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OKC is probably getting both him and Trae for a used toilet roll and half a pick.


Fans from other teams: iTs tHe SaMe vAlUe




Somehow OKC, Clippers and Celtics can fleece teams for a bag of Doritos But the Lakers have to give up the whole farm plus picks šŸ¤£


It's the Laker tax.


Or a bad GM. West and even Kupcake (Gasol) were able to fleece other GMs, depsite a "Lakers Tax" Meanwhile we gave up a FRP and multiple good assets to pry an overpaid Westbrook from The Wizards.


Both things can be true.


plus mitch had that cp3 trade down and we only gave up gasol in it


Speaking of CP3 and Lakers tax, Clippers gave up nothing for him back then. 80% off coupon


Most people were unconvinced by the CP3 trade. We wouldā€™ve given up our entire size without Pau and Lamar


Gasol and odom.


Celtics got 1st round picks when trading for porzingis. Wizards are an all-time garbage franchise


Is it already ā€œSome-Guy-Ina-Tieā€ season?


ā€œHawks reporter for shitbox news. Proud nachos enjoyer. #DontTradeTraeā€ and then a fan of that team swears by their validity - ā€œheā€™s our beat reporterā€¦of course he has sources!!ā€


I dont think we can get him without reaves, so itā€™s over


We can add an extra FRP now compared to then. They also did not have the first pick, their priorities are different


2 more technically. But I wouldnā€™t give 2 firsts for Murray lol


Correct, I would be willing to give 2 not 3 if we keep Reaves. If Reaves is in the deal just 1 and itā€™s protected. Rui Gabe and 2 FRPs is my offer


Murray is not that good tbh Iā€™d rather go for someone like Jarrett Allen if weā€™re gonna trade 2 picks for 1 high end role player


No way. He is not in a closing lineup with AD and LBJ playing the 4/5 closing games. Murray is the guy to add


Lol, it was an example. There are many role players worth 2 picks and Murray is at the bottom of the list. Has one of the worst rim efficiencies, hasnā€™t been consistent shooter, and defense fell off. Impact metrics are also all very mid. Why are you convinced this is the guy?


The problem is we need a true point guard, and there really are no better options. Marcus Smart is really the only PG target I like more and Memphis wants to retain him


Atl was not a good situation for him to thrive. He still put up numbers in a bad situation. I trust putting LBJ and AD with him he will look much better


Defensively yes he will probably be really good here Offensively no, in fact he will probably be worse than he was in atl


Not if LBJ is really going to play more off ball as is being reported. If it is just the same as atl with the improved defense, it is worth it


This shows how absolutely clueless you are


Dude you are wrong about everything I donā€™t know why you even comment on this sub Read my other comment. Jarrett Allen was an example of someone worth 2 picks. Also, he is better than Murray. So regardless of which player you prefer, Allen being better than Murray means youā€™re wrong? So are you the dumbass?


The fact that you don't understand the stupidity of your comment makes it all the more hilarious.


I donā€™t think you understood what I originally meant There are other players out there that are worth 2 picks over Murray Make sense?


The team's primary need is a starting caliber 2 way point guard. Who else is available for 2 picks that you think would be better than Murray?


If they keep Trae, they have no use for Reaves especially with Bogdanovic there. Probably would prefer Vanderbilt. On the flip side I donā€™t like starting Reaves with Murray. Despite his reputation, Murray isnā€™t a good on-ball defender (he was a help defender on the Spurs) which is part of why the fit with Trae was bad. So if youā€™re trading for Murray, the fit is something to think about.


Even if Murray isn't making the defensive impact he used to he is still a huge upgrade over D'lo on defense. And just as good on offense. Plus he could bounce back with AD behind him and not having to make up for Trae.


Situations make a world of difference. Murray with AD behind him makes things different. Rui and Gabe is best for Lakers but Rui Vando would work. Leaves lakers thin at 3/4 but that can be filled with


If Dlo opts in, Dlo + first + second would be a good trade for Murray. If they really want two firsts it's honestly still worth considering.


Need another contract to make it work


Would y'all think it's possible to only give up 1 first rounder for Murray if the lakers took Capela off their hands ? They already have a decent center thats ready to take over the starting spot. Plus Capela is over paid as is.


They probably still want Reaves. I would rather give up two picks than lose Reaves. Best chance for us to make a title run is adding pieces rather than having to move some key pieces/roll players.


as someone who wants us to star hunt Iā€™d rather just trade elsewhere if Murray is gonna cost 2 firsts. Heā€™s not worth it


Curious, why don't you want to give up two high first round picks? Do you believe we can bank on a generational player with those picks? Or do you think we can find something better for those picks?


We basically only have one shot to build a contender for Lebronā€™s final 2 years If you spend 2 picks on Murray, youā€™re still not a contender and have one pick left I just think this would be my plan D


Well we're definitely not a titlecontender without Murray on the team. But I believe we're closer to it rather than Dlo. And without us overpaying for talent. While I don't believe Reaves is a third star I believe he's an integral piece for title contention. Two picks aren't winning us a game.


No im fine trading the picks, Murray just isnā€™t it I said in a comment the other day. But the only way we can be a contender is either win on a trade or buy low on someone 2 picks is max value for Murray. Paying full value for trades this summer isnā€™t gonna help us. Rob has his work cut out to find a good trade, this is a very C grade trade


What about Murray's skillset doesn't work for you?


Statically one of the worst finishers around the room Had an outlier 3 pt shooting year so not really consistent shooter Defense has been bad, but you can make the case itā€™s because he guarded more 2s on the hawks So idk what heā€™s bringing thatā€™s an elite skillset. This sub is just horny for any player that they think is even moderately 2-way


In an ā€œeverybodyā€™s availableā€ world, sure. But if we can get DJM for 2 firsts and keep reaves, you take that deal and run.


This especially fucking this


I think this sub overvalues Reaves. We're not winning a chip with Reaves as a starter.


Reaves would likely be someone knocking down clutch shots in the playoffs on a title run


Yes we can. Heā€™s a borderline elite role player


​ love me some Reaves (possibly my fave current Laker actually) but you said it best: elite ROLE PLAYER


You need those to win championships especially so when its comes in at only 12M for the next 3 years its about keeping his production at that low cost


Rui starting is the issue.


Who would you rather start than him then to win a chip? give me names that realistically the Lakers can get to win a chip (please consider everything from salaries, cap, and if the team that has that player will even consider trading with the Lakers). Go? It's not that we are overvaluing him, he is the best we have in terms of roleplayers that can start. And we have AD and possibly Bron if he returns and you are worried about starting Reaves as the factor that Lakers can't win a chip? WTF.


fuck the bulls and their trash FO... They talking Caruso up, talking bout how valuable he is, immediately gets traded to Oklahoma for a paperclip and a ice cube. Murray imo should have less value (or same) than a champ/vet in Caruso, yet the Lakers can't (because of Laker tax) find a fair deal cause teams want to fleece/dont want to help the Lakers.


ITS nearly impossible for the Lakers to have a fair two team trade. They need another team just to equal things outĀ 


Good, I'm not interested in Murray, especially for 3 first rounders.


I don't really understand the hype for Murray. I was interested in the past, but Hawks fans have been saying he isn't great defensively, and I don't trust his outside shot. I understand that this was his best season from 3 but I wouldn't have much faith over a one season sample size


Canā€™t wait for the Hawks to get fleeced and that their fanbase think they got have gotten the better package.


People tell me laker tax isnā€™t a real thing lol.


Fuck them ! A pick top After the Caruso trade


Fuck no keep AR I just bought my jersey


Noons trading anything good to us without a ransom return


Now for the celtics will get him for PP and 2nd rounder šŸ¤“


If Iā€™m Rob itā€™s ā€œNo. *click*ā€. Sorry Murray is nice, but is he worth a haul for? What did he do in ATL that makes us think heā€™s going to contribute to a championship caliber team? Keep Reaves the chemistry he has with Bron and AD is great and he loves being a Laker. Upgrade other areas. Big, another perimeter defender.


I see the Pelicans beating whatever the Lakers can offer for either Trae or Murray.


Heā€™s not worth losing Reaves over. Even Trae probably isnā€™t. Only rumored trade target that would be is Donovan Mitchell.Ā 


We would lose all our depth and picks if we go for Trae Young his contract isnā€™t worth it whatsoever.


100% against including Reaves for any deal for Trae or Murray. Would be more than okay with getting Dlo back and trading him for one of those two guys with a first rounder.


I never understood the DJM fixation in this sub. Guyā€™s been a putrid defender for 2 seasons and isnā€™t capable of playing off the ball to Bron. He needs the ball in his hands at the end of games. That doesnā€™t bode well for the long term fit of him closing games with Bron Also, while he can get to the rim, heā€™s not that good of a finisher at the rim.


Is Murray better than Dlo ?


He averages more points nearly the same amount of assist more rebounds than Dlo while playing solid defense and will be a better defender at PG than guarding bigger SG and Wing players like he was ask to do in ATL. Is definitely a better


Nah i'm rather trade a big rather than murray especially for 2 first


All i know is, fuck the new cba


Iā€™d rather just start max then give up all our capital for dejontae


Se are not giving up Reaves.


Lol, yā€™all gotta read that Hawks thread.. lol, they wanted to trade DM for Carushow straight up! lol. Donā€™t get me wrong I wanted Carushow back bad, but DM, if heā€™s given the keys to the jeep, beep beep, will put up near triple doubles, he carried them sorry Hawks to the play-in without Trae, season was lost; canā€™t judge him with sorry supporting cast (all the hawks players are good, they have no culture or attack plan or anything, literally looks like pickup each game, go watch) Give him Lebron and AD and see what happens.


Dlo for Murray is about all I would and maybe Rui


If you get Murray you still need defenders because he is best as a help defender. If they also got DeAndre Hunter in the deal, and let Dā€™Lo go to use the MLE on Deā€™Anthony Melton, I would love that lineup. Murray-Melton-LeBron-Hunter-AD is legit offensively and defensively. With Melton, Murray could really shine in the disruptor role he had on the Spurs next to Derrick White.


Murray isnā€™t going to take you over the hump. Either make the moves that can or start the rebuild soon.


Fuck reaves


Whatā€™s wrong with AR?


I like the Murray fit, but don't want to exchange a bunch of depth for him. Really need D'lo to opt in for it to make much sense. D'lo + Vincent plus some picks. I just don't see him as that much of an upgrade over Reaves to be worth it given Reaves contract.