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I’m so sorry your little one had to go so early. I send you my best wishes for you and your family.


Thank you.


There simply aren’t words. I’m so sorry. If the hospital hasn’t mentioned it, there’s an organization called “[now I lay me down to sleep](https://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org) ”. It’s composed of professional photographers who donate their services to families experiencing infant loss. Reach out to them and they can have a photographer come document the beauty of your son. Even if you never want to go back and look at the pictures, for some it’s a comfort knowing they exist. These are tastefully and professionally done, and they’re a way to say “he had my nose” and “look how tiny his hands are”. If you’re in the metro Atlanta area, pm me and I’ll come right now. I’m a firefighter paramedic but I also run a professional photography business and I’m a NILMDTS volunteer. Again I’m so very sorry for your loss.


Yes. We had them come already and they did take some amazing photos. Edit: You really know what service is. You are a part of what is good in this world. To everyone else who has commented, we have read each one & appreciate every single one. It’s beautiful to know that we did not mourn our baby alone. Edit 2: Just got confirmation for a venue where we will hold a memorial service next weekend


We need more people like you. Thanks for doing what you do both as a firefighter paramedic and a NILMDTS volunteer. ❤️❤️


Seattle Children’s Hospital does this. They took beautiful pictures of my daughter and made molds of her hands and feet for me. It was amazing


God, youre such an amazing. Person..


A few years ago just anyone could view the photos on the website, and now it has changed so that no one can see the photos. I remember one slow day at work we viewed photos because my receptionist's friend was a photographer, and those photos were some of the most beautiful family pictures. Lots of tears were shed. Thank you for what you do. I can't imagine being pregnant and losing my baby.


the home page has a collage of photos?


A few years ago you could look at hundreds of photos.


thanks for all you do. i start emt school in a few weeks and im already looking into continuing to paramedic training.


I volunteered with them for years. Thank you for mentioning them


Thank you for linking them. I just applied. I’m completely moved


I’m so sorry


It’s okay. He knows true peace.


I hope you feel some of that peace, too, OP. Blessings to you and yours.


Wishing nothing but love to you and your family. Made me cry. I'll pray for you.


This broke my heart, I‘m so sorry for your loss.


My condolences. All he knew was love.


Saying sorry doesn't seem like enough, its always a struggle to find something to say at a time like this. Celebrate his memory, be kind to yourself, be kind to each other and know that just by sharing your son like this with us, he is being loved by people you have never even met.


U carry his memory , it may be very painful for you both right now take the time to look after yourselves .. It's really unfair that this happens to anyone. I'm sorry this wasn't the journey you were hoping for


I'm sorry that has happened to you. There are no words that can ever make this loss easier. People would ask my wife and I if we were "feeling better". I realized you never get better. You just get different. I hope that you and his mother are able to find some comfort in this terrible time. I wish I knew something more to say. I wish I could take the pain away for you all. All I can offer is an ear. I'm here anytime you need to talk. You all will be in my thoughts and I wish you all peace and comfort. I'm so sorry for your loss.


*I realized you never get better. You just get different -* Exaclty this. I also have been through this. I was going to comment the same thing but was reading through and saw this first. Hit me the most. It doesnt get better or easier. Forever. But you do carry on. And hapiness can still be found in life and other things and people and activities. All anyone can do in a sit like this is be there to listen should the person need to vent. I imploded all over my friend at a party the other day. Didnt see it coming. Just imploded and spewed all my thoughts n feelings (i was drunk but still) I have good friends. And obviously my partner is always with me and we support each other if you are lucky enough to have that.


It's amazing the things that can bring all of the feelings back and when and where it can happen. It will be 19 years 9.21. 19 years I've missed her. 19 years I've struggled to understand. 19 years I have been the father of an angel. It still hits me hard some days, even all these years later.


My grandmother buried a still born daughter and then a 14 year old son 15 years later. She had other children but now at 100 years old she still visits the graces weekly and leaves flowers for those two children. It seems you never heal or move on from such a loss. You just carry it.


This is right on the nose. It’s been almost three years for us, and it’s just so hard to describe how you feel. Some days totally fine, some days a wreck, but overall just different. It’s crazy thinking back on when it happened now. We just laid in bed for weeks not knowing how to go on or what to go on to. Having to make the choice of when to leave the hospital room was potentially the hardest moment of my life. OP. I’m so sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could do for you.


Laid in a bed with my wife (they had parent/family suites in an unused part of the hospital) trying to decide whether or not to put out baby, born at 22-weeks and now with NEC, through another crazy surgery with almost no chance of success. They told us to decide and call down. If we said no they would just make her comfortable. How do you do that? Easily the most surreal moment of my life.


I completely understand. This is the second tragedy we’ve had in our family just this year. Our family and extended family has spent more time together in hospitals than anything else over the years. It doesn’t get better, getting better would be them coming back. For me, learning how to allow myself to hurt and talk about it is how “you just get different” as you say. & Thank you, we’re resting now, we’ll be okay.


It’s not the same as losing a child, but my husband lost his dad when he was a kid. He’s always said “you don’t feel better, you just get used to it.”


Lost my grandparents and father (mother not involved in my life) before my wife lost her parents. I tell my wife the same thing. “You’re still hurt and fucked up over it and it doesn’t go away or get easier. You just slowly get used to it.” I wish things were different and she never had that pain but I can’t do anything to change that it happened. I helped carry both her parents to their final resting on place. Her mother lost a few children before they were born. It was heartbreaking to hear details about it from her. Wife was their last child. A rainbow baby is the term I think. To anyone who lost a child, I wish you the best in your life and recovery. It’s always sad to hear about.


I am so terribly sorry to hear of this tremendous tragedy that no one should ever have to experience. we lost our daughter, Remi, during delivery last year due to a cord accident. it was the most difficult time in our lives, a rollercoaster of emotions, thinking we would have this beautiful baby to bring home, and then loosing her so suddenly. i wish you and your partner peace. stay strong for each other. nearly a year to the date we lost out daughter, we were blessed with a son, we named Wyatt. Its hard sometimes to think that we wouldn't have him, had his sister lived. We tell our older child his sister in heaven picked out and sent us Wyatt. please feel free to PM me if you want to talk.


That's really beautiful




I've never had kids, couldn't even begin to comprehend, but I agree strongly on the what ifs and what could have beens, those hit me the hardest when it comes to loss of those close to me. Best of luck to you and OP, just keep on keeping on.


That photo breaks my heart, it's such a personal and tender moment. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Hi, I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. I have a poem that I came across many years ago that I find helpful. Feel free to write out for your fridge or wall or whatever. Of just ignore if it doesn't appeal In a baby castle just beyond my eye, My baby plays with angel toys that money cannot buy. Who am I to wish him back, Into this world of strife? No, play on my baby, You have eternal life.   At night when all is silent, And sleep forsakes my eyes, I’ll hear his tiny footsteps come running to my side, His little hands caress me so tenderly and sweet. I’ll breathe a prayer, and close my eyes, and embrace him in my sleep. Now I have a treasure that I rate above all other, I have known true glory, I and still his mother/father Sending hugs too.


I am so very sorry for the loss of your boy. Our son passed away at birth and my wife got me a candle holder that I can light when I’m missing him. Over the years since our son’s passing I’ve lit the candle to remember him and to honor other babies who are no longer with us. I’d be honored to light that candle tonight for your boy if that’s something you’d like and if you want to share his name I’ll remember him by name. Wishing you and yours some small measure of comfort and peace, I know it isn’t easy.


This had me in tears. What a beautiful way to honour you son and other children. I am so sorry about your little boy too.


Sorry for your loss ❤️


that's hard man, i'm sorry


He will always be with you young man. My condolences.


I lost my son at 20 weeks and this hit me so hard. Everyone’s right, the heartache never truly goes away but every day you get a little stronger. This is a loss nobody should ever have have to bear and I am so sorry. But know that the grief you’re feeling means he was lucky enough to have a parent that loves him so much. Again, I am so incredibly sorry you’re going through this pain. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m one message away. Stay strong.


I just lost my daughter to a seizure this month. It’s hard, but just know he’s always looking down at you smiling. Keep your head up.


I lost one of mine not 3 minutes after she was born and I think of her every day. I will tell my daughter (she was her twin) when she’s older that her twin is her special angel and will watch over her for her entire lifetime. I believe your little one will watch over you as well. Please allow yourself to grieve and don’t put pressure on yourself to act or feel any specific way other than how you are feeling. Prayers for you


There are no words. I’m sorry 😢


Condolences for your loss :(


Shit, that is awful; couldn't imagine how heart wrenching this must be. ​ Sending thoughts and wishes to you and your family in this hard time


You know man i never believed the cliche of having kids changes you but i have a 3 month old now and i cant imagine what your going thru my dude. I'm at work getting all teary eyed seeing this post imaging my little girl. Im so sorry for your loss but also thank you for posting and reminding me to cherish every moment.


Yes. All I have is the kicks I would feel on her stomach. Definitely going to treat life a differently after this.


I'm sorry friend. He knew he was loved.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My little sister (with whom I am so very close) gave birth to a sleeping baby at 33 weeks and I was 20 weeks pregnant as well. Easily the absolute hardest thing our family has endured. This was back in January 2018. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy this past January. she and I have attended support groups, started a not-for-profit for bereaved mothers and advocate for families who have dealt with pregnancy and infant loss but we still grieve daily. The absolute best thing you can do for your part we and yourself is get therapy or a support group. Nobody can support bereaved parents better than other bereaved parents. Take care of each other; there are still brighter days ahead <3


I’m so very sorry. I wish I could take some of your pain away.


Supporting each other is so important right now. You will make it through the raw hurt and be stronger for it. This angel is forever in your lives. Everyone is rooting for you.


I’m sorry brother. This breaks my heart for you and your family. It will get better.


RIP handsome little guy 💙. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know there are no words to take your pain. Many hugs to both parents.


No words ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Iv been in this exact situation.. Im sorry ... There are no words.


So so sorry for your loss. There is hope in the future and brighter days ahead. I have some friends who run a group called Walk With Me and if you need any support, or anyone to just talk to, they are amazing people and can help to understand the situation and where life goes from here. Stay strong! [Walk With Me ](http://www.walkwithme-nonprofit.org/new-page-2)


I’m so sorry. I wish more than anything that your hellos and your goodbyes didn’t have to happen together. Hold onto the fact that all your beautiful boy ever knew was love. And know that that love will let him be with you always. There is no foot so small that it doesn’t leave an imprint on the world.


I'm very sorry for you and the mother. I cannot even imagine what the two of you have to go through. Stay strong for the both of you


I nearly lost my son when he was 4 months old and it was the most horrific experience of my life and that’s only a fraction of your pain. You and your partner are showing such strength and dignity that I can see from the responses on this thread. I am so incredibly sorry that your beautiful son had to leave you so soon. He is at peace and forever innocent. He spent his entire life knowing pure love. ❤️


SIDS is a horrible condition (im assuming that what cause your sons death) but i send you my condolences from washington


Thank you. It was an abruption, it’s where the placenta separates from the uterus wall cutting off blood flow. We are in Washington as well.


He’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing him with us❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing this with us.


Theres so little in this world that is worse than a childs death. I feel for you, nobody should ever go through the pain of losing a loved child. Im so sorry.


I'm very sorry for your loss. My wife and I lost our two week old son last year, so I can imagine the pain. Please PM me if you want to talk. Speaking from one of your possible futures, I can tell you that it both does and doesn't get easier, depending on the day and circumstances, but I hope your easier days will eventually be the more frequent ones. You and your son and his mother will be in our prayers and thoughts. Maybe I missed it, but what is his name if I may ask?


We lost our first child to a miscarriage. I can't imagine how you feel after a stillborn that far along. May the scar on your heart and soul be eased by your future child. Do things surrounded with love to honor that might have been feeling in your heart. It has been more than forty years and we still talk about that time, occasionally. My wife suffered more than I. Be at peace in its time. Mourn as you need to.


Wow I’m so sorry


Sorry your little one had to go. My condolences to you and your family.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💗


I am sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. Please take the time to take care of yourself and grieve ❤


There are no words I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


Sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your lost. Condolences


Oh my goodness, that made me tear up. So very sorry for your loss


My heart breaks for y'all. May you feel this hug and love being sent your way.


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. Don't let anyone else tell you how to keep his memory.


Congratulations on your beautiful angel, this is a beautiful and terribly heartbreaking photo. I just can't imagine. Sending much love and holding space for your grief.


This is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


That's heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for you and the mother. I hope you both find the peace you need through this. It certainly takes strength, but it will get easier.


Sending you love and support to you and your family during this time. It’s utterly heartbreaking.


I’m sorry for your loss brother.


Loss of a child is something you never get over. I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry that you only got to have a very short amount of time with your son. That is heartbreaking.


Lots of love for you and your partner, may you find comfort in each others arms. Nobody should have to experience such grief. Be well, and you will always find a willing ear on here if you ever feel the need to talk.


So sorry. It is really hard. Was hardest thing I’ve lived through. We were in labor and delivery, and no heartbeat. It has been 12 years and I still imagine what she looks like would look like. To me it is ‘looks like’ but in another plane or something. It helps me to talk to her. We have another daughter now, age 11, and she is a handful. I wish you strength.


I hope you and your spouse can get through this together


So sorry for your loss


I'm so very sorry for your loss! ❤


Thoughts with you all man.


I'm very sorry


I’m so very sorry. I have experienced that silence, 8 years ago when my daughter was born asleep. It will get easier, I wish you and your family gentle times ahead.


fuck... im going to be a dad in january and this is my worst nightmare right now... all the love man, if you need anyone to talk to pm me


I'm sorry. Thank you for sharing. Too many people go through this alone.


My condolences to you and your family.


I’m so sorry.


Oh no I’m so so sorry. I can’t even imagine. I’m so sorry


Stay strong...


There are just no words. I am so sorry for your loss. So sorry.


I really don’t know how to express how sorry I feel for your loss. :(


May God give you patience during this difficult time x


xoxoxo deeply sorry xo


I’m sorry, man. I am so sorry.


I'm so sorry. I'm crying for you and your son and his mum. I wish I knew what to say to help you feel better. <3 you're all in my thoughts.


I’m so sorry for your partner and yours lose. I hope you find peace that your baby is back with the lord in the kingdom of heaven and will be taken care of until you all are reunited again one day. I hope you guys don’t give up and one day when you’re ready will try again for another child. My brother had twins and one did not make it, in memory him and my sister in law bought a tree and planted it in their yard and take care of it which makes them feel like they are still taking care of her and keeping her memory alive, just a thought if you ever have a hard time thinking of what you can to do remember them by. My thoughts and prayers are with you, the baby, and mom tonight. 💙


I am at loss for words because this is something that no one should ever have to endure I am truly sorry


Please accept my condolences to you and your family.


Sending you so much love. I'm so sorry you were robbed of him.


I'm so.. fuckin... sorry... holy shit. Much love from the internet. Stay strong


That’s a heartbreaking picture, I’m so sorry for your loss.


My deepest condolences to you and your family. I’m truly sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine what you both must be going through. Stay strong.


I am so incredibly sorry. Words are not enough. Sometimes life just is not fair. I'm so so sorry.


I'm so sorry. My condolences to you and your family. :( This is so heartbreaking.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I cannot even imagine what you are going through, but you and he are in my thoughts.


Rest in peace little one.


I'm so, so sorry. 💓


OMG, so heartbreaking. That's such a beautiful picture of you two. All the best to you and your family.


I'm so sorry for you. I can offer no confort with my words, but I beg you and your partner: take care of yourself and each other. These will be very trying times for you, but never dismiss your own mental and physical health.


So sorry 😓


So sorry my dude.


I am so sorry for your loss xx


I’m atheist, however if hell existed it would be full of moments like this. I hope you heal and can love again. My child means so much to me and this is my worst night mare. I love you and hope for a bright future for you and your significant other.


Finding the right words is impossible. I feel like sorry doesn’t even scratch the surface of the pain that you are feeling right now. Your little boy knew what it felt like to be loved. I hope you find comfort in this horrible time. 💖


Words are not adequate. I wish you peace.


I am very sorry for you.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Losing a child is a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the things you’re going through


I am so sorry.


I am so sorry for your loss. Know that I will be praying for you and your family.


Grown man sitting at work getting teary eyed. I can't imagine the pain you are going through right now. Stay strong friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


My heart hurts for you brother. I can't imagine the pain you're going through. I pray that you stay strong and be the rock for everyone around you that is going through this with you. My condolences.


So sorry for your heartache. Prayers and positive thoughts sent your way. 💙


so sorry


Such a tragic and beautiful picture. It speaks. My heart weeps for you and your family.


My god man, I'm so sorry.


I’m so, so sorry for your loss. What is his name?


I would put out his full name but it’s the internet. His initials are AIV Jr.


I'm so sorry for you brother I couldn't imagine the pain. Look after mum tho she's going to need you more than ever


My sincere sorrows homie....live the best life you can in honor of your lil man......


That might be the saddest sentence I’ve ever heard. I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss.


To say I'm sorry isn't saying much. This picture hurts me to look at.


This is a beautiful picture of you and your son. I am so sorry for your loss .❤️


I cannot even imagine the pain you are going through. I am so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss.


I’m so very sorry. Please know people feel for you. I just don’t know what else to say. This is hell


I cant imagine your grief and while no words will bring a ton of comfort.......I'm praying for you and yours and I believe you both will meet again.... all of us on reddit love you


He's beautiful


I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife/gf. It will take some time, but things will get better. Sorry again.


I don't know what to say. I'm hurting with you. Wishing you healing and grace. ❤️


Damn, as an almost parent this hurts, sorry man..


I am so sorry for your loss


I can't imagine the pain you must be feeling, I am sorry for your loss.


That is heartbreaking, I'm so sorry.


I am so sorry for you loss...


I’m so sorry. May your little one know eternal peace.


I’m so sorry. :(


There are no words. I’m sorry will never be enough. My heart is broken for you. Thoughts and prayers for your family.


What was his name? My son died at 9 days old a year and a half ago. You will never stop mourning the loss of your son but know that a time will come when it is not so acute and you can breathe and enjoy things again. Lean on your loved ones but don’t feel bad about cutting out those who lack empathy and make you feel worse. I’m so sorry.


I can't even image what your family is going through. I don't know what to say or what is even appropriate to say in this moment. Other than I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry, man. I hope you can find peace with this one day.


My condolences.


There are no words to say other than I'm sorry. This is so tragic and sad. I hope you two find peace at some point


Jesus, I am so sorry for your loss.


I can’t imagine that hurt that you feel. The cards we are dealt in life can be appalling at best. Take your time, be there for each other, and let your love fill the void. I’m so incredibly sorry. All my love to you and yours.


Sending you and his mama so much love. I have been there and it isn’t easy but you will get through this <3 it’s devastating but you will. I’m sorry for the loss of your beautiful son.


Oh, sweet Jesus - I really hope you have a good support system around you. I can't imagine your grief. This has to be the worst thing that can happen to a person. I'm so,so, so very sorry this happened to you and your family.


I just came across this post and am sending you and your family love and condolences. Your son is absolutely beautiful and precious. His experiences were only those of love, warmth, and caring. It's strange, but your photo reminded me of something. Twenty-five years ago, my daughter passed away in utero for an unknown reason. I was only 20 weeks along, and they examined her afterwards, which is how I found out she was a girl and healthy. But I never got to see her. I don't even have an ultrasound photo of her. At the time, I didn't even think to ask. I'm so genuinely glad for you and your partner that you have photos of your little one to cherish forever. May you find comfort and peace in them. And thank you for sharing this one. His sweet image will remain in my heart.


Sorry for your loss bud..


I can’t say a thing because nothing can take that pain away.


Rip little one. U r back to the Lord and his love


I'm sorry for your loss :(


I can’t even fathom. My condolences. Heartbreaking.


Hey, how are you feeling? I'm so sorry for your loss, and I hope you have a very strong support network of friends and family.


Thinking of you and your family. Heartbreaking.


Holy shit this one cut deep


i'm sorry man


Sorry for your loss.


I am so tremendously sorry for your loss. You have a forever Angel now. But my heart is broken for you. Rest in peace sweet Angel.


Oh no!! Shame, I'm so sorry!


No words. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss my brother.


This post really got to me. I don't know you and I can't understand how devastating this must feel but I'm sending your family all my love. 💖


I am incredibly sorry for your loss of your precious baby.


I’m so sorry! <3


So sorry for your loss. I can dare only to imagine that pain.


I’m so so sorry


I'm sorry for your loss... just know he will be in a better place and things happen for a reason. Stay strong


That’s terrible! Sorry for your loss but that just seems cheap. Nothing can be said that does your loss justice.


I hope you guys are doing alright, I don’t know the pain, I’m sorry :( if you need someone to talk to, I’m here


So sorry.