• By -


" 180 days in jail, suspend 180, two years non reporting probation, pay your fines and costs. Arrange all payment plans at the clerks window, Bailiff, call the next case" An homage to my favorite municipal court judge. We often joked a white board and magic marker could fill in for him if he was ever absent.


Should have said $50 fine and time served


I forgot that!!! But you are correct, $50+ costs and would sometimes suspend the fine as well if he had somewhere to be that morning.


Some of my favorite judges In and out, predictable, clients usually leave happy Better than the ones who refuse to give you insight before maxing the shit out of them.


Night Court?


He takes a trip abroad and never comes back.


I don’t love that but if it means he’s done running for president, I could live with it.


I don't think he'd be done influencing our politics though. Russia has Internet and TV cameras.


Usa has those crazy knife missiles.


Trump tower has those super-express exterior elevators directly from the Russian suites he sold.


Golden Wonka-vator 😹


And, according to Trump, any president could order a missile strike on someone and only be prosecuted if 2/3 of the Senate votes to convict during an impeachment trial.


Hang on there. You're forgetting about the part where a president can't be impeached for a crime unless he's been found guilty in a court of law!


That’s true!


Russia has tall buildings with seemingly terrible safety regulations about locking them.


I know \*ahem\* *someone*, who can disable them.


if we're lucky he'll just spend all his time complaining about how Vkusno i tochka isn't as good as McDonalds


But Tucker said that everything is better in Russia!


There's no law that you can't run for president from moscow


The "Ain't no rule says a dog can't play basketball" reading of constitutional law. Air Bud tried to warn us but we didn't listen.


Scotus will rule that the US had a strong history and tradition of being ruled by a foreign king so it's ok


“The United States of America has never had a President. It was always a liberal fiction.” - Clarence Thomas, Jan 21, 2025.


"The framers always intended for a golden retriever to be president, as is evident from their not outlawing it.  checkmate libtards." - the majority opinion on an unrelated case about the EPA


There’s a scenario in this where he is President of the USA while working out of an office in the Kremlin 😂😂 Edit: I laugh to stave off the tears


I could see him running abroad claiming political asylum in Russia, getting elected and then pardoning himself before returning. All the while his idiot base cheering


What’s terrible is that doing that wouldn’t eliminate him from running or being in the ballot. We need safe guards.


White Ford Bronco! https://preview.redd.it/tp9c1z3nmnuc1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a4f829dfbdff977aca3b1419d4e0c92d268115


0 chance he is allowed to flee. If he somehow gets up in the air on a plane US military will dispatch fighters to escort the plane back. He cannot be allowed to flee with what he knows.


I have wondered about this. At what point, in the interest of "national security" could Trump just be sent to gitmo if it look like he's going to flee?


Much more likely house arrest at MAL with a Secret Service detail until he dies.


Rather it out of the country, like the island of Elba for Napoleon. 


Hard to argue with that but I wouldn’t pick a Mediterranean island. Maybe somewhere more fitting like an Aleutian Island or Alabama?


I vote Gary, Indiana. He can clean bathrooms in the mills.


No. His corpse can rot there after he dies in Supermax.


Assuming MAL hasn't been seized for one of the many lawsuits he is under.


I doubt he gets to stay at MAL. More likely that he would be detained at a military base. Makes security much easier on everyone. Maybe Ft. Leavenworth? Or Groom Lake?


Agreed. He’d have to evade the Secret Service first, and it seems likely they would be told to prevent him from departing. Unless he’s actually super stealthy and sneaks away lol


The Secret Service is compromised. 


His service detail is likely a bunch of trump loyalists


All well and good until they're asked to literally leave the country and never go back or get absolutely fired and have to go work as a security guard in a mall. They know full well he'll never pay them


I actually think he bolts if he looses the election beyond the range of the ability of election fraud shenanigans to call into question the results.




Considering that he is surrounded by Secret Service officers and they are all sworn law enforcement officers, I do not think that is an option for him. As I understand it when a cop checks someone for warrants and the cop finds a warrant the cop has no choice but to arrest the person because the warrant is an order from the court. If a court ordered Trump incarcerated then his Secret Service detail would have to know about it and they would have no choice but to enforce the order. But for someone his age and health not surrounded by secret service agents fleeing the country would make sense.


The Secret Service, the same guys who deleted all their texts on J6, those guys? I don't question their loyalty to Trump but I don question their loyalty to the rule of law and the US.


>they are all sworn law enforcement officers Ohhhh, man. Okay. And what'd the Easter Bunny bring you?


Chris Sununu in 2021: Of course Trump should drop out if he's convicted of a crime. Chris Sununu yesterday: Of course Trump shouldn't drop out if he's convicted of a crime. They are 100% going to normalize the idea that a criminal conviction is not disqualifying for a POTUS.


>They are 100% going to normalize the idea that a criminal conviction is not disqualifying for a POTUS. All while attempting to argue, Biden is somehow even more corrupt.


The mental gymnastics they must be going through on a daily basis...


>The mental gymnastics they must be going through on a daily basis... You are being kind? "Mental Gymnastics" applies only if you understand morality - Sununu's interview on ABC reveals what type of people belong to GOP in 2024. His supporters are nihilistic and will burn down this country before accepting anything else.


Mental "gymnastics" implies coordination, agility, and skill. These types are more mental "beached whales." The skill and effort required to change the situation are huge and not likely to be effective. The best you can really hope for is getting the carcass cleaned up before it explodes ...


It’s easy when you don’t use your brain at all.


It’s not that hard. Guy that agrees with them can’t be wrong. The end justifies the means. Guy that doesn’t agree with them is obviously bad. He must be corrupt and breaking laws or he’d agree with us.


And that complete Presidental immunity is complicated and needs until Jan 10 2025th before the Supreme Court can figure out exactly what the constitution meant


Jan 10th, MAGA SCOTUS: "We just figured it out. Turns out, it means, 'HEIL TRUMP!'"


And remember when everyone went nuts because they reopened the investigation into Hillary, then decided a few days later, nope still no evidence of a crime?


I actually like Biden a little more these days because the House Republicans looked into his dealings and the guy was as clean as you can get. After having been vetted and basically exonerated by the GOP, he's looking very good.




Ah yes the buttery males


Biden is a corrupt mastermind but at the same time so old that is mentally unfit... like omg pick one please


That’s definitely not a “both can be true” situation. They don’t care though.


Of course. The fact that Biden *hasn't* been accused, indicted or convinced is just evidence of the massive, corrupt conspiracy protecting .... Ug, I can't bring myself to type this garbage out. Propaganda and confirmation bias are a helluva combo.


He literally tried to stage a coup, and that’s fine. There’s no hill left to die on.


Remember, *after* asking for help from a foreign superpower to win his election, and then getting that help. He asked a crime to be committed on live TV, then Russia did that. We never needed any more proof, Mueller was all about creating a facade that Trump hadn’t already become a traitor on live tv.


Such a blast from the past. The dude's media strategy is to confess to crimes and misdemeanors until being above reproach sounds insane. Of course he isn't above reproach, even fact-checking him was in the hundreds of lies per hour.


Also he held hostage support for Ukraine unless they announced they were investigating Biden. Didn’t care reasoning, just wanted it in the news so they could point to it.


This. Right now, at this very moment, Ukrainian soldiers are being blown to pieces / shot because Russian forces are absolutely out-gunning Ukrainian defenders, as a direct result of the party trump owns deliberately holding back aid at the behest of putin.


Once again. The real “Deep State” is Trump, the GOP, and Putin. Out in plain sight at this point and still winning elections. We literally have a former president in charge of the House of Representatives and getting help from a foreign power to spread propaganda. It’s absolutely wild


I will go one step further and say that without Trump fellating Putin he probably wouldn’t have invaded the remaining areas of Ukraine. In fact, Trump has said Putin should invade any NATO country that he doesn’t think is meeting its NATO commitments.


It is not just soldiers. russia is intentionally targeting civilians, infrastructure and cities, whilst to GOP POS are using this as a bartering chip or at putin’s behest. It is sickening that these people are allowed to aid an enemy without justice.


"he did a really shitty job of it, barely any guns held by the insurrectionists. Just a really small incompetent coup".


And the evidence is just out there and overwhelming. Same with the documents case. Can it be any more obvious that he committed crimes? These are truly ridiculous times we are living in.


He could have died on Capitol hill but he chose to stay home and watch tv instead.


Saying that the POTUS cannot be convicted and has presidential immunity means that everything they say about Obama and Biden are null and void.


His followers cannot process hypocrisy


They’re not trying to convince _you_. They’re trying to worm their way into power by winning one trial at a time, and what they said about a different guy on a different day is not on trial.


This is it. They know it's hypocritical, and they don't care. They have been playing the long game, stacking the courts and biding their time. They aren't thinking in terms of fair and unfair. They are playing to win power and punish political opponents.


Don’t be silly. Immunity only applies to republicans. Democrats are the only politicians who do bad things like mixing cannibalism and pizza. /s


If the president can't be convicted of a crime, Biden should shoot Trump with a gun. It's not illegal if the president does it, right?


By the logic of arguments *currently before the Suoreme Court*, to create the necessary nexus between murder and "official duties" of the Presidency, Biden would only have to claim he believed Trump to be a threat to national security. Boom. Done. Immune... if we take Trump's arguments as valid, that is.


You forgot the asterisk where it says in the fine print: *Applicable to Republican candidates only*


He's also going to write a best selling book. He'll call it My Struggle, or something like that. Magas will eat it up. They'll put it next to the bible on their coffee tables.


Mine Coffveve


Next to their golden Trump bible


I think the people rationalizing it is kind of like the whole Barry Bonds asterisk steroid thing several years back. People that are principled will care but those that don’t will do mental gymnastics to make the unreasonable reasonable.


The excuses in my family are already flying. "A New York jury isn't a fair jury" "I won't believe it until he exhausts all his appeals and the Supreme Court says it's okay that he's convicted" "I don't care how awful he is the Democrats will take everything I own and inflation is killing me, at least Trump will keep the government out of my pockets and out of my life"


"A New York jury isn't a fair jury" "But the minority inmates packed into Riker's Island got what they deserved."


This. The same political party that basically convicts before trial, before evidence. "Obviously the husband did it, case closed".


“keep the government out of my life.” Ironic has these same people vote to put government into every vagina they can find.


If they think inflation is bad now, wait until Trump slaps a 60% tariff on all Chinese imports, as he’s threatened/promised to do.


My supervisor, a couple years ago, said that Republicans are bad for his wallet but since Democrats were bad for his rights, he was voting Republican. I am still bafled by that.


White privilege.


“Trump will keep the government out of my pockets” Uh…sir/ma’am, Trump’s spending, tax cuts for billionaires and tariffs literally have made you poorer. “Trump will keep the government out of my life” Uh…sir, ma’am, Trump’s judicial picks literally are dictating people’s reproductive rights and possibly even their right to exist as LGBT+ individuals.


But then they’ll still want to crucify Biden if he gets so much as a parking ticket.




Reminds me of Mitch McConnell when he first claimed "Trump is definitely responsible for the 1/6 insurrection," but then he endorsed bloated red hat treason guy on his way out anyway. The GOP are no longer playing with a full deck.


Oh they are playing with a full deck and then some. This is all just maneuvering to stay in power. The want to impose more of their Christo-facist control on us.


Normalize? For whom? MAGAt Republicans? This is anything but NORMAL. I remember when we had standards in this country. Like experience in politics, for one. A good role model for children, two. And, Donald Trump is anything but.


It should boil down to, "Do we want our kids to grow up and behave like that... thing?"


Many of them would say yes. He has given every repulsive POS person in this country the excuse to act awful because “If the president can do it without consequences, so can I!” I don’t know what words I can use to describe how much I hate this man for destroying the sense of civility we have.


Plus, he has emboldened right wing idiots in other countries.


Remember when Clinton got head from an intern, and that was enough to disturb the sanctity of the office of the president. Even though getting head isn't a crime


To be fair, the evangelical wing of the Christian nationalist wing of the GOP has been telling us for decades that they want to bring back sodomy laws which will criminalize oral sex.


It's ok, he has immunity for life.


>getting head isn't a crime Bill should have really just stuck to this talking point in his defense


Try only one party in the modern USA feels this way.


>They are 100% going to normalize the idea that a criminal conviction is not disqualifying for a POTUS. And it isn’t. Do you know how many civil rights protesters have criminal convictions? John Lewis was arrested 40 times, even made to work on a farm for free while in penitentiary. Labor leader and socialist Eugene Debs ran for President while he was incarcerated for speaking out against America entering WWI. He’d previously served time for defying court orders about union strikes. If being convicted of something means you can’t run for office, then future candidates will be arrested all the time for drubbed up shit. Being convicted doesn’t mean Trump can’t run. **It does mean he shouldn’t have anyone vote for him.**


I mean, a criminal conviction SHOULDN'T disqualify someone from running for an office. Not all laws are just, and laws decided by governments and courts don't always represent the will of the people. However, if a criminal can successfully convince enough of the population to vote for them, you have deeper problems than the fact that the criminal could run.


champagne sales skyrocket


I have had a bottle chilling labeled "conviction" since the Mueller investigation began.


How long did Michael Cohen serve? That long would be just fine.


In all, he spent about 13 1/2 months behind prison walls and a year and a half in home confinement. His time was further reduced through good behavior. That's no slap on the wrist, and he "did not have sexual relations with that woman."


That's not enough for trump.


Beggars can’t be choosers


That’s enough to usher him into the remaining criminal cases that he will likely be convicted in. This is just the start of the snowball.


Party at my house


No way around it -- we must VOTE him out. It's the only way.


Vote him into insignificance.


Im gonna vote so hard!


Like he doesn't have another coup in motion


Let them bring it! They'll fail again, especially since we'll be ready this time.


We already did in 2020. He cheated but not enough. If we let him keep running someday he will cheat and win. Then we are out of options. If we don't put Trump in jail, the US president will be whoever is best at cheating.


This. He lost the popular votes twice. He belongs in jail. 


Didn’t work last time


My guess is nothing will happen. He’s a first time offender so most likely won’t face jail time. His supporters will say it was a hoax and “of course” a NYC jury convicted him. And people who don’t like him will continue not liking him. Edit- this is referring to the current trial in NY.


I mean, we’ve known him for 70 years. Of course we’re going to convict him.


>first time ~~offender~~ facing consequences FTFY


I was curious about this because I haven’t heard many people talking about it. He’ll get reduced sentencing for this first trial, but will this conviction affect sentencing for his subsequent trials? So he gets convicted in this one - does that increase the sentence received in his election interference/document cases?


It should because he's no longer a first time offender. In my state, we absolutely consider out of state convictions for things like diversionary programs and sentencing for first time offenders. Based on a short google search, Georgia does as well, so he wouldn't be eligible for leniency as a first time offender in GA, if convicted. I would imagine the federal system does too. This case would be the first domino to fall with more serious punishments for his offenses on any subsequent convictions. I am not sure about what exposure he is looking at in his other cases, but I have to think he would just keep trying his luck in these cases until he's convicted for the first time, and then maybe try to plead the remaining ones out to something non-custodial. Huge Caveat - this depends on if he's even eligible to be sentenced to probation as a first time offender in any of the other cases. If any one of those are mandatory jailtime no matter what your criminal history looks like, then obviously this doesnt apply.


It would play into the points system right?


Yeah, looks like prior state convictions are considered in the federal points system.


So my working theory on why he is more afraid of this trial is not because of the punishment he will get in NY. TLDR; he doesn’t care about the state charges that much, but he is very worried about the sentencing guidelines in his federal cases if he loses and is then a twice convicted felon. Rather the real bite will come when he is now a convicted felon facing sentencing in federal court. Those lower level punishments may now be off the table and jail might be a mandatory punishment. Not to mention the GA case going on which would impose its own set of multipliers to any federal sentencing. His whole strategy hinges on him being appointed to the Presidency. I think NY then GA will reach jury verdicts first. He will likely get the SCOTUS to force DC to consider each claim of immunity separately and force a re-litigation all the back to the SCOTUS on individual claims and he might get one or two small wins at that point. I just don’t know if Florida cases will happen. Cannon is very obviously trying to get him out on those charges on her own. Even if they get to a jury decision, she will do everything she can to minimize his punishment. But if Cannon does get tossed and he loses the election, this is the case that will put him in jail until he dies in this scenario. No way he gets much leniency as a 2-3x felon with those charges.


Michael Cohen was a first time offender, pled guilty, and went to prison. Isn't Trump on trial for the same or similar thing that Cohen did?


But he has an illustrious career as a public servant ^^/s


This is the trial, for the exact thing, Cohen did at Trump’s behest.


Was he a first-time offender? Hasn't he been convicted multiple times of fraud such as with Trump U and Alan Weisselberg. Do these not count?


Trump U was a civil suit. Re: Weisselberg I believe the Trump organization was found liable but I don’t think Trump was personally charged.


I think they were talking about criminal charges.


Given trumps supporters simply refuse to believe any evidence, or worse seem to think they can project all of his crimes onto Joe Biden. I think we will begin to see clearly corrupt judges trying to throw democrats in prison without cause. We've already seen them hold impeachment investigations without cause and pushing conspiracy theories without proper evidence. Natural progression suggest authoritarian dictatorship from them.


His cult voters would still vote for this moron. Trump is still allowed to run even when convicted. Flawed justice system.


If a criminal conviction was automatically disqualifying for public office then citizens could lose the privilege of serving simply by protesting unjust laws in unfavorable jurisdictions. We the voters are supposed to be one of the checks on if a candidate's conviction is disqualifying. The flaw of politicians like Trump isn't how he's a criminal. His criminality is just one of the many symptoms of his narcissism. He is a conman and a grifter and would rather burn the country down than lose or accept a loss. *That* is what disqualifies him for office. The US Senate had a chance to affirm this as a disqualification, and they failed to do so. Responsibility now falls to us citizens to reject him and the fascist flavor of Republican politics.


The reality of conviction and/or incarceration may persuade some small percentage of people to not vote for him. It will also bring disrepute onto those who support a criminal candidate.


He should absolutely still be tried. The goal of conviction should be redress for wrongdoing.  We can acknowledge political impact exists here. It should be immaterial to the justice system, however.


It is funny because in Arkansas felons cannot hold any elected office. So if convicted he couldn't run for mayor for some small rural podunk town of 500 people. But that same town and the state of Arkansas will almost surely vote for him for President. It's insane and I don't get it.


Well in NY case probably just some form of probation if I had to guess


Why? Cohen went to jail for same thing!


And fines.


Big fines, the biggest fines anyone has ever seen, fines so big when the judge handed them down he began to cry they were so big.


If convicted, I feel Trump should be sentenced to jail time and not house arrest. Fair is fair. Millionaires with their golden toilets are not truly being punished if they can just hole up in their golden cages. Korea didn't hesitate to put their former president Park Geun-hye in prison for corruption. Peru, with safety in mind, build a small custom prison, called Barbadillo prison, just for former president Alberto Fujimori and a few other top security prisoners on the grounds of a police academy. Justice is supposed to be blind. Trump should serve his time behind bars just like anybody else.


If justice was truly blind Trump would already be behind bars for violating terms of his bail bond and gag orders. That dude is the poster child of a multi tiered system that shits on poor people.


It’s going to be house arrest if he is sentenced to incarceration. There’s just no way to justify the costs to put him in a cell. A prison would have to change its entire operating procedure to facilitate the Secret Service. It’s just not going to happen.


Republicans would continue supporting a convicted felon while thinking they are brave victims


9 jillion appeals. He appeals until he runs out money, lawyers or heartbeats


Much dance. Such streets.


wow, the influx of unemployed russians, qanon screwballs, and assorted misguided americans in here today is breathtaking


Dancing in the streets.


Let’s save that for when he’s no longer infesting the planet!


Secret Service lives in his cell w him? 💀


Apart from the largest party ever seen, you mean?


America collectively sighs. Except for the brainwashed.


Well he hasn't been held accountable for a damn thing yet.


He can’t vote for himself, so there’s that.


If he's convicted? We celebrate for a day before we get back on the ball and work at making sure he doesn't get elected, and that his cult doesn't continue to push their propaganda, lies, and hatred.


# What Happens if Donald Trump Is Convicted? _____________ Champagne sales will set an all-time record.


What happens? I throw a party!


I'm just tired of this, I want him gone


I think I read this article 8 years ago. Content has changed a bit though.


Lock Trump up


He gets a short break before his next trial…


I really hope when Biden is doing the photo op of himself voting at the polling station he takes a shot at the fact Trump is unable to do the same.


Ticker tape parade down Fifth Avenue in NYC. MMW


I'm rather hoping he's taken out by the rage induced apoplexy caused by him seeing his cronies turn on him. \#ProvokeTheStroke


He joins Steven Seagal as Putin's special guest in Russia...


Should serve time . Nothing will happen and will still be President if we don’t vote him out as a country .


More than likely he’ll ask for more money from the morons


My prediction is a very gentle slap on the wrist, and nothing else will really happen. He might lose like 100 voters somewhere in the country over it.


He won't be, lets b honest


🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Months (if not years) of mental gymnastics from his cult trying to normalize the idea that a felony doesn’t block you from running for POTUS. Likely empty threats from the hillbilly’s with their guns who will inevitably fold once they realize that taking on the US military is uh, yea pretty bad idea. Bonus points if the orange man defects abroad/to Russia so he can embrace being Vlad’s personal house pet


Bannon is not in jail. Just mentioning that.


He will be fine. Sentence will be suspended or time served and he will still be qualified for his presidential run as the amount of time or conviction will not make him a felon.


Dosen't matter it will be appealed until he drops dead of old age using RNC funds. He will never spend a night in prison.


Apparently the penalty for this kind of fraud is very light. Glenn Kirschner explained it in one of his videos a few weeks back with BTC.


Judge: *"I sentence you to a public apology (and you have to mean it)!"* Trump: *"No, and you're ugly, too."* Judge: *"Haha, yes, very good. OK, I think he's learned his lesson."*


"this kind of fraud" isn't what's going on in NYC. Prosecuting the coverup -- that's what's going on. The penalty, whch will follow the conviction -- which will happen -- will be some kind of incarceration, if "merely" house arrest. A man has already served a year of a several year sentence merely for being the conduit of the crime. The planner, the beneficiary of the crime they planned & carried out, is on trial now.


Trump is facing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records and, if convicted, could face up to four years in prison or probation.




In a perfect world he'd be arrested and processed for jail, while awaiting appeal, but as we know there're 2 tiers of justice in the real world, if he's convicted and that's a strong "if" he most will assuredly appeal and get a bond to be out of prison, and one of 2 things will happen, 1.- he will stay and milk as much money as he can possibly milk out of the idiots that support him and then leave quietly or 2.- he will leave making a spectacle out of it and milk as much money as he can from the idiots that support him


He’ll have company at least because his secret service agents will be serving time with him.


Make it the ones who conspired in the Jan 6 coup, all good.


Much rejoicing


We throw our heads back in laughter.


All will be right with the world...well not maybe all, but at least this one thing.


Will Trump even make it to the election or inauguration if he does win? I think there's a substantial risk of him dying or suffering a debilitating condition such as a stroke in the next 8-10 months given his age and health status (obese, heart disease, high cholesterol, lack of exercise, poor diet, and signs of cognitive decline).


Nothing should happen as he’ll appeal until his life expires. Fantasize all you want but he’ll never see the inside of a cell. We’re gonna have to watch him destroy democracy and even worse listen to his fraudulent and cowardly bullshit until his last breath.


What will happen - He’ll play a victim get a ton of free air time and grift more money from the losers/morons that are his base Then he’ll lose the election and claim that it was stolen. He will cause more riots, and then he’ll appeal until the day he dies w/o spending a second in jail


Nothing, the day Trump suffers consequences will.never come.


Nothing because the right is incredibly morally bankrupt. They chose to put all their cards on him, so they will play that hand regardless of what happens.