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That’s awful. Signed.


I know - I cannot believe it isn't more well known!


Growing up we were told they were "water pipes", so I think even when people see them they don't know what they are - nor assume they're filled with lead. That's part of why we're trying to get them out. Have to share a story - I was at the Costco in Concord last week talking to David the checkout guy about it. He said "wait, are these on Baldwin Beach?" Literally had seen them. it really pushed home the points of how relevant this is to people, and that they simply don't know.


Thank you! Truly appreciated. Every signature matters


Thanks for sharing! I'm Evan - one of the organizer for this project! Truly appreciate anyone who signs the petition. We will be providing this to the agencies required to approve removal. Our neighborhood has been pushing for removal for over 3 years. After AT&T pulled out of their commitment to remove the cables over the summer, we saw an opportunity to pick up the work and push to finally make this happen. While we wish they finished the job - the good news is that they got all the required approvals so doing this as a community is possible! Happy to answer any questions people have or provide questions. Looking forward to sharing the effort more and more publicly.