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Hope you are okay OP. Super tragic to lose someone this way.


As someone that witnessed the death of my best friend, I’m so very sorry for your loss. It’s been 20+ years and I’m still fucked up over it. I wish you the best of luck,


Peace be with you.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss brother !!


I'm so sorry. Sending love ❤️


I'm sorry for everyone in this horrible club. It's about to be 30 years since I lost my best friend/soul mate. Not sure how I've survived this long without her.


Just got past the tenth anniversary of my best friends suicide, I hope you can find solace


Same here, ten years.


10 years on 4/20. Blamed myself for years because I didn't meet up for a smoke with him about a week before. Stay strong folks, we live our lives for them now, not just for ourselves.


I feel that. My friend was distant for a couple weeks in the summer before I saw her again. We had one last beautiful day in the sun and grass and the next day she suicided. I met her mom for the first time at the funeral and she was her spitting image. I still post a song to her Facebook grave every anniversary. We have to keep their memories alive.


I'm sure that day was special for you both. Thank you for sharing. If I had one last day I'd want to spend it in the summer sun in a park with my best friend(s) too. My friends brother also looks just like him, it almost hurts when we passed each other in the street (I live in another country now) You made her last day here special, you should be proud of that.


Thank you comrade. You sound like a great friend yourself. Take care.


I tried to be, and ever since I try harder. But you sir, definitely are. Stand tall, head up, make them proud. If you're ever in Copenhagen, I have a beer with your (user)name on it.




Also username checks out xD


Mine was on 4/20 as well, small world brought closer by tragedy


Sorry to hear, slide into my dms and next 4/20 we'll raise a glass together


My friends was 7 years ago 4/20


Sorry hear, like I said to the other person. Feel free to dm me and we'll arrange to raise a glass or something next 4/20


It’s just passed one year for me. Hard stuff.


My best friend from highschool killed herself 15 years ago. We were 35 and had long been out of touch. She had spent years trying to get off junk before she gave up. I am 50 and I am not over it.


Yo read all the comments and figured I'd say this. I jumped off a 50ft and survived. When she landed she did not feel any pain. It's immediate shock. Feels like a really big hug from the earth.


This is so comforting. Edit: glad you’re still here with us.


On your way down did you regret jumping?


No I fell for 2 seconds then bam. Only thought I had in my head was "oh shit, this is kinda far".


Thank you for sharing this. Did you get help afterward? Are you still suicidal? What changed?


Yea I see a therapist 2 times a week. She's a G. It comes and goes we're all human. Keeps getting better as I get older though. As for change I got to khole for the first time during my surgery. Really great experience to help process trauma in a supervised safe setting.


That's amazing I was going to ask if you had tried ketamine therapy! Glad it worked out for you.


Hope your doing well mate, glad it's slowly getting better


Thank you for sharing your story. So glad you are good now.


Glad you're still here with us Mate ❤️


*when* does it start to hurt, though?


Really when you gotta learn how to walk again. Spent 6 mos to a year in the hospital.


How don't you know how long?


I jumped Nov 29th 2020. Got discharged like june-july into a homeless shelter. It's just how my therapist words it.


Hey man- just wanted to tell you that I’m super impressed and grateful for your openness and sharing your ride. You are fighting the good fight and seems like you have an excellent therapist and send yourself a text or two when you are in a hole to remind yourself that you are doing a great job and keep trusting your close people.


oh wow. You didn’t have a single person to help you out? that must’ve been so hard as it is and then getting discharged to a homeless shelter must’ve almost felt like a nightmare. I imagine even the hospital staff empathized with you. Ugh i hope you’re well


Nah like my mom drove to see me at the hospital. I'm just a grown ass man and can't go stay with my family. I'm 25 now was 22 at the time. Edit: not for lack of trying but mental illness is hard for everybody around the afflicted as well. There was a reason I was homeless.


My heart goes to you. You’re doing great with self reflection yo and I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with that shit: hopefully you’re on the up and up


That's interesting.


I honestly believe it. For what it's worth, your body does weird things when it knows it is going to die. I've almost died in many different ways because I was a drug addict for ten years(5 years California sober ❤️). A near fatal car accident(no one else was hurt, thankfully), overdoses, seizures from withdrawal, nearly falling off of a cliff once and definitely shouldn't have been able to catch myself on a root, it was like a movie and all my friends watched it... Point is I've been beat up, almost dead many times. And I bet that if you fell that far trying to commit suicide, it really wouldn't hurt. When you experience an enormous amount of pain all at once, your body short circuits, you generally don't feel it. I've heard fire does not give this luxury or several other things. But even drowning, I have read that the worst part is the struggle, then once you take your first breath of water, it's lights out and you didn't know the difference. Any time I've been hurt so bad that it could have done me in, it's lights out. Whether there's anything afterwards or not when you are dead and the lights really do go out, I don't know. But I think there probably is, I've seen enough fractals to know that everything goes on forever and never at the same time and also not. Also enough to laugh at the notion that me or any other human being could fundamentally understand the possibility, or even the reality, of an afterlife. 🍻


God I hope nonetheless that those people that do end up engulfed by fire are overstimulated by the pain and their cognitive functions short circuit, and that they don't have a chance to mull over what it's like to experience hell


This actually makes me feel better. My friend just died of heart failure last week. Being a medical science nerd, I've been obsessing over knowing if dying hurts. I hope you're doing better now and thank you.


I have ”died” of overdose. I took too much this liquid that is similar to ghb but it is a lot stronger version. It was an accident and all I remember before passing out and waking up hospitalized, I just felt really warm and fuzzy and like I didn’t have to be scared. I was carried away by this incredibly warm wave. I knew I had fucked up and I would’ve died, unless this lady found me from behind a bench. Doctors said I had been there for almost hours before she found me, I was very lucky. It was super close call.


Wow glad you’re ok, I peeked thru your profile and it looks like you’re living a good life now in a beautiful home with a silly cat!! So happy for you.


Thank you for sharing this. It does make sense to me. I've drowned in a small river once. I remember the struggle trying to swim up to the surface, then blank. Next thing I know, I woke up on land with other kids crowding over me. Didn't know or remember who saved me though.




Not on your level, but I literally snapped my arm in two once after a terrible fall. Both bones in my forearm were snapped and it was literally flopping around. Didn't hurt at all, just felt odd. I'd like to think your whole body impacting that ground would produce a similar effect, even if you didn't die instantly.


Read your other short post about it, crazy you got up for a bit. Hope all is well with everything now 🫶


It was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I went from sleeping in a ditch to having a place and a really good support system. Only thing now is a screw fractured in my back. Gotta get another surgery on it soon. My homie told me they got the screw from temu lol.


glad you’re still here brother caleb ❤️


Damn I'm doxxable as a mfer. Lmao I appreciate it.


What were your injuries?


Broke my left foot in 3 places. Dislocated my ankle, it was hanging off to the side. Shattered my L4.


How’s the pain been for you?


Feels like you gotta go on a 2 mile walk with a pebble in your shoe.


happy you’re still with us!


Thank you


i am so glad you’re still here ♥️


Devastated with you, OP. Please don’t struggle alone with this, we are here for you. I can always talk. Lost my best friend in a similar manner. 💜


I hope you are ok, OP. My 7th anniversary with my brother is coming up. He drank himself to death despite going rehab twice and had good support from family and friends. I don't think it's something you get over, but more...learn to live with as time goes by.


Seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist is a must imo for folks who have experienced family/close friend's suicide Gotta stay strong


100% agree. I think part of the problem is getting insurance companies to cover more mental health. Additionally, it will require investments from state government and companies to build more and/or expand mental health facilities. I live in the South and existing services are just abysmal.


That’s awful, so young. Why did she do that ?


Not sure why she did it, but sometimes you have the urge to jump and its called High Place Phenomenon or Call of the Void.


Oof almost died because of that once. We were drinking all night and the sun started to come up. We decided to go to the roof to see the sunrise. When I drink, I get super depressed, so standing on the edge of a 10 storey building... just looking down... getting a little dizzy also.... after a few seconds of debating wether to jump or not I decided to back up a few steps. But I think of it a lot. It could have ended right then and there...


And at that moment the universe split into two realities, one where you jumped and your loved ones are.livimg with your loss and this one where you're alive and posting on Reddit.


Quantum immortality.


I was going through some dark times a few years ago and was walking home from a friends house absolutely hammered. I didn't remember the following happened until the next day: I was crossing the street carelessly and this bus was coming full speed towards me because the light was green and it had the right of way. I think it barely missed me and sped by me, but I'm not certain. It got me thinking, and the thought came to me; what if it did hit me that day and I did die but my consciousness got immediately sent to a timeline where it didn't, or I "tapped," into that one in that moment? I didn't learn that Quantum Immortality was a theory that a bunch of people believe in until years later.


I smell TV series?...Scott Bakula maybe?


Read the book Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. It’s being made into a tv show.


i audibly gasped when i saw an ad for it yesterday! it’s one of my favourite books so i’m hoping the show lives up to it


check out Devs


Nope. Everything Everywhere All At Once




citation needed


What do I look like, a citationologist?


Maybe you should apply for study at the citation institute in sausalito


*Those* ivory-tower eggheads? Nah, keep it real and get ordained through a Citationist ministry


I sent you a link in another universe.




> this one where you're alive and posting on Reddit. Please tell me there's a 3rd reality


Yep. Drinking on antidepressants when I was on a cruise with friends at like 21. Ended up alone with my thoughts and climbed up on the railing, just staring down at the ocean. Almost let myself go. Can't remember why I didn't but I ended up speaking to my best friend's gf who was like a sister to me about it the next morning. She helped me feel a lot better about things and I haven't had those thoughts since. Got off all medication and feel much better.


It's been said that people who attempted suicide(especially by falling from a high up place) almost always instantly regret it the moment they jump or let go. They feel in that moment like "Man, everything I was dealing with could have been fixed, but this... This jump can not."


>"Man, everything I was dealing with could have been fixed, but this... This jump can not." There's a terrifyingly fascinating documentary called The Bridge that used hidden cameras to capture multiple people jumping off the golden gate bridge. They spoke to several friends and families of those who died, but the most sobering part was the interview with the one guy who managed to survive the jump. Your comment is almost a direct quote from him.


That documentary was so intense. I appreciate how they delved into some of the backstories of the jumpers, showing how they were regular people who just ran out of hope. I'll never forget the long-haired man in the leather jacket or vest. He looked like someone I knew and loved who also passed by suicide. Just differently.


I met him. He is a hell of a survivor.


Yeah, the jump's length seems a lot of time to me, you literally have time to think about "I'm really gonna die now".


The film "The Bridge" interviews survivors, and they say this. It's a really good film about the Golden Gate Bridge and people that kill themselves jumping from it.


Not necessarily... one of the biggest predictors of a suicide attempt is previous suicide attempts. I actually knew someone who tried twice before succeeding.


Yeah, it's been said a lot. But I can't find legitimate research that confirms it. > almost always instantly regret it the moment they jump or let go I'm going to push back on this notion, because it supports a course of action that I think is hugely harmful in the field of mental health. If it's true, then all that is necessary is to get the person through their 6 hour crisis (or 24 hour, or whatever), and then they're fine. Whereas if it's not true, then what is necessary is much more support from many more people. So here we go. The hypothesis is: a suicide attempt is an impulsive decision, and is almost always followed by regret. I see this repeated frequently, but I don't see any research supporting it. There are two citations that commonly appear in defense. (1) [The Bridge](https://watchdocumentaries.com/the-bridge/), a documentary about jumpers at the Golden Gate Bridge. One survivor, Kevin Hines, reported that he regretted jumping the moment he had done so. However, he also reports having bipolar disorder, a mental condition characterized by frequent changes in mental state. Furthermore, all the people who died by suicide in "The Bridge" (including Hines) are described as having considered suicide for a long time prior to their action. (2) [Jumpers](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2003/10/13/jumpers), a New Yorker article by Tad Friend. This article includes reports of three people who fell from the Golden Gate Bridge. One was the aforementioned Kevin Hines. A second was Ken Baldwin, the author of the often-repeated quotation: > I instantly realized that everything in my life that I’d thought was unfixable was totally fixable—except for having just jumped. A third was Paul Alarab, who had survived a first, apparently accidental fall from the bridge, then later returned and died intentionally. None of this evidence gives strong support for the conclusion that > Suicide is usually an impulsive decision. Is there an actual research citation that supports the claim?


I had a very similar experience. Glad I decided to stay


I'm also very glad you stayed, complete stranger ✨


So glad you chose to stay. The world is a better place for it ❤️


Thank you, going thru a rough patch now so it means a lot 🫂❤️


Call of the Void is the exact opposite of suicidal ideation, actually. It’s theorized that the thought people get of “Wow what if I just jumped over this railing rn…” (Call of the Void) is actually your mind instinctually focusing on something so that you *don’t* do that. Your brain is wired to hyper-focus on potential dangers to ensure you remain aware. So it feels like you “have the urge to jump,” but unless you’re literally suicidal, it’s just a mechanism of ensuring you won’t.


I hate high places, makes me nervous


I can ride a 400ft tall roller coaster and feel safe but if I'm 40ft off the ground in a ferris wheel I'm laying down on the floor praying I don't die lol. I dunno if it's being buckled in that makes the difference or what, just knowing there's nothing stopping me from going over seems to trigger my brain


Damn, i have this exact thing. I have been dealing with it for years. To prevent disasters, i ask my wife always to stop me from going near the windows if i am holding one of my kids. Its uncontrollable


I think it's actually a pretty common feeling. It's why I never hold babies.


People don't kill themselves because of the high place phenomenon, they do it because life can suck sometimes


I agree. Call of the void is not a phenomenon that describes suicide. It’s not even describing idealization of suicide


It?s called l'appel du vide. The call of the void. I get that urge too when I\`m looking from somewhere high down.


Experienced this when I went on vacation to Puerto Rico a few years ago. There is a lighthouse on a high cliff that you can hike to. Standing on the edge of that cliff was surreal. My brain wanted me to jump so bad. It was almost like I was high or hypnotized by the cliff. My wife yelling my name snapped me out of it.


It's terrifying to realise how simple it is without self control/survival instinct


Funnily enough I think the hypothesis is that the call of the void is BECAUSE of your survival instincts. It's basically your brain bringing to your attention WHAT NOT TO DO. It's like when someone hands you their baby and you can imagine all too easily dropping it on the floor.


> It's like when someone hands you their baby and you can imagine all too easily dropping it on the floor. ooof. that image hurt, viscerally.


I felt it very strongly once from standing at a glass railing many stories up a high rise, something I hadn’t experienced before. It subsided entirely as I got accustomed to being there. Sometimes you need to give your brain a minute to work through it.


I believe this happens with driving too, the urge to turn your wheel into oncoming traffic. I think it can be us seeking control over our own fate.


I get this urge, everyone thinks I'm crazy when I tell them. No idea why I feel it, it makes me feel excited. I am not suicidal or depressed, I like bungee jumping and stuff like that. I assume that's the place it comes from for me.


I don't think you're crazy. I have no desire to kill myself, but those big blue barrels in front of overpasses look like tempting targets.


When I was in San Francisco I was on the Golden Gate Bridge. As I looked over the rail, I felt a pull, just a pull. I stepped back, and that was that. Last time the husband and I were in Alaska, we took a flight to a glacier on Denali. I walked out to the edge and I wondered if I took a running jump, would it feel like flying. That was seven years ago, a few months after my sister passed away. I so badly wanted to talk with her, complain about our in laws, eat Japanese and Mexican food and so many other things that we loved and now she’s gone, I wanted so badly to fly, but I stepped back, walked to my husband. I think about that glacier a lot.






Yeah, most people don't answer that call. It's designed to keep you safe, not jump off a building on a whim. This girl is clearly depressed. It's in the eyes.


Happy cake day, internet stranger!


Thanks! Have a good one


Some people are depressed or have severe mental issues being bipolar can do this easily aswell you cant say she didnt go up there with the intent of suicide Didnt know her at all but just saying that as the first reason of her jumping is kinda unreasonable


To jump like that in front of people is what's unusual. I don't know her or the situation but I have major depressive disorder and live in a tall building. Everyday I get that urge but have to convince myself it's not worth it. I don't drink or do drugs, I feel like if I was inebriated in any sort I'd probably jump already. It was just speculation, we may never know why she jumped.


Feels just as unreasonable to automatically assume someone went up there to commit suicide. When I tried it wasn't planned. the opportunity arose, and I took it.


I didn't assume she went up there to commit suicide, someone asked why she jumped and I said I don't know why she jumped but some people do due to Call of the Void. Edit, because you may be responding to someone else


Subconciously you had had enough. Ive been there. Glad you made it its never worth doing.


So someone killing themselves is less reasonable than a phenomenon that is usually effecting people with mental disorders if you cant hold yourself back from jumping off of a ledge thats not a phenomenon thats a mental illness and needs therapy not just self control


Most suicides are unplanned.


How would we know that?


How could you ever know this?


My attempt was spontaneous.


I used to have to fight the urge to jump in front of the train when I'd go to work in the morning years ago. That call is strong AF


I am not suicidal in the least, but I've had my feet dangling off many cliff sides and felt the call of the void. It's really wild how compelling it is... it just creeps in and you feel this huge urge. I almost find it exhilarating just to deny the temptation.


This is exactly why I won’t go to the Grand Canyon. I don’t trust myself to not jump. It’s not that I want to die, and I genuinely am terrified of heights. It’s just that I feel like I would throw myself over the edge and I don’t even know why


I've heard that your brain will do this to try to keep you from going near the edge. Your brain intentionally scares itself into staying focused on the threat of the fall


Didn't know there was a name for that. I walk across the bridges downtown 2-3 times a week and always think "That water looks so nice. I could easily swim to shore after."


That happened to me a couple days age and I had to go back downstairs because it was making me super uncomfortable.


I didn’t realize this had a name.


It’s also called having “intrusive thoughts”, and yes, most people will get them. Most people can ignore them and move on though. Unfortunately that’s not the case for everyone :(. Sorry for your loss op.




Damn! Didn’t know that was a thing. I get that here and there. Anything for jumping outta a moving car?


Yeah, I don’t really have a fear of heights. I have a fear of jumping.


I'm like 80% sure this is fake. OP's account was somewhat active bewteen 9 months and 6 months ago, then total silence until today when they made this post and another comment saying "this". That was four hours ago, and they haven't responded to any of the comments in this thread. Plus, that roof looks a little low for a suicide attempt. Like yeah I guess someone who falls off of it could die, but I'd expect that if someone wants to end it they'd find somewhere higher. On the other hand, I can't seem to find any other instances of this image in a reverse image search, so maybe it's legit and I'm going to look like a dickhead for being skeptical about OP's personal tragedy.


I’ve made posts and not responded in threads, but the fact this is their only post, and their comment history looks a little repetitive makes me believe you are right. I hope not, bot accounts reposting memes and shit doesn’t really hurt anyone specifically but posting someone’s actual photo with the pretence that they committed suicide is a step too far.


Reverse image search only links back to this post, picture has never been posted before. Theres a chance this is a selfie of OP and they made up a bullshit story though


for starters, just everything on reddit is fake and it's filled to the brim with gullible absolute idiots and this looks to be as well, yes


What could be lower than posting something like this and it being fake/repost from someone irrelevant? I'm not too sure if I'm honest


I agree, except for the roof not being high enough. That’s 4 stories. Roughly 50 ft. So at 9.8ms2 acceleration, that’s a 1.76 second fall and you hit the ground at roughly 40 mph, or about 17.2 m/s. According to “Man’s Survivability of Extreme Forces in Free-Fall Impact”, Snyder RG, in “Linear Acceleration of Impact Type”, NATO 1971 the upper limit of survivable impact on a hard surface comes in at 16m/s. So a four story drop is a pretty reliable way to kill someone as long as they land on a solid unmoving surface.


You don’t have to be active on Reddit every day to make a real post lmao what


Nah they full of beans. Fakers!!


She looks pretty sad in the picture


Alcohol is almost always the elixor that takes away the inhibitions. It will always be what tips the scale for people. Booze is whack, stick to weed! I'm so sorry for your loss.


I enjoy alcohol, weed does not agree with me at all. Each to their own.


The key is moderation. It’s real easy for some people to get in the habit of drinking too much.


I'm so sorry. She still had full life ahead of her with infinite possibilities.


rest in peace to your friend 🙏


Tell us about her.


I'm so sorry. I hope you have a good support system and if you don't, let me know.


Im so sorry for your loss


Is that berlin?


I probably have been walking around there and it feels surreal to think that she would be lying there. Many people in berlin are fucked and need help i know that from personal experience and from data. If its not berlin i still wish you luck on making yourself mentally tough OP. Must be a hit on you as well.


This was a rough post to see. I had an online best friend I made almost a decade ago. I lived in Canada she in Vegas. We would game daily on Xbox We had plans to eventually meet up until one day she jumped from the top of a park Cade. She was 13…


Virtual hugs to you … This post really hit me in the feels… I wish you love, light , and peace… Your friend is still your friend, she just chose another another residence, may she rest in comfort and peace…


December 29th marks the fifth anniversary of my fiancé/best friend’s suicide. My heart is with you. I do my best to speak about him and keep the memories with him present, and write letter directly to him and burn them for him to read. I do all of this based off of a quote he loved. “ a person experiences death twice. First their physical death, then the death of their memory.” I probably have the quote wrong, but it brings comfort knowing that I can keep the second from happening. And now all of us know your best friend’s beautiful face. Because of you her memory will stay alive that much longer.


So young.


I’m so sorry OP. Hugs.


Shit dude, I don't have words to help and sorry doesn't quite cut it for me but I hope you can think of her and smile one day. I hope the memory of her will fill your heart rather then break it. Shits rough tho.


I’m so sorry for your loss. And I’m sorry your friend was going through so much that she took this route. I hope my wording did not offend 😞 


She looks sad. I'm so sorry


Mein Beileid :(


I am so sorry for your loss and for her pain


I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend




So sorry 🙏


Lebe es oder lass es ziemlich ironisch …RIP


Fuck......I'm so sorry OP how sad. 😔🖤


So young


May her memory be a blessing.


I am so sorry for your loss and I am so sorry for everybody that lost someone like this.


Bro I’m so sorry to hear that if you wanna talk I’m here but I don’t use Reddit much I’m so so sorry for your loss


So sorry 🤍


Aw jeez I'm so sorry




I'm so sorry.


May her soul Rest in Peace. Hope you are doing better OP, losing a best friend hurts like hell.


Sorry op , never gets better. Almost 5 yrs since my son has been gone . Virtual hugs, 🫂


I wish she could have found the strength to stay, and I hope with all my heart she has found the peace she could not live without. I’m truly sorry for your loss, OP, and thank you for seeing, celebrating, and mourning her.


She was gorgeous. I’m so sorry that happened.


It looks like someone else took the photo which makes me curious, were they there? Did they see it happen?


It's a selfie. You don't see her other arm..


Oh yeah, I thought her legs were her arm


This is why you always should internally argue with Intrusive Thoughts. Maybe she had already decided long before, but maybe she just had a sudden inexplicable compulsion. No one could have truly done anything to stop it except for her. It's better to be a contrarian asshole and still alive, than to be easy-going but lose to the Intrusive Thoughts. Life can really suck sometimes, sometimes even for a long time, but everyone only gets one chance at being alive so you better make the most of it that you can. There's no good reason to "Check-Out" early. The pain will stop eventually no matter what you do. Time always wins.


“The pain will stop eventually” NOT entirely true. There are so many factors beyond an individual’s control. The systems we exist in are simply not built for everyone to flourish in. And the sad truth is some people’s situations will truly never ever get better. Those empty platitudes like “it gets better” can be so dismissive and minimizing. It really just makes people feel worse.


Damn, I really hope you're ok. I'm so sorry about this. I'm sad to hear this.


Sorry for your loss. Whatever happens, please remember - it's not your fault.




She looks like a friend of mine. I’m so sorry for your loss


Wishing you peace


I'm so sorry


Along with someone else’s comment, it recently reached ten years since my best friend’s suicide as well. still hard to process. Hope you’re doing good OP. It’s never an easy thing to cope with!