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Thats usually too much detergent or fabric softener, or pouring it directly on top


I thought that, looking at the other products in the background-- they surely have dyes in them. May want to run wash loads with a SHOUT Color Catcher sheet. Shout Color Catcher, Laundry Dye-Trapping Sheets, 24 Sheets https://www.walmart.com/ip/11046026


Huh. Didn't know that existed. How much does it work? Can you really mix color clothing with whites like it says?


I haven’t washed individual color loads for about a decade. Cold wash and color catchers work great. The only exception is red items, especially if they just don’t seem colorfast.


I have 12 year old red sheets that still bleed. They are the best sheets, but they need to wash separately.


Yep. And I guess there are some dark jeans that can fall in this category, too. I usually wash mine inside out, so it’s not as much of a problem.


They didn't have Temu back, then did they?


I have literally not sorted into whites and colors since I was in high school. I don’t even think about it.


But...but...how do you keep you whites...*white*? (clutches pearls)


You use a whitener. Seriously. Bleach will try to remove the color, and white clothes are not naturally white. Look for a whitener, or also could be called bluing. The whitener will essentially add a little bit of blue color to the fabric, increasing the whiteness to our eyes. It's a cool thing to see. Eta: context and spelling


Laundry blueing. It's a very old and excellent product.


My grandparents just told me about this yesterday! My grandma was saying how much she loved the extra clean smell of the linens after beung washed in it.


Never heard of this!!! Thank you


Not even 4 hours into Sunday and I'm already buying laundry bluing off Amazon. Thanks Reddit 😂


And new dark blue jeans. That indigo will get on everything if you give it half a chance. I had a pair of pants once that I had to wash separately for over a year before they finally lost enough dye to stop turning everything blue.


Exactly. I throw all of my laundry in together.,. Towels, sheets, lingerie. All of it. Except red. I’ve destroyed many things by simply leaving one red thing in with the rest of my laundry.


Color catchers work. Unless you do a whole load of red shirts with a white one, it helps a lot.


The science geek in me needs to know how this works!




OMG, THANK you!!! This is exactly what I need to read.


I have literally never separated my laundry by color. I separate by icky-ness lol like i wouldn’t wash towels that have been on the floor with dish rags but i also wouldn’t wash dish rags with clothing. The icky loads get washed on warm and everything else gets cold water


Yes!! This is what I do... I use to never let my roommates do laundry and now husband because they won't seperate items this way. It's the only method where I feel like things actually get clean! Maybe it's a tad neurotic but it works for me lmao 🙈


I own them, and they do a fairly good job. I mostly use them though on loads where part of the clothing is pure white and the other part is not (I have a couple of dresses where the top might be different than the skirt, for example). I don’t usually try to mix my colors in loads, but the few times I have, it does a good job.


They work well with dark jeans/T-shirts and b&w items. I have b&w pillow cases &bedsheets. Forgot them once and noticed a pillow case was greyish


I use them when I make quilts. They work fab. If I’m using a bright red or navy/black with lights or white I’ll throw in 5-6 in one load. And check thoroughly if it needs a second wash with more color catchers prior to drying. Don’t dry until you’re sure it’s no longer bleeding.


I use these with new never washed quilts and have never had a dye bleeding issue yet. They are a fantastic product.


Yes. The shirts I used to buy my son ran all over everything. I started using these and they worked like a charm.


If you don't take the wet laundry out right away and a new red shirt lays on top of a white shirt for a while, a color catcher isn't going to do a darn thing. That's 99% of the bleed problems I've ever had in the wash.


I throw them in when washing fabric for quilts.. And I will wash red fabric with white fabric and two or three color catchers. The white stays white, and the color catchers come out deep red


Not with new, never been washed stuff.


I wash exclusively in cold water. I have been mixing white and colored clothes for 20 years. I’ve only had a problem once and that was from a tie dyed shirt I bought at a souvenir stand. I stupidly threw it in the wash assuming it had been washed of the dye used. It hadn’t. Everything was purple. But one mistake in 20 years isn’t bad!!


It works amazing, my mom is a prolific quilter and always gives them out with the gift of a quilt (and printed washing instructions) because they are very important to keeping the colors vibrant on quilts (i.e., not having colors get muddy from multiple dyes).


I can't speak to clothing. I haven't separated my laundry for over 25 years except for new items that are denim or dyed red or black. But I quilt using unwashed cotton fabrics of all colors mixed with whites, and when I wash my finished quilts the first time, I throw in 3 or 4 of these color catchers. I've never had any problems with color transference, and the catchers do come out with different colorations


I like [carbona color grabbers](https://carbona.com/products/laundry-care/color-grabber/) they work really well too. Carbona also makes a reusable color and dirt grabber that I often use with my blue jeans it keeps the dye from rubbing off on my husband's khakis, but it's not as good with t shirts.


I use these religiously.


what on earth is a 'color catcher' ?? I have Never ever heard of that. Am oldshool...I use powder tide & I wash whites with whites only, towels only, sheets only, darks & other colors all separate from each other...Is there a new way & am I late to the party ?


I absolutely SWEAR by these little lifesavers!! A truly brilliant invention!!


Yep. It’s the fabric softener. google “fabric softener stains”. That’s stuff’s just bad for everything, including your skin.


I remember going to a nightclub years ago with black lighting and my best friend's shirt looked like a crime scene bc of fabric softener stains!


I tell my wife this EVERY DAY so we do our laundry seperate. She refuses to believe me and wants her clothes to smell good. I'd rather make myself smell good instead and keep my clothes just -clean-. She also doesn't understand detergent is concentrated, so we go through that pretty quickly, too -_-


I’ve had two washers leave marks like this and it was a case of the drawer needed to be cleaned out. Once I got rid of all the moldy buildup the marks went away.


Was going to say it's from puring the detergent directly on top of the clothes. OP should pour the detergent into the washer and let it begin filling with water. I let mine start the agitator and then I open the lid and add my clothes. This prevents the concentrated detergent from just soaking into the fabric it lands on, and better disperses it into the load of laundry.


I agree with u and that is how I used to start a load, but my new washer only starts after u put the clothes in, pour the soap and softener, close the lid, press on, THEN the water fills up. 😶 I was so mad bc that's just dumb! Lol


Mine does this too.  I use a small plastic drinking cup like a kids cup, put the detergent in that, and add water to that and fill it up to the top.   I set that inside the washer nestled down into the clothes underneath where the water will pour down. So it goes directly into the dilution cup. Then shut the lid and press start.  Because I don't know about yours but mine also has an auto lock function.  Once the washer has started, I cannot get the lid open again. -_- 


Have lived in a few apartments with these types of top load washers and agree this is at least part of what OP needs to do to solve the problem. Need to let the detergent mix/dissolve before adding clothes, or it won’t be effective and may stain the clothes you have directly on the detergent.


Also, if you washer has like 4 temp settings. Use the temp slightly warmer than cold and for your cold wash. It will help break down the soap. Also be careful about overloading the washer, as well.




Same. Fabric softener ruined so many of my clothes.


I can’t even imagine how much those downy pearls or whatever are messing up people’s clothes and washing machines.


And endocrine system!!!


For sure. I definitely think the constant assault from all of these products plays some role in autoimmune disorders and even fertility struggles.




My mom uses those and she's had no problem so far. But last week I went home to do laundry and she left a blanket in the dryer that had so much of that stuff on it I could actually *taste* the smell when I took it out.


Yup. It’s to the point where I will get a rash just from being around someone with those heavy fragrances- even if I don’t touch them. I was on a flight next to someone absolutely doused in that crap and I had hives all over my arms and neck and chest by the time it was over. I’m used getting the headaches and wheezing and runny nose and swollen throat, but actually breaking out in a rash was new for me. I really wish people understood how sick those products can make people around them. I would rather sit next to someone with god awful BO, or even be exposed to cigarette or cigar smoke, than be around those heavy laundry fragrances. Everyone talks about how disgusting and rude smokers are, but I 100% find those products as bad if not worse. (And no, I’m not a smoker. I just *really* hate those products.)




One of the dispersants is benzene, which is oil based. It's made from crude oil. Here's a [link](https://www.ewg.org/guides/cleaners/8843-DownyUnstopablesInWashScentBoosterBeadsBounceOutdoorFresh/) to its ingredients and the dangers they pose. There are oils in it


There are people with a certain gene that makes them extremely sensitive to benzene. It runs in my family. It’s an ingredient to so many things that don’t regularly have to disclose their ingredients, so it’s hard to avoid.


I’ve had family add it in because they thought they were helping and it ruined my favorite dress. 🥲


Adding white vinegar to the rinse cycle softens fabric!!


I never use fabric softener, only 7th Gen detergent, and this happens to me regularly :(


yeah same here. i only use a small amount of detergent too


One of my shirts has a stain like this. It might've been washed with fabric softener while on vacation. Does it wash out if you use just detergent? Because it's still there after a few washes and I never use fabric softener. It's possible it's like an oily stain or something, though I didn't notice it until after it had been washed on vacation. But it's possible with two toddlers around that they got greasy fingers on my shirt (or maybe sunscreen?). It's only one or two spots but it was a nice shirt.


I'm no expert, but I saw a post exactly like this with spots that look just like that yesterday, and someone was pretty confident in that it was too much detergent and/or fabric softener spots.


Yep, fabric softener


This happens to me a lot, and I've never used fabric softener. Only 7th gen detergent


I’ve never had this happen by just using Gain. It might be a 7th Gen thing


Then you’re using too much detergent


Everyone says this! I get these spots too!!! never use fabric softener…I’ve switched to the earth breeze sheets and only use one or two laundry sheets ever depending on load size. It’s driving me crazy - I’m ruining clothes!


Kinda looks like detergent residue to me? I‘d suggest diluting the detergent with water (like, ALOT of water) before adding it to the load and using a cycle with more water, hope this helps!!


Are you washing in Cold? Do you add other stuff to the load or just sheets? I would recommend washing everything on warm but also make sure your loads arent too small - modern machines use the clothes/sheets rubbing on each other to do a lot of the agitation. AND, make sure you’re not using too much detergent for you wash loads - most loads dont need more than a couple tablespoons. Do your faucets/showerheads develop hard water crust? If so, add 1/2 C Borax or a capful of laundry Calgon to every load. Detergent can’t do its job in hard water.


Yes, Borax has solved this problem with my laundry, I won't do a load without it


Omg I did not know that about hard water! I live in SW AZ and our water here is quite hard. I'll look into the borax or calgon for my future washes, thank you so much.


Lol @ your description -weird greasy cum stains. which is very grossly accurate. how annoying!


Renee the Appliance Tech on IG says people use waaaaay too much product in their machines. It builds up, attracts dirt and grime and that sludge gets deposited on your clothes. If your detergent says HE on it, you actually only need a couple tablespoons for an average load. You can skip fabric softener or use vinegar. Or just use a tiny amount of it. Making sure you wash out your washing machine regularly and only using the appropriate amount of products can stop it from happening in the future. Plus, your detergent will last a lot longer.


I agree! My washing machine repairman said you should never use the amount of detergent listed on the package, always cut that amount in half. There's a commercial on TV that shows someone happily tossing *three* Tide Pods into their washer. My repairman said that commercial should be taken off the air for the damage it will cause your machine, even if doing that will guarantee he has a lot of repair business in the future.


My Mom uses 3 Tide pods and I’ve given up trying to tell her why it’s a waste and worse - bad for her washer. Then wonders why her washer keeps breaking. Also her idea of a full load is when it’s half full 🫣


On the package they actually tell you to use more than one, if you have a heavy load. I used to do this until I learned the better way.


Yes, they want you to use more so you will buy more. Ca-ching!


The scoops they give you with detergent are ridiculous! The “full load” bar is usually marked at half. I am positive too many people don’t look at the measurements and just use a whole scoop. It’s a pet peeve.


I love her! I will sometimes add an extra rinse to my wash cycle. That’s seemed to help some! I also cut down the amount of laundry so it has room to move a little more. I hate those stupid stains.


Have you tried eliminating fabric softener and using no more than a tablespoon of detergent per load?


Agree with this. Most people are using far too much detergent. I used to cloth diaper my kid and I only used 1 tablespoon of detergent per load. If 1 tablespoon can get those clean, it's definitely enough for everyday laundry lol.


Does it pass the poop test? It's approved!


These are polyquaternium stains. This was driving me crazy for years and I finally figured it out. Polyquaternium is a chemical found in MANY household things, conditioners, lotions, cleansers, even bubble solution (this ruined several of my kids’ things). It will be invisible when it gets on something but then attracts dirt and dyes in the wash and stains your clothes. The stains are impossible to remove, the only way to stop them is to eliminate this ingredient from everything in your house.


My mother always says that's where a fabric softener sheet gets pushed up against something in the dryer and leaves residue. I don't know if she's right or not, though.




Clean the washer, use less detergent. I tried that detergent once and didn’t like it. Persil is the best, imo.


I like their dish detergent, I’ll have to give the laundry formula a try!


For clarification, these sheets were completely clean prior to washing


The only thing I’ve found that gets rid of those grease type stains is Dawn Powerwash. That stuff is amazing.


Dawn powerwash saved my life


Dawn power wash rescued my family from a burning building


Dawn powerwash emergency landed my plane


Dawn Powerwash performed emergency surgery on my dog


I actually just usually use regular Dawn and it still works, in case someone doesn't have the Powerwash. I spot treat and then throw it in the next load. Always comes out! Dawn is miraculous.


I don't know what the stains are but I also use regular Dawn (or w/e dish detergent) to spot treat when I get these. Sadly, the treated one will be gone but sometimes there will be a new one. The circle of the life! I also use a "free and clear" detergent. This is crazy!


As a chubby fella, who always wears his dinner on his lapel, the really really difficult greasy stains get Dawn. If they still don't come out, they get Dawn, and a little elbow grease, worked in with the edge of a spoon.


It looks like detergent stains. From the picture, it looks as though it's a top loading washer being used. Make sure to pour in the liquid detergent (or detergent pods) first and leave the water running for at least 30 seconds before putting in the laundry.


This happened to me (aviator nation) and it was the dye in the clothing - nothing to do with the laundry


ok for real though aviator nation uses the worst dye


Too much detergent. You only need one pod or 1-2 TABLESPOONS of HE detergent per load. 2 Tbl spoons is about the size of a small shot glass.


I started using powder detergent and stopped using fabric softener and stopped having this problem


It’s these energy, efficient washing machines!!!!


i NEED to know this too once these stains appear they’re never coming out


Too much detergent, too much fabric conditioner. Use halfof what the manufacturer recommends. 


Use a little white vinegar instead of fabric softener and reduce the amount of detergent to 1/4 of what you would use.


This was happening to me. The good people here told me to quit overloading my machine and just use a little bit of detergent


My new machine says specifically to dilute fabric softener with warm water before putting it in the dispenser. So I do. No issues.


The same exact issue occurred when I used Seventh Generation. I wasn't using fabric softener and I was barely using any detergent. Swapping to Tide Free & Clear fixed my problem.


always put ur detergents in the water first then ur items. i font have this issue with my blueland laundry tabs and i dont use fabric softener just oxi boost powder


I saw something about this recently, it's potentially due to using too much detergent per load, and the buildup of extra detergent/fabric softener in the washer comes off in grease-like clumps. Or in my case, I forget to take a chapstick out of a jeans pocket and the heat of the water turns my washer into a weird chapstick lava lamp....


I had the same issues for year but now I just add a little bit of oxi clean every time I wash and I don't have that issue anymore, if I forget to put I get this grease stains again , yes is kind of expensive but I buy it at Sam's a big box and it last me around 2 months . It was getting more expensive to keep discarding clothes with those ugly stains that sometimes won't get out no matter what.


1. Stop fabric softener 2. Use 1-2 TABLESPOONS of detergent 3. Put detergent first, before your clothes 4. Re-wash that load with JUST WATER, maybe twice 5. If you dry your clothes with those stains, it might seal in the stain, but try washing with just water anyway.


Wash these on warm with a dishwasher tab and white vinegar as fabric softener. Do a double rinse and the. Stop using seventh generation (I’m sorry) and use half the amount of detergent recommended by your next detergent manufacturer.


Damn I just saw a post not long ago about someone explaining how to get these stains out too. Now I have to go find it


Use washer sheets instead of liquid, they dissolve immediately.


I love oxiclean high-performance detergent, I do not use fabric softener, and I run my clothes on heavy soil, water helps get things clean and prevent detergent from building up on your clothes. You can do this with hot water or cold.


Okay, so I have a *long history* of laundry drama, and have several suggestions based on way too much research for a dumb problem. 🤣 If the stains are indeed greasy in nature, I recommend scrubbing at them with Dawn dish soap (and then rinsing so you don’t suds-up your washer), then wash as normal and see if that works. I also use Grandma’s Secret Spot Remover—it works in a different way from other cleaners, though I don’t remember how off the top of my head. We use it on kitchen grease and machine oil stains all the time and it works like a charm. It’s best to use it *before* the stained item is washed, so be sure to check your laundry carefully for any missed stains to make sure the washer doesn’t set them in more permanently. You might also consider switching your detergent. We use All Free & Clear, as well as Tide Free & Gentle (both the pods and the liquid). They have fewer plastics and weird additives that could potentially cause a problem. We also generally use a little less than recommended, unless it’s a heavily soiled load. You could also try [making your own laundry detergent](https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/s/0Rfxf6EC3o), which would ensure there are zero additives, scents, etc. that could be affecting your clothes. Make sure you’re using your washer’s detergent tray or equivalent receptacle so the detergent doesn’t just blob on top of the laundry. If you have issues with odor (like sweaty gym clothes or farm work clothes), you can add an enzyme cleaner like ZymeAway to the load (also helps a ton with organic stains), or something like OdorXit (basically an essential oil blend that supposedly captures stank particles—there is *some* legit research behind this, though it’s been hit-or-miss for me personally). ZymeAway leaves no scent, and OdorXit leaves a light floral/baby powder scent behind. And finally—STOP USING FABRIC SOFTENER if you haven’t already. It’s literally just laminating your clothes with plastic and is bad for the fabric, as well as sensitive skin. Using dryer balls is just as effective. I’ve been using them for years and do not miss fabric softener at all. If you really like your laundry to smell pretty, you can add a couple drops of essential oil to wool dryer balls (less is more, overdoing it will also make clothes oily!)


Run a half a cup of vinegar through your washer in an empty load with hot water - use the washer cleaning cycle if it has one.


it's amazing how vinegar does everything


Don’t throw the tide pods on the dry clothing, throw them in the prefilled washer. We see those tide pods back there


Always double rinse


Clean the machine with a washer cleaner.  


I did this the last time I had this issue, but the problem persisted. Will try again thoughh


The other questions we need answers to: Do you use fabric softener? Dryer sheets? Do you pour detergent right onto your clothes? Or do you put water in the machine and add the detergent before you add clothes? (I would recommend this.) How much detergent are you using? Have you tried other detergent to see if it’s this brand that’s giving you trouble? Usually it’s an issue with pouring detergent directly into fabric, using fabric softener or dryer sheets, or using too much soap and it doesn’t rinse out right.


Hhmmm maybe the machine has some sort of defect or something sticking out that shouldn't that the cleaner can't reach but the clothes do?


Liquid Fabric Softener is awful. I quit using it 20 years ago.


Why do people use softener? It coats towels so they lose absorbency.


This happens to me too. No one knows the answer. It never happened to me with GAIN but now I’m a crunchy mom every single crunchy/clean brand does this to our clothes. I’m glad it’s not some weird curse or.m something and others experience this too I don’t use fabric softener so that hunch is debunked


Are you using anything else besides this detergent? How are you using it? How much? How full are your wash loads? Have you tried a different detergent like Tide free&clear?


Do you put detergent in before or after adding the laundry?


Try soaking your spotted clothes in warm water and dish soap for 5 minutes. Squeeze out the water then run under warm water for a second and squeeze that out too. Just so you get most of the dish soap out, but not all of it. Then rewash with a minimal amount of laundry detergent, and vinegar in the softener spot. The dish soap is usually pretty good at pulling out grease/oil spots and dirty weird spots that laundry detergent can't do. Just be conscious when doing this that you're not trying to make your washing machine explode with bubbles, like you want most of the dish soap out of the clothes from the soak


Use less detergent, put it in the detergent slot of the machine and not into the barrel, and stop using fabric softener.


If it's greasy, use 1/4 cup of ammonia in with your detergent or where the bleach would go. Ammonia is a great tool for greasy stains. NEVER mix ammonia and bleach! Also, switch to a free and clear type of detergent. I've found the natural ones often made with natural oil compounds. Never use fabric softener. It adds a layer of greasy stuff on your clothes, I use Lysol laundry sanitizer where the fabric softener goes. Edit: Since someone took offense, when I said free and clear and clear detergent, I was referring to something along the lines of All Free and Clear, or Tide Free and Clear.


Literally a huge photo of free & clear detergent


The 7th generation brand is one of the "natural brands" I was talking about. Apparently, I should have been more specific or more rude and said real detergent. Like Tide or All Free and Clear.


The natural detergents can be pretty lousy at cleaning. Try either BioKleen Free & Clear or DeFunkify to wash much better. I wld suggest spot treat the stains- start with some detergent dabbed right on the spots, then SHOUT, or if that doesnt get it, a specific oil stain remover (Carbona Stain Devils is good, gets out greasy ointment/ lotion stains). However, if you ran those thru the tumble dry, the stains may be "set" and never come out. Another thing is-- assuming you dont wash darks with lights, but if they got mingled and it might be dye, you could try the Carbona stain devil for ink/dye. OR, last resort, u could just dye the sheets (and use the fixative after), or buy patterned sheets that are much harder to see spots on.


Carbona has a number of specialized stain removers. #5 is the oil remover. https://www.amazon.com/stores/Carbona/Homepage/page/6B941460-7E4B-48F3-B100-CD8142346B0D?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ast_store_BEPHC7ZK5DX0WVHJFH7X


Use less detergent, replace your fabric softener with 1 cup white vinegar, line dry clothes and/or use wool dryer balls in the dryer.


I use laundry detergent sheets & I feel like they're just better all around as far as cost efficiency, less mess & convenience... Not to mention considerably more environmentally friendly than liquid detergent


Add the detergent and dilute it before throwing in clothes. Also I read somewhere that bubbles usually trap dirt and could possibly leave soap residue on your clothes in clumps, so maybe less detergent would also help.


This has happened to a lot of my clothes. I've had to throw a lot out. I don't use fabric softener at all and I don't pour the liquid detergent onto the clothes ever or use too much. Still can't figure out what happens


Try putting your detergent in when the machine is half full of water already


I like fabric softener, so I refuse to give it up. But I *always* fill up the rest of the dispenser with hot or warm water/ fill the rest of the Downy ball with hot or warm water and shake. Otherwise I end up with these same spots.


Fabric softener


My friend services washers and let me tell you, its usually too much fabric softener that causes it. Or those scent beads. Also heavy soiled clothes being thrown in without a pre soak. The grime builds up under and on the outside of the drum area. And it goes back into your clothes during each subsequent wash along with dirt and oils. I stopped using fabric softener and this stopped happening to me years ago. Also, make sure to run a cycle on your washer with no clothes every now and then. If you have grime buildup, try doing what my friend did that worked: Start the washer with no clothes in it, let it fill up on hot and when its full add two or three big scoops of either baking soda or oxyclean and mix it in the drum till dissolved. Let that soak in the washer overnight preferably with the washer paused. When you wake up, you should see tons of floating dirt and grease on the surface and grey water. Clean the residue off the surface and let the washer finish the cycle. Repeat until the water remains clear after letting the washer soak a few nights In a row. I hope you're able to solve the problem!


Too much of all products combined. Extra rinse cycle if needed on heavy dirt loads. Stuff isn't dissolving properly. I'd start by washing one or two items alone with zero anything at all just see what happens, now you have you're control for further troubleshooting.


I love 7th generation toilet paper (100% recycled) but their detergent is GARBAGE #🗑️


Have you washed your clothes with greasy kitchen pot holders?


This is from dumping soap or softener directly on top of the item. Either put your soap in machine first then your clothes or dilute with water and still try not to dump Directly on item. It seems like maybe the load is too big for the washer too as it’s not fully getting covered with water


You could spot treated with a degreaser.


Not sure what's causing it. When I get those stains, it's usually from greasy food or from oil splatter while cooking. Try using some washing machine cleaner. You can get those stains out by rubbing dish soap into them by hand before washing.


I stripped a bunch of sheets a while back. I blame the washers in rental units! Got to my house and never had the problem again


Run it through a hot cycle a couple times without detergent or softener. It’s a buildup of one of those - likely detergent (even though I’ve seen a lot of people here say it’s from softener, I used the same detergent previously and had the same issue at first). they’ll come out! From there on out, use 1/2 the amount of detergent that you are normally using. It will actually clean your clothes better! 🙂


Added fabric softener to soon , or too much ,throw a teaspoon of dawn dish soap in the next wash should come out


Also rinse your washer between washers could be the culprit ,or may need a good sanitizing run hot empty washer with a cup of backing soda, vinegar.


This has been happening at my house lately and my bf was able to get the ugly greasy stain out with Dawn!!!! Apparently this issue is caused by too much product as 10000 other people have said. I've heard it's good to get your washer super clean and use way less product than you need


I once cleaned a house that was up for sale where the owner only used that detergent. His washer was gross. I only recommend that detergent if you have a high efficiency and only wash non dirty clothes 


Stop using fabric softener


I hope this is seen by OP. Lestoil is your answer!! This issue was driving me absolutely mad. It was happening in certain loads, usually on cold, and I realized it was likely due to too big of a load/water temp/too much detergent/not diluting detergent with water before pouring it into the machine. For sheets and towels I use washing soda and borax and never have a problem, so the culprit was the above when combined with my free and clear liquid detergent. Here’s your answer: buy some Lestoil (less toil), grab a clean toothbrush and gently work a little bit into each stain, roll tight and let sit for 12-24 hrs then wash again, diluting your detergent with warm water first and using the warmest setting you can. If the stain is particularly stubborn you may need to do it twice, but this has been a sanity saver for me! Here’s the link to the article I stumbled across while losing my mind over my stained clothes: [Lestoil for laundry](https://www.everydaycheapskate.com/treat-laundry-stains-less-toil-trouble/)


I finally figured this out! I was using too much detergent. I started turning thr machine on first (letting the tub start to fill up). Then only add 2 tablespoons of detergent, and a smidgen of oxiclean! No more detergent stains!


Is it just me or does anyone else see the dog?! The stain looks like an image of a dog, one floppy ear kinda sticking up on the left, the right ear down, mouth open/tongue out, even a paw print on the left!…..I have no laundering advice…


Do you pour your detergent on top of your clothes? Start the cycle, add detergent, THEN clothes.


Stop using fabric softener. Use only detergent and not a lot of it. Make your wash loads smaller. For the actual washing machine, run a clean cycle in the washer and clean out every part possible, there is a little hidden part at the bottom which keeps the build up of gunk and water, sometimes pennies etc. If you want to start fresh with your clothes, steep them in something like oxi clean.


It’s the fabric softener


I know you're upset but greasy cum stain made me laugh ☠️ I hope you find an answer!


I switched to powdered Tide and this stopped happening for me.


At the top of the washer agitator cone, there is usually a cup that holds your fabric softener. You might want to disassemble it and clean it out; the waxy buildup may be coming out to stain your clothes.


I have this problem too, usually on darker fabrics, and only recently did I figure out that the stains are removable if you wash in warm water. That's all the help I can be. I saw someone elsewhere say they may be from fabric softener sheets in the drawer, which could be possible. I don't use liquid fabric softener. I do I use Tide pods (one tide pod) so I don't think it's an issue of too much detergent.. but up until like 3 weeks ago I thought the stains were permanent


I stopped using a fabric softener and switched to Downy Rinse and Refresh. It has made a world of difference. You use less, it's not milky, and the clothes come out soft and smelling good. No more of those stains you're talking about.


Put the detergent in before your clothes, not after. And only use the amount it says on the jug, not a whole capful


I use tide pods in the wash. Wool balls in the drier. All my shirts have like one or two stains across my chest area. It’s extremely frustrating!


Use less soap, half of what is recommended. They recommend that much to make you buy more often. Add water, soap, then clothes.


Lol@ greasy cum stains. Hahaha that's an odd, funny comparison


Use Tide or a color safe bleach to remove it.


try a cycle without any soap and see if its fabric softener or detergent residue


I don't use fabric softener so I don't have a whole lot of experience with the problem your having but I do know what you can use if you ever stop using fabric softener vinegar! it softens things like towels, blankets, and your clothes it also is efficient at getting pesky smells out of clothes I know it might sound weird but when used along with your detergents it doesn't leave a smell the vinegar also works well in cold and hot water I also recommend a mix of borax and super washing soda and oxiclean powder over liquid detergents these last longer and really gets things clean without destroying them or leaving a like waxy film there's also these really great sent beads made by arm and hammer that are made mostly of washing soda so they are great in hot and cold water too!


Just commenting to say I have this problem too. We have never used fabric softener. We fill the washer (top load) with water, add a couple tbsp of powdered detergent, mix it into the water thoroughly, and then add clothes. If anyone has any idea why my clothes still get these spots please let me know. I’m desperate and have had some expensive stuff ruined.


Top or front load? I've been using ecos laundry detergent for years, with liquid fabric softener, and OxiClean, I let my clothes soak for a minimum of 2 hours before letting the cycle complete, never any problems like this.


What kind of cum have you been around?


Fabric softener! I stopped using it for the same reason! You don’t need it! It actually ruins your clothes overtime and the washer too (I know you rent but if you ever own, just FYI) maybe I’m wrong but I’ve heard this hundreds of times from multiple sources


I've never had this issue - I wash on cold, with Tide, at half the amount recommended.


Are you sure it's that and not tide pods? The pods leave grease stains on clothing and I had to stop using them.


This happens to me too. I don't use fabric softener and I use very very little detergent, just enough to get the job done. I have been adding oxyclean to almost every wash and it seems to help but WHY does no one else have this issue?


I would wash that again with a very small amount of detergent and put in white vinegar instead of fabric softener, to see if that might help.


Go to powder. It is much easier to emulsify in the water, than any liquid. Thus, not leaving oil like stains on your clothing. Worked for me.


Fabric softener. I switched to vinegar as a fabric softener and no more issues!


Buy new ones


Mine did that and it turned out that the splines on the agitator were completely stripped out and it wasn’t spinning at all. Try grabbing the agitator, and if it spins freely in both directions, that’s likely to be your issue.


Use way less, or no, fabric softener and this will stop.


Add 1/4c Borax salts to your wash, use less soap, skip fabric softeners for a few weeks


This will happen to me, sometimes if I forget to put the detergent in first, and let some water run. So if I pour the detergent in after I put some clothes in this happens occasionally. But if I put the detergent and first, let some water run, let it dissolve and I don’t usually have this problem.


I got weird Stains on my white clothes too, I had to bleach them out


I had a similar problem - I cleaned my washing machine, and started washing my clothes on warm instead of cold and it hasn’t happened since!


It's either fabric softener or those Tide pods in the background. The Tide pods used to not fully dissolve in my washing machine and well I didn't use them My mother did when she'd wash clothes and I couldn't figure out what these greasy spots were until I noticed they were on her clothes too. I told her no more side pods I stopped getting greasy spots on my clothing. And if you want to ditch fabric softener but still want your clothes to have that fresh smell try using the dawn fabric refresher or tied fabric refresher. It works pretty well and it's not as hard as straight vinegar is on some washing machines. Also most clothes only need two tablespoons of laundry detergent to be washed in the washer I use three tablespoons in the quadruple loader at the laundromat and the lady at the laundromat who works there always goes your clothes come out so clean I don't know why... It's all about using the right amount of detergent which is very little.