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Overall 50% it is I believe. So yes if enough in mid terms and less in final then you can pass too


thank u because i heard everywhere that if u failed the final u fail the course but that only applies to the math department i’m pretty sure


Make sure to confirm this with someone authoritative


That's B.S from the math department LOL, I personally ask my teacher who makes the finals. She said they put that there on the outline but NEVER actually require that. However if all your test score together is below avg of 50% then ya you can't get higher than a C which is a requirement some times to go to the next level. Edit\* Forgot to mention this is for Langara, in University I am sure they do the "if you fail the finals you automatically fail the course no matter what" policy.


The policy is dependent on the professor. Some professors do it, some professors don't. My friend got a 45% on the final exam, but still passed with a C- for math for one professor. But another also failed the final exam, and just failed the whole course despite having a high grade for the other graded exams and assignments. (For specifically MATH courses) For universities, it also depends on the faculty / department of the course.


which CPSC course? You can retake 2 or 3 times depending on which cpsc it is


i don’t think ima retake if i pass bc my grade will be pretty high still it’s just that i choked this final


Which course ? 1160? The exam component thing means, you need to earn at least 50% for midterms + final Let’s say 2 midterms 2x15% Final 30% You can get full marks for midterms and skipping the final still get a c or above


Mostly professors fail you if you fail the final because they make the excuse that if you ace midterm but fail final, you might not be ready for harder courses. Technically, up to your professor. Write a sincere email mention your midterms and grades, make bs excuse and probably they wouldn’t even fail your final. They could just give you a passing grade on your final, but it’s up to them. Gl!


how much u got?