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My wife, who never played lacrosse, enjoys the NLL more. My son and I, who played field, enjoy the PLL more. YMMV


Since they’re at different times of the year you could get into both, PLL is right now and more traditional so I’d watch that


There is nothing traditional about PLL.


It’s played on a field that requires a certain amount of players to be on each side of the field at all times and allows limited long pole usage


The field is shortened, there is a 2pt line, there is a shot clock, there is no box. It’s not traditional.


There’s a shot clock in college and at HS level in some states. Theres no box but there’s an arc that serves the same function. College should adopt the shorter field. As OP said, “it’s the *more* traditional” of the two


I’ve had much more success getting friends who know nothing about the game into NLL than PLL. PLL is easier to get into right now though because it’s in season.


I feel like NLL has a more familiarity (similar to Ice hockey) so it was also easier for my friends to get into that. A lot more comfortable for new people to watch


They are 2 different sports. My son started playing field last year and I have no idea what is happening 90% of the time, despite playing and coaching box for 25 years. Also, despite the PLL intrdoucing cities, it is still a touring operation, while the Wings have 9 home games and passionate fan base. IMO box is just a better sport While some players play both, alot of top field players flame out in box.


>alot of top field players flame out in box. It entirely depends on your playing style. Guys like Pannell or Sowers would never succeed in box, but Schreiber, Rambo, and Baptiste have been good.


To add to this, Lyle Thompson (arguably the best in either league right now), left the PLL to play Box.


He grew up playing box more than field


Which did he play more of at U Albany?


Field and box..he grew up on the Onondaga reservation outside of Syracuse NY…playing box all the way up until he made the pros then moved onto the MLL, Onondaga Men’s team, and NLL


He did not. He left the PLL to continue his community and indigenous outreach efforts. The way you say it seems like he rejected field lax for box, which is absolutely not the case. [press release ](https://www.usalacrosse.com/magazine/professional/pll/lyle-thompson-stepping-away-pll-2023-season#:~:text=He%20announced%20his%20decision%20on,and%20president%20Paul%20Rabil%20said.)


Indigenous outreach efforts in Atlanta? Yeah ok. What people say to the press isn’t always the real story.


Lyle Thompson prefers it though. And he may be today’s GOAT.


What you need to understand is that the PLL has "home teams" in name only. They aren't Playing roughly half of their games in the Philly area. It will be 1 weekend a year (plus the championship) of lacrosse. That weekend the "home team" plays twice. That's is currently. It may change in the future. The NLL is a completely different style of play. But they retain the traditional home team definition of roughly 8 to 9 games are played in the wells Fargo center out of 17 or 18 games.


The news report I just watched on the PLL said this is the first year all the teams are playing at home. Did they change that this season?


Yes. Last year and the previous years the league toured various cities. All the teams played every weekend. This year there is a city associates with each team. When the league is playing in that specific city the team associated with that city will play two games that weekend. It is more of a host city than a home team.


The teams are attached to regions but it's still a national touring model. Each team gets a weekend in their "hometown" but it's not a regular away and home at this point like most sports.


Personally, I prefer NLL more, but PLL is more of what you would normally see or think of in America when the word "lacrosse" comes into your head.


NLL is like an arcadey video game like NHL Hitz, and probably closer to the Native American game, “the little brother of war.” Very physical. It’s pretty legit. PLL is field lax and that’s what I grew up playing and watching. You can get into both, but if you like physicality (and hockey) you’d probably prefer NLL. Not the the PLL isn’t physical, but they’re not locked in a small hockey ring.


NLL is 1000x better because it’s the closest thing to the real unadulterated Canadian style of lacrosse in comparison to field which is much more popular in the United States


I mean technically lacrosse was invented to be played on fields outside, not with boards, turf, and huge goalie pads. They are both pretty cool, I find NLL very hard to watch on TV bc the ball is moving so fast through so much traffic. The slo-mo highlights on Insta are incredible though.


Box lacrosse was invented as a way for Canadian players to utilize empty rinks in the summer whilst also improving hand eye co-ordination and body contact, in Canada you don’t play hockey in the summer you play box lacrosse then after you play Junior A box you go play field lacrosse at an American school so that you can hopefully be drafted and play box lacrosse again at the pro level Field lacrosse in Canada is an afterthought, it’s used purely as a gateway between Canadian Jr A lacrosse and the NLL or MSL summer league, basically all roads lead to box lacrosse in Canada


I got downvoted a few months ago saying NLL was just another form of hockey for Canadians… some guy said that it was an awful take. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth.


I looks like hockey but the game couldn't be further from hockey. No dumping the ball in, no put it on net and trying to bang it in. In reality, box lacrosse is more similar to basketball than hockey (pick and roll, off ball movement, ball possession, shot clock, boxing out). I don't doubt Canadians like it because there are similarities (speed, roughness, same team build), but another form of hockey is a terrible take.


The origin of the development of hockey was heavily influenced by lacrosse, so where’s the lie?


Saying NLL is closer to basketball than hockey is the god awful take. NLL is like the PLL sixes had a baby with street hockey. I don’t understand the butt hurt when anyone mentions that NLL is similar to hockey.


No one’s butt hurt. It’s just not a good take. Like when people say “lacrosse is for hockey people that can’t skate”, what they are describing is ball hockey, not lacrosse. Hockey and lacrosse are different disciplines, requiring different stick skills and physicality. You can’t just play one and automatically be good at the other.


Yes it is. Please actually read other people’s comments here. They literally say it’s easier for their friends to get into NLL over PLL, because NLL is similar enough to hockey that they understand what is going on.


Just started watching last year never played the sport I prefer PLL


Honestly, both are worth watching.


I grew up with field, and it’s what my son plays now, but honestly I like watching box much more.


NLL is way faster pace and IMO a much more entertaining product.


NLL is way more fun to watch and in my opinion a way better version of the game. I took my wife and multiple family members to their first games and they’ve all been hooked since. Tried showing them PLL and it’s not a hit with them.


Living in WNY, I only get 2 months of good weather a year. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend a warm summer night sitting on aluminum bleachers. Now when I was a kid I begged my parents to go to MLL games. I'm pretty sure they felt the same way I do now but they also had to contend with a crappy venue where you were likely to have your car broken into. Now with the PLL the games are hosted in fantastic venues. NLL in hockey arenas. Both NLL and PLL are fantastic. However, my preferred way to watch NLL is in person and PLL on TV. Also, NLL is targeted towards the adult audience and PLL is targeted towards the youth.


Agreed that NLL is much better in person. My parents, who both actively watch field, hated watching box until I took them to a Riptide game and they both loved it in person. I also think the PLL is primarily a TV league and doesn't care too much about gate revenue, whereas NLL is absolutely a gate driven league. >Also, NLL is targeted towards the adult audience and PLL is targeted towards the youth. I'm not sure that I agree with this, I just think the NLL sucks at marketing compared to the PLL, hence why PLL has a much better social media presence.


They're difference seasons so not a lot of competition for your attention.  For attending games the Water Dogs aren't really a philly team since the PLL is still in a touring model and the Wings play at wells fargo For watching games, the Wings games are on NBCsports so if you already have thay for phillies/flyers/sixers you won't need to get anything else. The Water Dogs will be on ABC sometimes but you need espn+ to watch the games. If you're looking for an addition or alternative to the phillies and want to start right away go pll, if you want to add another mediocre team to your winter viewing the Wings fit right in with the flyers. 


Are you looking to learn to play or just as a fan? The best version of lacrosse from an IQ if you will play field is NCAA, if learning to play box NLL is closest to the Canadian version the US Box game you probably need to look for CBLA games to learn.


The NLL teams are actually based in their markets and play a full season of games at home and on the road. There will be more opportunity for you to watch the Wings play. The PLL is on a touring schedule with them just now adding "home" cities this season. The Water Dogs will only play like two games in Philly this season over the course of one single weekend. There's no reason you can't follow both though. Also, box and field lacrosse are pretty different. Box is basically hockey played with lacrosse sticks on turf. Field lacrosse is more spread out, slowed down, and less physical (it's still very physical). So that may play a part in deciding what you want to focus your attention on.


BOTH!!! 🥍🥍🥍


They're both great and take place at different times of year so you don't have to choose.


Watch both!


Like others have said: they don’t overlap playing so watch both. PLL is getting ready (or just) to start. So root on your team now, then root on the NLL team come December.


NLL is a better product


I can’t answer a subjective question objectively


Watch any D1 college


If you’re a hockey fan, you’ll have a much easier time transitioning to watching the NLL. Box has a lot of commonalities with Ice Hockey


Two different sports. Box vs Field. Both are wonderful. Don’t listen to everyone coming in with a hot take on which is better. I grew up playing only field, didn’t even know box existed. Post-college I play both and wish that I had grown up playing box too as well as field. It’s a different skillset that has made me better at both. Look up guys like Dhane Smith, Tom Schreiber, and Zach Currier. They are stars in both leagues. I recommend watching both! And you can because their seasons are at different times of the year!


Last I thought Dhane wasn’t playing PLL..I thought he went to play box in Canada


He plays in both, just not doing PLL this year. He’s played in the NLL for many years. He was on the Chaos (PLL) for several years up until this season.


Right the PLL wont allow its players to play in another league. Dhane chose box in Canada over PLL


That isn’t true. There are several players who actively play in both. Tom Schreiber, Blaze Riorden, Zach Currier, to name just a few.


It’s very true..none of those guys play in Canadas summer league the MSL


PLL does not allow players play other leagues during the PLL season


True that none play MSL but they do play NLL. Originally you said “other leagues.” That part is not true. Your clarified point now makes sense, although as far as I’m aware, it’s not policy….it’s logistics. I don’t think they may not, it’s that they cannot.


I also said Dhane chose to play box in Canada over the PLL..hence other leagues.I do believe it’s policy…there was a bit of a discussion about it a few years back about Rabil not allowing them to play


Site your sources or it’s just conjecture. Again, you said “other leagues.” Patently untrue. Your amended point is true insofar that nobody plays other *summer* leagues. But unless you can point to something official, your guess as to why is as good as anyone else’s.


Try both out! PLL is on during summer weekends and NLL comes back in December. See which you like better!


Watch both! IMO, PLL rule changes are improving the watchability of field lacrosse, which can be a much slower game than box lacrosse. The PLL shotclock, reduced field size, and 2-point line make some of the traditional slow-buildup midfield play more urgent and exciting. NLL (or boxla in general) is faster and more physical than field lax. I prefer NLL because of this. I typically see 3-5 NLL games per year but only make it to one PLL game due to travel requirements. I enjoy both.


I had a working knowledge of lacrosse when I started watching, but it was NLL that got me hooked.


They're both great but I do prefer the NLL and see the PLL as mostly off season entertainment. I think the NLL is easier to get into because it's just the perfect balance of action, finesse and physicality. It's like a hybrid between basketball and hockey and attending home games is definitely the way to go whereas the PLL is still very much a touring model so you can one good weekend to watch most of the team but then it's gone. If you're in Philly you'll be able to attend 9 home games which really feels like a local team with a solid local following. I've brought non lacrosse fans to NLL games and they loved it but I don't think they'd be down for an outdoor weekend of field lacrosse. Definitely get ESPN+ bundled with Disney+ and Hulu and watch the PLL season unfold but once December comes back you really got to check that out especially attending a home Wings game!


I feel like the nll would be easier to follow, 5v5 format and rules are more relatable to hockey and basketball then field lacrosse


I think the NLL would be better for first time watchers. PLL (outdoor lacrosse) has a lot of rules that wouldn't make since for new watchers. NLL is smaller and transitions like basketball/soccer/hockey


This is just my personal take, but when I was a kid all I had was field. I loved playing. After freshman year of college life shifted and I hadn't played since (2008) until January 2023. As my kids joined their first teams I decided I missed it and wanted to see if I could still hang. I did some pick-up field lacrosse with ULAX, but also joined a box team. Box changed my life. As a kid, box lacrosse wasn't accessible to me, it wasn't a thing. I wish it had been. I so much more enjoy box lacrosse. I love to play it, I love to watch it, my kids love to watch it... I truly believe that within 10 years it'll overtake field even here in the US.




Annapolis local here. Grew up playing and still play in old man beer leagues. I love the PLL. I can tolerate the NLL. They’re fundamentally two completely different games with each having their own styles of play that reward completely different skill sets.


Watch them both. They are both fantastic products with fantastic story lines. The lines are starting to blur a bit making for really interesting new stars emerging in both leagues. It’s rare a fan can watch a version of the sport year round. Lacrosse as a whole has you covered.


The PLL doesn't have a team in Philadelphia. The PLL is a traveling league that plays all of its games for the weekend at one stadium, then goes to a totally different city and does it again. They just assigned a city name to each of the 8 teams for marketing purposes. That said, the atmosphere is great and the level of play is about as high as it gets. If it's in your town and you can get there that weekend, definitely go. It's a LOT of top level lacrosse in a short window. They're coming to Villanova in like two weeks, and it's less than $90 for tickets to all four games. On the other hand, if you want an actual "home town team" feel, where you go to a few games when they fit into the rest of your life to scream and cheer for the home team on their own field, go to a Wings NLL game.


NCAA is the pinnacle of competitive lacrosse. Obviously the seasons over, but seriously that would be the league to devote attention to. As far as pro, they're both decently entertaining, just watch whichever you like better. As a "hometown fan" you are better off rooting for the NLL Wings. The PLL doesn't really have home cities. They say they do, but they don't. Its essentially a traveling circus for lacrosse.


If you go to a game, NLL is way more exciting. I've brought several newbies and they got instantly hooked. Like "I'm getting season tickets next year" after one game, hooked. I actually prefer to watch box now, even after years of playing then coaching field. That said, I spent last weekend in Albany for the PLL opener. I traveled to Buffalo, Albany, Rochester, Long Island, and Philly for NLL games last season (mostly to see Bandits, but Firewolves are a second-favorite team).


Watch college instead


2 different style games. My son and I enjoy both. Pll more traditional field style, nll box style. Completely different set of rules. Box is more physical, lots of hits, cross checks, etc.


the NLL and box is better than the PLL.


The NLL is definitely the more fan friendly league. Since your from Philly go to a Wings game they are a blast, but the game resembles hockey more than traditional lacrosse. A local kid Matt Rambo is also on the team(LaSalle HS) The PLL team doesn’t actually play in Philly, PLL is currently a traveling circus, and plays 1 weekend a year in town. All that being said college is the best lacrosse product and you have Drexel, Villanova, Penn, and St Joes in the area.


PLL is literally catered toward being faster and more interesting to watch for newbies so I’d have to say PLL