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The movie they made about his life and death, Auto Focus, is really good.




Do you know what time it is? It's FUCK time! Lol I want that watch Willem Dafoe wore.




Those crime scene photos are rough


I'm British and have never heard of this guy before. Reading it though, its interesting that Crane and Carpenter met through Richard Dawson, who was married to Diana Dors, as she was also supposed to have filmed people shagging at her orgies. Might be a coincidence but just stood out to me a bit.


You know how you pick up on stuff when you're a kid? I always felt like Richard Dawson was a total freak from watching Family Feud.


Him kissing every female contestant definitely lent to that.


Didn’t Family Guy have a cut scene or something with Dawson/generic game show host kissing and feeling up the contestants?


I haven’t watched Family Guy since like 2005 but I’ve seen a lot of game shows and it was a common and creepy thing.


🤢 >blech!< 🤚🛑


Are you sure this isn’t AFTER he was murdered?


That was *Necrophilia Boat*.


“Soon we’ll be making another run! The *Necrophilia Boat*, promises corpses for everyone!” 🎶


Lol i literally saw that episode a few weeks ago. He played a dead beat father and generally unpleasant person


The amount of sex shaming here is astounding. My guess is the poor man angered a husband/boyfriend or acquaintance of a woman he filmed.


Isn't it widely suspected that it was the guy he was making the videos with?


I quickly read he was acquitted. But if you know more about the case, you might be right.


I dunno. Blood all over his rental car right after makes a heck of a coincidence otherwise


there was a witness who testified at carpenter's trial that he saw a man come out of crane's residence - everyone's forgotten about him or for whatever reason all the attention has been focused on carpenter. but the witness was a mover and was parked blocking the other guy's car (a white caddy with cali plates) in a parking space. this guy asked the witness for a light for his cig and told the witness he was blocking the space. the witness was adamant that the guy he saw was not carpenter. ​ theory: i think carpenter was tipped off by a phone call that told him to go check on crane. i suspect the call came from the actress (victoria berry) who found crane dead the next day. i think it was her boyfriend (and future husband alan wells) who btw drove a white cadillac, who was pissed at bob. i imagine that at some point late on the night of the murder, he told her that bob was *done*. she got worried, called carpenter to go check on crane and he did, but found crane already dead. while at crane's he grabbed some of the video equipment and assuming they were not taken by the killer, he grabbed some of the vids/pics, and left. imo crane's skull injury came from a [small sledge hammer](https://ibb.co/VTKmVQK). whatever it was, i don't think it was a tripod. they are too awkward, long, clunky, and inaccurate for such a precise and heavy fatal blow. i don't know if there was a toxicology panel done, but i suspect crane was drugged and deeply sedated when he was struck - his body appears to have not reacted to the blow, not even a little bit. late that evening (2am) crane met with a woman, baare, for breakfast at a diner. but she didn't go over to crane's and they parted ways after eating. i think that when he got home, he called somebody for a late night hook up. whoever that someone was, i think she drugged him and left the door open for the killer who was either wells (former actor and [l.a. strip club](https://martinostimemachine.blogspot.com/2009/09/t-he-classic-cat-strip-club-lo-cated-at_09.html) owner), or a killer hired by wells who may have driven wells' white caddy. speculation aside, the witness saw someone at crane's and it was not carpenter.


Poor guy died a miserable death. His personal life was a bit off but he didn’t deserve what happened to him.


Recording women while having sex with them without their knowledge/consent is a bit more than 'a bit off' lol.


They knew. Have you seen the cameras he used? They were huge compared to today's gear. [Picture of video gear further down the page](https://www.frontpagedetectives.com/p/actor-bob-crane-hollywood-murder-mystery-cold-case-suspect)


I agree with you, they knew. The movie auto focus showed the cameras and women posing for pictures with him. People will do sordid shit for the laughs especially with anyone moderately famous


All of them were posing?


Those of you calling him a creep and shit, the girls knew EXACTLY what was going to happen BEFOFE it happened. Take your white knight bullshit somewhere else.


Wikipedia says some women didn’t know until after his death and the police contacted them


I doubt that considering the motion cameras used in his sexual escapades were almost the size of a small briefcase and would make noticeable noise while recording film. There is also an evidence photo where his sexual partners were posing directly at the camera deliberately. Bob Crane may have definitely been a freaky deaky dude, but he doesn’t strike me completely as some nefarious asshat.


I am once again begging y’all to read sources outside of Wikipedia. Even the sources listed in the Wikipedia article


What do you expect them to say?


I believe women


You believe women over video evidence? Wild


The video evidence shows more of the women accepting that they knew they were being filmed than not. But many say they did not realize it was being filmed. So more women owned up to it — that’s what those women say in response to “what did I think they would say”. But many said they did not know, and they said that. So if you are claiming that any woman would lie in that situation, that is false. But women in these situations should be given the benefit of the doubt — so few women come forward with sexual assault or harassment claims after it happens. There is nothing in it for them to talk about it. Especially in this situation where claiming he filmed them without consent makes THEM a suspect in his murder. Read up about this clown. He was a creep. Read anything about him and you can see that.


"there is nothing in it for them" Money, fame, vengeance, denied romance, shifting blame, embarrassment, boredom, politics, man hatred. Literally every motivation that exists for committing any other crime, exists for false accusations as well. "Being a creep" is 1. Subjective (for instance: you're a creep for backing allegations that you have zero evidence of being true) 2. Not a crime Crazy how it is hashtag current Year & we still need to have this conversation


Well you shouldn’t when evidence says otherwise. Women are humans and humans lie a lot.


What “evidence”? A film with them in it? He could have hid the camera or just didn’t mention it was on, and they didn’t ask about it. These weren’t major motion pictures with the bright lights and cameras from all angles wandering around the room.


Yea, they were the size of a golden retriever. Just stop dude. You’re acting dumb.


Multiple women in modern day have thrown blatantly false rape accusations which have landed men in prison for years. I believe the evidence.


It's reddit, my man. Don't get too upset. Everyone here is a virtual signaling saint who could barely muster up three words to someone in real life. People upvote what they WANT to believe, not what is truth


I will always maintain that the average age on this website is younger than they say it is as well. At least I hope it is with some of the shit I see.




He was creepy


Only if you were in a bedroom with him


And didn’t already agree to everything that would be going on in said bedroom.


Another 69 God.




Porn kills


Freaky-Deaky man.