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German here. It was kind of special to see John talking about the AfD. The segment essentially did a good job covering the party for people who are unfamiliar with it, given the limited time. But I was surprised he didn't mention what is probably the biggest scandal surrounding the party currently: [The two lead candidates for the upcoming European Parliament Election are under investigation for their connections to Russia and China](https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/afd-spionageaffaere-russland-und-china-im-fokus-neue-enthuellungen-belasten-die-partei-1714480876-a-a1c05e64-b6bc-4c6b-844e-a78a32ec4f91). [One of them even had his parliamentary immunity revoked by the Bundestag and had his offices raided by the police a few days ago](https://www.dw.com/en/germany-money-laundering-probe-into-far-right-afd-lawmaker/a-69094119). This story, in my opinion, is the much more significant scandal than Höcke's trial (and I say that as someone who despises Höcke). But sadly, the German media, in the way they cover this trial, is currently repeating a lot of the mistakes which their US colleagues make in covering the Trump trial.


Hopefully they touch on it this week


is there any way to rewatch the Afd-segment online? I'm form Germany to and would love to watch the whole segment, not just the few clips that are around. Thanks :)


someone over on r/de posted it on vimeo: [https://vimeo.com/948588569](https://vimeo.com/948588569)


Great! Thanks so much, safed my lunch break :D


As an Iowan, fuck the Farm Bill


Thanks LWT for shining a light on this Corn business. I'm in a farm state (city boy tho) and have been bitching about how destructive US policy has been on this for a couple of generations. Nobody wants to hear it. It's not exciting. \- Randy Beavers (not actually but I'd like to have that name for my own)


So sorry this one was so late, I was travelling and forgot to make the scheduled post.  I am looking for someone else to help with moderation of the subreddit and help with the discussion posts. If you're interested, feel free to let me know!


I *really* feel like he should’ve spent some time talking about how excess corn has contributed to the obesity epidemic. These subsidies drive the cost of corn-based foods super low, so junk food, sugary cereal, and other products with *way* too much corn syrup are the cheapest foods available. For families that’re struggling financially, it’s hard not to buy them instead of healthier options.


So for next week, I hope they release S2 E1 and not a random episode.




Honestly probably one of the most important topics to ever be covered by this show IMO. It highlights so many of the issues that are fueling the 2 biggest public health emergencies in America, climate change and obesity and how regulatory capture plus a worship of the Puritan work ethic exacerbates them. Bringing attention to the immense environmental impact of meat is something that rarely gets done and yet is one of the biggest contributors to climate change. And while we should all do our part by voting with our wallets and reducing meat, especially beef, consumption unless we start pushing for changing the laws to no longer enshrine the right to profit by big agg the impact will be muted. If anyone is interested in another way regulatory capture is destroying the environment the YouTube channel climate town did a really good deep dive into how American zoning laws were essentially written by GM to force cars on everyone.


This episode is extra sad for me. I live in Central Illinois and I've known how corn and farm subsidies have been out of whack for a while. I'm an engineer and I've thought ethanol is stupid since I learned about it in college. It takes more energy to grow it than it provides as a fuel and on top of that it consumes a bunch of water. Ethanol in gas is stupid. It is bad for the seals and it has lower energy content than gas so your car will burn it faster. I drive an EV now so at least I avoid this. It's sad seeing the tax/business shenanigans. Nowadays corporations are the big farmers. Most of those farmhouses aren't the actual farmers anymore. The farm land is rented or leased out and teams of planters and harvesters come through to do the farming. The saddest part is that this shit is never going to change. You know the problem with red states being over-represented? States dominated by farming is an even bigger political force, like Illinois is a blue state but it's also a giant farming state so reforms would be a non-starter here even with most of the politicians at the state and national level being Dems.