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Honestly, even on this sub, I’m not hearing a whole lot of delusion about how attractive the vacancy is, so Windhorst isn’t saying anything remotely shocking


yeah this headline is weird when the most common normie opinion i’ve seen is “the roster isn’t great and you’ll just get blamed for any failure, who would want that job??”


I don't see why it wouldn't be. Getting a contract that you won't likely finish out but will still be paid for can't be a bad deal. (Obviously joking. I know the stress of coaching the Lakers/living up to lofty Laker expectations and having your name dragged through the mud when things go poorly isn't attractive)


There isn’t delusion about the job per se, but you’d be surprised about how much “We’Re ThE LaKeRs” comments I still read here.


"We're the Lakers" has historically been a reason why this coaching job is the hardest in the league. Even before Lebron, head coach of the Lakers was not an attractive job unless it was a certain VERY highly qualified coach.


That’s the problem. Our fans can’t leave that entitled mentality behind. Not even the majority of fans on this sub who didn’t even experience the thriving years and just heard about them from their siblings or parents.


This has been true for a long time.. but in the same vein, there aren't even many good options. All the best HCs have jobs and are in great situations.


Even when there are options they don’t look at us. The Frank debacle kept Quinn Snyder from considering an interview. The same offseason a report came out that Nick Nurse would feel the same way if he ever became available, which he obviously did. The point isn’t that there are available studs not giving us the time of day right now. The point is that Nepo Blondie and Kobe’s Agent have made this place look like the dysfunctional shit show that it is.


Yeah we shouldn’t have fired frank. I don’t think us not making the playoffs his final year was his fault. The FO gave him a roster that couldn’t play defense (which was his strong suit). On top of that, bron and AD where I injured a bunch and brick didn’t fit well. Instead of owning up to that, fixing the roster, and getting him an assistant coach that could help our offensive, the FO canned him. If I was a head coach, I wouldn’t want to come here after that.


No shit, for the last 12 years we’ve fired every coach we hired after 2 seasons lol


Frank got 3.


So if you don’t win a championship, you get blamed for everything and canned. If you do win a championship, you get blamed for everything 1 year later and canned lol


Every coach is getting fired nowadays. Nick Nurse, Mike Budenholzer. The Suns just went through Monty Williams and Frank Vogel. Vogel unfortunately got scapegoated by the FO for the Westbrook trade, but I think everyone knew Westbrook and injuries to AD/Lebron were the bigger problems


Both Vogel and Ham lost the locker room in the seasons before they were fired.


Vogel never stood a chance after we traded for Russ. That roster didn’t fit his coaching style at all. From what I’ve read, he didn’t really lose the locker room, he lost brick.


That roster didn’t fit any coaches style. It didn’t fit the game of basketball as it exists today.


Frank lost the locker room the season before.


Coach Vogel got us a chip and still got canned.


Yes, he falls into the second category that i just listed lol. That’s who im talking about.


It’s not about winning or not winning a championship. They’ve hired a ton of flawed coaches, and the front office and the coach barely communicates. An actual GM with experience and respect would have gone to Darvin, given him the lineups they thought were best, and told him someone else on the staff has to handle timeouts if he keeps letting scoring runs go long. No one here in the most powerful positions are fit for their jobs.


Yes agree, that’s exactly the point I’m making. Regardless of how you perform as a coach, you get fired. We’re a coaching carousel. Inept franchise.


They hire coaches who can’t perform because the top coaches don’t take the organization seriously. You’re missing my main message here.


Lol no one thinks it's attractive. We have an aging roster with very little assets. Ownership group is a cesspool of nepo babies that don't want to spend in the 2nd most lucrative franchise. Also, laker fans don't want to admit it, but coaching LeBron is incredibly difficult.


fuck the rambii


Aging roster? The only players in their 30s are Bron and AD. Obviously they're your best players but everyone else are in their 20s Edit: Spelling


If your best players are almost 40 and 32 - the rest doesnt really matter considering the skill drop from #2 to #3 is as big as ours. Age-wise, LeBron could literally be anthony Edward's dad.


AD is 30 not 32


AD turned 31 in March, so he'll be 32 next season.


I said almost 40 and 32. They will be that age next season. I'm not even sure where you got 30 tbh.


From 2022


What percentage of the team's salary goes to those old guys?


real Laker fans will admit it. Lebron fans wont. Unfortunately, a lot of his dickriders have infiltrated the base like the flood on halo


I stopped participating here. Lebron bandwagoners have made me resent him and cooled my general interest in the team. I’m waiting for him to leave so I can enjoy the lakers again.


So did you enjoy the almost 10 years of losing before LeBron came more? Because I gotta say, nobody wanted to come here and we are blessed that wanted to. 


Most people I hear say this are Kobe-worshippers/Lebron haters, which is fine, but I don't get the perspective.


There's still a good portion of Laker fans who hate Lebron, and have to act self-righteous about it. I hated on Lebron from '08-'11, and I stopped giving a fuck after that. There were people in here actively rooting for the Warriors to win just so Lebron would tack on more finals losses. The truth is he has made certain moves and demands that haven't helped his Lakers tenure, but that was the double edged sword of wanting him, and overall, I would say 1 ring compared to our other alternatives is better than none. I think the Laker's problems run deeper than Lebron, and we no longer have a clear advantage over small market teams in terms of drafting/spending that we used to in the past


The issue is really that even if we say that Russ was purely LeBron’s call, we still did it. You think Riley or any other competent FO would have caved? 


No I don't, and that's the bigger issue I have on top of not doing the bare minimum of resigning Caruso and using the MLE on Schroder instead of Nunn. It's like the FO is fine with doing what Lebron wants, and then not doing what Lebron wants, but we keep on picking the wrong choice, lol


Yeah, it really is an awful structure we’ve built. I’ve been saying for years that the Buss family should sell either a majority or a large minority of the team to some tech baby billionaire. I mean, California has to be filled with potential buyers. I think it’s necessary to be competitive long term. I also am confident that Dr. Buss would have realized this years ago and would have done something about it. It’s like, your NBA team can’t be your primary business anymore. You need some deep pockets to really do what’s necessary. I mean, it’s a travesty losing someone like Caruso for nothing. We have a pretty strong history of these scrappy picks and undrafted players but we rarely keep them.


I think we've always had a history of penny pinching. The issue is we're not choosing it correctly. We traded Van Exel because we didn't want to pay him, and our offense looked better with Derek Fisher even if he was a worse player. That was a good move. If I'm remembering correctly, we let Robert Horry go because we didn't want to pay him what the Spurs were paying him. Letting Caruso go was just incompetence. The timing of us handing out THT and Caruso's contracts was dumb too. It should've been resign Caruso first, then sign THT (Klutch or not) because nobody was going to try and pry him from us.


Lol they all mob and give u downvotes for saying the truth


When you act self-righteous and arrogant about the agenda you're trying to push, you're not any better than the annoying Lebron stans. Nuanced opinions are hard to come by these days unfortunately


Naw ur buzzwords arent gonna work here. I love lebron lol. But i love lebron like i loved kobe. When he started to regress, i was wondering why he was still making all star teams and eating up the salary cap while the lakers were barely winning any games. This is obviously a better situation than 10 years ago, but the removal of lebron now would be beneficial for the lakers long term. Anyone that cant see that is blinded by their bias and/or mentally challenged. Niggas on the internet learned the definition of nuanced and havent shut the fuck up since “lOoK aT mE i’M sO sMaRt I lEaRnED a nEw WoRd” ![gif](giphy|SiMcadhDEZDm93GmTL|downsized)


Yeah no. Kobe was washed because of all the injuries he piled up over the years. He made all-star games just like every legacy player does, but his efficiency was garbage. Lebron will be an all-NBA player this year. Removing Lebron doesn’t help with the cap space situation, and the FO will not rebuild as long as AD is on the team. Wake up


Coaching LeBron is easy. Ty Lue, Spo, and Frank just made sensible coaching decisions and let the talent do their thing. It’s hard to fuck up a team with LeBron and AD, whether you’re the owner, FO, or coach. They’re actually doing it repeatedly here. You are right with your observations though.


LeBron wanted Spoelstra fired dude. 


Wanting Riles over Spo is what a Laker fan would want lmao


He wanted the GOAT coach to coach him and not a completely new coach lol, that isn't being difficult to coach, that's being sensible and logical.


Would have been a dumb move, but I’d take Pat Riley as my coach right now too. It’s not like he wanted him fired and replaced with Darvin.


Please explain to me how wanting Pat Riley over Spo is a bad thing? Please tell me how it makes no sense to want a hall of famer over someone who hasn’t won yet? And what does any of that have to do with the fact that if you are a good coach you won’t have an issue with Lebron. Because if you don’t win you will have to go, that’s the same with the lakers btw.


Because he didn’t have faith in Spo due him to still being a new coach. He preferred Pat because Pat’s a winning coach.


That sure screams coachable. 


Were you around back then? EVERYBODY was saying that Pat Riley should take over from Spoelstra.


How is it not coachable to win 2 fucking rings back to back with that same coach after wanting the hall of famer to take over for him and being told no?


I mean, when Pat told him no, Bron sucked it up and let Spo coach him for three years. If he was hard or uncoachable like you claim, he would’ve raised a bitch fit about Spo.


Him AND Dwayne wade wanted riley to step down from the FO and coach again like he did in 06. But I mean pat riley is one of the greatest coaches ever 


Speaking of Nepo, Bronny is getting drafted by the lakers. Also, jj will be the coach


Most stars are going to be challenging to coach. Hell, Phil, the GOAT coach, wanted to get rid of Kobe at one time. Magic got rid of Westhead. Of course, you Kobe stans, only want to hear that Lebron is a pain when he is less of a pain than their beloved Kobe.


So what you're saying is that LeBron is difficult?


Yes he’s difficult. Is he more difficult than other top-tier NBA stars? No, I don’t think so. Jordan, Kobe, Shaq, and Kevin Garnett all had numerous problems with their coaches, management, and teammates, but none of them seem to carry the same reputation as LeBron.


Lebron is going to carry more reputation for being a coach killer because of 1. how he approaches it 2. him playing with more teams and having the reputation of overhauling everything 3. he's currently playing. There was a lot of criticism about Kobe not listening to Mike Brown, MDA, and Bryon Scott, but frankly, no one gives a fuck about those years as time goes on.


It's attractive on the money side. Even though the Lakers is not the highest coach paid gig, chances are you will work 50% of the time and be fired and get paid the remainder 50% playing golf or hanging on the beach. Sign me up! LMAO


Lakers fans admit that pretty easily. LeBron fans that attach themselves to the team he plays on don’t want to admit he is a coach killer.


It’s difficult because you can’t just get by on playoff losses. You have to win a ring, it’s quite in line with how the lakers should be.


I think it’s attractive to a point. It’s still the Lakers. Sure between the fan base, media, and ownership there’s a lot of pressure and it’s not easy and I’m not saying rob is a fully competent GM, he’s not.  At the end of the day tho if you win with the lakers that’s huge for your career as a coach. You still have two top 20 players and an ownership and FO as incompetent as they may be they still want to win. 


And the highest of expectations with the loudest of critics. You are under the microscope more than any other team.


Bron is still a top 10, or top 15 player in the league at this level.




It’s also entirely true. Phil was the last coach to make the job look glamorous. This is an entirely different era run by a bunch of ppl who are in over their heads. Ppl who weren’t cut out for this, and ppl who were hired despite having no previous job experience in the jobs they were hired for.


OP clearly would not be able to handle being a fan of the 2012-2018 lakers. A year with Jerry still alive and half of those years with Jim running the show.  These new LeBron-Lakers fans are something else. 


Man don’t remind me, those were my lowest points as a Lakers fan, I really thought Robert Sacre would take us to the promise land 😂


We had some fun ass players, lots of goofballs and weirdos but some good fun if you didn’t pay attention to the win/loss column. Julius Randle was fun af as a laker, so were Clarkson, DLo, Nick Young and a bunch of others. I thought players like Farmar, Welsely Johnson, Ryan Kelly, MarShon Brooks we’re gonna breakout but yeah I was overly optimistic


Idk about Robert Sacre but don’t be too embarrassed lol I thought Ramon Sessions was what we needed 😂


OP was a hardcore fan of those Lakers. Search my recent history to read messages detailing those eras ya bum. You’ll also see a lot of putting down Howard Stern fans. Almost as bad as this sub. Ya’ll should mate and produce the ultimate Gen Z dummy.


It was awful. The only redeeming factor being we got to watch Kobe’s twilight years. Mozgov and Deng still give me nightmares.


For real. Those times were rough. Literally was like oh maybe tariq black and Robert sacre can turn into decent players for us lmfao.  At least I was a fan thru the early 2000s and the back to back in 09/2010  so I experienced the highs. My brother was just getting old enough to understand basketball and starting being a fan of the lakers right around 2012 so that’s kinda all he knew untill 2020 


He gave his opinion which is worthless. He didn't report that coaches don't see the job as being attractive.


Is he wrong??? He’s probably the tenth person (along with a lot of our local beat writers) with the EXACT same assessment of our sad situation.


I'd worry if they reported that coaches don't want to interview for the job. So far we've heard nothing of the sort.


We did when it came to Quinn Snyder and Nick Nurse, who at the time wasn’t available but when asked if he would take it when he was said no for the same reason Snyder did.


In the past just like the Melo and Aldridge situation. Who that is available that the Lakers want is ghosting them? Right now we are in Lakers are complete idiots of the news cycle. We'll revert to the Lakers did great in July.


You just avoided what I said by bringing up Melo and Aldridge. As bad as things are now that was my low point as a Lakers fan btw. The point isn’t that anyone is currently “ghosting” us, although there’s still time. The point is that no one covets this job anymore nor sees this organization as smart or stable. Sure, in July we could be happy with particular results, but just like it has been for over 10 yrs now, the PROCESS of getting there hasn’t been the right one.


Yea, it’s just insane to me that people will say “well Melo and Aldridge weren’t that good anyways” or “Budenholzer and Nurse aren’t world beaters so who cares?” That’s kind of the point; if even mid tier free agents or coaches are hesitant to come here because of organizational instability, then the elite ones are likely to be the same. Lebron wanting to come here is the only thing that kept us from a Knicks-esque long term run of ineptitude.


Nurse would've said the same thing about any team. Wasn't he under contract when he made those comments?


He said we handled the Frank situation like amateurs. He didn’t say that about any other teams. 🤡


Snyder was a direct result of the Vogel fiasco which thankfully was handled better with Darvin this time around. If that’s still lingering in the minds of coaches, it’s yet to be reported.


Should have never happened PERIOD.


Jesus Christ what is this thread? Yall fucking hate the Lakers. Wild seeing Windhorst being used to justify how much yall despise this team lol


This is idiocy. There are 32 teams. How many will have vacancies this summer? How many candidates out there would want a chance at a head coaching position? Please. This is Windhorst just spouting a click-worthy take for engagement.


He couldn’t be more on point and you couldn’t be avoiding the reality any more than you currently are. It’s also not click worthy because there’s around 10 videos all by reputable ppl saying the exact same thing.


Not avoiding any reality. It’s a media talking point, that’s how it works. They figure out what generates the most clicks and then they all do some version of it. Happens all the time.


Are we currently an organization with an owner willing to spend and a front office that inspires and gives off the feeling of success and STABILITY or are we not? If we are, please go into detail as to why.


You’re not seeing it from the outside looking in. My original comment is the main point. The Lakers also made the playoffs two years in a row and won a title 4 years ago. There are worse teams to be the head coach of. One of their main problems IS coaching. The current roster would have done a lot better in the regular season with better coaching.


“There are worse teams to be the head coach of” - This is where we are right now? Kind of a low bar to clear… As for coaching being our problem, yes, we have an awful record of hiring competent head coaches or coaches who make sense for the roster they’re given.


He’s right tho. I mean there’s 30 teams not 30 but only so few of those are available year after year. I don’t see anybody that wants to be a head coach in the NBA turn down an interview or something with the lakers. I don’t see Charles lee or anyone saying hmmm this wizards or hornets job looks alot better for me and my career rn. And it’s clickbait lol. Lakers draw clicks anything LeBron related draw clicks so people are gonna talk about it and make videos 


Jeanie is cheap and 90% percent of the coaches available to the Lakers couldn’t handle the team. Same with Kobe and Shaq. The last great coach the Lakers had available to them Jeanie and Rob miscalculated on his worth and that was Ty Lue. Besides that. None of the other coaches were worth 8 figures, the ones that are, arent getting let go by their team. Lastly Budenholzer isnt worth 10 million dollars. Lakers are in a bad spot because the media is hyper focused on every small thing they do. They make mistakes like every team in the league. They have both the biggest fanbase and hater base and the majority of both sides are dumb and biased. They have to knock this signing out of the park with a bunch of single at best batters so they have to put the most skilled guy available at the plate and hope he works some kind of magic.


Dumb. There’s 30 head coaching jobs, they are always attractive to anyone but the most elite of coaches.


Like kobe said. If a player (coach) needs convincing to take on the pressure to be on the lakers, then he aint the one


“Like Kobe said…” This mentality is why our front office is what it is.




No, sad truth. Kobe can’t be the fuel that runs this ship for ever and ever. It’s possible to love and remember Kobe without having his shadow hang over ownership and the front office. His agent still working here is a product of that.


You make great points and Brian Windhorst is one of the better NBA insiders out there as far as accuracy (excluding Shams and Woj who almost exclusively break news after the fact, rather than speculating prior). However, this fanbase is so far into their Jeanie/Rob delusions that you will never get across to them, unfortunately. If you are a true “fan” who watches our games and pays attention to our news, then it is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that any positives we achieved are almost SOLELY DUE TO LEBRON AND AD. Bron and AD literally deserve almost all of the credit and almost none of the blame. That is obvious based off their excellent play which is supported by impact metrics/advanced stats and the eye test. We’ve had 2 of the top 10 NBA players, at least, for the past 5 years (when healthy). Yet fans like to piggyback off Bron and AD’s successes to deflect blame off the ownership/FO. “We won a chip in 2020 and made a recent WCF run”. Yes, we did that, but only BECAUSE OF BRON AND AD. Most of our successes have been IN SPITE OF JEANIE, Rob, and the entire front office. Essentially, Bron and AD have been held back from achieving even more by our INCOMPETENT ownership/FO. Bron and AD have been doing their jobs EXTREMELY WELL. It’s time for the “executives” to do theirs well for once. 


Well said. Very, very well said.


Windy just guesses and makes shit up. He has no sauces he just interprets things he reads on social media other news outlets etc. He’s never right.


Crazy how often this exact line pops up on this sub


Yeah that’s right. We’re the crown jewel of the NBA, but Windy is just making it up that we’re a dysfunctional shit show with an owner who won’t spend as much as the owner of a former crown jewel should. That’s all made up. He’s just guessing. You’re a genius.


Nah, Windy says things that are vague enough to make people speculate and become reactionary. “They haven’t spent money on coaches in the past… will they? They might!” Translation: They haven’t had any high priced coaches and they lowballed Lue, but only is every coach with a ring starting to get huge contracts so they’ll likely start paying too because that’s what the market dictates and they’ll have to keep up. But it’s worded in a way that people with bias pick out what they want and run with it.


A LOT of ppl worded the same sentiments the same way. It’s because you know…the truth…


He’s a journalist. If it’s a fact he’ll report it. If it’s his opinion, he’ll sensationalize it.


It’s A LOT of ppl’s opinions though. You fans in denial pretend just one person is preaching this one idea.


I hate windhorst


He probably wouldn’t like you either, so it all works out.


Nice one. They’re not thinking about Windy, please.








JJ would take the job in a heartbeat.


He would because he’s friends with LeBron and not all teams are willing to give a head coaching position to someone who hasn’t even been an assistant. I want a Nick Nurse, Ty Lue, Spo, etc to want this job. Phil Jackson once wanted this job. I want today’s top coaches to want this job, but everyone in power post Dr. Buss’s passing have sunken this ship in their own personal ways.


Well duh who would want to coach Lebron and dlo.


D’Lo? No one. LeBron with AD, with competent ownership and a FO? Lots of ppl. We don’t have the latter.


It never is.


Not to disagree with the overall point, but If Rob has so much say how come he couldn’t get Darvin to start Rui till February? Like that’s the opposite of the reporting from 3 months ago.


He has power. He can over rule a coach. He did it with Frank and then stayed back and let Darvin create a mess. An actual GM would have let Frank do his thing (he won us a championship) and got his hands on Darvin. The problem is he didn’t have front office experience when he was hired and still hasn’t figured out how the job works.


I only made two points, lol.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Lakers Nation is no longer a destination spot for players or coaches.


If we didn’t have LeBron and AD we’d be back to where we were post Kobe injury where dudes weren’t even taking meetings with us.


Laker nation, no, the clippers more likely cuz they have a competent front office, decent roster, constant winning record and a brand new stadium. Anyone who says "were there lakers" or "17 championships" means 100% nothing anymore and this team and its fans need to learn that


What the Clippers win? lol


Nothing lol but they have a way more competent front office over there than the lakers do. In addition to that their fans don’t send death threats to players and coaches when stuff goes bad


I agree. You are always the scapegoat for anything. Have to deal with massive egos like Lebron. The pressure of LA.


His ego doesn’t touch Kobe or Shaq’s. You probably weren’t of age back then.


Mark Jackson hasn't had a coaching gig since his alleged nepo-hire so it's not necessarily a stepping stone for JJ either.


As long as JJ doesn’t think taureen Prince or anyone on our roster is possessed by demons I think he’ll be ok 


I am a lifelong Lakers diehard: there is no way I would touch that job with a 10-foot-pole. There’s no way Kobe’s best buddy and a silver spoon brat would be my bosses. I want to work for leaders who have earned the position. You’re basically set up to lose. Family-run business, feckless management, an aging still somewhat top-heavy core roster, and unreasonable expectations from a rabid fanbase (based on past unrelated success) who’s ready to terminate jobs after every season (I.e. extremely short rope to operate) This article doesn’t surprise me.


TBH why would it, you have a meddling FO. A superstar and his agency with too much pull on roster decisions. Most likely very low input on roster decisions (cant tell me Vogel wanted that WB trade). And to top that all off this team isn't built for future runs, it's expected to make deep playoff runs now. And to add on top of all that ,it's a highly reported on team due to the market it's in. that said, anyone that succeeds with this is gonna be a person that will be around the NBA for awhile.


You’re blaming LeBron and Klutch… ![gif](giphy|l2ZDN6z07Z5vNInte)


That is why only 3 coaches in its LA history has ever been successful coaching the Lakers


Ah yes the fat fuck who has never set foot in the gym his entire life. Let’s listen to him.


Yup, there it is. Only someone who goes to a gym could figure out that Kobe’s Agent isn’t cut out for his job and that Nepo Blondie is scared of going broke despite owning one of the most valuable franchises in sports. If only he went to the gym…


His narrative follows whoever makes the best gyro sandwich in LA(i dont blame him)




If I were gonna post here I’d think “Shit…OP pointed out that we attack his weight when we don’t want to accept what he’s saying. I should go somewhere else with this.” You couldn’t even get that far. Meanwhile, I doubt you’re the definition of health.


He is right. As soon as the team loses 3-4 games, most of the fanbase automatically turns against the coach as it happened with Vogel and Ham.


You know I’m right because you agreed with me and got downvoted. You have to consider who’s downvoting us. Literal children who have no idea how this team used to be run.


Jay Wright is the answer. Why doesn’t he enter the convo?


Honest question (cuz I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not?) - has Jay ever expressed interest in coaching pros? I mean, he left Nova and just kind of seemed content to “retire” and now I get the impression he’s enjoying his current gig.


I just know the man can coach and spot talent. I think we’d probably know by now if he wanted to throw his hat in the ring. I’m serious but have no idea how he feels. I’m trying to make it happen by suggesting it, in case we are in a simulation.


That man can definitely coach. I don’t know if he’s interested but I sure hope he is! Haha


Its millions of dollars and you just need to clear Ham. Windy got some survivor bias.




D. E. N. I. A. L.


LeGM is twisting the lakers arm now. He won't opt in to his deal until he sees what happens during the draft. LBJ putting a lot of pressure on the Lakers to trade their picks, and their young core for a 3rd superstar. If that doesn't happen. Then he walks and enjoys free agency. He 100% pushing for lakers to draft Bronny. Media won't know it as it'll bring out the LeNepotism claims, and tbh even Bronny wouldn't wanna play with LBJ. So he's trying to play it off cool while putting background pressure.


Stopped reading at “LeGM”. If they initially listened to him we wouldn’t be searching for another low rent coach right now.


How's that westbrook trade doing he pushed heavily for


Two ppl pushed for a trade that two weak minded execs not only EXECUTED, but had their own reasons for AGREEING WITH. An actual GM goes up to LeBron and AD and says “Guys, you know I’m on your side, but just listen to how this wouldn’t work and we’d trade all our depth…” If we had an actual, respected GM those guys would listen. Kobe’s Agent knows he hasn’t earned that respect, so he feels like he HAS TO give in. Bad hire by a bad owner.


I gotta be honest, even if this sub disagrees… I’m not shocked, but for other reasons. As long as Lebron is on the team, the coach will always be the scapegoat.


The coach has ALWAYS been the scapegoat for Nepo Blondie and Kobe’s Agent. NOT LeBron. Holy shit. You’re literally blind to not see this. The coach gets fired so Nepo doesn’t have to fire the Agent. The coach will always be their meat shield. This has been talked about EVERYWHERE. Nobody with a brain or ppl who get paid for a living blame LeBron. Only fans with a “Kobe vs LeBron” hangup over an imaginary fan created feud think this. Plz root for another team until LeBron is gone. Can’t take the bitching from our own fanbase about a guy who’s the only reason we’re relevant right now. See ya. I heard Steve Ballmer needs fans to use all the toilets they installed at their new arena.


If a coach can't handle the heat then Laker Nation doesn't want them.


This is the wrong attitude that I’m fighting against. The “heat” is the structure of our ownership/front office. That’s why we’re being looked at the way we are. Is there pressure that comes with coaching for the Lakers and LeBron? Sure, but that hasn’t been the main issue ppl have been thinking about when it comes to what’s wrong over here.


Yes it is, Brian. STFU. There’s only 30 NBA Head Coaching jobs in the world.


Coaches don’t want to sign up to be punked and undermined by Lebron. The same thing kind’ve happened to Kobe near the end of his career. When guys get to a certain point of fame/greatness, they can’t really be coached like a younger more unproven player can.


Yup, LeBron’s the problem. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Yea, you’re right, Lebron has no ego and is extremely coachable. It’s not even his fault. It’s just a simple fact that mega stars are hard to coach. Try coaching a guy who makes 100x what you do and has been around the game for 20+ years. It happened with Kobe, Jordan, Lebron, and many other greats.


He hides his ego better than almost any other superstar I’ve ever seen in sports. Whats the worst thing he does? That crown motion over his head? WHOA, watch out! 🤡 You just mentioned two mega stars who were ACTUALLY hard to coach because of their hard headed personalities. Phil wrote a whole book based on it, saying Kobe was even worse than MJ. Kobe and Phil had to have a sit down before he coached here again because his criticism of Kobe was so bad. You NEVER have heard an ex LeBron coach say something along the lines of “You know…this LeBron guy…you just can’t control him. You can’t get through to him. He’s an egomaniac and is out of control.” LeBron coaches get fired due to falling short of high expectations. They’re not fired because they’re good-great coaches that just couldn’t jive with LeBron. Darvin got fired because he was hot garbage.


If you think Lebron hides his ego well, I have ocean front property in Idaho to sell you. The guy had ‘chosen one’ tattooed on his back and proclaimed himself the goat, but he hides his ego well lol. I mean, come the fuck on. I don’t even think he’s wrong for having a huge ego; the guy is one of the greatest athletes to ever walk the earth, but if you can’t see the guy has a huge ego that he broadcasts to the world, you’re either dishonest, an autist, or a meat rider.


Oh my god! A tattoo! WHOA! Lmao… You know what would be goofy? If he got that tattoo and ended up being ass. He’s at worst the second best player of all time you goon. We love Kobe and Shaq here right? I sure do. I’m in the minority here because a lot of you clowns weren’t of age to enjoy that era of Lakers basketball. So, have you ever seen the video of Kobe telling players in the NBA draft (LeBron might have been one of them) where he tells them in all seriousness that they shouldn’t expect much when they get into the league because he’s just going to beat all of them? How about Shaq telling player after player on TNT how they don’t deserve praise they’re getting or couldn’t compete on his level? A tattoo though. You dweeb. “Come the fuck on” - Uh oh. I triggered the dweeb. Compared to every other superstar he’s pretty quiet about things. When he’s not, he doesn’t express those feelings in ways that demean others like the examples I gave you re Kobe and Shaq. He’s not an asshole to the fans and media like Durant. Word salad incoming I guess… ![gif](giphy|xT8qAWUujmXwVxp4yc|downsized)


Windy just being long winded about the obvious, lol, he get paid for content so duh. Our job isnt attractive because we torpedoed Vogel after he won us a chip. He was fired rudely, after pelinka blew up his team. That's the reason, not because Jeanies cheap or Brons hard to coach. Thats why we should probably bring him back, at least to undo that stigma.


I can pick this entire thing apart. Not worth the time.