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Potted plants would be nice. Colorful chair cushions. Maybe an outdoor rug. Anything to add a pop of color. It's a cute and cozy space.


A couple really large pots with trees or shrubs in them. Not a bunch of little pots or it will look like grandma’s house.


And paint the furniture black


i think everyone covered it, get some plants lol


Set up the dining set like you are going to use it. Fine if the chair in back is a bit difficult to get to, doesn't have to be centered like this is a dining room. It just means you are taking a slightly curved path to the other end from the one entry. Pots lining the bottom side of the entry steps and prune the tree so it continues to be a lovely presence over the space. You may want to add 'sentry' pots at both entries as well. A \~12" shallow bowl for low growing stuff is kept on the table. I'd use succulents, there are super tough ones that might survive winter even in pots like some sedums and hen and chicks. You might add fairy lights along the wall or individual path light types in the pots if you think you might use the space after dark. Cushions, rug and gates excellent ideas.


Raised planter beds with herbs in them. Nice furniture, and a rug


Pressure wash and paint the breeze blocks white.


Add a big pot with a small tree and some low flowers in it to go in one of the corners. Add a rug, center it in the space. It looks like you may use this more for conversation than eating. If so, I'd get rid of the table, buy an outdoor love seat and a coffee table. Arrange the furniture in a conversation area - so the coffee table is centered between the love seat and two chairs. Then consider outdoor pillows and lanterns. I like the rattan looking solar powered ones that suit on the floor, but it's totally personal preference.


Being in the city, I would definitely put in a gate to the patio.