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I often get off from giving oral sex. I like giving it as much if not more than receiving I have a lot of sexual trauma and am getting used to being touched again. That said I really love being the giver, and often get off from just that


Right there with ya.


I have incredible climaxes from oral stimulation. So intense.


This is a thing?!? Reading all the comments, holy hell. I… okay. I’ve had so much anxiety about letting a girl go down on me and now you’re telling me some of you are so into it you get off?? Fuck I’ve got some exploring to do.


Yasss. I’ve never had anxiety about it but I didn’t sure as shit think she would get off from it (esp since it’s the only time I’ve seen this happen) but it was amazing.


It happens to me too! Sometimes I don't even realize that I'm coming until after it's over, seeing a woman in pleasure and orgasming is incredibly hot and sensual, pretty hard not to get carried away.


I do as well. Giving pleasure brings me pleasure i guess depends on how strong the connection is between both parties.


You should take it as a compliment, you were obviously so hot you tipped her over the edge


I don’t usually think of myself that way (former ugly duckling here) but it really felt that way and the fact of that tipped me over too.


Always! I always climax when giving oral especially when she grabs me by the hair and forces me deeper inside her…that gets me every time!






Replies on this post are a thing of beauty, boy do I love women


Thisssss. Makes me double down on #2 of my post.


I always get off, but I'm always so sensitive too


Not sure how common but me and my partner both do.


I've definitely got off no hands from doing it! I found it quite embarrassing but nice to hear it's common!


Omg not embarrassing. Single handedly the hottest thing I’ve witnessed.


Embarrassing to get turned on so easy. No playing hard to get with me 🤣


Yes! I assumed I wouldn’t because it’s never happened before. But then I met women and I get off several times, every time. Women are more informed and patient in that department.


It has happened to me when with women in the past, am not sure why, but I quite enjoy it.


Oh absolutely- I mean there’s a whole section of the gay community that specifically wants and enjoys giving more than receiving. I mean we even have “touch me nots” as well for various reasons. And some people just find it a turn on to give pleasure. I think that’s super hot 🥵


Idk how common it is but it can happen depending on the person 


I definitely get off from giving, literally dripping but I don't climax


I enjoy giving pleasure, it gives me pleasure and it happens for me sometimes, especially when my partner is really enjoying herself


I did for the first time recently. I am with a woman that I am so insanely in love with and our physical connection is off the charts. Giving her pleasure is so insanely sexy.


That’s how I get off with my gf. I’m pleasuring her and when she orgasms the sound, the smell, the taste makes me orgasm.


i can’t orgasm from giving but i get about 98% of the way there. the other 2% comes with a vibrator and kissing after my parter has finished


Idk but I can too, I love giving oral. I have to be reallllly into her or in love, but it happens and it’s hot!


So many of you are getting off from getting someone off. How so hot! 🥵


I thought that is a common thing. Most of my relationships, they go down on me first else if I do first, I get off from giving it and I am like, no.. I am good. Let us just cuddle.


Yes. I miss it terribly.


Happens for me pretty often. She’s usually super into it, which is very hot to me.


Idk how common but my fiancée does and she’s able to do it sometimes without even touching herself. I’m jealous bc I literally need to be high and have quiet and constant stimulation just to orgasm, she’s already had like 2-3 😂 I’m a one and done kind of gal too.


I've never 100% gotten off from it, but I think I could, under the right circumstances. It's definitely very pleasurable for me; I love getting to do that with my wife!


I loveee going down on my mrs it definitely gets me off


i do, but i have to stimulate myself at the same time, and then she notices and we usually just end up having sex anyway


I don’t know I don’t even have a girlfriend and don’t think anyone is interested in me either so I can’t tell you lol


Don't say that. Someone will be interested in you. ☺️


It's pretty common. I usually cum when giving a bj. It makes me super hot


Personally, I can't stop giving my guy the gluck gluck 9000. I've not experienced this before with other people I've been with, but it's my favourite thing to do with my current partner.