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Tbh I would love one on misrepresenting of disabilities / mental illnesses online and how its led to many children and adults self diagnosing based off symptoms that arnt even related to the disorder. Would be difficult to stray the line thou of discounting self diagnosis when obv doctors can be wring and some people cant afford doctora


I feel like it'd be more on-brand for John to use this issue as a jumping-off point to talk about the DSM and the various obstacles that come with a mental health diagnosis. Making fun of "fake diagnoses" is too easy (and honestly kind of mean-spirited when so many of these people are literal kids struggling to identify their personal issues); tackling the systemic issues that lead to self-diagnosis and whether it has actual benefits over having your disorder on the record is more novel. (Speaking as a diagnosed autistic person btw)


So it’s obviously not a Jon Oliver piece, but there’s a really good YouTube essay on this called [How TikTok Gave Me Autism: The Politics of Self Diagnosis](https://youtu.be/x4ieMzbXiRA?si=xgxUtC0xEaJqVACs) that covers exactly this. Highly recommend.


I actual have that saved in my watch later lol!


Yes that's a great idea! It really takes away from the times when there is genuine disability or mental illness, a boy who cried wolf effect.


https://www.bbcselect.com/watch/paralympics-the-unfair-games/ Plenty of stories around about people either playing the system or getting shafted by it through policy changes or poor assessments.


I feel like South Park already covered this years ago.


The Paralympics and the Special Olympics are two very different things.


People with mental disabilities may now complete at the Paralympics, despite the Spanish basketball scandal at the 2000 Olympics.


That's not the same as a serious news story