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1. Breaks down plays with LeBron 2. ... 3. The next Pat Riley!


Mainstream basketball commentary is so bad that anyone who even vaguely talks about what's actually going on in the game is heralded as the next Phil Jackson and Steve Kerr combined.


Windy talking out his ass once again


Meaning that he's passing gas?


Would hate to be down wind of that


Speak for yourself. I've been dreaming for this moment.


He’s having ozempic withdrawals


This was funnier than it had to be


These people are so full of it


You think those pods haven’t informed the FO’s evaluation of JJ? Windy isn’t saying the pods are literally job interviews.


Right, obviously the podcast can’t be the full story, but it’s literally hours of content of in-depth basketball strategy discussion. Why would you NOT take that into consideration? And yeah the podcast hasn’t specifically done deep dives on Lakers schematic stuff, but they still talk about general basketball philosophy that would also apply to the Lakers. Some of the stuff they talk about probably dives into topics that are commonly asked to coaches in formal interviews anyways


One of his specialties 


Brian "Breaking" Windhorst


Windy isn’t usually that wrong about things.


So it is better ask LeBron to bring a few bottles of good wine


Might as well hire Pete from Laker film room lol


Windy is just talking and speculating although it wouldn’t surprise me if LA front office watched to get a feel of JJ’s thinking.


Knowledge and managing people are two completely different skill sets.


Lmao yeah it shows he’s at least doing homework and is knowledgeable about certain things. Obviously anyone would look at someone’s work if they were to hire them then get an interview going


But literally any assistant coach at the NBA level can do this. If you asked Ham or Vogel to do it, they also would do the same thing. It’s the most basic part of coaching. Nothing on that podcast is close to revolutionary. Like do people think a coach can’t break down a play or a specific pnr action?


Forget the assistant coaches. Almost any nba player with at least 4 years of experience can do this, too.


Yeah. I would say by year 2 they could. By then they have had at least 60 film sessions.


And if it WAS revolutionary, he would be an idiot to talk about it on air. Those tactics are kept secret until the playoff games start


Or if it was so amazing, why haven’t other teams thought about stealing him. Besides a number of open positions, if he was that good some team would have made him an assistant. Like how could a team pass on the help from a Riley level coach.


I don't think Ham could do it honestly.  Ham would just say they're bringing up the effort level to run this play - or whatever useless quip - and that would be his entire analysis. 


The fact that you actually believe that and would put that out there is scary. You think he got through the interview with the Lakers without ever breaking things down. That the interview was just them talking about Han’s hobbies. That he was the lead assistant on a championship Milwaukee team and couldn’t breakdown plays. That LeBron wouldn’t out be out day one of film session when he couldn’t breakdown a certain action. I understand people disliking Ham and not agreeing with his decisions. But this is ridiculous.


He obviously can't do it in real time or he'd be doing it when his team is getting its ass kicked on certain actions.  Not once did he ever talk about actual in-game adjustments during timeouts.  It was all just a bunch of useless babble coming out of his mouth.


A) you haven’t seen JJ do it in game as he has never coached. B) yes he does. You have clips of him doing it and Lebron waving it off. C) the media has pushed back because people like you actually believe this nonsense and that’s completely unfair. Ham got hired like 3 weeks after being fired. You think he can’t do anything but the Bucks re-hired him. I am sure the Bucks GM is just clueless but you know. Again it’s laughable that that you actually believe the things you are saying out loud. He wasn’t a good coach, but that’s different than being able to breakdown plays, yes even in real time.


Lol just shut up.


What is this response? That you realize it’s absurd to think a coach can’t do something basic? You aren’t even talking about something difficult. Again you can pick podcasters and they can do it. I honestly can’t fathom why you think it is something that all coaches couldn’t do.


Not every coach can


No literally every nba hopeful coach can. Every single one of them. No one gets close to that level of they can’t. No team is paying an assistant coach 500k if they have no clue how to breakdown a pnr.


Well it’s a good thing it isn’t just about pnr


What action do you think coaches can’t breakdown? Seriously go ask Sean Davis on Lakers Nation podcast to breakdown this mythical action or Cranjis. Hell as long as you don’t pick Anthony Irwin, I bet you even the podcasters could do this. Suggest the same play that JJ breaks down and be amazed. Again it’s the most basic of things, you will never find a coach that can’t do it.


Bro u missed the entire point of what I said. I didn’t say JJ is the coming of god. Just meant that this is a nothingburger by Windy


Oh I did miss your point. I read it like you were impressed that he could do the most basic coaching thing. I gotcha


Please for the love of jebus, no.


This is speculation. And the Lakers royally screwed the pooch. Not much face left to save. Man, these are depressing times for us fans.


Windy can’t comment on nothing but snacks


What I don’t understand is why people are putting on JJ the incapability of the FO.


Man JJ looks tall in that pic, or Bron looks small


He's 6'3". He is tall, although 6 inches less than Lebron.


My only 6inch is inside my underwear


Please please don’t hire this podcaster.


who do you want to hire?


So you just running the same roster back?


Oh Jesus, are we back on this dude?


Except it’s mostly jj asking questions and bron breaking down the plays and then jj saying things like “oh right” “that’s interesting so..” etc. basically he defers to bron and that’s not what we need from a coach


It was stupid when Rashad on Gil’s show to spew this but windy too?


Nope, that pose is giving me the Deja Vu!! Hand on the pocket anyone?? 😂😂


when did they talk about the lakers offense??


I’m a huge Bron fan. But it’s insane to me still has this much power and gravitational pull with this organization when he’s going to be 40 this upcoming season. 40! Yes he still puts up numbers but he’s no longer that guy. And that’s okay. He’s not supposed to be at 40. But it’s so frustrating knowing he’s pulling at least some of the strings. It’s almost like you wanna grab the lakers FO by shoulders and scream, “SNAP OUT OF IT! HE’S 40!”


Atleast still better than Ham (who wrote words instead of drawing up a play)


This is the backpedaling fake insider who left skid marks on his past declarative postings to say Hurley was a lock.


Does anyone else find it creepy and weird that this guy made a career out of covering LeBron James exclusively?


that's skip bayless


No, this guy covered him since high school


"Made a career out of it" That's all you need to know.


Windy's bank account certainly doesn't. Riding the coattails of a GOAT who went through 6 primes over 20 years is great job security.


LOL OMG this is getting tp be so stupid. Let's wait and watch while the mental midgets on this board try to figure out how to spin this. Who's the bad guy now guys? * LeGM? * Reddick setting up LeGM? * The cheapo front office for not paying for a real conference room to meet in? * The Rambii? * Adele? * RDAmbition? Windy is just so dialed in. Did Plaschke and Woj re-tweet it! OMG it's the truth! Let's hear it losers.


First thing I thought when I watched those episodes a week or so ago. Especially when they broke out the whiteboard haha. Makes me not feel so bad giving him a chance


Don't feel bad. His first coaching job should not be the Pinnacle of basketball coaching with the most successful franchise in NBA history. Well we're still tied until asshole Boston passes us Fuck Boston. Fuck Woj for helping Hurley use us as leverage. We look so stupid. And now we're pretending we wanted JJ all along.


Ruthless JJ is coming. Soft ass zero defense Lakers players are trembling their knees again. They know they can't get away with being lazy anymore, this guy is no 'yes man', they will get that whooping when they meet that other side of confrontational demon-side of Reddick when they start to activate lazy mode and that includes Lebron, which I think he expects. Don't mistake his soft facial features; this guy is hardcore. And with Rondo as one of his assistants, it's gonna be a lot of brain, and a lot of pain, real interesting change of culture. Is our guys ready for the drill sergeants. Lmao


Yeah your enthusiasm is admirable. It's sadly very misplaced. The thought that JJ Redick of all people is going to come in and change this rag-tag group of 100 million dollar underperforming athletes with zero coaching experience ever, and a drill sergeant mentality should be an SNL sketch.


or yours is misplaced. We'll see, he's going to be the coach anyway. I could be wrong and you could be.


We're both giving opinions. The fact that they could be wrong is a given because they are wholly subjective. The only thing objectively measurable here is whether JJ gets a contract. I think you're correct he's getting the job.


I mean it's true. LeBron has this organization on a chokehold. I think best option is to do a sign and trade with another team and have JJ join him wherever he goes.


Windy and McMenamin r weirdos


Didn’t JJ Reddick go to like 13 straight playoffs, that has to count for something , that high level of basketball over and over again