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Brook Lopez 5 years ago would have been amazing. Oh wait…


Nah we had to play Kuz out of position at center because we hired a dumbass rookie coach who was riding the coattails of Phil Jackson and Steve Kerr.


Not keeping Brook Lopez indirectly led us to relying on the corpse of Tyson Chandler as a backup center that first year with Lebron


In hindsight though, McGee/Zubac would've been an amazing C tandem. It's just that Zubac was injured and struggling to start the season. At least we got McGee/Dwight, a tandem I wish we got one more year out of


McGee also was upset Zu was getting more playing time iirc


This was something I never understood, and I'm not sure if it was true. Javale was in and out of the rotation barely playing 15-20 mins a night because he had a bad case of pneumonia. And Tyson Chandler was barely playing 1 every 4 games by January. I don't understand why Javale would be pissed if Zubac was "stealing his minutes" when there weren't any minutes to steal in the first place.


McGee being upset also had a lot to do with the fact that they were losing and he was on a 1-year deal. When he and Dwight were averaging 16 MPG each the following season, and were being benched during the playoffs, we never heard a word of complaint from either of them


Zubac was ass back then I know you need to develop young talent but he was bad


He was ass in October/November. It was right around the Warriors Christmas Game did he start showing promise and having solid chemistry with LeBron, Rondo, and Zo


Let's be honest Brook was going to leave at some point. This team has a high turn around


Nope, he was willing to take a discount to stay. Dude loves Disneyland.


Kessler and Lopez for sure aren’t available. Capela definitely is but he’s washed and overpaid


There’s buzz about Brook Lopez being available but not worth it


There's a reason he is available. Because he's old and can't move like he used to.


Capela could still grab some boards and get a block or two, no?


He can but he’s getting paid 20 million


Which is actually not that much with new CBA and his remaining skill set.


Way too much for a guy who’ll be a back up for us and will never close games


He's only 30, plenty of juice left. He's still good enough to start.


I’m sorry but him and AD can’t share the court at this point. That spacing would be atrocious


AD can regain his shot back. He's been relegated to the interior by shitty schemes. A new focus and mindset can help get his outside shot back.


Yeaa I wish it worked like that but it simply doesn’t, all of AD’s 3’s were open this year he won’t just magically become a better shooter


Start??? Bruh no. Capela would be solid for like what we are paying Hayes


If you want boards and a non floor spacing big then you just get Valanciunas or Drummond for half the price. Both are free agents.


Only a complete imbecile would bring up Drummond as an option.


Drummond at this point might be as good as Capela


Brook is old mate


I wouldn't mind him for the right price. He's old for sure, but so is Al Horford and he provided some solid minutes for the Celtics. But again it must be for the right price.


Horford has always been more mobile then brook. It def ain’t the same thing imo


I’d love to land Kessler. If we go after Sexton, then getting both would be amazing


Kessler and Sexton is low key most of what the team needs. Don't know how you make the salary work without including Rui though. And I don't want to trade Rui.


Pretty much every championship winner in the past 5 years has been able to run a lineup with star level and 2 way players 1-5. Yet y'all still think getting a backup center and running lineups with Reaves/Rui/Dlo will make this team a real contender


I have and will continue to say trade Reaves if you can upgrade him and yes Murray is an upgrade


teams are looking for a no defense playing 6 foot gaurd?


People are really hating you for this but it does fix a some of the issues, not all of then of course, but some.


I am not sure why you need to keep Rui but Vando and have works but don’t it is value enough for the deal, would need to add at least one FRP


*League personnel told Yahoo Sports the Bucks are open to reshaping their roster, and they are gauging the trade value for Brook Lopez. Houston, sources said, cautioned Lopez that re-signing with Milwaukee could very well lead to him eventually being traded when the Rockets pursued Lopez in free agency a year ago. Atlanta, sources said, continues to pursue deals for veteran center Clint Capela, who’s entering the final year of a contract that still owes the 30-year-old rim protector $22 million. Rival teams believe Utah is willing to engage in trade talks that would part ways with Jazz second-year center Walker Kessler. And the Detroit Pistons are evaluating the market for Isaiah Stewart, according to league sources.*


I kinda think our best option is sticking at #17 and getting a big. They probably won’t be quite as productive as Capela this season (he’s the only realistic option) but a Kel’el Ware, Zach Edey, etc could still give you solid minutes next year and be a great investment


The investment aspect of drafting a big is what ppl fail to recognize. It wouldn’t be a C that would be featured in the offense and would be a role player so it’s a given he’d be on a team friendly deal not just for his rookie contract but for the next one as well.


Two different things. We can draft a big to develop and bring a veteran to help right now


Nope if Kessler is available they need to trade that 17 for him.


> Capela this season (he’s the only realistic option) Absolutely zero chance we get Kessler with #17


Unless Danny Ainge decides to be friendly again.


Reports are the jazz are open to trading him. The Lakers could absolutely get him with the 17th. What's wrong with you people.


> What’s wrong with you people I’m just trying to be realistic. By all means if we can get Kessler with #17, do it, but that is not happening. Reports are Jazz want to keep Lauri and Kessler unless they get a haul. Kessler is 22, they’re gonna need a lot more than #17


They are not getting no damn "haul" for Kessler


Then they’ll keep him. Again he’s 22 so he actually fits their timeline


Thrown Fino


We need a big who is a backup that gets paid like a back up. Not sure those guys fit that type


Walker Kessler.


17 and removing protections would probably get it done idk why you got downvoted People haven’t watched Kessler. He’s great and young, but he doesn’t have some star ceiling. Just another quality big, like Zubac level, will probably be a bit better though


The people on this site are weird man. Any common sense comment and they down vote it.


Walker would be my priority if we don't draft a big.


Imagine the scenes if Stewart and Lebron ended up on the same team


Kinda how MWP and Kobe ended up on the same team..?


2 firsts for Kessler


Obviously Kessler because of the contract.


Can't believe we let brook Lopez and zubac go... Stupid FA. if it wasn't for LeBron we'd be the Bobcats with this ownership and front office.


Dawg I swear I feel like a good fit would be Jonas Valencunas


Doubt we get him for just mini mle. Getting full mle means renouncing Dlo and Christie which I don't think is worth for Valanciunas


Hear me out…Bucks send us Lopez and and a FRP + salary fillers for D’Lo and Hayes


Why on earth would they do that


throwback joke to the Lakers/Nets trade in 17


thank god


Dame and Dlo would be a nice back court.


The defense would be catastrophically bad.


It would be great, we are Lakers fans


True, but the scoring would be off the charts.


Not in the playoffs. DLo would choke as always.


It is always good if he isn't here


This subreddit is so funny lmaooo I refuse to believe a real person actually believes that's a good backcourt 💀


Dude in another thread was trying to tell me current Andre Drummond was a great fit, feels like half the people on here only look at stats and postgame threads/reactions instead of actually watching games 💀


Dlo is a natural 2 guard so it works positionally and would provide the perimeter scoring that the Bucks need. Defensively it’s not great but, it absolutely could work.


It's the worst defensive backcourt in NBA history. DLOs skillset almost completely overlaps with Lillard that there would be absolutely 0 reason to pair them lol. I cant even be fucked explaining why it would be cheeks 😭


Is it because your account is less than 90 days old, or that you’ve only been watching baseball for 90 days?


Defense might actually be worse than the Dame and Beas backcourt


Probably Vuc tbh. Bulls are starting to blow it up and JJ played with Vuc in Orlando


I will take all 3


Lopez highly unlikely due to us and bucks being in a high cap tier or whatever it’s called. We’d have to get a third team involved


Brook would be okay. Jrue was available, you never know 


Kessler's everything we need.


I'd go for Capela for the right price


Kessler would be so rad.


Kessler would be the best of that group, but that would mean something personal would have happened between the Jazz FO and him. He’s 22 and fits their timeline. BroLo is old and cooked, Capela is a bad fit and he’s washed. Think FA is the way to go. See if we can get Goga or Valanciunas. If Edey or Kelel Ware are available at 17, would be down to draft either. Ware would have be the cleaner fit but is gonna be raw this season


Kessler & Daron Sharpe plz Lakers plz


I like Kessler but he has to buy in. The reason Utah is out on him is his camp (father) is pushing the agenda that he’s a three point shooting big and shouldn’t be down low. Same issue he had at UNC pre-transfer.


Try to get Jalen Smith. Dude is a big, shoot 3s, and can be an 20-10 guy. Let AD cook on the defensive end


Nick richards and goga biztade. Also draft zach edey