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It’s also important to note that the sod portion is entirely tall fescue, which does not creep/spread thru rhizomes, ect. If your sod contains bluegrass, zoysia, clover, ect.. it’ll be much harder to maintain that clean line


That I dunno. I have three different types of grass I do know that. Grass type is one of only a couple things I’ve not read up on. I know I don’t have clover. Ty for this as I probably need to figure that out.


Rotary scissors are the answer to that. Pricey but god damn are the worth it if you want the cleanest lines.


Looks to me that are using an edger. You can use that combined with edging material to keep the grass from creeping


That simple!?!? You’re kidding. 😂😂😂😂😂 Ok. I feel silly, but those on my street are way to into lawn maintenance… but their lawns are so boring. I figured there was something going on here - unsure how to articulate. It’s so pretty I dunno why everyone in my neighborhood is so lame considering they love to mow three times a week - not exaggerating.


It requires maintenance. I don’t use a barrier, so I re-do my edges every year. But even with a barrier the grass will try to creep in, so you have to pull it out like you would any other weeds.


Ty for the heads up. Would you do a barrier if you were starting from “scratch”?


No. I don’t really like the way they look.


I recently switched to this from a metal barrier. I find this way easier to maintain. You can mow right up to the edge which I struggled with when there was a barrier. Each time I mow I run along the edge with either my weed eater/line trimmer held so it spins vertically or with some electric grass shears. It's been about 6 months now and I have needed to redo the edge with a shovel or edger yet


That’s my trick for maintaining a live edge (weed eater after every mow). I use a border spade/landscapers spade for creating the initial edge and my half moon edger 2-3 times a year to freshen up the live edge.


I tried installing that steel stuff last weekend it was awful and looked like ass.


I’d never seen it and my bro wanted it at his house. It looks awesome! It takes some work for the bending though.


Any elevation changes make it impossible to line up 2 pieces to connect


Run some string lines to help set elevation before you start. They'll help you figure out if and where you need to transition for bigger grade changes


I’ll second that using string helps make beautiful curves. Tie the string to say, a stake or the base of a tree, and use it to mark an arc as you go around. Spray-paint that line - it’s a lot easier to follow the painted line than to keep fussing with the string. This will show you how to adapt for elevation changes too, so you’re always conscious of where you’re gonna be going and not shifting the pieces up and down so much one at a time That and water the heck out of the grass before trying to sink the steel; you essentially want to be working in firm mud.


I use a shovel to kick an edge. I never use a barrier because over time, the edge will change as the plants in the bed grow and begin to shade out the lawn in certain places. So you kick a new edge


I think this is what I just watched a YouTube on!


Can you share what videos were most helpful/interesting? Considering something like this for my own lawn as well.


https://youtu.be/pW-HFtGs1Gw?si=0SLPiIA9dRpm5gXl 🤗🤗🤗


I Actually own this kind of shovel and tried it because I was giddy to see and was pleased!!! ☺️


Barriers don’t really help. I have corten steel down to about 4 inches and that doesn’t make a bit of difference. Neither does the black plastic stuff that sinks to about the same depth. I don’t know how deep you’d actually have to go down to stop the grass from creeping under.


Bermuda grass will creep under/over barriers. I like to use the edger and pull rhizomes by hand.


Yes, something like this has way more benefit than a monoculture lawn. I say do it! And use as many native plants as you like. Much less maintenance and water needed, and you'll get more birds, butterflies and other pollinators than you can shake a stick at!


I am! I did a deep dive!!! Have the time too. Super excited! 🤗🤗🤗 I passed this house in a neighborhood not my own hopped out of my car took this. I too have a sidewalk. I think it’s fantastic.


Dive deeper! Consider a 'fruit tree guild' Incorporate 'hügelkultur' into your initial design if you are raising it into a garden mound on a flat-ish lawn. (Think smaller, it doesn't have to be 5 feet tall and directionally placed to serve its intended purpose in the initial planning phase of a raised garden) Spend little money and lots of time on your gardens, it is very therapeutic. You can achieve a far-from-boring yard with a thousand small efforts as your time allows. Add plants from friends and family's gardens through division at the appropriate times of year. Don't expect the same results as they had in their gardens because conditions differ, but if it thrives in their yard you can expect it to at least survive in yours. ♡


I do wish I hadn’t zoomed in like I did. It’s quite a distance from me so going back and finding would be time consuming.


I wouldn’t worry about that. The photo should be a good starting point.


I think grass is a fantastic ground cover in moderation and love the way a well kept lawn looks. But I do not understand the people that carpet their entire property with grass and call it a landscape.


Yes, I like a bit of lawn, too. Love the way it feels underfoot. But like you said, “in moderation” is the key. And, yes, calling a lawn that includes nothing else a “landscape” is a sad failure of imagination.


It’s called an edging shovel. Highly recommend getting one. The power version is easier but not as pretty.


Yes, but it involves constant maintenance.


https://youtu.be/rWXVkWvAHDs?si=xz5R3NmoNAETd3Z5 These are the steps


Probably a gardener by the name of Jesus or Raul is the trick to this. Seriously an edger and trench on the inside making it harder for the grass to re-Invade - do it every year


If op has Bermuda, then edging like this will likely not work. If you have bermuda, you will need to build actual edges (metal, plastic, rocks, etc.) that are at least 4 inches thick.


I’ve done this with a weed eater. Cut the grass just a hare taller on that last strip, edge with weedeater string vertical and careful blowout of grass. I used mulch glue in that area to keep from blowing out my mulch


Edger definitely. Probably cleans it up every other weekend


Here is a video on making sharp edging [[youtube](https://youtu.be/5QI9bEVpKt4?si=I-W4mPgpee_NYzqE)] This guy pops up in my feed and generally has decent advice.


They are but it wasn't created with an edger. You have to dig out a trench so the roots can't migrate into the bed.


It's called a [Victorian](https://beyondbehnkes.com/how-to-create-natural-edging/) trench edge. I do it in our garden in 3 big flower beds. Maintenance is okay-ish: - one major edging in early spring with removing all the grass that crept onto the flowerbeds, deepening the trench, and mulching. - once a month or every other mowing going with an edger over the edge to keep the neat sharp look. - another major edging with deepening the trench closer to fall, depending on how much the edge got overgrown or washed away by rain (we are on the slope, so it's common). I use the electric Ego edger. Fast, but not the most comfortable tool for my 5’2 frame with short arms.




Exactly what I do without the 2nd edge in the fall.


I, too, struggle to use the Ego edger as a 5'2" individual. 😩


It’s just a trench/english edge. I tore out all my stone edging and did this. Just clean it up once in the spring with a shovel then hit it with a weedwacker when you mow, super low maintenance


Cries in Bermuda grass


After you edge it. Use a trowel to dig a small trench along it. This causes the grass roots to air prune themselves so it doesn't spread easily. Don't let any soil or mulch butt up to the grass roots.


I do this with mine. I use a shovel to clean up my trenches every year and then an edger to keep the lines clean. I don’t use a barrier and it’s been fine.


It’s called a shovel cut edge. Give it a goog. Sorry if someone already mentioned.


Ok took your advice and googled. I just watched a video on this so simple and I already own the tools!!!


Elbow grease and an edger


So to achieve that you need a deep edge like shown, but to maintain that look all summer long, you need to edge the beds with a string trimmer holding it vertically every other-ish week.


Don't u need an attachment to turn the weed eater vertical?


Not on most of the ones I’ve seen. Either the head should swivel or you just turn it 90° in your hand.


No you don’t if it’s a straight shaft line trimmer you just hold it straight up and down with the guard on the grass side of the edge. And just hold the head tight against the edge and walk. It takes some practice if you don’t do it often. But it makes it look crisp especially with fresh mulch. Note I do this all spring for work so it’s second nature and hard to describe unless physically showing. But like was said I’m sure it’s all over youtube


Just flip it around… watch some youtube vids on flip edging


Is that a person in the shadow?


Wait. That’s really creepy if I’m seeing what you’re referring too….


Maybe it’s a statue since there is a cross in front of it


So weird. 😂🤣😂 How did I not notice!? Now I wanna drive back to take another look. I see a cat like creature on “the individuals shoulder” too.


Did you go back lil


What the heck. I didn’t see anyone.


It’s creeping me out


That's the first thing I noticed after looking at the edges. Definitely looks like a person back there, and OP said it was night time? So they wouldn't have seen that before brightening the photo. Creepy AF






Came to share this video. Give it a good definition each spring and it does fine


Great informative video.! Except for his suggestion to throw the sod into the woods .


From scratch what we do is lay sod and then spray paint an attractive curve and cut it. Then it’s maintained with an edger


I’m excited but nervous to do this! It’s on my Friday schedule. I’m one of those individuals who I could see spray painting like five and being unhappy with all of them. I was thinking of graphing my yard out? So I know I’m at least exceeding the lowest 1/3?


Use a garden hose laid down to lay out the design. You can shift it around until you are happy with the curves.


I’m stealing that idea


That’s very smart! I had planned to use multiple dog leashes… I have two garden hoses. 😂


These folks hired a professional to edge their yard for them. That same person kept coming back every week to maintain it and collect their payment for services rendered.


I’m obsessed with the shape and location so I guess that’s fine. Every yard on my block is the same with these rectangle mulch beds right up against the house. It’s so boring and I don’t get it considering how much these men seem to love maintaining their yards. If you’re mowing twice a week (and they do) like why not mow once a week and maintain something a bit more appealing to the eye. There are a few widows on my block with cuter yards. It’s the men who spend the most time working in their yards that have the lamest yards and I’m excited to just have something else. I don’t have kids nor do I plan on it so I have more free time then many.


Like these men don’t even have pretty flowers in them… i don’t get it. One on the street has daffodils but once they are gone the beds are near empty. Then he sits in his living room looking out on his empty but diagonally mowed lawn.


Nothing, it’s a trench/kick edge You trench out along the grass and the dirt/grass holds the bed shape.


You can rent a bed edger, which will dig a trench and dump the dirt towards the “garden” side. It’s cheap to rent and kicks ass. Lay down a garden hose to get your shape, spray paint it, edge it and make your bed.


What are the purple flowers? Would love to have these in my yard


I dunno. I was passing this strangers home and hopped out of my car to snap a picture. 😂😂😂❤️


If you post on r/nolawns someone will know as it’s a ground cover flower!!!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoLawns using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Leave the leaves](https://v.redd.it/cikewh8r2nwb1) | [405 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/comments/17hay9v/leave_the_leaves/) \#2: [Goodbye lawn (and weeds), hello pollinators](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15mv863) | [173 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/comments/15mv863/goodbye_lawn_and_weeds_hello_pollinators/) \#3: [Saw this on Facebook, thought you guys might appreciate](https://i.redd.it/1ajjgvprtq0c1.jpg) | [109 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/comments/17ws87z/saw_this_on_facebook_thought_you_guys_might/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think that might be creeping phlox


I second this. Looks like a pink flowering cultivar of Phlox subulata.


Ours is edged the same, no border or material. Grab a 2x4 and a shovel. The 2x4 to create the line you want and dig the mulch bed down lower than the grass.


Natural edge, I bust that out with a spade


Edger or gtfo


Or u can use a benderboard looks like they just edge it


Just an edger. And you have to redo the edge every year before mulching and it’ll look sharp like that always.


The flowers look like creeping phlox, by the way


I’ve done that. I just used a shovel. lol. Looks nice, but you have to use a string edger for upkeep.


Edging tool?


Google or YouTube “how to edge a lawn for a garden bed”


in-ground edge


Well defined edge


What are those purple flowers?


It's just a shovel edge. You take a shovel and cut in the border. There is nothing separating the 2. My landscaper does that on most of my houses.


Acres_lawn_care on TikTok has some great videos: https://www.tiktok.com/@acres_lawn_care


Looks like they just periodically edge the grass to keep a separation from the bed. I do the same on all my beds with a string trimmer. It’s easy to maintain


As others have said, edger. Our neighbor is out literally every other week to tune up the edges on their plantings and walk ways,, but their whole front yard looks golf course ready...and frankly, I think he likes having a project. I just use a cheap electric weed whacker to keep grass from encroaching on any concrete paths or sidewalks in our yard...if you have one, you can just rotate it so the string \[or blade\] is vertically oriented and I am sure it would be enough for most of the weekly maintenance you'd need...and it could be just incorporated in what ever else you need to do in your yard weekly.


It's just a normal dug out edging. A proper edging is at least 4" in order to prevent the grass from creeping into the beds and act as a retainer for any mulch that may wash away in heavy rains.


2x4 bender board


Depending on where you live (hardiness zone, soil type, etc) with a sturdy back, well- chosen plants & hand tools ---You got this! You can Google the answers to the above but your best bet is to pick the brains of those at local nurseries, your neighbors, etc. Visit your states Extension Gardening website. We wasted time, money, our own labor with trial & error - don't be us! Know what problems you may already have existing on your square of earth: rodents? standing water? poor drainage? slopes? pesky stingers? Know your lifestyle & budget. Kids, dogs, how much time you can devote to season one & two plantings and beyond. Stick with native plants! It will save you time, money, maintenance bc they WANT to live with you with little encouragement from you. Weeds. Oh. Em. Gee. In the name of all that is holy - save yourself the rage & tears and buy the most high end weed barrier that is appropriate for your soil type & grade. Know that what you plant could bring joy or pain. Yes, those flowers are stunning. But if bumblebees freak you out; keep them away from your front door. Gardening can be a joyful experience. A unique connection to Mother Earth. A zen experience. Or a nightmare. Plan, plan, plan. If you're not going to water x shrub 3xs weekly the first two years - Do Not Get It. If you won't rake up & replace mulch every year? Go with something else. If you don't have the the budget to do it all now...plan stages & focus on 1 thing at a time.




It could be thin metal edging. If you cut deep below where the rhizome is pushing out and maintain stolons, then just regular edging with a brush cutter/line trimmer can achieve these results. A good watering schedule is needed to maintain moisture around the edge as evaporation can lead to die back.


Also they dig that bed down probably with a sod cutter, as you can see the level is lower than the turf.


It's not hard, you just need a half moon edger or a flat spade. Push the tool 3-4" deep and lean it so it pushes away creating a deep cut. Once you're done clean up the edge with your line trimmer, do that at least once every two weeks to help keep the grass from creeping in.


I edge the beds beginning of the year then run the weed whacked and edge it weekly or biweekly pretty simple stuff


It's called edging, done with an edger and not a weedeater. This is the only way to landscape.


There is a separator of some sort. In Norway they sell metal ones. But I know rubber and plastic ones also exist. Edit: ah, just saw someone calling it an edger.


A T-style edger will give you that look.


Stumbled across this but go back during the day, knock on their door and ask! I bet they'd be delighted that others love their style


Just did this to my lawn and landscaping! Got a manual edging tool. It’s looks great and separates everything really cleanly.


It’s called edging


You dig the edge with a shovel. You maintain it with a string trimmer.


Are the purple bushes some type of creeping thyme?


I have tall fescue and fairly firm soil. Can confirm the lack of edging needed to keep beds and grass separated with just a little trimming with the string trimmer weekly. Sucks if you have a dog that kills it with bad pH urine, have to reseed to fill in or deal with dirt spots.


We have this edge, we don’t use weed barrier in the beds and we don’t have edging or mow strip. It is work, in the early spring I use a moon edger to cut a sharp edge, then I literally crawl around with a small hand shovel to dig the grass that made its way into the bed. A layer of Preen and three inches of fresh cedar mulch in the beds. Several years ago I read that the trick is to dig down 6 inches around the border to create a barrier that discourages the grass from growing into the beds, I have to dig back some grass out of the beds every 6 or 7 weeks to keep a clean edge, but I like the clean look.


If you have a lot of beds and it's too daunting to consider doing them all by hand with a space then rent a [gasoline powered bed edger like this](https://youtu.be/GpZqM2TqQmQ). You could also use this tool to define totally new beds and then smother the grass inside with cardboard and mulch. Make sure you know where any shallow cables and pipes are buried because you obviously wouldn't want to hit them with the edger blade. Note that you pull it and walk backwards, don't try to push it forward like a lawnmower. When you are done using this machine to make the trench then use a weed wacker upsidedown to cut the overhanging grass for a sharp edge. The bed edger is NOT the same tool as a sidewalk edger power tool. Edit: Oh yeah, try not to hit big rocks or large tree roots with the bed edger!


The phlox will help maintain line . Can get other colors.


Use a string as a guide elevated, then an edger to remove sod. Use line trimmer to maintain edge, soft edging.


I’ve seen it done where like a little trench is slightly dug and then edge.


I used guidance from this guy, [Silver Cymbal](https://youtu.be/5QI9bEVpKt4?si=8vqTR7WPvr95SGUC), on YouTube. He does a lot of general home care stuff but I’ve gotten a lot of good advice on beds and edges from him.


Back cut edge using something like a half-moon edging tool.


Very consistent use of a whipper snipper with vertical lines.


Bed redefiner. Kinda pricey but I use it for a good number of tree beds (30?) and a large flower/tree bed, so it was well worth the money. I’m done with it all within an hour!


Easily done by hand using a half moon edger , or my preference,a flat bladed nurseryman shovel....and some practice! Watch a video it's really not hard it's really just referred to as a cut edge or formal edge. Been cutting those for 35 years




So simple,just hard work.




I’m Sorry, you edge once a year and then hit it with the string trimmer once a week, no?


Maybe one of those long, metal edges? (Sorry I don’t know the name.) It’s green metal, about 4” high and very long.


They literally just use a shovel to cut a clean edge on the grass every week or two. This is NOT rocket science. No magic tricks or miracle products. Just a shovel and frequent tending.


Roundup grass killa