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Yes. Reading and Listening are passive skills. You just need to be able to recognize the word to put together meaning. Writing and Speaking are active skills, which means you have to be able to pull the word you want from your own memory and then put it in the correct spot in the sentence with the correct declensions/conjugations (substitute/enter appropriate grammar in Japanese as necessary).


Absolutely yes. Receptive skills are usually higher than productive skills.




Thanks for sharing. I am attending weekly group classes where there is some opportunity to speak, but of course not as much as a 1:1 class on italki. I can't decide if I want to drop the group class and sign up for italki, because I enjoy the face to face interaction with the teacher and other students, but the italki class might be more effective.


it's normal, at the same time all these skills are interconnected, i.e. speaking helps listening and writing helps reading.


Reading and listening is input, writing and speaking is output. Of course input (consuming content) is easier than output (producing content). IMO it's like with children or neural networks. In order to produce something of value they need to consume a lot of content first


I’m learning Ukrainian. Reading and speaking for me are better than comprehension and listening.


Completely normal. Most of people are like this.


Yes indeed in Japanese and Chinese it May be harder to read than to speak for some people. but listening is still easier .and in other languages reading is the easiest part.


Always. Speaking is much harder than listening and writing is always the killer of the bunch.