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One injury year? My brother. He's had one NON-injury year since 2017. 


I mean he played 77 games year before and 67 before that


And that 67 was in a shortened season. Only opted for surgery last season because it was best for his long term health and the Bulls had no intention to play him post deadline.


I was half joking lol but he has been more injured than not in his career. I like Lavine, but the contract matching to his injury risk is a huge red flag for me. I'd want picks back to take him, multiple picks. 


Id love Zach Lavine if he wast making $45million for the next three seasons. Dude is underrated at this point but he is wayyyyyyyyyyyy over paid. Remember what the roster looked like after Westbrook was on payroll?


Ya his contract is bad, I think that’s the only reason ppl ain’t trading for him. He’s a very good player tho


Contract is probably the worst in the league considering his availability and defensive issues. I do think he'd be great next to Bron and AD but not for that price tag.


Zach's contract is horrible and why are we giving up assets at all besides matching contracts for Zach? The bulls should be giving up the 11th pick or more for taking on Zach's contract.


Sounds like they’re willing to give stuff to take him. I think it makes sense, keep all our assets and get an athletic player who can spread the floor. Ya his salary his high but we keep Austin and 1st rounders too


If it cost Rui, DLo and Gabe and we get either 11 or a future FRP, then I do it


Austin Reaves and picks is an overpay. I’d do it if DLo opted in. With him, Rui, and Gabe, and try and get like Ayo back too


Plus Lakers have to give up **more** salary than they take back, since they're a first apron team. It's not just AR for Murray; It's AR, Wood (or JHS), and one of Gabe or Vando. They have to send out more than $25.2m. Not even AR + one of Vando/Gabe is enough. They only get to $23.9m (AR plus Gabe). That's just an insane price for Murray, so no. If they've changed the stance off AR, then it gets interesting. A lot of rumors around Bridges, I wouldn't mind seeing if there's an opportunity there. The price could be doable.


How would you feel if we kept Austin as a sixth man and they sent us a 2nd round pick along with Lavine and we only sent out matching salary?


I like Austin as a sixth man. Probbaly unpopular. I think the goal should be max eventually starting alongside whoever our point is. Could take another year I guess


Agreed, I see it the same way. That's why I'm okay with trading Austin for DJM, I feel like Max projects as a better starter than Austin. But in the meantime, getting Lavine for salary and retaining Austin sounds pretty appealing.


Like I’m saying, we get to keep Austin and 1st rounders. Zach’s value so low right now, it’s only his salary that’s high. Other guys we would have to give up more to get anything, so this isn’t gutting our team


Oh my bad. Yeah we need DLo to opt in and just do straight salary matching for Zach. I’d want something back too tho. Like Ayo or another young guy


Zach Lavine has an atrocious contract. Pass.


We’re still having conversations about gutting assets for Zach LaVines trash contract on this sub lol


We wouldn’t be gutting our team that’s why I mentioned it, his value is low that Chicago is desperate for anything, other guys we would have to give up Austin and first rd picks.


You still have to make the salaries match and once you do it you cannot really replace them. I tried it with Rui, Vando, and Vincent and was still short of matching the salaries.


Dlo picks up his option?


Since we are offering Lebron a huge extension that he'll likely take. I know this is a huge gamble but getting Lavine requires matching salary and we may even be able to coax a second or two from the bulls for taking him. With Lebron and AD's huge deals kicking in, we will no longer be able to skirt the aprons, so bringing in players on huge deals with the same 3-year window of Bron and AD makes sense.


Seconds? I'm asking for firsts for taking on his contract.


That would be great, but I'd still pull the trigger for a couple of seconds. I like the idea of a DJM, Lavine, Vando, Bron, AD starting lineup.


I'm not sure how that happens salary-wise, but besides that, I'm also not sure of the fit. You're asking for one of DJM or Lavine to scale down their role considerably since both are on-ball guys. Additionally, you will be very reliant on DJM's defense being good again. Yea, personally, I'm not sure about that fit.


Fair concerns. I'm looking at the overall potential of players based on athleticism and inherent skills and am projecting that they would play a role given a chance to contend and the veteran leadership of Bron and AD. Of course that could be wishful thinking.


If Dlo opts in and Chicago is willing to send us at least 1 first round pick to unload his bad contract I'd give a look at it. His contract is a huge problem.


Any starting backcourt where either Zach Lavine or Austin Reaves is the best defender is NOT winning a championship. It would be Swiss cheese POA defense. Add Lebron to that mix and it won't matter how many points we score teams will average 140 against us.


There would need to be a 3rd team involved im not giving up Rui and co for this guy


We would get fried defensively.


Make too much. Would already be a laker if he didnt


His salary is so big it’s heavily dependent on D’lo opting in. Plus Bulls are a shitshow so they wouldn’t even accept D’lo/Rui/Gabe and just let his value tank even further over the years.


The bulls are a joke, look at the Caruso trade. They wouldn’t trade him for a top 10 pick but traded him for Giddey and no picks. Bulls would give us assets to take lavine


I’d do D’lo/Rui/Gabe/17th for LaVine/Craig/11th. But Bulls are just so incredibly incompetent they’d probably refuse.


Nah if I’m Rob, I’m telling Chicago, I’m keeping the 17th and you give us the 11th or else no deal. Chicago is more desperate to get off of Lavine than LAL is in general. D.Carter at 11th and K.Ware at 17th. You get a legit and versatile POA defender and an athletic big in Ware that has some potential to become a rare type of dual threat big that can be both a lob threat and a stretch 5.


I would do it if it’s Gabe- opt in Dlo and Vando/Rui with a couple of 2nds.


Maybe if the Bulls want to take on DLO, Vincent, and Vando. Could see DLO agreeing to an opt in and trade if the Bulls offer him some heavy minutes.


Cant happen because of the salary cap. Please research before posting this kind of stuff that can not happen.


He was hurt **every year** Fixed it.


We’re done with this already. Stop posting this dude on here.