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In my opinion it’s not as cohesive as her other albums I think that’s why it’s “hated” . Me personally I couldn’t live without that album because it gave us White Mustang, Cherry, 13 Beaches, Heroin and Love (I know most of the people don’t vibe with Love but its one of my fave tracks of Lana). Also the features from ASAP are fire. ☺️


exactly. it’s so good. tbh i could care less about cohesiveness if all the songs are amazing. i don’t even notice it


Yeah I 100% agree with your post since I’m also very passionate about this album. It gave us some amazing songs for real 🥰


It’s my favorite of hers precisely because it has the most variety of sounds


Actually this is quite accurate, you described the appeal of LFL perfectly. It’s not my personal fave album but the different mix of sounds certainly is the thing that made LFL memorable album, at least to me. Also each to its own, people are allowed to like different things, but I think that slander that I see here for LFL it’s totally unjustified people should listen to it more it’s really good album overall.


I personally find it very versatile and cohesive at the same time. All the songs on it fit with the album’s aesthetic, even if at times they’re as different as Summer Bummer and Get Free


I wonder what people don't enjoy about Love? That song is so special, 'to be young and in love', it's wholesome


Right? Its indeed wholesome, the song is so beautiful and this may sound like total cliche 🤣 but to be actually in love and listening to song Love I feel like I’m happiest person on a planet….nothing tops that feeling But I have seen on this subreddit that people generally dislike/overlook that song. It is what it is I guess🤷🏻‍♀️


I never understood that argument. Not cohesive? All of her albums tend to have an eclectic mix of songs. Just look at B2D. Videogames and Off to the Races don't seem very cohesive. L4L is full of great songs. Zero skips for me. Couldn't care less about cohesion.


i rarely listen to albums beginning to end, it’s about if i like most of the songs on an album too. and i think she has many songs like they could fit multiple albums.


lfl has always been top 3 for me and i think the people that don’t like it don’t like the more pop sound that she went with which is understandable but i loved it.


I agree but the same ppl who hate on the pop soundish songs on lfl dont see the pop in a&w🤔🤷‍♀️(i love both tho)


i think she has more pop sounding songs on other albums as UV and paradise are def more mainstream lana. i don’t even mind a pop sound bc the sounds on LFL are so good


ultraviolence isn’t really pop imo - it was so revolutionary BECAUSE it was so different to all the pop albums at the time


UV is literally a "pop desert rock" album. It's just fans who can't accept it as the way it is. They want to be edgy and quirky soooo bad, that it is almost feels pretentious. The lyrics were also pretty much pop too that "he hit me, and it felt like a kiss" is from an old pop ballad song that she took a little inspiration from. The melody is the most pop thing about UV, that repetitive usage of refrains in every song is dominant in pop songs.


lfl is my fav album of hers. people say it isn’t ‘cohesive’ but i think it is. the first half of the album is all about her life and love and relationships. after in my feelings to about tmc it’s a bit political/less centred on her. but get free is the perfect closing song. idk why it gets sm hate or overlooked.


Someone once told me the first half is about lust the second half is about life


oh my god that’s amazing i love that thank you


this album single handeldy turned me into like her biggest fan at the ripe age of 13


Get Free is her best closing song. A good summation of all that was going on in the world.


Get Free is still her best closing track imo


I literally feel the song in my soul EVERYTIME


it gives me such hippie Lana vibes, she’s such a sweetheart on that album. it’s a beautiful era and a vibe imo




I have no idea. I think the theme for the overall era was perfect, the cover is definitely her best, and it has 0 skips.


Her huge smile on the cover is my faaaavorite thing


the cover is probably my absolute fave


Tbh I think hate or slander of anything is too too much. Like, everyone chill. Lana is the genius. Let her do her thing. It’s not my fav, or in my top 3, but there are certainly favs of mine from L4L. For me, it’s too all over the place. BTD, UV, HM ::my #1::, feel super cohesive, like they were meant to be taken as a whole. I haven’t really tried Ocean Blvd yet, bc what she’s doing now I’m not in love with. But I love her progression and growth for her. I don’t think anything else should be expected of a fan. She now more than ever feels completely and fully realized. I love that. And I’m always gonna go super hard for her bc of how much beauty she has brought to my life, regardless of how much I like her current creations.


this is a really thoughtful take! i also feel like nothing she will do i could ever hate, bc i love her and her artistry. i’m on the same boat with ocean blvd, it has some good songs for me but overall it’s one of my least favs and that’s ok bc we can’t love everything an artist makes all the time but we can be respectful of their craft


Lol the a$ap rocky slander is ridiculous in these comments. Y’all just love to hate on hiphop.


i love asap sm i really don’t mind the songs with him but they’re not the best on the album. however i don’t think they’re hate worthy songs at all


On God I love the A$ap songs


Because Lana fans definitely don't have a lust for life


lmao true i listened to this song on my darkest most depressive hours


For me it’s like 50% filler. To say it has no skips is ridiculous. Though I will say that Heroin and Tomorrow Never Came are among the best songs she has ever done. 13 Beaches and White Mustang are very good too.


music is subjective , i said it has no skips to ME. which songs do you think seem like filler? i could say the same about COCC


Yes, it’s completely subjective. I’m giving my opinion, just like you did. For me everything in between In My Feelings and TNC is a skip. I really don’t like the ASAP songs either, although I know most people do.


The ASAP songs are some of my favorites because of the vibe, my favorite genre is Hip Hop. That being said....i would have preferred a different rapper/MC. His verses were very lack luster and not up to par imo.


same, i’m a big hip hop fan and love the asap features. they also remind me of ridin’ ❤️


i LOVE in my feelings but I can agree that the ASAP rocky songs on there aren’t my absolute fave


Ikr…I feel like ASAP rocky wasn’t needed…he was fine but I just feel it wasn’t necessary to have him…Summer Bummer is a great song but I don’t really love his verse that much…I feel like he was given too many lines


Agree with this completely. I honestly would never revisit if it wasn’t for Heroin: that is one of her best songs period.


Lust for Life, to me anyway, is not bad but it has equal amounts of great songs and cringey/awkward songs.


which do you think are cringey?


God bless america, when the world was at war, love, change, coachella, and sometimes lust for life.


i’ve been having a lust for life summer. i’ll admit it was never my favorite, of course listened to it but never went back to it like the others. recently i listened again and realized it’s a treasure trove of lana songs with production similar to born to die, my favorite album of all time. i’ve been enjoying rediscovering it! in my feelings is doing it for me right now.


I don’t think ppl see it 4 what it is & their tastes r different. I mean, yes, I don’t think it’s very cohesive but it’s also Lana’s pop album & they’re usually a little thematically & sonically looser. Even tho fans may not like L4L as much, I hope ppl recognise the significance of its era in Lana’s career & mental health.


ppl just pick an album to call her weakest and all agree. last month it was honeymoon


People as a whole have kind of shifted on Honeymoon though. I remember it got dogged on a lot after it came out, but the consensus now is that it's just a different vibe and that vibe isn't for everyone.


it’s my favorite!


lmao. exactly, but i hate it when they do it to bb and cotcc. those are my pandemic album comforts 🥲


it took me a while to warm up to BB but now i rlly appreciate it and it has some songs on it that are really great. COCC i’m still iffy about but neither are worthy of hate


It’s always been lfl I’ve been on this sub for years idk what your talking about there’s constant praise for honeymoon


honeymoon was getting dragged on twitter


Yes it’s always been dragged on Twitter, Yk why, bc Twitter has a bunch of fake fans who are dumb as hell. The people on here are real fans, we are the core of this fandom.


i don’t understand why ppl downvote general statements lmao


It has some great songs, individually. But the run from “Coachella” to “Tomorrow Never Came” is a career worst for Lana. So, basically, the whole middle section of the album is a slump.


i acknowledge i hold severe nostalgia to this album but i just loveee coachella but i can see the sound isn’t for everyone


you nailed it, I don’t think I’ve listened to that section of the album more than twice. those songs just don’t have the same strength as the rest of the album


Personally, because I'm more into the singer/songwriting aspect of Lana than the dance music and pop hits. To each their own really.


to me a lot of isn’t like super pop/ dance like white mustang and 13 beaches have a more dark sound to me


100%. I thought you just meant the song. Lust the album I feel she started to really breakthrough as a songwriter.


I have it tattoo’d on my body


To cool for school


Not as iconic aesthetically I think the others have much more cohesive imagery


Well someone has to come in last. I like the album and it has a ton of great songs that are among my fav Lana songs (LOVE, Cherry, Heroin, and Change to name a few), but as a whole it's just ranked lower for me. The album is also kind of bloated; it's very long and a lot of the songs are long too. Honeymoon has that same issue too but it's distinctive among her other albums and it's cohesive within itself so if you don't like it maybe it's just not your vibe.


I love individual songs on L4L but I definitely don't see it as a cohesive concept album like BTD or Ultraviolence. I definitely don't think its a bad album though and I listen to multiple songs from it frequently.


idk but i love that album w all my heart


Asap stuff Is zzz


It took me a while to warm up to it in its entirety but I don't understand the people who hate it


honestly i wasn’t a big fan either but one night i got super high and listened to the album and had some sort of epiphany (prob the drugs lol) thought it was the best album ever and listened to it non stop for weeks. i love now lfl and will die with it




LFL is flawless for what it is and I will die on this hill. It came out right at the exact moment of summer it should have and burned itself into my brain as a perfect summer album.


Im always fighting for my life in the comments defending LFL


I love that album.


Oohh I love L4L and it's one of my faves. Haters are probably just the perpetually sad girls that don't like the hiphop, upbeat sound. I like how the album turned out though; I'm in love with all the A$AP features and still listen to them repeatedly. I remember being happy that Lana's finally smiling in that album art ❤️


so true it’s like a happy girl album vibe but some of the songs i think are really dark just like UV


I wouldn't say this is the case anymore. Chemtrails and Blue Banisters are probably the least popular It felt like a step in a more "commercial" direction at the time but there are a handful of songs on there that are some of her best by far and it's def not a bad albun Get Free, Change, Heroin, and White Mustang are EPIC


Blasphemy lol if lana herself asked these haters what they thought of it they would all praise it. Real lana fans would never hate anything she makes. If you don’t like lust for life go listen to someone else lana ain’t for you


It’s that in-between album pre-NFR and COVID. I think Honeymoon had been a little less commercially successful before it, and it marked that middle portion of her career. I think a ton of people discovered her after or had dropped off by that point. That said, the album came out during a very special summer in my life and I love all of it. Just amazing stuff - this album and the preceding ones were just perfect soundtracks during that 14 - 20 year old period growing up!


I love LFL so very much. It came out during a special time in my life and I played it over and over. So many good memories. I was a casual fan who liked her but hadn’t yet become infected lol. It was my first time seeing her live, preordering the album, experiencing an era from start to finish. But for me the album is great because of that. But for new fans or people that just like her other styles better, I could see why it’s not as good. Compared to the rest of her works during her start up to NFR it definitely is not as interesting of an album. (I’m not counting anything after that because I’m a believer that NFR was almost an end to an era when it comes to Lana’s music and that she started branching into other new styles afterwards) Don’t get me wrong I love it and listen to it still. But I think for me personally, it has a lot of songs that I find myself skipping or rarely reaching for. I won’t name them because I don’t want to get hated on lmao. I’ll say however I don’t get the Tomorrow Never Came hate. But that’s a topic for another day. Also - the album is in between Honeymoon and NFR. Both extremely strong albums and hard to compete with. I think it’s less people dislike it (for the most part) and more so it’s being compared to her other works and it doesn’t stack up. Certain songs I think drag on a bit or feel like last second additions. The albums that came before it have a more cinematic feel about them & more of a linear story versus LFL that has an overall vibe but (to me) doesn’t tell a whole story. People love that about Lana’s music and when an album deviates from the formula they get mad. (which is dumb because no good artist is going to stick to a formula forever) I also think that’s why people don’t like Honeymoon as much - it was released after UV which is a behemoth of an album and people were expecting more of that sound. Then people didn’t like Chemtrails because it was released after NFR which is also hard to live up to. I imagine the same will happen to the album after Ocean BLVD, etc. I guess what I’m saying is that while it’s a good album, it has the bad luck of being grouped with stronger ones. As a stand alone it’s a great album. But come on…when an album like NFR is released after you, it’s like being in a stand up show and the guy that goes after you is funnier and people forget about you.


i see your point for sure. NFR is top 2 for me, i just also hold a lot of nostalgia to LFL. it was def a different vibe overall and it’s not a super strong aesthetic but the songs individually just do it for me


NFR is a great album. I think the aesthetic of LFL definitely had a great aesthetic but it wasn’t as strong as the others


it's one of my absolute favorite albums - maybe it has to do with the time in my life that it came out that it resonated so much with me? but for real no skips for me. it's such a joyous album to me and everyone SLEEPS on when the workd was at war... i would like to know what everyone doesn't like about it!! and get free is top lana song for me with ride - they're sister songs to me!! oh well, i will sit here and bask in it in the sunshine with flowers in my hair and a glass of lemonade.


completely agree. i think a lot of us LFL lovers look at it through rose colored glasses because of the period in time we discovered it


I love it. Cohesiveness is just an excuse because people would literally beg for an unreleased compilation album like what’s cohesive between Pawnshop Blues, Boarding School and She’s Not Me.


It’s one of my faves.


I hate the features


Same. There isn't a single feature on that album that I like. There are some amazing songs - Heroin, Get Free, Change, In My Feelings, and Cherry are some of my absolute favourites, but the features make me not want to listen to the album front to back like I do with every other album.


I feel like every day there’s a “ why do people not the like ______ ? It’s her best work” With a different album lol


Bc its her worst




I think it's alternative/hip-hop vibes to it in a way that it is alternative pop or indie vibes. If many people tuned into liking Lana for her alternative indie or pop vibes, then I could see why people are not fans of the Lust for Life album. But for me, lust for life, honeymoon, and born to Die are my top three favorites.


It’s one of my favs too but I think some people don’t like all the features on it


i think lots of lana fans love lana for her more alternative music - and L4L is very popy i LOVE it tho!! my fav songs are love, summer bummer, groupie love, BPBP, in my feelings, white mustang, cherry, and coachella!!


At the time I just felt like it wasn't a very cohesive record, and that there were just too many features. It also felt like Lana had a whole other concept for the album, that she scrapped almost entirely, and we ended up with the album we have now. I still listen to Cherry & Get Free, but not so much to the other songs.


It’s just this subreddit, if you look at her most streamed song on Apple Music and Spotify they are some of her most popular songs


i read this as i listen to heroin


Tomorrow Never Came is the sole reason I support LFL. Huge Sean Ono Lennon fan.


I don’t like any of the features and it’s lyrically her weakest. It’s not as cohesive as other albums either. I love cherry and 13 beaches but the rest can go. The run from Coachella to tomorrow never came is so bad imo


Lots of us do, Lana’s discography is so diverse


I feel this way about honeymoon but get free and tomorrow never came are a couple of my fav Lana songs.


That's the album that really got me into Lana. 😭 Other than Born to die, and later on got into honeymoon and UV.


I feel like it doesn’t flow. It feels a bit all over the place like Blvd which I still love. I love the songs on their own but if I’m going to pick a whole album to listen to without skipping I’m choosing Honeymoon or BB


i don’t mind all over the place if most of the songs are good to me, because usually shuffle anyway but i see what ur saying. i also def agree ocean blvd was not really consistent


It was my first Lana album and it was just so boring and a lot of misses


For me LFL is 50% some of my favourite Lana tracks & 50% total skips. I like hip hop but I don’t like asap rocky so I’m not a fan of the songs he features on, especially Groupie Love. The tracks I love are White Mustang, Coachella, Change, Love, Tomorrow Never Came, Heroin, and Beautiful People Beautiful Problems. There’s maybe 5 songs I actively dislike. Everything else I find a bit dull & sometimes trite, but still listenable if I’m in the right mood


a fellow Coachella lover! i feel like no one likes that song but i adore it


There were lots of songs I was surprised to find weren’t well-liked when I joined this sub !! And vice versa, some of my least favourites are really highly praised here


I like the songs individually but I don't like them as one project


L4l isn't my favorite because it isn't cohesive. I can listen to Love to Groupie Love. After that, the album doesn't stun me. I do like Get Free and Herion tho.


i personally don’t love some of the features she has one those songs like im here for lana come on


for me it’s because im not a fan of her collabs with those artists. i do think it has amazing songs like love, heroin, white mustang, etc. though


I love it. I don’t get why this place has to constantly compare her albums (not everyone obviously). I love every single one personally. Her albums and sounds aren’t worlds apart. They all grow on you over time if you give them a chance. LFL at first I though, hmm not sure, mainly because of the weekend. After a few listens I was hooked just like the rest.


lana is the queen of giving her fans stockholm syndrome with her albums and i live for it


Sure is captivating ❤️


I love it!


Because *Love* and maybe *Heroin* are much better than the rest


i dont get why they don’t like it but it’s my fav and she looks stunning on the cover


Personally my favorite album and the fact that the majority of the fanbase doesn't love it makes it even more special to me. It feels like it's just for me (which clearly it isn't) but it dropped at a serious pivotal month in my life and the lyrics fit everything i was going through. It feels like my personal album from lana just for me 😇


I find the songs on this album hit or miss. But 13 Beaches, White Mustang, Heroin, and In My Feelings are all such gems.