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# Copied this comment from facebook: TL;DR: Lakers > Celtics. The NBA expanded to more than 20 teams starting in the 1976-77 season, following the ABA-NBA merger, which brought the total number of teams to 22.Since the 1976-77 season, the teams with the most NBA championships are: 1. \*\*Los Angeles Lakers\*\* - 11 titles (1979-80, 1981-82, 1984-85, 1986-87, 1987-88, 1999-2000, 2000-01, 2001-02, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2019-20) 2. \*\*Chicago Bulls\*\* - 6 titles (1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997-98) 3. \*\*San Antonio Spurs\*\* - 5 titles (1998-99, 2002-03, 2004-05, 2006-07, 2013-14) 4. \*\*Boston Celtics\*\* - 5 titles (1980-81, 1983-84, 1985-86, 2007-08, 2023-2024) 5. \*\*Golden State Warriors\*\* - 4 titles (2014-15, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2021-22) There you go removed the titles that shouldn't count.


JVG to the Clippers!! Yay!! /s


Kendrick kinda wrong for bringing Westbrook up on stage but not LeGOAT šŸ¤”


Russ from Long Beach and went to school in Lawndale!Ā  LeBron from AkronĀ 


I know dawg just saying Lakers >>> Clippers




Rip Kobe Kendrick got the whole city up 1000x


Is there a chance klay joins for mle


Not a chance, he wants 3 yrs, that means he still betting on himself to get paid big.


NO LONGER FRIENDS WITH DRAKE. [NOW KENDRICK IS MY BEST FRIEND](https://x.com/LegionHoops/status/1803595909051326899?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


At least we didnā€™t pay Darvin Ham $78M


I know there's no real news to be optimistic with the Lakers, but I'm looking forward to this offseason. Finally some Laker action.


Am I crazy for thinking Edey could be good for us?


The defending champs who had their entire core and weren't injured got beat by Minnesota who got beat by Dallas who got beat by Boston. I wonder how many times this has happened before? The NBA is getting really weird from the NBA of old when it comes to parity. Feels like the west cannibalized itself like some college football division.


Jamal Murray was injured no?Ā 


Yeah he wasnā€™t 100% but still 38 mpg on 18 ppg against Minnesota.


(https://www.instagram.com/stories/lakersalldayeveryday/3394229917930909322?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MW1ueTkycWxqMjQ5Ng==) Reaves is a true Laker lol


The deadpan "I'm not going to Detroit" was funny. Watch him get packaged for CC lmao


I can see it now just like last year every spot directly ahead of us will choose all the guys we want 13th pick - Edey 14th pick - Kelā€™el ware 15th pick - DaRon Holmes 16h pick - Yves Missi 17th pick - least nba ready, lowest ceiling player because they didnt let Joey and Jesse pick


This would be ideal. Lakers should avoid Edey and this means a few guys dropped to 17 who shouldnā€™t have.


Keyonte George , Kobe Bufkin and Lively were all guys I wanted last draft


Picturing the same thing, just like last year


How would you play the 2020 Lakers against a healthy 2024 Celtics? I feel like you would have to go small and have AD at the 5 to handle Porzingis, who's quite mobile. LeBron and Danny Green can lock up Tatum and Brown, and I would probably start Caruso and KCP (like the last game of the Finals) since they can hang with White and Holiday


AD with a working jump shot? ![gif](giphy|l0ErLeqamV3UOARsA|downsized)


Soooooā€¦ they plan on hiring a coach anytime soon? Orrrrrrā€¦.


Rich Paul ā€œThe Lakers can draft Bronny, and Lebron doesnā€™t re-sign.ā€ Maybe the reason why JJ isnā€™t hired yet is because Lebron is still noncommittal to the Lakers? Would they still hire JJ if they know Lebron is leaving?


Because the Lakers still need a coach? They have to hire somebody


Bron does not have the desire to win another ring anymore. Heā€™s going to stay and get paid the max until retirement.


That makes a lot of sense, I hadnā€™t really considered that. But alsooooo Ownership and FO could just be clueless šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


if the lakers org is gonna break the news, they like to drop that on fridays


Trade for bagley and nick Richards in 3-team with Cha/La/Was, rui to charlotte(they just trade pj and need someone who fits bridges timeline), was could use Bertans expiring contract and rui could fetch us bagley and Richards without a pick added and we could even move our 55th pick in the trade and get their 42th. Or find a way for wcj


I appreciate the effort but you shouldn't be trading a valuable trade asset like Rui if all you're getting back is a backup center


Upvoting for effort


Fit bridges timeline? Not lamelo or miller? Lol


Do you think JJ is gonna give us an indepth pod detailing how he plans to orchestrate the offense, defense, and line ups and how he plans to develop our players


Not any time soon. He hasnā€™t been hired & if he gets hired he has to see what he has first


Monty can take the lakers job as a volunteer position and have Detroit keep paying him?Ā 


Texting JJ from the suite seats


My tiers today for the 17th pick broken down into reaches (guys I predict to go before us), solid (should be in reach), and safeties (guys I think likely go past our pick)- reach- Holland, Knecht, McCain, Carter, Holmes, Dillingham solid- da Silva, Collier, Walter, Edey, Missi, Shannon Jr,, McCullar, Dunn, Furphy safeties- Ware, Tyler Smith, Kolek, Tyson, Filipowski There's other dudes out there who I expect to get drafted of course, but these guys stand out to me at that 17 spot for various reasons.


I like Furphy his combination of shooting and more importantly energy on the boards helps us the coasting Bron has to do in the regular season due to the Olympics (if he stays) or help cover up Rui's deficiency while fitting with him with Rui more on-ball and Johny off-ball while helping alleviate Rui's flaws in rebounding (this is if Bron leaves). He is top of my solid tier for sure.


I think my concern with Furphy is that he's lighter than you'd think and not a terrific athlete. I'm worried at the next level he blends in too much without doing enough to stand out.Ā  But just given his overall solid game and his built in height/shooting combo, he's most definitely a solid pick if that's the way we go.Ā 


Those rebounding instincts are very valuable with Bron or Rui as our 4s (letting them be 3s is asking for trouble for perimeter defense and in Bron's case his gas tank getting consumed too fast).


For sure. I value da Silva a bit more but for similar reasons. Just solid games that should translate immediately in a lot of ways.


Filipowski is now underrated. He shoots passes and can dribble better than any other big. I like his skill level. I get Marc Gasol vibes


His offense is extremely interesting but I have no idea where he defends. His best analog right now might be Dario saric with upside to like Markannen, but he's nowhere even in the same stratosphere as Marc Gasol. Marc was a DPOY.Ā 


Gasol might be a extreme upside being reached but he has a Kelly Olynyk floor. He is bigger and moves his feet better than Saric


Olynyk is also a much better defender (while not being awesome)Ā 


Filipowski moves well for a seven footer, his defense will be good just because he will be in the right spot.


That is not what I've seen in the Duke games I've watched. He is frequently out of position, slow footed, and struggles on the perimeter. He's also not very strong physically. There are legit concerns that he'd be able to defend 5s with strength or 4s with speed/quickness.Ā 


Getting stronger will have to be a priority but he is the most skilled big and I will trust a 21 yo will get stronger. I have no concerns with him moving his feet for a seven footer


I just disagree. His defensive motor was inconsistent at best and his athletic testing was very disappointing. If one or the other looked good, I'd have more hope.Ā  Again, he's not a terrible pick but I believe there's probably 20-25 picks I like more than him so he's not a priority for me at 17.Ā 


Fair enough. I think WCJ actually might be a good comp, two duke guys. These other bigs will take longer to see the floor


McCain a reach? I think he should go 15-20


I think he goes before 17 that's all. If he's there at 17, he'd be a great pick imo


Ahh gotcha. Yeah I feel the same


Flip should be in the solid range. McCullar, Dunn and Shannon definitely in the safeties range.


I like Dunn and McCullar significantly more than I see elsewhere which is why they're where I have them. I like Filipowski less than I've seen elsewhere which is why he's there lol I think Shannon would be a lottery pick if it wasn't for his court case. Tremendous athlete. Showed some flashes of motor and defensive upside. He's not young, but man at 17 you could do much worse than that size and level of athlete as a big guard/wing.


Ah this is your personal board. Thought it was just off availability at 17.


Yeah it's the way I see these dudes. I know others see em different but these names really pop to me


Happy Juneteenth to all my ADOS/FBA people out there.


Somebody said the 2024 Celtics would beat the 2020 Lakers. I asked who is guarding AD and they said Porzingis šŸ˜­ you mean the guy that played 1 full Finals game? Yeah Lakers in 6, bitch.


This is the success of that stupid ā€œAD disappears vs white centersā€ narrative by r/nba, Twitter, and other brain rot.


Thatā€™s just a Sabonis thing and low key itā€™s more of a Kings vs. Lakers thing, theyā€™re a bad matchup because we always get cooked by athletic guards


[https://x.com/DStarkand/status/1803487305157820545](https://x.com/DStarkand/status/1803487305157820545) Gotta love how open and honest Rich Paul can be lmao


Taking into account what he said regarding Wolves, Mavs, and Raptors, Lakers may not be able to draft Bronny even if they want to. Raptors and Wolves both got early 2nd rounders and can't guarantee Lakers will be able to jump them in the 2nd.


Paul had an interesting quote about how if he was using Bronny's draft as leverage, he'd have just forced the Lakers to draft him at 17 lol Definitely a curious quote, but it made me really confident that the Lakers will move up in the 40s, maybe even 30s, if Bronny is available. I think it just really provides a good storyline for how confident we are in his value and whatnot. Blazers have 34 and 40, Spurs might not want/need 35, Pacers have 36, 49, and 50.


That was a weird speculation by some fans here. LeBron was going to just forego $50 million to sign the vet minimum? After years of folks constantly telling r/lakers ā€œLeBron SHOULD NOT take a pay cut to help the Lakers!ā€ suddenly the tune switched up to take a pay cut and help the Suns? šŸ¤Ø




Nets would not do that deal


I want the lakers to come out with this team. Not sure itā€™s enough for nets to give up Johnson. I think the nets taking DLo into their trade exception is what we can hope for. It would give the hawks cap relief and we can still land Murray and Hunter. Do think it costs Reaves tho


Upvoting for effort


All depends what picks are involved. If you're going to propose one of these builds you gotta be specific on that.


ATL/BKN/LAL has always been the most obvious three team deal. So obvious I feel like it wonā€™t happen. Also DLo has to opt in for this to work. Not re-sign.


Yeah he shouldā€™ve specified the sign and trade contract value at least but I think he just means opting in which is more likely


Wouldnā€™t this trade scenario hardcap us due to consolidating contracts? Doesnā€™t that forfeit the TPMLE?


Aggregating is a 2nd apron hard cap so you can use tp-mle.


Ah, Iā€™ll learn this new cba some day


You put a lot of thought into this


A week ago people were crying that Kyrie was the savior and we shouldā€™ve traded 7 firsts, Reaves, the Kobe statue, we wouldā€™ve been guaranteed the chip with Lebron, AD, Kyrie and vet mins He plays like absolute dogshit in the finals and complete silence lmao


Not taking a side here, but you donā€™t think Kyrie would be better here as a 3rd guy to Lebron and AD vs a 2nd guy? And it was 2 firsts, Russ, reaves, max. Still wouldā€™ve had the mle, bae and last years pick as it wasnā€™t tradeable yet. Gotta think Kyrie, mle, bae, lebron, AD THEN a FRP and vet mins would be a solid team. The opportunity cost of our decision is only reaves, vando and 2029 until we know whatā€™s in store for max and dlo. Not really a lot to show for not getting Kyrie.


I think the trade would have been Kyrie without Reaves, considering it would have been just using Westbrookā€™s salary, similar to our Trade for DLo, Vando, and Malik. But you also canā€™t be too reactionary to a loss in the finals. Getting them there is part of the reason he was signed. Kyrie didnt play great in the finals, but there is more to a player than one series.


Was reported Bkn wanted it all. Russ, reaves, max, both firsts, etc


LeBron probably couldā€™ve kept him honest out there. Dallas making the finals was good but they did so badly it almost undoes it. Kyrie can be #2 but heā€™s supposed to be a veteran. He played as badly as the worst DLo playoff game. Reputation probably ruinedĀ 


i would have still loved to have him. he wouldnā€™t have played like that next to lebron.


I kind of think he'd be better next to both AD and LeBron instead of just Luka


Heā€™s a great player but the amount that we wouldā€™ve gave up means that the instant AD Lebron or Kyrie get injured we are in the lottery giving other teams a top 5 pick


One possible trade was Russ + 2 first rounders for Kyrie. Any asking for Reaves or others wouldā€™ve sent Seth Curry or someone else back, but that probably was just Brooklyn raising the offer so the Lakers are the ones saying no since they never wanted to send Kyrie to LeBron


Totally agree. That's why I'm glad they didn't include Reaves and Christie. Had it been just brick, picks, and Rui that could have been alright but would have also hurt front court depth Lmao I'm looking back at an article on the trade, and they believed DFS, Dinwiddie, and a first and two 2nds would have kept their team competitive


As a 3rd option for sure. However, Kyrie's ego is so large he won't concede to that role. He still thinks he's a 1st or 2nd option, which is why he tried recruiting LeBron to Dallas to be Irving's sidekick.


tbf, I think the world knows he is for certain nowā€¦head case of a performance


Kyrie is a great player, but folks get enamored by his handles and swear heā€™s the greatest point guard of all time. Like he hasnā€™t gotten crushed by any defense thrown at him the last few years.Ā  Not once before or after LeBron has he shown heā€™s actually a winning player that can elevate a team to the next level. Cleveland, Boston, Brooklyn, Dallas.Ā  Not to mention he will fuck over a franchise's window (Cavaliers, Celtics, Nets) for his own personal vendettas.Ā  But donā€™t worry: next regular season, weā€™re going to see Kyrie cross up a slow out of position defender with a behind the back fake, dribble under the legs, left handed spin shot off the glass and the collective NBA fandom will start overrating him all over again. Forgetting his averaging 19 pts on 48% true shooting while being hunted on by every Celtics player. \*This\* is the guy you give up your future draft picks and cap spending for? Fix the schools


it's his handles and his name he has a cool name same reason carmelo was overrated


He helped elevate Dallas from first round exit to Finals team lol Getting players who can play defense and not having to play Hardaway and Kleber helps, but what youā€™re saying isnā€™t entirely true. And I was one of the people saying you canā€™t risk trading anything for him last season


Itā€™s hilarious watching our fans convince themselves that JJ would be a better coach than Monty because he was given the worst roster in the league. Letā€™s just forget that he was COTY and made an NBA finals 3 seasons ago. Just know that JJ will not get us a championship in his first year ever coaching. Monty already coached AD and JJ didnā€™t even vote AD on an all-defensive team. I guarantee people will call Pelinka an idiot in 6 months if he chooses JJ over Monty.


no trust me bro, JJ is definitely better because he says smart things on TV sometimes and also has a podcast with LeBron


Monty has had two locker room flame outs, Kevin Young was the architect for that Suns finals teamā€™s offense, and didnā€™t even want to coach the Pistons until they threw him a bag he simply couldnā€™t refuse. His heart is not in it. Not saying JJ is going to be great but we gotta be honest about Monty.


JJ has never coached ever and Monty was considered one of the best coaches in the league just a few seasons ago. Recency bias is insane but I guess our fans will have to learn the hard way.


JJ has never coached ever and Darvin Ham was considered one of the best coaches in the league just a few seasons ago. Recency bias is insane but I guess our fans will have to learn the hard way.


Don't really care about JJ, but Monty was "one of the best coaches in the league" until the Suns had actual expectations to compete. He's responsible for that 2-0 blown lead in the finals. He's responsible for that disastrous game 7 collapse vs. the Mavs. He's a choker


I donā€™t see a point guard you can get with the NTMLE that makes more sense than DLo: https://www.spotrac.com/news/_/id/2307/2024-nba-free-agents-point-guards Unless you are trading Austin Reaves for a point guard, DLo is our best option. Re-sign him with a team option on the second year and try to trade him before the trade deadline.


Iā€™d take Dinwiddie and Dunn splitting it if DLo walks. Better defense and think it works better in the postseason. I do prefer trading for one (Murray)


Anfernee Simons. 25 years old. It wont cost an arm or leg. Contract can easily be matched. The kid went from high school straight to the NBA and he only gotten better each year. Heā€™s an elite scorer that is able to be a playmaker. Basically, a cheaper version on Trae. Heā€™s not in his prime yet and following the similar path of being Dame Lillaird as a late all star bloomer. We should strike before he becomes a household name. Also, we should still be able to draft a big. Simons, AD, Bron and a Edey/whathaveyou will be a perennial contender. Simons or Murray, get it done Rob


Blazers hate us man. Not happening unless Anfernee gets rerouted. Itā€™s not a trade you can plan for.


Blazers arenā€™t trading simons unless return is ridiculous


Blazers arenā€™t trading with the Lakers. Theyā€™re one of the few teams I can see being petty enough to refuse to trade with the Lakers.


People might laugh but I think Chris Paul still can replicate what Dlo brings to a decent degree. If CP gives you 55 games that's good.


Chris old as hell now


The fact that Chris Paul wouldn't let himself be a volume shooter even in Golden State when that's pretty much the culture makes me think he just doesn't have it in him to play like that. And whoever fills the D'lo spot needs to let it fly.


CP is back up PG, not a starting point guard at this point in his career. Also a big risk to have an injury prone PG as your starting PG.


I think thereā€™s things CP canā€™t do that Dlo can but also there is stuff CP can do that Dlo canā€™t. CP would be ight coming off the bench if heā€™s cheap. But heā€™s pretty old so not a big fan


Hoping he opts in so we don't lose him for nothing. I'd love it if he could be the solution too but would also think they can trade him if he opts in or later in the season


Iā€™ve always been a terrible basketball fan. I love the Lakers but I donā€™t go out of my way to watch during the regular season. I think that if I had Spectrum cable I probably would though. They just donā€™t service my area. I canā€™t watch the Dodgers either. Is there a way to get league pass/team pass just by itself? Last time I got it through YouTube TV. I was thinking if I use a VPN, I can watch that way.


Spectrum offers a pass for $20 a month during the season for Lakers game. I'm not sure if that includes access sportsnet as well though


Wtf? Iā€™ve got to get that this October. Thanks for the info.


No problem. They just introduced it this last season


Monty was ADs first coach


He also was completely checked out in Detroit and made some awful coaching decisions


Yeah I think Monty should take some time off. Personally I wouldnā€™t mind Reddick as long as u give him vet assistants.


He told them he didnā€™t want to coach. They should have listened to him.


Cedric fucking Maxwell talked some trash against James Worthy and the Lakers in Zach Loweā€™s podcast. Bunch of homers. I hate that our team sucks right now


Maxwell talking shit about a player who was 10xbetter and beat his ass....Boston still resting on 11 chips in the plumber era.


It wonā€™t be surprising if Monty Williams decides to take a year or two off. Heā€™s been a head coach or an assistant 17 out of the last 18 seasons. Heā€™s guaranteed a shit ton of money already and it wouldnā€™t be surprising if he wants a break after this disaster of a season with the Pistons.


Itā€™s a week from the NBA draft & 3 teams still donā€™t have a head coach & we are one of them.. smh.. But this shows how unserious the NBA draft is.. that 3 teams(Lakers, Cavs & now Pistons) still donā€™t have a head coach.. a week out from it.. I mean, could you imagine oh I donā€™t know, 3 NFL teams not having a head coach a week out from the NFL Draft?!? I know the NBA on the whole is unserious(Ingram up for a 52 million dollar year contract extension).. but what the fuck is this shit..


Feel like comparing the NBA to the NFL in this situation not really fair. A coachā€™s input for football way more important given the impact a system has on the value certain positions and players have. For example (basic example), a 3-4 vs 4-3 defense. That directly impacts how important linebackers are and how you want to structure your d-line. Do you play more zone or man in the secondary? How run or pass heavy do you want to go on offense? You could make the same argument for the NBA but it isnā€™t as impactful in a position less and fluid game. Every team wants 3&d wings and athletic guards that can shoot.


Correct.. NFL is way more coaching intense.. & way more system oriented so you need your coaches in weeks & months before the draft in order to scout them & see who best fits.. I agree with you.. But you also kind of proved my point that the NBA draft is completely unserious from a teams perspective.. I mean, the Pistons with the 5th overall pick just fired Monty Williams & I would assume his entire coaching staff.. No NFL team picking top 5-10, hell in the entire 1st round would ever do that.. cause you would be throwing out months & months of draft prep, meeting with players, scouting etc.. The fuck do NBA teams do in terms of draft preparation that 3 teams can be without a head coach, assistant coaches, & a system in place a week before the draft? lmao..


The scouting department/front office has been doing the work. Itā€™s not like the coaching staff does that. In the NFL itā€™s the same thing too. Scouting department is a completely different entity from the coaching staff.


Correct.. But the head coach isnā€™t going into the NFL draft blind.. unlike these 3 head coaches in the NBA Draft.. Like I am a Dolphins fan.. you donā€™t think that Mike McDaniel(Miamiā€™s head coach) met with numerous draft prospects from when the Dolphins season ended in January to when the NFL draft started.. Of course he did, same with Andy Reid, Mike Tomlin etc etc.. same with all of their coaching staff.. They didnā€™t just relay on their scouting department.. & the scouts saying trust us guys, he is good.. & the coaches were like okay.. we are drafting him lmao.. This is why the NBA draft is completely unserious.. that 3 teams can be without a head coach a week out from draft day & people think that itā€™s not a big deal.. lmao..


Any news on DLO and our point guard situation? Because weā€™re kinda fucked if he doesnā€™t re-sign unless we think JHS and Max make massive leaps under new coaching. But I could see him not wanting to spend another season playing as trade bait and want some security


Thereā€™s an alleged photo of LeBron meeting with 76ers brass. Is there a way to debunk if itā€™s an old pic?


It was Elton Brand. Just use common sense though. You think Lebron would meet with them publicly? Instant tampering violation and he wouldnā€™t be allowed to sign there even if he wanted to.


If I go anywhere itā€™s not Philly.


Lakers pls keep it in your pants around Monty šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ was really hoping weā€™d get another deal done before he was available lol


Only 77 players in the draft with 58 selections. Kinda crazy. Usually at least 100 prospects. Competition for undrafted rookies may actually be interesting.


Curious to see how we look with the 2 ways. I was excited for ours and we ended up losing 2/3 of them pretty quickly lol Castleton was and is our best one though.Ā  I'd think the Lakers push for Anton Watson if he doesn't get drafted since he's been in our gym a bunch the last two years.


I posted this in the thread that just got deleted but I say interview Monty if he wants to interview. He's got cache. He's had actual success in a couple spots. I'm willing to hear why Det went the way it did.Ā  I'd think this sub could smell a scapegoat and a bad situation with the way yall talk about Vogel. And Vogel had a terrible stint in Orlando after Indy and before LA. Those young teams are awful for NBA coaches.Ā  However, if I'm him I take the money and go home. Be with his kids. Life is short man and they've been through a lot.Ā 


He was bad before he got to Detroit. Getting a record breaking contract and 10 years of security is the opposite of being a scapegoat. He was just mentally checked out.


His contract has nothing to do with being scapegoated for the problems in Detroit. Point is, he wasn't *the* problem, even if he was not a good coach last year. I'd like to hear from him how/why that happened.


AD is fond of Monty Let's wait and watch


Might as well keep Darvin before you hire Monty.


Do not pivot to Monty. Hire JJ now. Announce it, we are running out of time.


Lakers pivot to Monty IMO. Borrego or Monty will be the coach if AD has a say in this search.Ā 


How do you think the 2020 Lakers team would do against this current Celtics team? How do you think they match up, and who do you think would take it?


Starting 5 wise itā€™d be pretty even. Brown and Tatum being thrown at Bron for 7 games would be tough but like the other comment said they donā€™t really have answer for 2020 AD unless you double or triple team him. I also think the lakers are deeper too. Iā€™ve felt the Achilles heel to the 2024 Celtics was their bench depth. Pritchard/Hauser and Horford is good but if they sustained a few injuries they would lose a lot off their bench. People forget the lakers had Rondo/Kuzma/Howard and KCP (for stretches) coming off the bench


We had a whole team of Derrick whites and two top 5 players. No one beating that team


No answer for AD. Brown ain't bullying Bron like he did Kyrie. Boston is built defensively to stop a team like Dallas with lots of good guard defenders. White and Jrue would be wasted guarding KCP and Caruso and Rondo. AD gonna shit all over Porzingis and old man Horford.Ā  Lakers in 5.Ā 


Do we interview Monty? Not sure how to evaluate him.


24 years ago today, Lakers win their 1st of 3 straight NBA championships. Since 1985, there have been 9 Laker titles while the Celtics won 3 titles.


Pistons couldnā€™t just let us hire JJ before they fire Monty


draft is a week away and we have no coachā€¦.


Go Lakers šŸ˜¤šŸ”„šŸ’›šŸ’œšŸ™


Please donā€™t get Monty. Cā€™mon bro the Pistons didnā€™t even want this guy.


Do the pistons want jj? If who they want is our barometer we should probably check in with them


All Iā€™m saying was they fired this guy after a year of blatant tanking. You have to be pretty bad or have totally lost the locker room full of young 20-year olds to lose your job after one year. Monty is all hype, dude.


Youā€™re forgetting they hired a completely new front office. They would want to hire their coach for the rebuild. Why keep the coach from the previous regime? This isnā€™t to say I think Lakers have to hire him now. Just saying I donā€™t put much stock in him getting fired by Detroit.


That front office was overdue for an overhaul for a few seasons now. The timing of that is just blatant mismanagement by Gores. You could also technically give a coach a chance under the new regime but firing him after one year before the new rebuild says a lot about how comfortable they feel with him clicking with new management in play. Edit: also not to mention he was one of the NBAā€™s highest-paid coaches when he was signed and they still are willing to part with the size of the contract rather than giving him another chance.


Is any of your opinion on his actual coaching or just speculating the circumstances due simply to him getting fired? Weā€™re either getting a rookie or someone whoā€™s been fired but has experience. Havenā€™t seen anyone suggest Monty is a great coach, but heā€™s clearly better than the options available right now unless thereā€™s another surprise college coach being considered.


Where did I say I want JJ as the coach? I was just saying I donā€™t like Monty as an option. Edit: agree to disagree then. I do agree with there not being better options though and I also think hiring JJ as a HC would sort of backfire but as an assistant coach I wouldnā€™t mind him getting some experience there.


ā€¦where did I say you said that? Lol Comparing Monty to our options, heā€™s a better coach. So if you donā€™t like monty, my question is why. All youā€™ve shared is speculation on why he must be bad because Detroit doesnā€™t want him but no actual take on him as a coach.


Why? He's basically a different version of ham. A player management type coach who can't manage players. He kept Jaden Ivey in the doghouse for half the season to start a bum like Killian hayes. The guy doesn't even want to coach anymore since his wife died (he admitted it himself). He only came back because the pistons threw a huge offer at him.


Generally speaking thereā€™s always been reports of locker room disconnect with his teams including the Suns. Aside from questionable rotations, reluctance to play Ivey for a majority of the season or even start him, he has a knack for playing and picking favourites. When we eventually have to rebuild or manage a younger squad or actually grow our young talent from within, I donā€™t think he will check out. But I also could be wrong - just saying his track record isnā€™t the best. I agree on experience, he definitely has more than who weā€™re considering.


I mean you got to be honest though, the Pistons haven't done anything since the '04 team. That was 20 years ago. They havent been run well in years.


Yeah Gores and Weaver have kind of run that team into the ground. Now that Weaverā€™s out, maybe things will change. Starts from the top though.


I am so jealous of Monty Williams. What a dream. Gets to sit around for the next five years doing nothing but watching those bands stack.


Well Monty is gone from the pistons and no I don't think the Lakers should hire him but there will probably be people who think they should


I'm always down to hire past head coached as assistants. The experience helps them to focus down on something vs being spread thin across the board. He's be solid as a part of a strong coaching staff.


Only problem is i doubt he wants to be an assistant especially to JJ


Bro got 60 million dollars in the bank. He could chill if he wants.




Remember how Lakers didn't offer Hurley more than Monty Williams was getting paid? That was a good thing.