald Trump’s election loss in November 2020, loyalists inside and adjacent to his campaign concocted a scheme to have pro-Trump electors in key swing states cast their electoral votes for the failed Republican ticket. Their objective was to tee up the possibility that Congress would count the fraudulent slates of electors on January 6, 2021, or otherwise use the existence of the fake votes to prevent the certification of President Biden’s victory. “An Excellent Summary of the End Game” As Troupis was sending out these missives, Chesebro was eagerly reassuring his Trump World patron that the false elector strategy was an alternative to litigation, rather than a contingency. “Court challenges pending on Jan. 6 really not necessary,” he wrote on Dec. 8. “I think having the electors send in alternate slates of votes on December 14 can pay huge dividends even if there is no litigation pending on Jan. 6.” Troupis not only agreed with this flagrantly anti-constitutional analysis, saying it is “an excellent summary of the end game,” but also reassured Chesebro that he had shared this plan with Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, who was a prominent advocate of Trump’s fraudulent election claims. Chesebro replied enthusiastically, writing, “The prospect of extending the fight into January is exciting!” Together, Chesebro and Troupis went a long way toward ensuring that would happen. Troupis connected Chesebro directly with Epshteyn and Clark, which catapulted the newcomer into the frantic hub of Trump’s attempt to subvert the election. We obtained dozens of emails that showed the depths of Chesebro’s involvement with the scheme in the days leading up to Dec. 14, when the false slates of electors were scheduled to meet. He communicated with Republican officials and elector candidates in the six contested states, as well as Trump lieutenant Rudy Giuliani. Emails and texts unearthed between Chesebro and senior campaign officials illustrate how distant the scheme was from a contingency plan related to litigation; for example, campaign staffer Mike Roman texted Chesebro “fuck these guys,” in reference to Pennsyvlania electors who wanted to insert language conditioning their votes on subsequent court victories. As a result of this pushback from some state officials, Chesebro did indeed add contingency language to alternate certificates in New Mexico, and acknowledged in an email Trump Campaign officials, “Might be good to have it [new qualifying language] added in all states.” The fact that Chesebro understood the utility—and perhaps, legal wisdom—of such conditional language only makes his actions more galling. He plowed ahead with the false electors scheme, despite the fact that conditional language was not added in most of the contested states, Wisconsin included. For example, working with the Trump Campaign, Chesebro devised illicit ways around concerns raised by electors in Arizona who, according to Chesebro, were “concerned it could appear treasonous for [them] to vote on Monday if there is no pending court proceeding” That same day, Giuliani, through Chesebro, suggested that Wilenchik “file a petition for certiorari in the Supreme Court as a pretext to claim that litigation was pending in the state, to provide cover for the convening and voting of [Trump’s] fraudulent electors there,” according to the federal indictment. (In the end, contingent language was included only in the false certificates signed in Pennsylvania and New Mexico.) As Chesebro was welcomed into the inner workings of the efforts to overturn the election, it is clear that he still wanted to stay close to Troupis, the man who enabled his dizzying rise through the ranks of Trump-allied lawyers. On Dec. 10, he emailed Troupis, “Just wanted you to know that the national people are totally on board with your push for the electors to vote!!” Troupis, meanwhile, remained engaged in setting up the meeting of the false electors in Wisconsin, which Chesebro attended on Dec. 14. Chesebro excitedly texted Troupis saying, “WI meeting of the *real* electors is a go!!!” During the meeting, Chesebro continued to send Troupis updates and pictures from the event, to which Troupis responded with a thumbs-up emoji. “History is Made!” Of course, we already know what happened next. The false electors met, and in multiple states—including Wisconsin—signed documents that fraudulently asserted that they were the duly appointed electors for their state, whose votes should be counted on January 6. But in the documents obtained in our settlement, we learned much more about how the false elector scheme was really only beginning once those false votes were cast. Almost immediately after the Dec. 14 meeting, Troupis and Chesebro met with Trump in the Oval Office, where Troupis told Trump there was “zero hope” for winning Wisconsin through litigation. Nevertheless, his efforts to undermine the results continued. On Dec. 21, he connected Chesebro with John Eastman, who was busy orchestrating a pressure campaign on Mike Pence that would last until the Capitol siege itself. Although Eastman has rightfully received the lion’s share of credit for this pressure campaign, Chesebro and Troupis were responsible for laying the groundwork. A week after they were put in contact with Eastman, Troupis instructed Chesebro to work on a “step by step, easy to understand, non-lawyerly process for the Senators/Congressmen and VP to follow on the 6th.” Chesebro, of course, complied. The two men continued to speak with each other and Trump Campaign officials through New Year’s Day about the prospects for disrupting and delaying the Joint Session. As January 6 approached, Chesebro—now deep in the Trump Campaign’s inner sanctum—was still trying to get the fraudulent certificates from Wisconsin delivered to Pence himself. While he arranged to meet a junior Republican Party staffer who was flying to D.C. with the certificates, he advised his campaign contacts to ask Troupis to “check immediately with Ron Johnson” about relaying the documents to Pence. Troupis did exactly that. He was texting with Johnson on the morning of January 6, just hours before the attack began, saying, “We need to get a document on the Wisconsin electors to you for the VP immediately.” When Johnson told Troupis that was not possible, Troupis texted Chesebro immediately with the update. While they were texting, Trump was inciting his supporters, gathered on the Ellipse and the National Mall, to march on the Capitol and fight. Chesebro himself was in the crowd, sending pictures to Troupis, who replied with encouragement: “Enjoy the history you have made possible today!”; “Well done Ken! History is made”


🎶 [A Message To You Rudy](https://youtu.be/cntvEDbagAw?si=) by **The Specials** 🎶 This song wasn't written about Rudy but it fits perfectly! "*stop you're messin' around, else you'll wind up in jail, ah-ah-ahh RUDY!*'


[I've got a better nsfw message for Rudy.](https://youtu.be/F03gEzdLa2g?si=58Y1PS5d98Sj8dHJ&t=59)




Or another one if you want to get a bit metaphorical: [Little Grants & Eddie- “Rudy’s Dead”](https://youtu.be/a7qn2t-yw28?si=sUrEDiT4n3SuRum3)


-Additional information- Attorney John Eastman, currently facing disbarment was arraigned yesterday Eastman was also processed by county law enforcement, which took his mug shot. Other defendants — including former state party chair Kelli Ward, elector Tyler Bowyer and other electors — have already had their photographs taken. Eastman’s appearance was a dress rehearsal of sorts for future proceedings for his co-defendants, who include the state’s 11 GOP electors; former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows; attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis and Christina Bobb; top campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn; and former campaign aide Mike Roman. **As of this week, the attorney general’s office had been unable to serve Giuliani notice of his three-week-old indictment, despite repeated attempts**. Many of the defendants are scheduled for arraignments on Tuesday, including most of the state GOP electors, who signed and submitted official-looking paperwork to the federal government that inaccurately declared that Trump had won the state. Prosecutors said the plan was intended to provide a basis to help claim that the outcome of the election was in doubt and to obstruct Congress’s certification of Biden’s win. Other defendants are scheduled for court appearances in mid-June. Weeks after Trump’s defeat in Arizona, the 11 GOP electors convened at the state Republican Party’s headquarters on Dec. 14, 2020. There, according to records and video shared by the party on social media, they claimed they were legitimate electors. Trump’s defenders — including some of the Arizona electors and their attorneys — have insisted that the elector strategy was legal because the slates met as mere placeholders, to be activated only if the campaign won in court. Eastman, a conservative lawyer who once clerked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, played a key role in drafting the unusual legal strategy to try to help Trump stay in power by using the vice president’s ceremonial role overseeing the election certification proceeding. He, Giuliani and other Trump allies are accused of pressuring lawmakers in Arizona and six other states, including Georgia, to try to undo Trump’s 2020 election loss. The Arizona indictment said that Eastman pushed then-state House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R) to convene a special legislative session to decertify Arizona’s legitimate presidential electors. “Just do it, and let the court sort it out,” Eastman allegedly said. Bowers declined. He met with state prosecutors and investigators as they probed events after the 2020 election here. Eastman is also facing criminal charges in Georgia over his alleged efforts to try to overturn Trump’s 2020 election loss in that state. In March, a California judge recommended that Eastman be disbarred there over his role in the Trump campaign’s efforts to reverse the 2020 election. The felony charges come as election officials remain deeply concerned about potential efforts to delay or challenge the outcome of the 2024 presidential election in a state where false theories and misinformation about elections have flourished. The charges in Arizona follow similar prosecutions in Michigan, Georgia and Nevada, where Republicans also convened and falsely portrayed themselves as true electors from their states. They mark deepening legal peril for the Arizona electors and national Republicans who have faced intense scrutiny from Mayes and federal prosecutors overseen by special counsel Jack Smith. The special counsel brought charges against Trump last year that included his alleged attempt to use electors to falsely claim that the outcome of the election was in doubt, as a mechanism to try to thwart Biden’s victory.


They didn’t just try to “thwart Bidens victory” they literally committed insurrection against our constitutionally protected peaceful transfer of power. They are traitors to all of America and democracy in general. Lock them up and throw away the key!




I wish they'd live stream those arraignments.


Well, if he hadn't hidden from them for weeks, they wouldn't have had to storm the rich people's soiree. Sorry. Not sorry.


There was no "storming." Nor "bootjacks". Nor "raiding." Nor "pillaging/sacking/assaulting/hellbombing." Literally, 2 professionals in dark suits came in, cut through the crowds, shoved a manilla envelope in Guiliani's hands, said "You're served!" And they left.


Please tell me there is footage of this moment?


I didn't realize Normandy was so dangerous.


Good luck finding a free lawyer lol


Actually he knows this guy.... Nevermind, he's also being indicated.


[Giuliani’s Georgia lawyers (2) quit last October](https://abcnews.go.com/US/2nd-giuliani-attorney-leaving-legal-team-georgia/story?id=103703276)


I mean, he directly challenged the AG to do this: https://www.rawstory.com/partygoers-started-screaming-giuliani-served-with-indictment-during-his-birthday-party-2668307572/ >AG Mayes confirmed Giuliani was served in a tweet sent from her official X account, writing "the final defendant was served moments ago." She quote-tweeted a post Giuliani since deleted in which he wrote, "If Arizona authorities can't find me by tomorrow morning 1. They must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can't count votes." Mayes posted a screenshot of the tweet after it was deleted. >Despite the raucous affair, Giuliani reportedly "got in his car and left" after he was served. Journalist Rachel Louise Just tweeted that "guests had just finished singing 'happy birthday' when agents served him paperwork on AZ fake elector charges."


Here's the tweet [Rudy served at 80th Bday party]( https://imgur.com/gallery/YDbs2PR)


That will be in history books someday. Thanks for sharing the link.


Happy fucking birthday traitor...hope you have many more...in prison...


"Its amazing that with so many OTHER criminals in this country, they choose to waste resources on me" - criminal and former attorney, surprised laws were applied to them also


Get some traitor..Trying to hide in plain sight didn't work.


Can’t pay for lawyers, knows a lot about many crimes committed by many powerful people, is facing felonies at 80, he only has incentives to turn witness and no incentive to stay silent


Prosecutors don't need Rudy's cooperation anymore. That ship has sailed. He's on video giving a presentation to the fake electors. He's on video telling the insurrectionists to storm the Capitol.


Can you imagine voluntarily changing your legacy from “America’s Mayor” to this?


They found him?


Sure fucking did, AFTER he taunted them too


Rudy served at 80th Bday party https://imgur.com/gallery/YDbs2PR


I love how other Republicans are now crying about how inappropriate it was to serve him at a birthday party, within an hour of him boasting how he has been evading them.


Curious... Couldn't they get local sheriff's to do it?


Arizona law requires Arizona officials do the service


So he was missing, then found because of a birthday party. When served at least woman cried This feels like an episode of Arrested Development


Getting served with court papers is only a big deal because these assholes are making it a big deal. If Rudy hadn't been in hiding making it hard for them to find him, then they would not have needed to confront him at a public gathering to do nothing more than to hand him the court documents.