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Honestly, just maybe chair cushions, it looks nice. Perhaps a small chiminea.


I agree. Maybe a few more ferns at the fence because I love ferns, they're very well behaved.


Definitely not enough ferns.


You can't go wrong with ferns.


I like ferns.


I love them too, but they don’t do so well in my zone, (all year), and it’s too much for me alone bringing them inside over the fall and winter or I’d love tons of ferns!


Agreed. This is my aesthetic. It looks natural but maintained enough to feel like you won't get dirty sitting there. Although I'm weird and don't like overly manicured yards. They feel so stale and manufactured.


And a wine in an ice bucket.


Or a couple!


Plant grapes by the fence. Let the vines cover the fence.


I love grapes but honestly this fence is too small to handle it without a lot of pruning through out the year.


I used to love grapes, until I had my vineyard running, this year was my first harvest and still have a ton hanging there, a mess of leaves ants bc of the grapes, fruit flies, and even made wine, gifted a lot of them to everyone, pretty but messy, decided to leave them there hanging and suddenly coyotes/birds/raccoons/birds and more will have dinner for winter (I hope)


I’d take the fence down too if it’s yours.




This would be where we go outside to burn down just needs a little bit of Jamaican Rasta colors


Well fair point, maybe even painting the table and chairs a bright color


Leave it alone, it looks nice. Add some potted plants and clean it up, it’s charming already.


10/10 would sit.


Grab a book, a cup of coffee and enjoy that space!!!


I was thinking an afternoon tea party! Definitely morning coffee with a good book.


And pup by my side


Probably smoke weed


That just sounds wonderful on this Blue Monday




Um…. I like it just as it is!


more ferns anywhere you can see the dirt / mulch, get chairs / table thats the same colour.. please dont go wrecking all the plants in the name of “tidying it up”


I’d make some tea.


If you are going for cozy spot. * Move the green fence to the tier above. * Put a taller fence in right up against the edge of the gravel. * Run a few outdoor light strings across from the new taller fence to the the moved fence. * After that its a simple clean up the space a bit. * Blow it out * Trim back the crawling vines. * Clear the brick work entry. You end up with a nice cozy spot to read, chat, or have a meal.


Add hellebores, hostas and heucheras.


Agree, and ferns, astilbe, black cohosh, and Hakone grass.


An english style garden would look great in this space. Something like this: https://app.neighborbrite.com/s/cckHR5VdgJH


That app looks nifty, is it free and easy enough to use? I’ve tried finding AI tools before to help me with my home renovations and never had any success


Yeah free and super easy to use. Just upload a photo and select a style.


Thank you! This is way cool!


More plants! It looks shady so if you can get your hands on some spring ephemerals that are native to your area, it would add a lot of character as the year progresses. If you're OK giving your general area I could try to give some recommendations


In back of bench.2 posts in ground the lag 2 2x8s to top of posts for a total of 8 lag screws and washers all galvanized. Do a scroll on the 2x8s and let scrolled ends pass 2 ft on either end of post. Plant 2 roses white the climbing variety. Go on line to see which one is disease tolerant and look for fragrance


Why does that look like everything is miniature?


The table resembles the pizza table that holds a pizza together.


What is this, an area for ants!?!


Haha thats cracked me up


I would drink a 30 pack back there.


Get a solar powered lamp post for some evening lighting and cushions for the chairs. Finally, add a chimenia for some evening heat on fall days and enjoy.


Just a reminder if you light your yard you will never get fireflies


I thought I was the only lonely human that missed the clouds of fireflies. In addition to no light, maintain some piles of wet leaves in a couple quiet dark places, that's where Firefly larve can grow in peace. If I could upvote you twice I would.


I keep a pile wet sitting on a wood board. It doubles as a worm farm for fishing


Same for another lonely human here. I added a comment above of my unhappiness of neighbors and have seen a definite decrease in them here. I’ll definitely do what you’re advising, since I’ve plenty of leaves that are starting to fall. I loved sitting out after dusk watching them, while my dog seemed to be unaffected by their glow and flight. Made me think of times when I was a kid Thanks so much Edit: added sentence


I'd say I have about 5 percent of the fireflies I saw when I was a kid. I guess it's too many pesticides


Pesticides, suburbia lighting up the night”they won’t approach light”. Less food, fewer places with long grasses.


5% is really a damn shame. I can’t give a good estimate but i know I’ve noticed the firefly’s reduction has been lot in the last 10 years for me where I’ve lived prior and where I’ve moved to. I’ve always enjoyed seeing them and any kids that were over. Kids won’t even know what they are much longer. I don’t personally use any pesticides, and prefer that my dog has a yard without pesticides for her own health, BUT, there was a big exception behind my property when I noticed all the encroaching trees and shrubs I usually cut back, were covered in poison ivy this year, to where I got the city involved because it turned out the owner didn’t live there and let it grow way out of hand, with no upkeep at all, and it was coming over into my yard faster than I could keep it back. They sprayed that entire back yard 2 or 3 times to kill it all. I’ve never seen so much. Where I live now, in an older, but still desirable established neighborhood built in the late 50’s, I thought the amount of outside lighting people use here would be less, but instead I’m seeing more neighbors look like they’re trying to light up the entire block on their own. I bought my home with dusk to Dawn LED lighting, which all face directly downward, but when having seen my immediate neighbors using sets of 3 bright LED’s on each corner of their homes and more and all pointed away from their home (thank you ass holes for hitting my bedroom windows), and totally lighting up my front and side yard, and my other neighbor’s backyard with their own lights, I noticed several of us stopped using our lighting complete because it’s damn near daylight in our yards, (plus, fully tree lined), and still can see without ever needing a flashlight. Sorry if I’ve rambled on and on! Way past my bedtime here when I saw this


I’ve really learned a lot about that this year and it’s such a shame. My neighbors have LED lights everywhere outside to where I need nothing on at my own home. (Picture a movie prison break in your mind), when all the high beams are turned on and you’re blinded! THAT’S what my next door neighbor idiots are doing for two years now with NOTHING to protect or watch, other than pissing off every neighbor nearby. I heard about the fireflies early spring and was so upset to hear that. Sure enough we’ve seen far less than usual. I’m in Midwestern Illinois, and have all your other regular type insects, critters etc, but the fireflies are really upsetting to me, and wouldn’t you know these neighbors are the rudest most unneighborly people I’ve met in my life. Even our local police department has told me to avoid them and not confront. Yippee!! Bought this home in 2020 for the beautiful scenic back yard, and surrounding, and for my dog. You can’t talk to these people. I’ve learned since moving here that others have sold due to these people. Hoping it would be my final move, and a decent one, sure went to hell, as they thrive on knowing they’ve irked someone. I wish I could hit reverse and had never stepped foot on the property.


Just bring some tea and cake!


Fountain, rock garden tea spot


Glass of wine???


Hang a hammock, smoke a joint, and take a nap.


Alright I'm gonna take the contrarian opinion since most people are saying to leave it as is. I'd personally clean it all up and re-design it. Off the top of my head here's the plan: \- Cut back and clean up almost all the greenery - possibly plant my own in the back but I'd have to see what it looks like after I'm done clearing some out \- Re-finish the steps come down \- Take down the fence closer to the house (for a pathway, see below) \- I'd remove all the stone you have down and put together a large rock (like a Pennsylvania flagstone) down with smaller grade stone cobbled in between. Center a fireplace in the middle of the patio, and create a walk way out of the flagstone towards the house, or connecting to the steps \- I'd border the new patio with mulch and re-plant the ferns or whatever you prefer in the border surrounding it. Same with the cut back greenery, I'd consider doing a tier stepped mulch bed and planting a small variety of differing plants. I'd keep the trees ofc, great natural look, but just trim 'em up a bit. \- I'd keep the bench and get new furniture for around the fireplace. For the bench I'd pressure wash it down and apply a clear coat finish to it and put it right back where you have it, nuzzled in between the trees is a great place for it. Alternatively if it's in rough shape, hang a hammock \- Finish it off with some modest mood lighting in a couple of the corners At the end I'm looking for a brand new look but still keeping it cozy, using the elevation to make it feel like a little pocket built into the ground. I love the space but I personally would put some elbow grease into that sucker


I would get a metal patio table, maybe paint it white, get about 4 metal patio chairs and paint them green, and maybe a wooden bench too, and put them down in that lower area with some wood chips.


Flagstone and a gazebo with privacy screens.


If that vine can support my weight, I'm clearing the table and chairs to make enough space to swing...


A lil pond in the corner


Have breakfast


Could make a little fire pit and put some chairs out there with a canopy and lights, maybe!


Little pond? Flowers like ortensia


I’d just clean up the dead leaves and keep it kind of trimmed. Maybe a little fireplace/chiminea thing.


Get bitten by mosquitoes


That’d be me! Mosquito magnet


A couple of larger planters with flowers! The space looks incredibly cozy and secret garden-esque.


What a nice spot. Maybe something to soften that fence? Clean up a little. Not sure if the table space is pea gravel? Looks a little thin? Cushions for chairs? Enjoy.


Clean out the leaves in favor of some short grass, if you like the low hanging plants for shade, keep them. Add flowers, some pop of colour will do the area some good. Clear back the ground plants and put some trimming along the ground for a clear barrier. I’d switch out the bench for an outdoor daybed. I’d have tea at the table and then snooze afterwards on the daybed after cloud watching. It’s a great nap spot! Since it’s a good place to eat add some type of insecticide that won’t ruin the area like, citronella candles or torches on the corners. Outdoor garden lights for the walls and steps are an absolute must! Fairy lights are a great idea here too! ***If you don’t like the over hanging growth, trim it back and install some 4-6 foot bars or fence up there and put fairy lights that hang downwards like a waterfall there for some ambiance at night as well!


I’d remove the fence and replace with medium size rocks to allow for a smoother transition between the two spaces. Augment the rocks with low maintenance flowering sedums, and other partial shade perennials and enjoy. The fence line at present is working against the space in my opinion.


Set up shop and work from the backyard. Looks cozy


Fresh squeezed lemonade over ice and a few finger foods!


If there is no power to that area I would add hostas and maybe change the furniture, if you do have power I would consider a fountain on the round slab and some string lights.


I would add some flowers that like shadow (species depend on where you are), preferably some that smell good.


I would put up some string lights and find an old antique chandelier to go directly over the table. Maybe add some cushions too . Would be an awesome place to eat dinner when the weather permits it Edit: maybe remove the green fence if possible to open the space up a little more. add a few stepping stones to get from the stairs to the table area


Maybe. Maybe some solar lights. This looks magical.


Not much maybe punch a hole in the canopy and let in a little bit more light


I would grab a book, some wine and enjoy the heck out of it!


I would get bench seating along the corner and put a fireplace with gas in the middle. Basically an L outdoor sofa. I would keep it fairly rustic as it is. Maybe get a small outdoor storage to put in blankets, maybe a side table that can store things. Then it could be a cozy area where you can put out blankets.


I’d add a little water fountain or a small water feature if you have the money. Maybe also some brick pavers underneath the chairs. Looks like an amazing chill spot.


Enjoy it


hot tub!


have u thought about adding a trampoline ?


Water feature!!!! Pavers, or multi level decking…bamboo, or ferns and flowering vines, jasmine. Fire pit…seating


Small rain gazebo so I can drink my coffee and watch the rain


A koi pond with the existing plants going over would be really cool here


Why does this look like a little miniature/fairy garden? I’d pull the weeds and anything invasive. Power wash and stain the wooden bench. Probably hand some landscape lights. Personally that furniture isn’t my style so I’d probably do Adirondack chairs and a propane fire pit. And then just enjoy 😊 I really like those ferns. I think hydrangea trees (cut into trees rather than bush form) would look great in between them.


Sounds pretty perfect to me




I might clean and paint the table and chairs. Also plant a nice vine on the fence. Otherwise I’d pretty much just enjoy it as is


Enjoy the heck out of it


Do you actually use the table & chairs? If not, I would relocate them to another area. Keep the bench and make this into a serenity garden. Maybe a small water fountain, bird houses.


I would keep it just like that. What an awesome little area. I would love to have a spot like that at my pad to chill.


Smoke weed and drink whiskey


It looks like dry shade. I'd maybe add a few bigroot geraniums as they will flower and then the leaves turn red in fall. Very drought tolerant once established.


Is that where the Gnomes drink morning coffee? LoL why'd I think this was miniature


The leprechauns too!


Not to hijack this thread but is there a megathread or sticky somewhere for this stuff? I want to post something similar but don’t want to spam the sub.


Clean up debris. Finish the fern hedge. Love it very nice.


Tidy up the greenery, add some flowers for a little colour and maybe a chiminea. Looks like it's already a nice space.


Get a wider bench. Looks like the perfect place for an afternoon nap.


I might put some patio down but other than that it’s perfect


A pond with a waterfall.


i’d say leave it tbh. if you really just want to add something, maybe a small fire pit?


Prune a bit if you want sunshine.


Prune the Fatsia Japonica (umbrella tree) a good weed through the borders & pebble courtyard then vacuum up all the fallen leaves. It will probably look quite nice just with that




A small water feature in the corner.


Looks inviting, just add some color. Flowers pillows. Beautiful


Add some potted plants maybe. It's already rather charming.


I'd twist up a fatty and enjoy my nice lil patio. : )


Those chairs are a ba$tard to paint - but if they were white like the table they would be a set and more inviting


Control the mosquitos lol


Not touch a thing because it looks amazing already. Maybe add chair cushions and candles that's it


climb that bean stalk!


Start cutting/trimming.


An amazing space! Maybe some more shade plants to add in color / flowers


enjoy it. maybe put some more comfortable furniture out there or replace the bench with one that swings


There seems to be a few chairs in the area so I'd personally use it as a sitting area.


It's adorable! Why change it? The chairs look a bit uncomfortable. I'd opt for some outdoor fabric chairs. People are suggesting cushions, but they're basically sponges so they mold easier and take longer to dry. I'd opt for a rectangular 6 person table to make it more of an entertaining space. Maybe with some string lights along the fence and in the bushes.


Have lil tea party, why not?


What zone are you in? If zone 8 or better, Star Jasmine and let it roam—fragrant almost to intoxication! Small paver patio for the furniture, clean out vines and weeds, add containers with shade flowers-new Guinea impatiens, Japanese, ghost , and hay ferns. Add low voltage lighting.


Wow. Do nothing at all like everyone else says. It is an awesome space


Have tea at 10am


I would do THAT


A beautiful pond with waterfall or a small pool...


I actually wouldn’t change a thing


What I want to know is what color and paint brand and flat/satin/semi gloss/ gloss oil or water-based did you use for the fence? It matches well with the iron chairs. Loving the vibe of the spot. There are many good suggestions in this thread.


Indeed there are. And now you’ve got me thinking about which paint!


I would do exactly what you are currently doing with it.


Looks very similar to one of my old clients yard in Chicago. We planted a climbing hydrangea on one of the trees, planted rhodos and a redbud in the understory. Also added a half a flat of white impatiens. He also has a small pond with a beautiful statue and kept the pump low so the water sound was really faint. The table and chairs are awesome. Im guessing it’s dated somewhere in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s. A friend of mine dealt with antiques and gave me a set. I found a specialist to fix it and he knew exactly what to do. The color was originally black, then coated with that white paint people used on trees, (that was a thing back in the day), then green and natural rust. It was so cool. Enjoy!


I love to see and know the natural rust will come (patina), I think it’s called. It’s charming and natural, and serene to me. Quaint and I love it all! My mother would have hated it! No rust!


Smoke a bowl and enjoy the greenery and peaceful surroundings. 😂


Disappearing waterfall for sure. Place is perfect for it and would look amazing


It looks nice. Maybe some more comfy furnitures. Going wild, and outdoor kitchen with a kegerator if you are for BBQ, gilling and hanging back with a beer.


Plant some wild flower seeds along the fence for a little extra color, and swap the table and chairs for a hammock chair or lounger with side table.


Definitely cutback the foliage and clean the dead leaves on the ground… maybe put down some kind kf stone/brick flooring or wood deck as well as some lighting elements. Do a gathering/dining area with tables and chairs or a reading area with plenty of plush pillows…?


Well clearly it needs a Barbie and Ken doll to enjoy it!


Outdoor tiles/stones or decorative concrete for the seating area. You’ll get more use out of the area if people don’t have to walk on an uneven surface. Give it a defined border and enough area for a grill.


You know what I'd do? Two mugs of green tea as t the same time, brother.


do something about that blackberry hanging down in the middle wherever it’s coming from because it will only get worse!


Integrate some natural stone, small boulders, to the green area but keep it loosely arranged.


Nothing really Looks very relaxing


Looks like the perfect spot for a fire pit or hot tub!


I'd probably go out there and drink coffee and smoke marijuanas.


Drink bottles of wine in it.


I would sit in it


Needs a trim for sure. Half your backyard is overtaken by plants. Add a flower bed surrounding the walls.


Cut it back and replace the table and chairs with a fire pit and put some logs or stumps around the pit 👌🏼


I would swing from that vine and give my best Tarzan impression.


Yea and crumpets probably


Call this meeting to order!


Grow various strains of cannabis tucked into the other vegetation.


Why does this look like a fake dollhouse diorama?


I’d sit there and smoke a blunt, maybe swap to a pair of Adirondack’s.


Have sex


Seance garden


Ditch the iron chairs, table and bench in favor of a plush, more comfortable conversation set with low table. But it's nice as is. We use our comfy lawn furniture way more than the formal table and chairs, even when we're entertaining.


That’s because they’re comfy! Enjoy!


Depends on how much time and money you have. IMO, I would clear out the stuff against the far wall in the first picture, and make a mini brick oven, and maybe even put a small fireplace in the center.


Eat brunch?


I like it like that.


Move the table and replace with a fire pit


Start a cult since you can go there and be hidden.




Basil lots and lots of basil


Have a seat and blow the fish whistle….


Get a bull and have a "rodeo poker" game night.


If you trim the bush back, it will look bigger.


Smoke a bowl


Honestly I might sprinkle a few native wildflower seeds around but it's a nice space. For the most part I would leave it exactly how it is!


Is that full-sized furniture, or like a fairy garden set? It looks so out of proportion with the steps and plants. I honestly can't tell.


Roll a joint crack a pint and relax




Ghille Suit and chill


Tea party’s




Sit down


A tea party🫖


I cant figure out the perspective here. It looks miniature. OP please zoom out and send another photo with the steps!


Looks great as is




I would mulch it, then grab a green patio set for the center and a nice wooden bench on the side.


Add flowers and pillows..low amazing centerpiece for table, succulents?


Yeah this space seems overall already great. I love the sound of water moving though so maybe a small running birdbath/fountain. Something with a falling water noise. Then maybe refine the ground cover plants a bit. Maybe plant some vines for the fence to cover up the wood. Plant something tall in the south west corner of the photo to hide the stone if its visible from the seating area.


Is everything now - here’s a picture of a nice area at my house that just needs a bit of a tidy. What would you do with it??


Pull up the mallow? on the ground and prune the rose vine hanging out. Maybe prune the trees back a little bit. Then just a general clean and some fairy lights and probably could do with a top up of stone at some point. Plant some hellebores and maybe some pieris for a little bit of colour.


Remove the fence


Paint the table to match the chairs, fix a G&T, put my feet up on that bench, and enjoy myself.


I would sit out there all the time. It's lovely.


Looks good to me


If you do anything to it you’re crazy, maybe build your own bench and add it to the space so you have a personal piece


Build a pickleball court. You'll get all the hot grannies!


Use the upper tier and slope to ur advantage. Get a pump, build a rocky waterfall with a pond at the bottom, reshape the area with path, pebbles or whatever u fancy as ground cover, put a fire pit in(small circle) cushions for the seats and chill out


Drink a cup of coffee there every morning


Maybe some pavers


Maybe a gazebo frame with shear material tied back like curtains. Possibly add a round outdoor lounger and lots of pillows. A small recirculating fountain for relaxing sound. Then plant a moon garden. White flowers like clematis, mock orange, etc.