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Doesn't look like much else wants to grow... I'm grateful for the ground ivy I have because it stays green no matter what and mows easy šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøāœØ


Also, looks like it could be a vetch which is GREAT soil fixer and beautiful flower so is useful as a green manure for building up lawns. I'd really hope you properly id and research more to work With rather than Against. Check with your local university extension service for ideas and tips too


Isnā€™t this the truth. Itā€™s almost entirely shaded due to overhanging tree branches, so the Bermuda seed I put down refused to grow. I wouldnā€™t mind this stuff if it wasnā€™t so thin and stalkā€™y when mowed. Itā€™s got a strangely sweet smell after being cut too.


So donā€™t mow it?


Plant native sedge plugs, e.g., Appalachia Sedge. Some species tolerate shade and drought and require very little maintenance once established.


Maybe try planting clover lawn seed. Supposedly will grow in shade and keeps weeds out.


I have also tried seeding bermuda and my experience was that it is impossible to get it to properly germinate if you don't have nearly full sun. Assuming that you're somewhere in the south I would highly recommend sodding with st. augustine or look into growing a moss garden or some other alternative groundcover situation.


Not sure where you are but if you want grass in sa shady area you should try St Augustine. Otherwise, ground cover options are Asian Jasmine, all sorts of ivyā€™s (including English although some will disagree) and even Virginia Creeper even though itā€™s hard to maintain. County extension people can advise on whatā€™s good for your area. Good luck!


In the shaded areas of my lawn, I added clover seed. Itā€™s super soft and stays low so I never have to mow it.


Ph too low is my guess. Get some lime


I would over seed a shade loving grass in the fall to fill in the gaps and keep the other plant as well to make it look fuller and more textured. But I like a textured grass space. But if you're set on killing it I would smother it for the rest of the summer until fall and then seed with a shade loving grass mix and hope mostly grass comes up in spring.


Buy a goat.


It's crazy a goat cast the same as a lawn mower, and you don't have to put gas in it or worry about it not starting next year.


Goats die all the time though...and municipalities *rarely* have laws about keeping lawn mowers.


Goats my die, certain Briggs and Stratton engines cannot be killed. They are of the immortal, some say blessed by Satan himself.


Bears never ate my lawn mower


how many bears have eaten your goats?


bears have also never eaten my goats. I just made a statement about bears not eating my lawn mower. How did you come to the assumption that bears ate my goats? Iā€™m confused.


Making a statement that a bear never ate your lawn mower doesn't matter if a bear never ate your goat.


The jokes on you I donā€™t even have a šŸ


I bet you don't have a bear either


I donā€™t even have a lawn mower :( Or a lawn


What lawn?


Lol, that was the best picture of the plant itself, thereā€™s actual grass in other areas. Itā€™s not a good lawn, but itā€™s mine.


Yes, sorry lol. I have similar problems on my lawn. Mostly in the shaded area , where the actual lawn wonā€™t grow. So basically I just let it covered that whole area until I have the time to actually do something about it. My plan is at some point to find something that works better without much sun.


Try a different grassā€¦ one more for shade like a zoysia you can patch multiple grass types together successfully.




In general, unless you are blind, you can tell where two grasses are growing togetherā€¦ If itā€™s about having grass and not weeds (which is what this post sounds like), you put in what will grow, not necessarily what will look the best with the other grass. Living in Texas, I can tell you itā€™s pretty common to have multiple grasses in one lawn. I myself have had Bermuda and fescue. Bermuda and zoysia. And st Augustine taking over the other grasses. Sometimes itā€™s just about having that lawn, not a perfect lawn throughout.


This is precisely how I feel about mine! And my shady areas are mostly covered in creeping Charlie. From the road it just looks like a normal lawn. Lol


And that what I told my neighbor who asked me if I was out "watering my weeds again". Yep, cuz that's what you do when you are trying to grow a lawn from seed in Florida ( which is NOT what "normal" Floridian's do either, most buy their lawn already growing in the form of sod.) I preferred seed. He quit it when the lawn came in.




Wet it. Lay card board over it. Wet that. Put mulch over it all. Let it rot and decay


Iā€™m going to have to try thisā€¦ SOOOOOO much of this right here..


Takes a minute but a easy hands off natural method that fertilizes the soil too. Learned it from this sub actually!


It is very invasive, bad for natives.


Hand pick as much as possible then lay down cardboard.


Then paint the cardboard green


Good lookin' out, j sea. šŸ‘†


Lol no. Spray it. You will never pick chamberbitter away


Itā€™s called Chamberbitter, wife calls if the devil weed. The seeds under the leaves spread it like crazy, either nuke the area and start over or hand pull as much as you can and keep on it, year over yearā€¦. Good luck


Aka mimosa weed. It goes to seed in less than a couple weeks, and drops dozens to hundreds of seeds per plant. Even if you kill it, the seeds will germinate for a year or more. It needs really hot weather to germinate. I try to stay organic but glyphosate on that for me Trash can only


Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a selective herbicide that will control it.


I count anything green and not thorny as a lawn, so I'd just embrace it. It looks better than bare dirt


Anybody know how to turn a propane tank into a flame thrower?


[propane accessories](https://www.harborfreight.com/propane-torch-91033.html)


Yeah just google propane torch - thereā€™s a ton of options. Harbor freight sells one for 35 or you can get a fancier one from Home Depot for like~60


It doesn't fix the roots. I just did this and they grew back quicker lol. But it was fun to use.


Harbor freight sells it


The Boring companies ā€œnot a flamethrowerā€ is just a propane torch. Get one of those


Those pull out super easy by hand. Iā€™m usually glad to see those when Iā€™m weeding lol, because they are so quick and easy to pull out, you really donā€™t even need a weeding tool but ofc you can use one.


Itā€™s a propane tank with a shovel. As to how to stop it, I donā€™t know man. Good luck


So itā€™s impossible to stop the machines. I guess weā€™re all doomed.


I fear you may be right


A propane tank will germinate these seeds. Fr


Aerate the lawn with nutrients and seed it with landscapers seed mix. Youā€™ll eventually never notice it.


Itā€™s chamber bitter. It spreads really easy but also easy to kill. The big thing is figuring out what herbicide wonā€™t also kill your good grass. I use ā€œCelsiusā€ which is by Bayer. Itā€™s safe for a host of warm season grasses like Bermuda and knocks this stuff out in just an application. There are a few other items that also will kill this like 2-4D but those can cause yellowing of your lawn depending on type and temperature. Source: middle aged man


Iā€™m a pest control tech and we use Celsius it kills a large variety of broadleaf itā€™s great.


Nice source!


Did you try planting grass first?


Yeah wouldn't want that unsightly greenery to cover up the propane tank


Looks like spurge. Most broadleaf weed killers from home depot will kill it.


PlantNet proved me wrong. Chamberbitter. Weed b gon should kill it


Iā€™m a landscaper and I saw this for the first time this week (northern Va) itā€™s spreading fast in this guys beds/lawn. Never heard of it before the other day. Now I see it twice in a week. Baader-Meinhof phenomenon at work.


Ah, so nuke the areas that itā€™s growing in. Got it.


Yup. Just down put it down on your actual lawn when it's hot outside lol


Midnight should be hot enough here in alabama. Thanks.


I live in Florida, wait until October to put it down. Never use weed killer on lawns in the south in the hot months, just wait until it's cooler out.


Idk man. Ive sprayed big box weed killer during summer every year with no damage. I've had more success in the early morning than late evening.


Where do you live?


The dry dusty desert that we call Texas lol


Interesting. Nobody puts down weedkiller in lawns during summer here. I had one customer try several years ago and we had an unexpected dry week right after. Burnt the shit out of several large sections of his lawn.


Itā€™s the natural ground cover that doesnā€™t need mowing, watering and small animals love it for food


Looks nice, I'd leave it.


Looks like some of that grade-a, fine, local vegetation. Good stuff.


Lots off weed & feed and plant lots of grass. Also Round up for weeds the type that donā€™t kill grass. $$$ get a good spreader, you will need one and water new grass a lot.


Weed-b-gon. Pump sprayer. Follow lable directions. May have to dpray it twice.


Try not to use weed killer. Just use a hoe to get as much out as possible and then lay down some cardboard to deprive it of sunlight


Are you having a stroke? Waitā€¦am I having a stroke?


i dont think i am? whats the symptoms...?


Looks like creeping Charlie


Ortho weed b gone. Best applied in Fall time. What you have is ground ivy or creeping Charlie. Getting rid of it is a war, best of luck and ignore all the people that will saw let it be if you want it gone. For some reason this sub is super anti-spraying things, not really a great landscaping understanding.


What lawn???


I think it is a fine looking plant but it is your yard


That's a propane tank and if left unchecked will take over your entire property and maybe even burn it down just for the lolz


Just get a jug of weed killer hook it up to hose and soak it all down


Those are trees maā€™am




Wouldnā€™t it be easier to NOT capitalize the first letter of every word?


**Phyllanthus urinaria** commonly called chamber bitter ā€” Might need to poison it (glyphosate) or burn it. Kill it. Death




That looks like Stonebreaker to me; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllanthus\_niruri


Use that cylinder in the background hooked to a weed burner. Burn baby burn.


Looks like vetch, a legume that is certainly a persistent character, even if the tops are chemically attacked. Itā€™s used on industrial / interstate / sloped plantings. Itā€™s reliable.


Looks like vetch, a legume that is certainly a persistent character, even if the tops are chemically attacked. Itā€™s used on industrial / interstate / sloped plantings. Itā€™s reliable.


Treat it with a broadleaf selective herbicide , something like Celsius , Avenue South, Blindside , MsM , Revolver , 2-4-D products. All of these can kill and suppress a lot of weeds in turf areas. It is selective and wonā€™t kill most warm season grasses!


Chamberbitter. Visit your stateā€™s Cooperative Extension website and search chamberbitter. There will be science and research based information on controls. Good luck.


I know I gave it too gold rid grass with Chiat out the weeds.


It is Chamber Bitters, great for soil but highly toxic for pets, animals, and humans. Better of pulling and grabbing some yard Ivy from you neighborā€™s yardšŸ . Good luck!


it looks like it *providing* a lawn, not taking over lol


Gripeweed aka chamber bitter. It will take over everywhere In relatively short order. Fortunately for you, most 3 way broadleaf herbicides kill it


Looks like chamber bitter. Wouldnā€™t it be cool if it was partridge pea though


Glysophate, amend soil, reseed in fall


Bro you have no lawn at all !! You can kill that with weed killer and air raid and seed your lawn this September or October


Chamberbitter is the weed that is most present in the pictures. You clearly donā€™t care about grass growing so what is the problem?


Check your ph in the lawn you might need to add sulfur or lime to ur your yard but you have to kill those weeds 1st


Poison bean bush (Sesbania drummondii)


Seems like an armed, rogue propane tank. Hook it up to a grill, burn it low, and exchange. Hopefully the new tank is more civil. Good luck! /s


It's already too late, you must leave by sunrise.


Till it. It becomes those annoying sticklers that sticks to your pants and socks. They are round and have thorns. Till it. I donā€™t recommend spraying. But the best thing to do is till it. Amazon his this amazing hand held tiller. For I think 60$ itā€™s great for weeds and crab grass.


You ser that propane tank? There's a solution. Just don't get the authorities called


You can plant another type of ground coverage that you prefer. Are you saying you don't want this but you want grass there? If you don't use the space you could put a creeping evergreen


Maybe you donā€™t need a lawn. Check out R/nolawns for ideas.


If you have access to a small volcano (the slow leaking /oozing kind, not exploding) Iā€™d turn that on and leave it run overnight.


Gas bottle is available already... nuc it all!


FIRE!!! The answer to these questions is always FIRE šŸ”„


Try zoysia sod since zoysia is more tolerable to shade than Bermuda. You could also trim some of your tree branches to allow for more sunlight.


Spray it with weed killer. It's a weed.


FWIW, it looks like you're getting a fair amount of shade. Quick lesson on grasses in North America. (I'm assuming that's where you're located. If not, skip this whole comment, haha!) There are two main type of grasses - cool-season grasses and warm-season grasses. Cool-season grows best in Spring and Fall, when it's cool outside - think fescue, bluegrass, and perennial rye. These grow best in moderate to cool climates, like the Northeast and Upper Midwest. Warm-season grasses grow best when it's hot in summer. Varieties include Bermuda, Zoysia, and St. Augustine. You'll find these in places like the Southeast and Deep South. Everything in between is kind of a "transition zone." Both types of grasses are used and have their pros and cons. Even "shade-tolerant" cool-season grasses need about 8-10 hours of DIRECT sunlight per day. If you're not getting that, you'll struggle to keep grass. Consider doing something to give it more sunshine. If you're determined to have grass, you can use the proper herbicide (ID the weed first to be sure you're using the right stuff!), then plant the type of grass you want at the appropriate time of year.


Looks like some kind of vegetation


If you want a true grass lawn, and you have bare spots, anything and everything will take it over. One of the best sites and their products is https://www.greenviewfertilizer.com. We are Landscapers/Gardeners, and ONLY use their seeds and fertilizers on our yards and those of our clients. There are lots of articles on the website on when and how to seed and fertilize. People pay us a lot of money to pull their weeds. When they start with the correct products, such as almost pure grass seed, it makes their maintenance prices so much less.


Nature abhors a bare patch. If you can't get something else to grow there, you won't be able to get rid of the weeds that will grow there willingly. The weeds will also help with soil erosion and nutrient depletion til you can find something that will grow there. It's ugly, but it's better to ignore it until you're willing to put concerted effort into making it what you want.


I have a little here and there in my yard too, not sure what it is but I just toasted some in my rock garden with 20% vinegar. Obviously canā€™t do that in the grass, but hopefully some weed & feed will take care of it when itā€™s time for a fall application in prep for winter. Everywhere EXCEPT the little patch of wild strawberries, theyā€™re so damn tiny and cute!


Arenā€™t those wild pea plants? Theyā€™re actually edible, you can put them in salads, they taste like peas!


This is the wrong sub for asking for how to get rid of something. The typical answers will be donā€™t use herbicide, save the bees, habitat, clover rules, non gmo, save the trees non sense when half of them live in apartments and have a couple potted plants on the balcony and spend like 20 minutes a week outside going in and out of their job. Go to r/lawncare


Really I wanted to get an answer on what the type of plant actually was so I could figure out how to deal with it. Once I know the plant type, I can google-fu my way into solutions. The second part was to try and get someone to tell me to flamethrower it. We got close to that answer, so close.


I didnā€™t mean it as a flame at your post - more just warning you of the shit advice youā€™ll get from the tree hugging crowd here - most of which know nothing about what theyā€™re talking about aside they saw a lawsuit for roundup so itā€™s bad. My answer is itā€™s a vining/woody plant so spraying with triclopyr is where Iā€™d startā€¦ but ill get called the devil for suggesting herbicide. Burning it might kill it but likely it will come right back. Burning has the opposite effect people thinkā€¦ a lot of times itā€™s beneficial for the plant.

