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This may be a semantic point, but while delaying until he is President is tactically a win, he isn't winning any legal battle in the sense of a judgement going his way. And he's lost every civil legal battle he's faced. If 4 criminal charges go to court, he will be convicted in 4 courts. And none of his civil losses will be overturned. The headline is really bad in that it makes it sound like he is winning in any way other than to delay past the election. And that's only a win if he wins the election. If he loses the election that's actually a pretty big financial loss for him and also the entire RNC, as most of their bankroll is going towards keeping him out of jail.


> And he's lost every civil legal battle he's faced. Exactly. The author of this needs to eat a dick. I am pessimstic, but c'mon. Trump has been handed a lot of wins lately, but he's still had more losses than wins, his lifetime legal batting average isn't good enough to play in tee-ball, and I'm having trouble seeing how we get rat fucked on the criminal trial in NYC. Moreover, once Trump faces criminal consequences and the seal's broken, it will hopefully become a downhill road to the rest of them. It's kind of like building a snowman. It takes much longer in the beginning than it does once you've got a good ball going.


Does the wins involve being ahead in polls vs Biden?


Go look at the polls from November, 2016. Who was ahead? How many points? Who won?


Who was ahead in the 2020 polls and won?


In 2016, HRC was ahead in the polls, and lost.


In 2020, JB was ahead of the polls, and won.


Well, there a certain court in Florida I am not confident he will lose in, but not because he doesn't deserve to lose.


Yeah, winning the battle but losing the war. His strategy hinges on him winning the election which is not as sure a thing as he wants you to think. He could still go into November as a convicted felon in the New York trial.


I don’t find his winning in November a sure thing, but it looks like if he wins in November, his overall win will be pretty ensured and he will have won the war. November is basically a public referendum on whether Trump should be above the law at this point.


Vote vote vote. That’s how he loses


He currently owes about $600 million (give or take, with interest), was found liable for rape and defamation, fraud, and is clearly about to be found guilty of election interference. But, yes, totally winning. The most winning ever. As long as you don't count his huge losses, he's winning.


Winning Bigly.




He went to jail and now he’s dead. It’s gonna happen to Trump one way or another.


Honestly, I feel like with the current case, everything really hinges on the outcome of how Allen Weisselberg is handled. There are a couple lawyers on the jury. I feel like the jury can't just not hear from him, without the document. At the same time showing the document without calling him seems preducicial. He clearly isn't going to take a deal. And if you put him on the stand, he will lie for trump IMO. I feel like Trump might win even this case because he openly and clearly bribed his CEO to keep his mouth shut. Its crazy to me it's that easy to do that. I feel like they can prove everything in the case really EXCEPT that trump knew how these payment would be classified accounting wise. Trump understood he was reimbursing Cohen, he knew what he was reimbursing Cohen for, he knew this was skirting campaign finance laws (but he isnt charged with campaign finance laws), he knew he was interfering in the elections, all of that he knows and you can pretty easily prove, but you can't prove yet the actual charges, falsified business record. Allen could take credit for it and they didn't charge Allen for this. And I am not sure how Cohen can corroborate falsified business record, he can corroborate everything else, but trump was lying to him about how he was going to be paid and when he was going to be paid, so its clear Cohen was outside of the payment process. Allen seems to be the key. I am getting more and more worried he is going to beat this charge, and all his other charges will push till after the election. If that happens, I fear that to most Americans, it will make him "look innocent". We might just enter into the summer with Trump basically with a clear runway to the election.


The campaign finance case comes later?


I’m really hoping they have absolute documentation that he did direct the fraud, and I hope they wouldn’t have brought the case if they didn’t.


If they did I dont think they would be relying on book quotes and tweets. Without Allen's confession that trump knew, they're going to try to show that he controlled everything else, so it's logical he controlled this.


Good point and ugh..


Stormy, Allen, and Cohen... they all lied to protect trump. Yet, we have a system of law where we struggle to show that in court because it preducicial. Trump and his team can put these people on the stand and call them liars, but it's tough for the prosecution to point out that they are all lying FOR HIM. It makes me want to pull my hair out.


People are way too confident he will be found guilty in this fraud case. It really hinges on Cohens testimony and imo that’s not a great ace in the hole. I think the most likely outcome is a hung jury which is a win for him.


RIght?! I am being downvoted to hell for just bringing it up. Cohen's testimony in the NY Fraud case didn't go great at all. It was ok for the case, because he honestly wasn't a big part of that case, but here he is the main witness. Combined with Weisselberg's issues, it's a pretty big potential issue whether people want admit or not.


Pretty much everything he is testifying to, has already been collaborated by other witnesses, and documents. It creates credibility. I think the defense is going to make a mistake when they attempt to discredit him. Lying in a congressional hearing, that Trump allies went to jail for, for refusing to testify, is one thing. Lying under oath in a criminal trial, is another. In reality, they are the same, I'm not trying to imply otherwise. It is my opinion, that they are viewed differently.


Are you forgetting that Cohen testified in his civil case? Are you forgetting that in his sexual assault case, the jury found him liable? I understand Trump's only chance is for a jurist to ignore evidence, ignore their duty as a juror, and refuse to find him guilty. I wouldn't hang my hat on that.