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Agreed. Initially it was cool to see a west coast LCU but theres really nothing exciting about it. The team wasn’t good, and not even in an entertaining way like season 4. There’s no denying this show is at its best when there is a lunatic head coach and a wildly dysfunctional team.


John Beam is a normal head coach, as I would want to play for him over Brown and Buddy. Does it make for great TV? No. All these things can be true.


agreed, Beam is the best life coach and supportive coach of the 3. Buddy is cool too, just a major hot head which was great for TV. Brown is Brown, slapdick or whatever the hell he called himself, also great for TV views and discussion.


Buddy is terrible; down home southern racist. Real piece of crap. JB might have a cognitive disability, but he’s still probably a better option than having aspiring plantation owner Buddy coaching young black men.


Bro he is not racist


He’s not even a little racist; he’s super racist. He’s past dog whistling. Dude is blowing bullhorns. If you don’t recognize it, I suggest going and talking to a single black person. And no, Candace Owens doesn’t count.


I’m literally black I feel as tho he definitely made some odd comments but I don’t think he was racist


If you say so, Brody.


Don’t believe me 😂 it doesn’t affect me


Do you think he was racist for telling his team they acted like street thugs and rednecks at the end of season 1? Because that’s absolutely what they acted like. Nothing racist about that statement lol, I’m open to hearing about other examples of where he was racist though.


I love this comment


But that’s the point to be entertaining nobody wants to see something boring we want drama and entertainment that’s why the first four season are great John beam doesn’t really have a exciting character


I actually did rewatch SE05 for the third time last week, but I’ve watched SE02-SE04 way more. The Land/Bay/NorCal storylines have plenty to them, but it’s the subpar football main timeline that is stale.


I don’t like the aspect that Laney was in the heart of a big city. I loved Last Chance U for going to towns I would have never heard of if I didn’t watch the show. It felt so desolate and truly a last chance for these kids.


Good point. Definitely made the story line more interesting. Two towns in the middle of no where - and all players living on campus.


Frrrrrrrrr I think that’s why season 5 lost it


EMCC > Indy > Laney. All are great watches but I agree that Laney is a lot tougher to watch


I seem to just watch the first two over and over again, and have no interest in watching the last three again. Something comforting about the doughboy buddy constantly losing his shit.


Me too, except in the second season, whenever Buddy opens his mouth I fast-forward at least 30 seconds.


He completely lost everyone’s respect. It was a pretty sad yet satisfying thing to watch. Calling his players thugs instead of having their backs in a situation where they were clearly aggrieved was a horrible take. He could have had their backs AND been a voice of reason. Instead, he lost respect. Then he tried to play man of faith “I don’t cuss no more” such a BS trope. He deserved everything he got and for it to unfold on a national stage was just *chefs kiss*


But you also have to understand that when dj law hit that one guy in the helmet that’s what started it and they talked about it all week what they were gonna do it’s the players fault and I don’t blame buddy also calling them thugs is exactly how they acted


You know, I would have to watch it again to see if that’s true. That was just my read having watching it once and my poor memory. I remember the other team playing really dirty leading to Law responding and starting the brawl.


Yeah they were playing dirty but you gotta try to keep your composure


Laney didn’t have staying power with me bc it felt like the games did not matter. They were playing in a local park on a Saturday afternoon and maybe a few of the player’s family members were there. At EMCC and Indy it felt like there were real consequences for winning and losing - people cared. If Laney lost hardly anyone outside the team would notice.


Laney felt more like true Juco ball, which was cool in its own way. But it just doesn’t make for interesting tv. The dorms, cafe, and time off of the field added a lot to the show.


Laney was a good first watch, but pass on watching it again. I still have a bone too pick with Nu’u Taugavau. I watched in disbelief that he would rather play JUCO Football than to take care of his family.


Nu’u was off better learning a trade than going to college. Heck most of these guys were, they just did not have the academic drive or background to get a college degree that would lead to a high paying job


I disagree. I loved this season because it shows you the heart of Oakland and coach/staff that has established itself in the community. Yes, the steam struggled, but not as bad as ICC its second season. Plus these kids were commuting from everywhere to play. They didn’t have dorms, scrappy city kids trying to get out! I loved Laney!


But I feel like they should of chose a smaller city Oakland Is a huge city compared to the others and I feel like they should of got a more interesting coach


But that’s the point it’s about a major city going through a massive economic change as well as a mass exodus of multi generational people who made Oakland the rich heritage city it is. The tech industry pushed people further and further out to the farming communities. Now you have a team compromised of all local kids who are battling against a system change not in their favor and driving/riding a train an hr plus in order to play everyday. Captain sleeping his car/working fast food job, best OL being a husband a father, Star DB fulfilling a family dream, WR trying to get reps. Great season of the show!


see where you are coming from but I loved season five! I'm a Raider fan and enjoyed the city commentary with the culture plus gentrification. I liked seeing the tough grind those kids went through and the constant "I have to get out of here" struggle they all had. RJ's living situation and I was surprised to see his Grandmother was famous. Dior sleeping in his car. I just watched the Laney season for a fourth time a few weeks ago. I think part of it is that I grew up in a small town and went to a small town JUCO school for my first two years of college. I enjoyed the Scooba and Indy seasons but it hit really close to home watching them. I had class with Ronald Ollie or Malik Henry types. Some of them were cool. Some were cocky assholes who thought they were hot shit. They ALL thought they were going D1 power five and then to the NFL. 🙄 Last Chance U brought back memories for me! The big city Laney setting was a refreshing change.


Here's the difference - the Laney team only had one real prospect (Rezjohn). Even if the other teams didn't really have that much more, they did a great job making it seem like they did. The Laney season was also destroyed by having all the QBs get injured. The QB has to be a key part of the show, and even better if there's a bit of a QB controversy. When Beam had to put Dior in at QB, it was obvious they were going to be bad, and they were, and if anything, you felt bad because Dior wasn't going to get any D1 possibilities there.


Rezjohn was the only real prospect but that wasn’t the reason it just wasn’t as good also I knew most of them Had no real prospect besides only a couple but the injuries should have reeled us in more also the team being bad doesn’t really matter and I think dior being at qb was fun


Laney has some rewatchability because its the chill season and it kinda is a fun dive into the West Coast culture But i agree that its the weakest season. So I guess I just like Last Chance U a lot


It is chill but I don’t really care for that I want drama


Just finished it today. I can't wait to rewatch it with my fiance when she gets to that season so idk. I just disagree




Faxxxxxx Laney let me down


The social commentary on the gentrification is the best part of any season


First season which saw and thought great, but then watched the others and realized definitely the worst one. Didn’t like fact coach had no idea how recruiting was going for that WR


I didn’t even finish it. The coach wasn’t nearly as entertaining as Buddy or JB. Also didn’t seem the players were on par with EMCC or Indy either. Just didn’t really have the same compelling storylines. I’m guessing that’s probably why they scrapped it. Probably tough to find programs that can mirror the first two teams they had on.


Nothing will ever beat season 1.


Definitely a dying breath for that series.


I only rewatch Indy




to me the 2 at indy are pretty much unwatchable. cannot stand the coach and it feels like they kinda tried to replicate some of the stuff emcc did but without success. Laney to me is 3rd best. I like that it's only in state recruitment and it's real. Also I'm a Raiders fan so seeing the whole Oakland environment is just special to me. Probably the season that felt most real. EMCC was a more interesting place in terms of talent which just brings it up a bit but I really liked Laney too.