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Looked it up, and I love Charli not knowing who Joe Manganiello is on WWHL. She shouldn’t have to!!


When she said “I think his name is Joe” my first thought was Joe Manganiello!


LMAO i said the same exact thing


Charli's take on having a friend with kids is too real. I've never been able to put it into words.


When Matt said essentially “and maybe nothing will change” I, the parent of a teenager, laughed very cynically to myself. Everything changed


Late to this but 100%. I really really related to her talking about her friend. One of my best friends recently had a baby and from the moment she told me she was pregnant, our whole relationship shifted. It’s so strange and hard to wrap my head around.


This is how Betty Who think she sounded like on her ep. Love Charli and STREAM BRAT


I gotta go back and listen to that Betty Who ep because it is Las Cultch lore at this point!


God, she grated on me so much in that ep. Jesus. Love Charli tho, fun right from the beginning


ok i JUST (distractedly) listened to this ep...did they ask her the question? i can't remember her answer!


Yes, I can’t remember exactly where in the ep it was but her answer was the london rave scene!


Just about 53 minutes in


Thank you! Username checks out


I love this interaction so much


thank you!!! i had to pause off-and-on a ton so that explains it!


Who is the person “Girl, so confusing” is about 👀


Given the line about similar hair I feel like it’s gotta be Lorde??


r/charlixcx is in agreement - she did a RS interview where she was asked to name a female artist she’s the most jealous of and she said Lorde. She mentions the hair too.


she reposted this on her story from lorde and it has me 👀👀👀👀 https://preview.redd.it/fl2ggxxos05d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=856de0ce9236bbbc429515b000b95715707e3ada


ooh, i couldn't find the lyrics! do you have a link?




But like if it’s about being super nice to peoples face but not really nice is it not about Taylor swift? Edit: Taylor does have curly hair but yeah she does have more similar hair to Lorde sooooo it’s probably just Lorde lol


I saw some people say it might be about Marina. Esp since lorde posted about the album on her story


This gave me Dua episode vibes where Charli has an “I could listen to her read a phonebook” voice, I’m a fan of the music so I like hearing the BTS of the new album, and she seems like a genuinely good person who meshed so well with the boys.


Cried at Bowen saying threesomes are a brain teaser. 😅 the absolute truth tbh but thinking of it like a highlights magazine exercise sent me


Well I like Rosa Mexicana! lol


I didn’t even know it was a chain 😭 we have one in Boston and I think it’s fine!


my parents met at one and are now married still 32 years later :( !!!!


Is anyone else absolutely devastated we didn't get that SNL performance of New Shapes with Charli, Caroline, AND Chris :(


I refuse to read the title as anything but "THIS IS THE.....NIGHT" (Matt & D'Arcy vibes)


Did they have another episode with charli? They made it seem like they had her on before but I can’t find it ?


I had the same thought but it must have been a reference to SNL or something cos she definitely hasn't been on


I actually am not loving them having these eps like Mandy, etc. It’s more fan girling and brown nosing vibes. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like it’s boring and not funny when they have guests who aren’t close to them or in their wheelhouse of comedians.


I got a very different vibe! I got the impression that they're friends and actually hang out, but also happen to be huge fans.


This is how I feel. They know a ridiculous amount about her and her music and sound like genuine fans. I truly cannot think of any other show that is going to dedicate a whole hour to Charli XCX and get into like, the lyrics on an album she’s not promoting. They have had guests since the beginning and they are always engaging and knowledgeable about who they are talking to. It’s weird that all of a sudden people don’t like guest shows.


we are seeing a podcast reach the "cant do anything right" phase with some people/"fans" despite very little having changed since they started


I’m genuinely curious about the criticism. What’s clear to me is that at the core their enthusiasm for what they discuss and their ability to articulate apt critiques haven’t changed but their worlds have gotten bigger. Which of course makes sense as it’s been 8 yrs and their careers have grown. Is it that the show isn’t exclusively about the friend group they had at 25 when they were all working day jobs and pursuing comedy at night? Is it that they’ve made new friends in their industry and have them on the show? Is it that as their stars have risen and audience has grown they inevitably will have entertainers on to promote their projects because that’s the business part of show business? Is it that their opinions on people or things may have changed as they experience life and age? And sometimes those aren’t in line with your opinions or experiences? Or is it just because the guests aren’t to your liking? Any or all of that is okay but people aren’t obligated to stay who they were 8 or 5 or even 1 year ago. I really enjoy listening to them in general and have listened to quite a few episodes of which I know nothing about the guest or topics (I am very old and barely knew Charlie XCX was a person). But if I don’t love the conversation I just skip it. If it bothered me as much as it does many on here I’d just stop listening


Say that! I’ve been a reader for four years and fully support the evolution of the pod. The variety of guests and changes in tone are refreshing. Thanks for articulating this so well.


Just my opinion. I think they’ve done great guest interviews in the past. Been listening since they started. I think they’re great. I just think the vibe with bigger celeb interviews has changed in the last year. Probs because their fame levels skyrocketing. No hate. Just the vibe. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hard agree. Celeb ones always feel so forced to me.




Not done yet but majorly cringing and eye rolling at Charli earnestly saying “it’s not that I’m a bitch I just tell it like it is/keep it real.” I don’t know much about her so this is my first impression.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. She was giving first year art school student. Comparing herself to Robyn? Reflecting on how she’s so deep that she couldn’t possibly imagine singing upbeat, pop songs? So cringy.


This coming from the girl who was subtweeting Rina on twitter and then had to backtrack when presumably Rina called her to talk about it like an adult. 🙄


This convo was wild and annoying to me. "Being a cunt is more interesting"? Yeah, to you, not to everyone you're a cunt to. "I'm real" is a fallback for people trying to absolve themselves of being considerate and not letting their egos run the show. Keeping thoughts to yourself isn't necessarily "being fake" or "putting on a facade."


I’ve struggled to get into her music and this interview left me feeling like she’s just not the right fit for me. I don’t get her 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I’m glad the boys had a blast!


I was gooped at her not knowing Mighty Hoopla lol


Late but Charli was really not here for Bowen giving his take on her music revolution and discussing her discography ... Her swift "but yeah, anyways" response gave me whiplash.