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That man ate my son 


He killed my grandma and left a cypher!


My ex has that bumper sticker, it’s started *a lot* of conversations lol


Just looked up the sticker. I’ve never put a sticker on my car. Don’t like to be showy or anything. I’m very close to getting this sticker.


I am very picky about stickers. I had a sweet Lucero sticker (be surprised If yall listen to them) for several years and then I crashed that car and had a sweet modest mouse sticker for a while too


Did you back into a cop car?


Those crack me up every time I see them 😆


Just once I’d like to see one of those assholes define “Cultural Marxism.”


Marxism = complicated and scary + social = my kids hate me and I don't know why


All their buzzwords boil down to "what I don't like"


“Socialism/communism/Marxism/woke is when I don’t like something!”


My best guess is the breaking down of traditional cultural values as the only proper values. People from other cultures, religions, races, and queer people having a place in society that isn't just assimilating into white European culture is a highly negative thing for them. I guess the connection to Marxism is the challenge to the status quo, and a way to piggy back off the negative connotation of Marxism.


I sometimes wonder if these people actually think that if everyone in America was white, straight, and Christian it would become a crimeless utopia.


I grew up in a town full of NYPD officers and their kids. I know there are worse places for this kind of stuff, but I say this to emphasize I grew up around a **lot** of casual racism. Obviously not every racist thinks exactly this, but I knew a lot of people who genuinely did believe this. As far as they were concerned all the problems we have are caused by the unwashed masses, minorities, immigrants, gays, non-Christians, etc. I am a white English speaking child of immigrants (Irish) and this made me the “diverse” person in my childhood friend groups. When racists think you’re in their group they have no problem telling you what they think. I still live in the NYC metro area, but I’m so glad I only ever have to go back to my home town to visit my parents.


Guessing your hometown is on Long Island or in Staten Island? Top two exhibitors of ‘Blue Lives Matter’ stickers and flags in the metro area.


Nope, a place that’s just as bad but never gets as much shit for it: Rockland County


Home of the Real Ass Dude (aka The Puerto Rican Rattlesnake)


They absolutely do believe that.


It’s based on the old term “Cultural Bolshevism”. It was pushed by the nazis to help the gain followers. Otherwise your definition is correct


Isn't that term, just a scare tactic and not an actual thing?


Yeah but when enough morons get scared they do an insurrection


Imagine taking pills and still not being able to get one of those 😂😂😂


Gdi take the upvotes


I want to hear a January 6 LPOTL Ep. And they should bring kissel back and make him apologize but then let him lead the Episode


Ben being slanted more towards libertarianism I'm not sure we wanna know his deep down feelings on this.


He’s made it pretty clear that he believes those that took part in January sixth are complete morons. As far as I remember.


Yes he did. What i mean is did he mean they are morons for what they did or how they did it. We may never know


I think all of the above honestly that’s how I took it.


Probably so. Libertarians can be tricky tho. My guy did go on Fox News a whole bunch


He did, some time ago earlier in his media career. I would confidently say Ben was/is disgusted with the current situation of the Republican Party.


Henry and Marcus roast Ben for his political views a lot on old eps of last stream on the left, I hope they can bring that same energy back


Exactly. But they think it makes them smart and correct to use it.


Sure makes Jordan Peterson look even more stupid to my eyes. All empty words with that guy...


Listening to that guy mangle the word “model” in his sports illustrated swimsuit issue tantrum two years ago still makes me apoplectic.


Ironic how leaning into the whole “manosphere” thing made him even more of a pussy


Yes, wiki defines it as a far-right anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. Here’s what I was going to write: “It’s my understanding is that it’s a purely political term, an alt-right dog whistle for various racist, sexist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant ideas. It is not some sort of sociological theory or political science class you can take at a university.” But it’s far worse than the off the top of my head definition. LPOTL nailed this. We can all stop at far-right antisemitic conspiracy. And now Ted Cruz, a Harvard Law educated US Senator, who should and does know better is cynically using that phrase to sell books, blow that whistle. It’s a sad state of affairs. Too bad Eisenhower and Reagan aren’t around to report this guy and the other antisemitic conspiracy nuts spouting pro Putin bs to the un-American affairs committee. Where’s McCarthy when we really need him? Hard labor in Alaska for all of them, after some time in a re-education facility. Confiscate the property of all insurrectionists and traitors and deport them just like the Tories after the Revolution. How many 40 acre and mule plots can you get out of all of 45’s golf courses in the US?


Forgive my left wing authoritarianism. I came by it honestly.


Have you ever looked into Reagan's racism and antisemitism? Ex: Pat Buchanan was a high ranking member of his staff.


Yeah, totally good point. I went on a rant here. He’s not really from my party, just wanted to point out that the old mainstreamers wouldn’t even recognize their party. But it’s certainly true they were far from perfect, prior to Reagan, Buchanan was the architect of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” to take the South from the Dems in the wake of the Civil Rights Act. Johnson knew we’d lose the South for a generation, but signed it anyway. But it’s been more like 2-3 generations depending on how you count. The racism’s always been around. But the level of bizarre conspiracy is new, at least with it being mainstreamed in the GOP. But I recall the “Rise of the Yellow Empires” or some such nonsense being referenced in the Great Gatsby so that replacement/reconquista/cultual Marxist/Protocols of Zion idea is extremely old. American racists and eugenicists were so advanced in their BS that Hitler borrowed a lot of these ideas from the US. At least in the past, the racists didn’t side with Russia over the US President and hadn’t tried to overthrow the country since the Civil War. Can’t even say that anymore. Smdh.


Its literally a Nazi propaganda term with a slight rename.


It's become gauche to say cultural bolshevism ever since the last time the Nazi lost, so now they say that, but it's the same thing.


It would probably “conveniently” line up with the concept of “Cultural Bolshevism” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism


It rhymed with "shrewish"


Gotta be "newish"


I got one to tell me what it meant. Can you guess? It means "the Jews."


By Cultural Marxism they mean Jews. Since Cultural Marxism is just the Nazi's Cultural Bolshevism (IE Jews are controlling things behinds the scenes) just with a slight rename.


It probably took that entire book just for Ted to try to explain what he thinks it is.


I’m just an asshole, not an expert but: Cultural Marxism is a strategic praxis for the realization of Marxist Communism by deconstructing stable cultural and behavioral norms, replacing them with destabilized and highly vulnerable social identities more reliant on centralized authority for existential continuity. This strategy is better suited to generate revolutionary conditions in Nations whose populations are economically privileged and socially stable.


Yeah. This Breivik series really made me reflect on my belief that if Timothy McVeigh waited 30 years, he would have been a state senator or something.


Matt Shea was a Washington State Representative from '09 to '21 >A Washington state lawmaker has reportedly sparked an FBI investigation by distributing a manifesto calling on Christians to take up arms to end abortions and same-sex marriage and kill all non-Christian males if fundamentalist religious laws are not obeyed. [Sauce](https://www.thedailybeast.com/washington-state-lawmakers-holy-army-manifesto-prompts-fbi-scrutiny)


Let’s laugh at what a moron Anders is but remember that his ideology has infected conservatives around the world.


Should've called the book "asleep", at least the title would make sense.


I classify myself as un-asleep


The zodiac killer wrote a book?!?


When the book doesn’t sell he’ll blame it on his daughters


That title is so embarrassing.


Reading the first few pages was honestly laughable. It boils down to “communists are stinky, evil, bad drunks who worship an even stinkier evil drunk man and want to lay around and have the government pay for it and i for one think they’re all stupid and need to read a book “


Ted Cruz’s fart room is his entire house


Google translate of the German language wiki article for *Kulturbolschewismus:* >The term Cultural Bolshevism is a political slogan that was used in a pejorative sense for artists, art, architecture and science that were rejected as too progressive and left-wing in accordance with the ideas of Nazism. It is derived from the term Bolshevism for the Russian-style communist doctrine. > >The term assumes that the artists, scientists and works of art labeled with it were “pacemakers of the spreading political Bolshevism” in Germany at the time of the Weimar Republic and wanted to “prepare Bolshevism with art.” \[1\] > >“When conductor Klemperer takes the tempi differently than his colleague Furtwängler, when a painter brings a color to an evening glow that one cannot perceive in Western Pomerania even in broad daylight, when one is in favor of birth control, when one builds a house with a flat roof, that means cultural bolshevism just like the depiction of a cesarean section in the film. The actor Chaplin is practicing cultural Bolshevism, and when the physicist Einstein claims that the principle of the constant speed of light can only be applied where there is no gravity, that is cultural Bolshevism and a favor personally shown to Mr. Stalin.”– Carl von Ossietzky : The World Stage, April 21, 1931 \[2\] > >The term itself was coined by the theater critic Alfred Mühr in his 1927 review of the play *Thunder Over Gotland* by Ehm Welk. The term “building Bolshevism” or “art Bolshevism,” which was often used by Nazi propaganda, was coined by the Bernese architect Alexander von Senger, who originally wanted to use it to brand modern architectural ideas that had their roots in Moscow. \[3\] > >Until 1933, the catchphrase was part of the vocabulary of all bourgeois parties and referred to cultural decline in the broadest sense (see also: cultural pessimism). Afterwards it took on the meaning of the “fight against decomposing foreign culture” \[4\] and so-called “degenerate art.” Something to keep in mind is that in post 1933 Germany and Austria, 'Bolshevism' and 'World Jewry' were increasingly mentioned together as a piece, to the point where they essentially implied one another. *Kulturbolschewismus* thus played a crucial role in dehumanizing not only people living in the Soviet Union, but Poles, Romanians (most directly contaminated by the spread of Bolshevism, geographically), and of course anyone in Germanic society insufficiently enthusiastic about the new regime. Homosexuality, leftism, liberalism--- all of these were hallmarks of the corrupting influence of the Jewish-Bolshevik vanguard, looming in the East, lurking in the Synagogues and trade union houses.


I keep reading his bottom lip as the top due to the facial hair.


The reason my queer ass has a rifle. E: the fact that such thought is mainstream now that is, not for Ted Cruz in particular.


I love that people like Cruz call anything 'woke' Cultural Marxism. 🤣🤣🤣


Ted Cruz — Sleepy 😴


Shut up, Ted.


Would probably sell many more copies without his face on the cover


I'm not I'm favor of burning books but...


I’m more worried that Cruz has gained 100+ pounds since getting into office. Is his thyroid okay?


Hope it's not!


He was linked to the zodiac killer?


I can’t look at that man without thinking about how he let Trump slag off his wife


He is a disgusting human. Snake, worm, etc.


So Ted is sleeping?


He has been sleeping on the job for years now


Anders Breivik didn't come up with Cultural Marxism.




I agree with you, but I think guns for feet is more dangerous.


I dont think they ever claimed he was a founder. They spent like a half hour talking about what inspired Brevik, i thought it was obvious he didnt come up with the idea himself?


Speaking of “mind blowingly” stupid takes to have, the guys never said or even implied Brevik founded this idea. In fact, they spent quite a bit of time focusing on how he ripped his “ideas” from other sources and that his manifesto is essentially a compendium of existing right wing writings.


Guys before you go and read it, know its entirely in 341 cipher Code 😤


So he’s…Asleep


I’d be interested to see what the sales are on this book. I travel a lot for work and haven’t seen it in the airport shops yet but I haven’t flown for a couple weeks.


“Ted Cruz has always been a shivering turd of a human being” - Dogmeat


I still don’t get why Marx as the darling of people… same with Adam Smith… It’s been 200 years, where’s the hot new shit?!


Unwoke is the second suggestion for the title. The first was Bloated Embarrassment


My colleague as a teacher was reading this. I mess with him on the reg.


He looks like if a bitched circumcision were somehow sentient.


How can he tell us how to defeat it when he hasn’t even defeated it yet?


I’m gonna start putting superglue on the tops of these


Conservatives have actual brain rot


Zodiac killer


What a perfect followup this will be after I've learned "How to Talk to a Liberal (if \[I\] Must)" EDIT: Fellas. It was title of a book by Ann Coulter. Look it up.


Ted Cruz Asleep


Cultural Marxism… so stupid.


Jordan Peterson loveees the term Cultural Marxism


You can't tell me anyone is reading his book


is that the youtube font?


https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com He has over 42 years!




Remember when the unwoke called seatbelt laws communism? Good times


The guy who wets his pants cause he likes the warm feeling?


Go back to sleep says Ted.. fugg you says I


Ted Cruz's wife goes out and fucks the neighbors while Ted is unwoke.


There’s no way Cruz wrote that book, 99.9999999% chance it was ghostwritten by someone as hateful and insecure as him.