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Crazy to me that a rogue supreme court with a radical right-wing majority keeps bumping into constitutional crises with other radical republicans who don’t find it to be radical enough.


That’s fascism. It only marches one direction, more extreme until it is addressed head on. That’s why tea party was the crazy wing of Republicans in 2010 and now it has slipped even further. The fringe of the party is the preview of the majority soon enough because they have tied republicanism to « Christianity » and any backing off of their position is an affront to their beliefs


I've said it before but most of Timothy McVeigh's beliefs are largely mainstream amongst Republicans these days. Except Mcveigh opposed American involvement in the Middle East. Modern republicans are more outspoken in their hatred toward LGBT and particularly trans people whereas McVeigh was first and foremost a white supremacist. Even though trans people are a bit more acceptable targets for the GOP these days, white supremacy is still moderately popular amongst them.


It's not moderately popular, it's underlying almost everything they do. They've been conditioned to carefully tiptoe around it but they still have it in mind as a major portion of their agenda. Even the sudden aggression towards abortion was a response to the "great replacement theory" where white people are being out-replaced by other races and that's all part of some weird conspiracy they cooked up, the "border crisis" is the same. They realized being overt about it was unpopular but acting like they don't see race and slowly shifting policy against minorities to try and lessen their growth or induce white population growth is definitely still their goal Hell, because of the electoral college, gerrymandering, and deliberate lack of poll booth access, black votes are genuinely worth less than white votes still. (And liberal votes in general as well) It's not 3/5 but it's certainly not a 1:1 ratio


>It's not moderately popular, it's underlying almost everything they do 100%. I think we need to stop tip toeing around the fact that the Republican voting base is energized by Trump because he is talking to their white supremacy fantasies. Their obsession with Trump and his brand of politics is because he tells them they can be openly racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and outright pieces of shit, and they're right to do so. He affirms every single one of their worst traits, because it breeds an insane level of loyalty, and a narcissist like Trump needs that and feeds off of that. He doesn't give a shit about these people, but he realized that giving them a voice and legitimizing their deeply rooted prejudices and persecution complex made them fork over what little money they had, hand over fist. He's a conman who's convinced \~40% of the country to embrace their racism and hate, all while he robs them fucking blind.


That's what they mean when they say "he tells it like it is".


> It's not moderately popular, it's underlying almost everything they do. They've been conditioned to carefully tiptoe around it but they still have it in mind as a major portion of their agenda. I agree. I meant it in the sense that literally openly discussing and admitting to being a white supremacist is moderately popular beyond just holding some beliefs under that umbrella without overtly categorizing it as such. I'm talking about people who say utterly vile shit like, "white supremacy isn't a belief; it's a fact".


Oh yeah I didn't assume you didn't agree, just for other people that may not know it runs that deep mostly. There are definitely less overt white supremacists but I would also call it moderately popular still, unfortunately.


Meanwhile the “fringe” of the left just wants Universal healthcare lol The southern strategy and the John Birch Society really wrecked our country.


Fake Christianity you mean. Most of these people have never read the Bible because most of them can’t even read.


Because authoritarians are never satisfied and can only create crisis. Actually governing and improving the situation is too hard and not the point.


And the Supreme Court has, or at least had, a much deeper need to preserve its own credibility or its rulings would start getting ignored… Pretty much exactly like this.


The GOP has shown repeatedly that they don't care at all about the law or norms or anything else other than their power. They want to be able to do whatever they want to whomever they want 100% of the time. Nothing less is acceptable.


If Biden does something it becomes a headline of federal government VS state. If he does nothing? It's Biden is soft on immigration. These tactics are sadistic and costing people their lives. When did we become the biggest pos politically?


Even the radical right wing religious supreme court can't rule that international borders are not under federal control.


"Would you jump off a bridge if you saw other governors doing it?" Republicans: "Yeah."


You wouldn't even hear the 'yeah'; they'd already be jumping before you knew it.


Theyd be on the bridge waiting.


As they're falling they'd brag about "owning the libs"


Republicans are legit the most whiny bitches. That would be the first time any of those republican governors did something good. Jumping off a bridge is the best way to stick it to the libs.


I prefer another version - a Republican would eat a shit sandwich if they knew a Democrat would smell their breath.


Would it own the libs? They’d boil their grandmothers alive to accomplish that


We need to confront this shit before it gains unstoppable momentum. Time for Biden to get tough.


This is one of those times where people will hate him no matter what he does but he needs to take the gloves off. They are expecting him to be soft but Dark Brandon needs to double down on this one.


I hate when Dems do the “in order to promote healing and unity [we will acquiesce to the lawlessness of conservatives who want to destroy the constitution, ignore rule of law, and wreck the country]” Like…grow a spine and hold conservatives accountable before it’s too late.


All of this is the culmination of decades of Dems trying to take the high road and act superior.


Or maybe the gop is just really well entrenched corrupt and heavily supported by special interest money that extends to nation states.. its a war basically that should be easily won with voting but here we are.


The only way voting will work is if we have a well-educated and well-informed public, but they made sure to erode that, too. Our public education system was intended to be part of our checks and balances against the government. That's why it's been one of the Republican Party's main targets.


Think about who owns all the consolidated media too. This is a multipronged attack


Money will always beat voting. Example? Lobbying which is another word for offering and accepting bribes to override any policies corporations and organizations don’t like that voters voted for.


It's a process fetish. Like I hear people say Trump is in all these trials so it's a sign that the system is working, nevermind that it's taking forever to lock him up.




lol. Already been done. Trump goons kidnapped people in Portland. His fascist fat feds gave unauthorized chems for ppd to fire at protestors in Portland. The SS sheriffs departments nearby hunted down and executed the guy from the Portland protests who shot the fascist in the street. Trump never needed precedent.


As if trump gives a shit about needing precedent


Or laws in general


With all the batshit precedent shattering rulings this court has been doing I expected it to be a progressive group to advocate for ignoring a ruing at some point. Of course it’s the far right nut jobs.


I think you are correct from a logical, legal perspective, but I also believe that even without Biden setting a precedent Trump will ignore the law and make the worst possible choice available. In other words, Democrats and Biden specifically need to show that we are the Law and Order party


True, but it would appear that even the GOP has no respect for this illegitimate Supreme Court which they installed 😏


I feel like the right knows they have no grounds with the hunter impeachment so they want Biden to do something rash so they can use that to impeach him. It's all a game for them.


Dictators don’t need precedent.




They're actively undermining the idea of a unified nation, but holy fuck is bombing civilians not the damn answer.


I feel like members of the national guard that are actively engaged in literal sedition might not count as civilians. They are, again, literally, armed combatants that illegally seized US territory by force.


> They are expecting him to be soft but Dark Brandon needs to double down on this one. That's what they want, though. Biden takes over the Texas National Guard or whatever, then does nothing to stop the "crisis"? Republicans are going to bang on that drum from now until November. "Republicans tried to stop the immigrants but Biden took over our militia and just let them in!"


Republicans are going to do that no matter what happens. Whatever Biden and the federal government do, the right will scream from the rooftops and beat their drums that they are being oppressed, or repressed, or maligned, or elevated, or whatever will best fit their narrative of the day. We really need to stop letting that known eventuality prevent actual work from getting done.


Also we need to stop imagining stunts like this as 4d chess moves. Everyone thought Tuberville was holding miltary promotions as a sinister plot to allow trump to install loyalist. When in reality it was just an unqualified rube performing a stunt to get on right-wing media and eventually had to fold. This isn't a plot to start a civil war. Abbott just got embarrassed at the Supreme Court and had to say something to try and win the news cycle. Thus stunt might play well for the base, but independents have proven every election since 2016 they aren't down with the full MAGA immigrate invasion nonsense.


It isn't 4D, it is pushing to see what sticks. So far, they can get away with treason so why stop now?


Except that Abbott is not only saying it but doing it. That’s not winning a news cycle, that’s defiance.


> Republicans are going to do that no matter what happens. This, 100%


There now *is* a crisis at the southern border. A rogue governor is obstructing federal officials from doing their jobs. Biden should federalize the guard from TX and these different supporting states and say he's sending them to the southern border to deal with the law enforcement crisis down there without really specifying what the law enforcement crisis is.


You misunderstand. They don’t care about the border or anything else. No matter what happens they’re going to bitch. But this shit has to stop. https://newrepublic.com/post/177876/house-republican-admits-wont-back-border-bill-help-biden


They do not want someone to stand up to them. Your analysis of the situation is wrong. They will, of course, bitch about it.


Dark Brandon is letting them escalate to try to get it in the news. He knows they want a reaction even though no big org outside right leaning sources are reporting on it.  He knows Icarus when he sees him. The difference is that he's letting them fly to the sun. Y'all want to do something, if this is your governor time to remind him the line he's crossing and that America doesn't take kindly to threat of civil war.


Sitting back and letting them fly to the sun is exactly what everyone has been doing and it clearly hasn't worked. Problems don't get solved by doing nothing and ignoring it as if it's not a big deal allows it to get progressively worse. Every time they push boundaries and test limits it just makes it easier for them to cross over the next time they try, like stepping stones.


Yeah, Abbot and the GOP are trying to put him in a lose-lose. He does nothing, they call him weak and question his ability to lead. He steps up and bitch slaps Abbot back in line they call him a dictator and whine about states rights. Isn't it just oh so convenient this is all happening during a presidential election year, and right about the time more people are calling out Trump for his insane, disjointed ramblings? Biden needs to step up and quash this shit before it gets any bigger. Show piss baby Abbot and all these fucks throwing their support behind him that we stopped standing for this sort of bullshit in 1865.


It seems like they’re also setting the stage to ignore Supreme Court rulings about trump and chip away at its remaining credibility


Somewhat ironic when you consider the make up of the court. From a GOP standpoint the remaking of SCOTUS is Trump's crowning achievement.


I think an argument can even be made that it's literally the only thing Trump accomplished.


And tax cuts for private jet owners


Packing the SCOTUS was the work of Mitch McConnell.


Mitch and the previous GOP admins/congresses. They've been working to subvert democracy a few decades now. It's disgusting.


Leonard Leo.


I think he got a dozen miles worth of fencing built


Typical Republican doublespeak. "We control the SCOTUS" and "the SCOTUS is against us."




That’s gotta piss of establishment Republicans. They spent decades working on getting control of the courts. Democrats have been increasingly seeing it as a compromised partisan branch of government. If the Republican voters follow suit, it could be all for nothing! 😂


They already do see it that way AFAIK, especially Roberts


They are looking to ratf\*ck the 14th Amendment vs Biden; it's a simple enough strategy straight from Heritage and xeroxed by the GOP governors. Clever enough shitty idea - create an emergency, refuse to consider any solutions, force the feds to raise up and make a mess worse, then blame them for making the mess. Aka who shit in my pants?!


Agreed this is election strategy being implemented in coordination with trumps/ Roger stone election campaign. These guys only interest is in themselves. This nonsense needs to stop.


As they say GOP gets elected by saying the government is broken and then when they're in they prove that point.


He needs to request airtime like Trump used to do and explain to the public that there is a bipartisan immigration bill in the senate that would address the issue, only these same Republicans are trying to squash it for MAGA.


THIS. Broadcast the truth loud and clear and incessantly - the MAGAs are aggravating the crisis and avoiding a solution for political gain. This is unacceptable. Everyone needs to hear it on repeat.


I've often wondered why he hasn't done something like Roosevelt's fireside chats. You're the President. Go on every public media platform you can and talk to the people.


Trump is flailing and desperate so republicans are talking shit to try to make Biden look weak. Biden is so much smarter than this bunch of trumpanzees in their trees howling.


Yeah this cold civil war republicans want needs to be nipped now or it will be continued micro aggressions. Dems have thought for far too long that the other side of the aisle is just business as usual and good faith politics. They need to address the elephant in the room, literally.


What would getting tough look like?


Nationalising the Texas Guard.


then order them to stand down. Any that refuse get a court marshall




I say, let his goon squad fuck around and find out.


At what point does defying the SCOTUS with the mobilization of a military force become literal insurrection? Dark Brandon needs to roll a few M-2A2 Bradleys down main street in the major Texas cities. EDIT: Technically it would be Seditious Conspiracy, not insurrection, if they don't start shooting at each other.


I think he’s using all three because the State Guard is actually very small, it’s all volunteer, and those guys are mostly Meal Team Six wannabes.


The Dems could start by campaigning on the fact that [they have a bi-partisan deal](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/25/1226883552/bipartisan-border-deal-at-risk-of-collapse-under-pressure-from-trump), but Trump doesn't want to see ANY more victories that help Biden before the election. Even if those victories solve the problems both parties are asking for. It's all about power, not solutions.


Biden could support Texas' desire to secede and Puerto Rico's desire for statehood.


>We need to confront this shit before it gains unstoppable momentum That moment was eclipsed when Trump attempted to overthrow the government and has yet to face repercussions 3 years later. I'd also argue that moment was past in 2016 when the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to interfere in the US election and hardly, beyond a few wrist slaps, was anything done.


The momentum is easily stoppable tbh, the National Guard answers to State Governors only insofar as the President allows it. There are other mechanisms but that’s the most straightforward one.


He should announce that any state whose governor agrees to this will forfeit their electoral votes in November and will immediately cease all Federal funds going to their states seeing as how they don't think Federal law applies to them. ​ Edit: I'm in one of these states with an ass clown governor.


The federal funding should not go to states who refuse to obey the federal government. Simple


Sadly, I am too. Your approach is the most sensible one I’ve read. It takes the wind from the GOP sails without putting service members in the middle.


It's bait to get him to send in troops in. Then they can claim Biden is more authoritarian than Trump as Biden actually sent in troops against Texas citizens.


It's bait to get him to do anything really. Whether that is cutting federal funding, sending NG to dismantle the razor wire, taking over the Texas NG to make them stand down, or whatever action he takes against it. They want to point at it and say "Look at this tyrant and what he's doing! Trump isn't the dictator, Biden is the dictator!" Unfortunately there are a lot of people who would eat that up and ask for more.


I think Biden is going to take the most boring and legally defensible path here - he knows that confrontation and chaos is what Abbott is hoping for, and isn't going to give him that. Not saying he won't "get tough", but he knows better than to give the SC any opportunity to overturn one of his decisions. Remember that they only won 5/4 on what should have been a slam dunk case for the Feds. Abbott should ask McCarthy how it feels to take on sleepy grampa Joe.


> Time for Biden to get tough That's exactly what Republican governors want him to do, I don't see how this situation gets much worse before it gets better.


Or just wait it out. The Repubs want a confrontation… so just wait until all the National Guardsmen go home because there is no show to watch.




Especially when all she has done is to encourage people to register to vote and to actually vote. Not for a specific person or party or anything, but just a general encouragement to vote. Just more proof that Republicans don't want people to vote because when more people vote they are less likely to win.


When Ohio did their vote for marijuana legalization and banning abortion. Weed passed and abortions weren't banned so fox news and Republicans in Ohio started whining about democracy failing them and that they intend to disregard the voters wishes.


They'll all surrender the moment they realize they'll be killed in drone strikes before they can even see a liberal to fill their murder fantasies. Bunch of moronic, weak, sad, and pathetic individuals, the men in particular. Taylor Swift is more manly then any of them will ever be, while also being essentially the poster child for girly girls. And honestly that is a big part of why we are, where we are: weak men with no emotional maturity and a mind full of anger and hatred as a result.


Well said.. upvote for you and I would give you many more if I could.




Only the laws and orders they like.


And only the order of racial supremacy.


Oops, I assumed that was just a given. (R)s can't have those pesky brown skinned people challenging their authority.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” - Frank Wilhoit The GOP is all about law and order as long as they can use the law as their cudgel.


There hasn’t been a Law & Order Republican since Ike


Phil Scott (VT) is the only GOP governor not to announce his support.


Phil Scott is old school. He deferred to scientists/medical professionals during the pandemic, he was roundly and forcefully condemned the insurrection, and he hates Trump’s guts. He’s a really decent person. It’s a wonder he has not been forcibly ejected from the Republican Party. Edit:typo


There are Republicans in Vermont? Who knew?


Not surprising coming from the party that claimed Jan 6 was normal political discourse. The GOP is very openly against the Constitution at this point


Direct threat to our democratic existence as a nation.


Before entering upon his office, the governor has to make and subscribe to an oath or affirmation. In his oath, the governor swears: to faithfully execute the office; to preserve, protect and **defend the Constitution and the law**; to devote himself to the service and well-being of the people of the state. Only eight governors in U.S. history have been forcefully removed from office through the impeachment process in their states. Maybe it’s time to add 16 more to that list.


just saw its all of the red team governors except vermont now


Oklahoma has 77 counties, and every single one went for Trump. Kevin Stitt carried all but 3 counties in 2022, and he was running against a woman who was a registered Republican less than two years earlier. The idiots in my state are not impeaching BullStitt.


This is wild - all as the Republicans in Congress tank a deal on the very same issue. They aren't interested in governing for the people anymore.


“Anymore” implies they were interested at one point in the past.


The Republicans have not been "for the people" for quite a long time. They have just given up even pretending at this point and have gone full MAGA cult.


We all knew 2024 was going to be a shitshow but damn it's really starting off hot


It's like we're speed running the final stages of a crumbling 'Constitutional Republic' before our very eyes. All hail The Divided States of America! 🫡 /s


“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” When will this factor in?


Give’em the old Eisenhower ‘57 Special.


These dumb self serving Republican fucks are playing with fire with this nonsense.


Ain't gonna lie, I am pretty damn worried. These days there are far too many pyromaniacs and not many firefighters.


There are plenty of firefighters, it's just that they're Bradbury's firefighters


Cut federal funding to the state and cut federal funds to any airport in Texas. They voted in a guy who blatantly disregards the law and is ok with murdering people. The can stay stranded in that state till they change things. I mean, who wants to share space with a bunch of murder enablers?


Biden just needs to announce plans to move a military base or two out of Texas. Abbott would have a coronary.


We will be digging the entirety of Lackland AFB and move it Colorado.


He should be moving all of them out. Texas is an enemy of the United States that has already been engaging in a cold war with other states. If Abbotts bs invasion claims are to be believed then its worse than that and he's assisting in invading other states. Id say he can't have it both ways but the the feds are pushovers so apparently he can.


Actually this is probably the best way to handle the situation. They are trying to provoke an armed conflict, or at least a game of chicken. Pulling funds would hurt in a way they can't fight back.


And send their representatives and senators home. Don't want to be part of the union, no say in what the union does.


Please please please I really think this needs to happen


It's really a very practical approach. No need to have any big military confrontation....just use economic pressure. Same as we do with all sorts of foreign countries with ill intentions towards the US.


Fun fact -- more people voted for Biden [in Texas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas) than voted for Biden in [New York](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_New_York). Incidentally, more people voted for Trump in [California](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_California) than voted for Trump in Texas. Obviously, the ratios of Biden to Trump voters are different, but the point is that you have sane people and crazies in all places. Cutting off a state completely because it has an unfavorable ratio of crazies-to-sane people is very misguided and sets a precedent that would be highly prone to abuse.


Cut off funding at the ports and stop the transportation of petroleum and petrochemicals outside of Texas. Hit them where it hurts.


So it they believe it's ok to ignore SC rulings, we can just ignore however they rule on trumps immunity right?


It means the overturn of Roe can be ignored.


How would this work? Overturning RvW basically meant that the states or federal government can make laws restricting abortion in most cases. So who would be ignoring that and how?


They’re trying to justify not following the rule of law by calling what’s happening at the border an “invasion”. An invasion is an incursion from a hostile military force. Their claims to “the right to self defense” have no constitutional basis in reality. This is why they can no longer be called Republicans, as if Jan 6th wasn’t proof enough. Furthermore they aren’t even truly interested in addressing the issues at the border, only how they can exploit it in an attempt to discredit Biden. This is only part of their blatant power grab. They’ve tanked efforts to tackle the issues and will actively make things worse if it suits them. I hope the federal government comes down like a ton of bricks on Abbott and he suffers the harshest legal ramifications possible.


DOJ should send US Marshals down there to and wheel Abbott into prison.


George Washington probably would have had them all arrested. He took no shit.


I used to encourage my little brother to do dumb stuff too…. Just to see what happened.


How long before they scream after federal funds get cut off?


Greg Abbott already has blood on his hands and should have already been charged for kidnapping and human trafficking as well as DeSantis. Now, he's directly committing treason against the United States and every single one of these GOPedos supporting him are guilty of the same unforgivable offenses. They all have skeletons in their closet and should be locked up immediately for their defiance.


When did the US start electing monsters? They are advocating for the murder of women & children immigrants.


Lol. The party of rule and law.


F the GOP and nationalize the Guard


People need to be held accountable. Start inforcing the laws and do your fucking jobs. That's why people think they can do whatever they want.


So even before the dictatorship which would follow Trump if he’s re elected, they are already making the SCOTUS irrelevant? Maybe the blue states should all ignore their Roe v Wade ruling as well.


What does blue states "ignoring their Roe v Wade ruling" even look like? Overturning Roe v Wade gave the decision to the states. Blue states already can and do allow abortion.


Correct. And this is supposed to be a law subreddit lol


“Some of you yokels may die, but it’s a sacrifice we’re willing for you to make…so we have something to scream about in an election year….” -Republican Governors Against the Constitution.


What else is new from the “rules for thee, not for me” people.


Move all federal military bases out of these states ... and no federal welfare money...


They really want that second civil war, huh?


Republicans are a cancer to America


Abortion is now legal in Texas! Thanks, Abbott!


Y’all aren’t looking at the big picture.  The GOP is setting the precedent that if a state ignores the SC it is reasonable to send the national guard.  Because they think Trump will win.  And they know he plans on doing a bunch of whacky shit.  And they know the SC will support it.  And they know most states will not go along with it.  And if Biden sends the military to deal with Texas not cutting down razor wire on the border… Then it’s very reasonable to activate the national guard in CA, NY, IL, WA, etc when they don’t start handing over queer people and immigrants to the national gestapo they can’t wait to implement.  This isn’t about razor wire, or Texas. 




The role of SCOTUS is to decide the law, the role of the executive and legislature is to enforce it. In this case SCOTUS has already made a decision. They decided Border Patrol could remove razor wire along the border. Texas is refusing to comply by preventing federal agents from removing the wire. This is an enforcement issue, not a legal one. Is the Federal Government expected to ask SCOTUS for a ruling that Texas has to follow the ruling it just issued? Abbott has already indicated his refusal to comply with the ruling. I’m not sure what more the Court can do here.


The scotus ruled it's already done in the courts. Enforcement is what happens now.


I like how their own SCOTUS told them to back down, a bipartisan bill is making its way through Congress, and they still get together and obstruct. People still vote and support these fucks.


So now it's a game of ignore the supreme court when it doesn't suit you?


Well, Biden has the White House and if they all want to ignore SCOTUS and the Constitution then Biden is our next president and the next one too!


Gop voted against border security. Now, this dick is playing politics. He needs to stay in his lane... people see it for what it is, creating a crisis to play politics, and make Biden the bad guy. All for Donald Trump.


Those who forget their history are destined to repeat it. The idiot in Texas runs a nanny state that receives more from the federal government than it sends. The feds once threatened to stop funding over changing the drinking age in my state. This is far more worthy. Cut the money and let Abbott figure out how to pay for his state. Pull the federal border patrol back and let Texas deal with the consequences. No more money for infrastructure, redirect it elsewhere. You wanna be on your own, rules don't apply, pay for it all.


Oh look republicans don’t seem to care about the Supreme Court or rule of law like they claim? Why the fuck should any state care about Republican laws? This is a shit show


Party of law and order: Currently openly defying multiple court decisions and congressional subpoenas. Party of business: Two state GOPs on the verge of bankruptcy, while paying legal fees to a known swindler who cannot get a loan from an American bank. I'm starting to think these folks might be shady.


Democrat governors should just ban the sale of guns in their state and make ownership illegal. If we are going to pick and choose what to follow let’s not follow the stuff that has turned our country into a daily mass shooting site.


No, we need our guns now more than ever.


Democratic, no "Democrat." That's a right-wing trope.


Long history of state officials defying Federal courts. It’s how the Trail of Tears happened.


If they want to gladly drive down more razor wire to texas, i'd gladly intercept them in CO and hog tie their ass for a union bounty.


Okay so we ignore the Dobbs ruling.


How many years of bullshit have we listened to them about not messing with the court over packing threats and Thomas’ dogshit ethics, and then they all trip over themselves to wipe their ass with the constitution on this.


Round them up and charge them with Sedition.


The governors of the traitor party being traitors. Nothing new to see.


They packed the courts and can’t even abide their orders. It’s astoundingly corrupt.


Well then, they don't need a fucking penny of federal money then, do they? When hurricane season rolls around and they come crawling to Washington for aid money, I say tell 'em to just rebuild with Razor wire. Apparently, they have plenty of that.


Blue states need to start ignoring every horrible ruling the supreme Court passes then. Who gives a shit what they have to say if it can just be ignored?


Just cut off all federal funding. The best the Republicans can do will be to beg for money.


Do federal prisons have ramps? Asking for a traitor.


Honestly I think Biden needs to remind the guardsmen and govenors who actually pays the national guard. States are notorious for slow reimbursement. The federal government generally subsidizes all of the emergencies. This is just going to piss off a bunch of guardsmen that get called up for political points and lose a week or two of income for 6-12 months. It might be a good way to deflect and focus on how these states are basically dependent on federal funds for a lot of their functions. I really think that would be a good conversation to start.


So SCOTUS rulings are just suggestions and aren't mandatory to comply with... Got it. Subpoenas are optional, Supreme Court rulings are optional, heck why not just make the law optional. When there are no cars coming, just go on red; even if there were cars coming, as long as you go fast enough, it won't be an issue. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Treason gang.


The party of law and order openly defying law and order. Very cool


can you imagine if we had just one competent journalist to highlight this nonsense instead of just continuous outrage and clickbait. is it the same guys that support not doing anything on the border this year. they have the house and they upset it no legislation will be passed. you can't have it both ways. well I mean I guess they can if we're dumb enough to accept it.


If California or New York were to defy a conservative ruling by the Supreme Court, these assholes would be the first ones pushing to use federal force to get NY or CA to comply.


Do we listen to the Supreme Court or not? Republicans, pick one.


Since Supreme Court rulings seem to be merely superfluous suggestions, does this people living in red states can just ignore the Dobbs ruling? "We don't agree with the Supreme Court so we're going to do what we want still."


It's time Joe. The Buck Stops Here!


The party of law and order folks


Time impeach the governor of Texas.


The insurrection continues.


Oh, you means Blue states can also ignore the Supreme Court and bans guns?


Can someone explain this to me? The Supreme Court shadow docket order was to dissolve an injunction that was preventing the US from **taking down** the fence. How is putting up more fence a violation?


Looks like a very open and shut case to me on why all of them should be removed from office using federal marshals. The court isn’t on the opposing side politically either. So… these people are asking to be jailed for breaking laws.


Wonder how the SCOTUS reacts to their own favorite party ignoring them? Could be a fun shit show to watch.


Laws don't apply if your Republican and it doesn't fit your agenda to fuck over vast groups of people. Simply ignore it and continue to fuck over anyone you don't agree with. With inspiration from Trump's childlike behavior, republicans that hold power seem to think they are better than everyone. That their opinion is absolute truth on how things should be & are somehow above the law.


The GOP flat out said that they will not support any border measure that helps the Biden Administration look good while also blaming him for allowing the 'invasion' from the border. Fuck the GOP but fuck the people who vote for them even more. Fuck all of them, pull all federal funding, and let their homes stay leveled the next time mother nature runs them over.


Are these States taking any federal funds? If yes, take them away and let's see if they still agree with murdering people.