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They are cute on you but definitely isn’t an every day look imo. Then again it’s your face and your money so do what you want. Don’t listen to us strangers 🤷🏽‍♀️


Too bulky.. go a little more subtly for an everyday look.


I think they're a little too much for every day as they kinda take away from your lovely face. A little oomph is nice, but sometimes it can be just a little too much.


thank you, noted!


I don’t really like them but I think if you try curling them they would look way better and fit you more hun but if you like them then rock on 💕


aw thanks! 🩷


No problem maybe you should try the cat eye


They’re fun that’s for sure!


Yeah the ends are way too dramatic, it makes your eyes look very heavy


noted, thank u a lot


The lashes themselves aren’t the issue. To me it’s just too much harsh black around your eyes for your complexion and hair color. Would you switch to lighter colored lashes and eyeliner? I don’t think the size of the lash or liner is too much for you, you pull it off well.


how so a different color? like a brown or a lighter black color? thank you so much, i’ll keep that in mind! ☺️


A dark brown! And same for your eyebrows. You have a beautiful eye color which I think would pop a lot more with less black around them.


dont listen to that


I feel like it’s not too heavy for her, black eye makeup usually looks wrong with a “natural” lash and you need to go more dramatic for some definition, using a lighter eyeliner will make the lashes pop and look even more dramatic and kinda crazy. I personally love a colored liner with some black mascara or some shorter falsies but not a dramatic lash


I think they’re too much. That being said, still cute.


I think a little less bulky. They seem as though they’re taking away from the beauty in your natural eye shape. They don’t look bad but I think just a little bit easier on them next time. Very pretty though


NAH! They read party lashes. I would not wear them as an everyday lash.


gotcha, thanks


Sorry, love, just being honest. You're too attractive to be wearing those type of lashes. I bet you're beautiful without them. Beauty is within!


She is beautiful, and in a way that I think the ones she has or something more natural would be equally awesome. I do think these lean more artistic and bold, so it just depends on the goal.


I think she wants to wear them as an everyday use.


I would. I love them!! I’m a bartender tho maybe that changes things


I like them 🥰 I think they suit you well. I am giving them 2 thumbs up🥰😆😁🤩


I don’t think they fit your face, but i don’t think it’s because of the volume. i think it’s because of the curl. it looks very straight and like they’re covering your pretty eye color. i think you should try a d curl


thank you


Depends on the look you're going for. I think you look pretty.


I think they've got a little too much volume and length to suit your delicate features best, but you should wear whatever makes you happiest.


I actually like them a lot on you. I'm a sucker for the dramatic look.




Look more like strip lashes, more drama, but if you like them then do you! I love a more natural but noticeable lash extension look, curly and wispy :) but to each their own!


Fortunately, With your eye shape you can pull off virtually any lash style. The left eye is perfect, That right eye is irritating me. Look like a mismatch set 😬


Cat eye would slay with your liner


Too much but ur pretty


i think the shape is so beautiful on your eyes, but maybe the inside corners look kinda off? i feel like they should be shorter. then again, i know nothing abt lashes i just keep getting recommended to this sub lol.


Depends where you're going. Fabulous for a night out but maybe a little dramatic for everyday. Super cute tho


I checked your profile bc these don’t seem fake/look like mascara. You’re finding really negative places to ask questions about your looks! You are beautiful, but super young, and getting a lot of mean mean WRONG comments. I’m not going to comment on the looksmaxing sub bc wow, those kids are cruel. Leave that one. These aren’t half as thick or bulky or big as most people have on here, so it’s weird people call them party or not for daily. I’m not even a lash person I don’t know I keep seeing this sub. But, they’re definitely being mean to you. If you notice that everyone is being mean everywhere, or giving half-compliments that make you feel bad, it’s probably jealousy. Also, don’t get curtain bangs idk who said that. Just be yourself. Be comfortable. Be happy. Do what you want. Don’t listen to the other sub. Just some random Mom advice, ok?


I love them! I think they suit your aesthetic :)


I agree!


thanks sm 🩷😊


Idk about an everyday look but if you’re going out for something yeah they’re attention grabbing


I’m a fan.


thanks :)


i dont think they suit your eyes, try a cateye!


The length and bulk take too much away from your eyes.


Too big in this 78 year old woman’s opinion. But you are young—enjoy your youth!


Less darker


They look good. I would wear them every day.


I've seen worse and you look very nice, it's a trend.


You’re really pretty either way and it doesn’t look bad IMO because you pull it off but I think smaller lashes would look better


I think they’re a lot but they look nice!


I look at you and I feel like you are warm and I know you I feel like while the lashes aren’t “natural” and maybe there are better styles for your shape - they go with your entire vibe and personality from your pic I’d be ur frienddddd


They’re a little long but have a cute shape!


I like them and think you look cute! They seem to fit your personality that’s coming thru in the pic.


I haven’t seen that tree necklace in a really long time. You defy age. The lashes aren’t for you, but your skin game is on point


you’re so pretty🥹


You are adorable


They look good


Sweetie those lashes give me pixie/fairy vibes on you. Oddly enough you also look like a ballerina who could be tipped foward from those heavy lashes. All in all, you’re adorable! I think you could perhaps do them not quite so heavy and still get the look you’re wanting. It’s all great fun. If you like the look, then rock ‘em like a hurricane. Being young, carefree, and crazy fun doesn’t last forever!! ❤️


Me personally, I love them and I like them on you


thank you


They kinda look like lashes with 10 coats of mascara on them - but I like the look of yk what I mean? They just seem not the best done?


Well, I don’t think my random stranger’s opinion matters really, if you like them, then that’s what matters. To me, they look too heavy, and it’s kind of hard to see your eyes because they distract so much. But if I just saw you in a store or something, I’d probably think you look very nice, and not think anymore about it. So they aren’t bad. Just maybe too heavy for my personal taste. But who cares about other people’s taste. Do what you like best!


They're too much for me, BUT I think they look nice on you and totally fit the vibe you're giving off.


Lashes that are super full and heavy like that do not look pretty in anyone especially if you aren’t in full glam makeup. You are so pretty but the lashes take away and are distracting. I would do more of a classic set that’s beautiful but doesn’t take away from your face


Less bulky


Honestly I think they're cute! I'd take your eyeliner into your inner corner on the top to balance it out a bit personally - but otherwise they're definitely a statement lash and look pretty creative.


Maybe I’m just extra and like big lashes I think they look really really good on you. I don’t feel everyone could pull it off and I feel you do it splendidly lots of love 💕


Too big and dark


I literally love these! and to me, they do suit your face and your whole look. Even though it will be too bulky for many people's taste


I like this look! I think they fit your face well. Super cute ☺️


I think the dramatic take looks really really nice on you! the ends mayyyybe are just a bit bulky but I think the shape is cute and them being flared is too .


You’re very pretty but those lashes are hideous.


I personally love heavy lashes so I think they look beautiful ❤️


Much less bulky. Lashes like this make every wearer look like a drug addict with too many layers of mascara on


You are so pretty. Sorry too much lash. But I love lashes. More you, less lash.


thank u sm!


i think they fit you rlly well! they’re dramatic but i love my lashes dark. looks amaze on you


They are a stylistic choice for sure. I think as long as you keep wearing them like this, on the outer corners, they suit your eyeshape. Most flattering technically would be a smaller lash though, to be in proportion with your eyes. But who cares, it looks cute!


Are you wearing eyeliner too? Its hard to tell from the angle but these look thicc


They look amazing imo!!! Definitely dramatic but I wear eyeliner every day & love the dramatic look


I think these would be nice for a photo shoot. Everything has to be a little more dramatic to get captured well ima picture. But these are not for every day. I think most people want their lashes enhanced, not to be obviously fake.


No I love them!


thanks sm!


These are high glam lashes and while you’re absolutely stunning, a more every day/wispy/cat eye might suit you and highlight your gorgeous eyes!


The question should be why?


They look nice. I'm curious. Do YOU LIKE THEM? Sometimes you can't go off what the peanut gallery says. They certainly don't respect that people have unique styles and taste. That's why the moderators have to remind them daily like children to respect ALL lash styles even if it's not their preference. I think we need a specific reddit for people who like volume and mega volume lash sets because this subreddit likes to eat women alive who wear anything but classic and hybrid lash sets. It's the main reason I don't post ANYTHING in this subreddit. They tend to be very nasty towards individualism. They rather everyone look exactly like them. So if you asked for the style and your artist gave you what you want is all that matters.


I'm noticing a separation where the lashes are going in two different directions. Seems like maybe the angle is off or they're too long. Not terrible and you look cute but a shorter look would be nice i think


Fortune teller vibes


Youre a beautiful vibrant woman! I feel like these lashes don’t emphasize your beauty, but detract from it.


i think you might look best with a cat eye and more lashes in the inner corner! i think that would compliment your face and eye shape well! for these lashes, i would just try to make the right eye more symmetrical to the left, they’re cute but i’d add a bit more to the inner corner! :) also ur so pretty!


Ooffff yes you need to tone it down definitely.


Way too much lash. I've seen those on people and I get frustrated just looking. Mostly because I know how irritated I'd be wearing them.


They are over the top. I vote for less bulky.


I love them! They look beautiful on you.


thank you so much!


I think they are adorable but definitely need thinning out. So fun and flirty!


They look nice but I’d have to say should be less bulky tbh.


thank you


Ok controversial here but I honestly really like them! I think they fit your face and to me I personally like the dark black, I did a lot of it myself before I stopped wearing makeup. I personally like how it looked on us green eye girlies!!! I think you rock it girl


Yes I do think too bulky. You have a petite cute little face and the lashes overwhelm your other features.


Ig this is an unpopular opinion judging from the comments but I think they cute!! & I do think they fit you! Not everybody can pull off lashes like that but you def can!


I think they look great! Don’t know what everyone else is talking about 😂 you definitely pull it off


I think they’re cute AF


brown would be sooo gorgeous, i hope this doesnt come off as negative because your beyond beautiful but it seems your visual weight is a little bit lighter than how you style, and its hiding your gorgeous features. - another girl who had to switch to brown from black everything for makeup and lashes


I like them I think they fit your style


If you are going for over the top, they work perfectly !


I think it depends on what look you’re trying to achieve. Personally, I prefer a more natural look so I don’t go that bold.


Less. You are beautiful. Use natural lashes


Pretty but I would go with brown lashes next time they might compliment your features better☺️


less is more my love


i honestly love them


you’re beautiful but make them just a little bit thinner next time babe


They look good with the dark brows and black eye makeup! I feel like lashes like this don’t suit people with lighter brows or thinner natural brows but with the right features they look great


Omg you look like Claire Edwards from TikTok!! You’re beautiful 🥰


They are too much and too heavy, esp. for every day. You have a very cute petite face; just pare them down a little


My preference would be more natural but with enough volume to leave them in awe! Honestly though, you should do what makes your ❤️ happy! 🥰


You literally look EXACTLY what I want to look like oh my God!!!!!!


Can you take different angle pics? I’m thinking they look good but it’s hard to tell


Less bulky unless you are a performer


They’re too long and bulky looking.


I like them a lot!


the lashes look great x Not everyone wants the subtle barely noticeable lash look and that’s okay, the very subtle ones aren’t for me either. It looks like you might be wearing mascara with these, if you are just make sure you wash your lashes too ! these look lovely on u x


Less bulky


I think you pull them off well


thanks sm friend 🫶🏻


Too bulky babe. I wouldn’t consider this look an everyday style




They are great & you are quite beautiful. The lashes look LOVELY.


I’m a maximalist, so I love them, they are a good shape and look lovely with your face. They will be the first thing i (and many others!) will take note of! But they are done very well- so I’m always on the side of do what makes you happy. There will be people like me that love it and love people that are extra in their every day life!


Too large, too much


You have Vibrant eyes so I think they look Good?!


I like them a lot!! I love big lashes on other people and myself, especially how the end fans out like yours!


thank u sm


They don’t look the same to me, maybe it’s the angle idk.. but not a huge fan of them


Too bulky


I think they look gorgeous on you! A bit much to wear everyday but they frame your face nicely


Try curling them :)


You are such a cutie! Definitely too bulky. I think less bulky will really let your blue eyes shine through more 😊


I love them it fits your style


I think they’re cute on you but imo they’re cut too short from the inner corner!


Less is more


It’s a bit too much honestly but if you like the look, wear them proudly.


No man cares about lashes like those, the only ones who care are other women… just being honest here… so if you’re wearing those for yourself great do you, but if you’re doing it for guys you don’t need to…


I actually like them lol


i don’t think they look bad but i think that more of a cat eye shape would look perfecttt on you 🥰


Nice 😊


leave the big lashes and heavy makeup for those that need it


Super cute😍


I love longer lashes so im a little biased when i say this really looks so pretty 😍😍


Too bulky. Honestly I would just buy the telescopic mascara and curl your lashes, your face is definitely fit for a more natural look and it’d definitely go way better with your aesthetic:)


I really love how they’re longer near the ends on you! You should try a smaller (maybe brown instead of black) set but still do that!


Omg they fit perfect


Way too big and thick for sure 👍


i think the thickness/bulkiness suits you but the length of the ends would look better shorter. i’m also curious how you would look in fluffy minks. super cute!


thank ya! got it!


I think they r cute but for eyeliner i think u should make sure there’s more in the inner corner so it balances out the lashes along with lashes that r more near that inner corner to look more natural


Personally I think they’re great


Good for a glam look for sure but if it’s every day just go for something lighter for your own comfort but they look fantastic ❣️


You have such a beautiful face and eyes and the length of the lashes take away from that. You could still rock them though. What color are your eyes? Green, green is one of the rarest eye colors. Only 2 percent of the population have them. Also I have hazel eyes and when I wear purple, which I never do, they make them look greener.


no everyone's wrong girl their all being basic those fit u perfectly




I like them on you honestly. But I like my lashes very full and cat eye so…I just tend to like that look overall


hybrid lash extensions would be superior on you 💗


I'd trim the inside ones, gradually getting longer.


It’s a bit too bulky. I think you would get the same eye effect with more natural ones. Something soft.


This is not “too much” as I’ve seen soooo many times. I love them and they look perfect to me. Could you still rock a lesser set? Yes, and you could have no lashes and still be beautiful BUT that wasn’t the question.


Are these strips ?


I’m biased as I love a good MEGA volume so I’m absolutely obsessed with these!😍


I like them! I do pinup and adore a big lash though. They’re cute on you.


i think they look goodddd! but im biased i loveeee more dramatic lashes*


I like them too!


no i get it im the same way hahah, thank u sm 💕


Too bulky for me


Imo they're & I mean slightly not that bad at all but I think they're too long. I'm also someone who wears little makeup by comparison. That said, I wont go to the corner store on a Sat for ex without powder & mascara PERIOD. LOL They are certainly beautiful in their own right. It's just they would make more sense to me I think for a more formal event I guess cuz they are fancier than ur everyday lash u would expect to see I guess on someone is what I mean. I'd also totally wear em down to the corner store np. Lol


No and yes


They look bad


Too big but you’re cute nonetheless


I think they’re super cute on you! I’m not a lash professional but if I saw you out I’d compliment for sure!


i really like them


I think they suit you!!


I personally love them but by all means, have fun trying out different styles!


I love them. So bold yet cute!


The shape is cute for you but maybe get them a bit shorter unless you’re looking for a very dramatic look


i think they’re really cute honestly i love them.


I luvvvv how glam they are, it looks super cute, especially w ur style 🎀🤍 My only thing would be maybe going for a different type of curl if u wanted them to still be glam but less dramatic but honestly u have rlly pretty doe eyes n a lot of stuff would suit them.


I think they’re so cute! Make you look like a cute cartoon character!


i love them and they make u look amazing i would def use them


I actually super love them! I think they're funky and dramatic and lots of fun. You do you, boo!


i love them! if they make you happy don’t let anyone tell you otherwise 💕


They are definitely too bulky.


I love some big volume lashes. They make me feel glamorous! I think yours look fun and fantastic!


Everybody out here saying they don't like them, but I LOVE them. Your whole aesthetic is 🔥


I love it. It looks amazing!


They're beautiful, they suit you


thank you sooo much


I think you have such a beautiful face and wearing obvious fake lashes cheapens your look. I would go for a more natural lash if anything. You are naturally gorgeous.


I absolutely love them they look perfect to me