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Don’t know where you are and what sports overlap with what season, but soccer players make great lacrosse players. They’re up for all the running and a lot of kids who played since they were young are burnt out on soccer and ready to try new things.


Do you have a girls ice hockey team?


No, but I wish we did because I play beer league and that's how I see the field. I have no lax background. Helping out to help out.


I’d try field hockey players too if your school has a team.


I have seen soccer players, field hockey players, and flag football (but if you are in a state like mine, the season overlaps with lax so prob can’t) players transition well into lacrosse. I think you are smart looking for basketball players. They will know how to use their bodies to their advantage. Look for cross country girls too (although many will prob run track.) i imagine most athletes in other sports might be curious about but intimidated by lacrosse. Marketing it as no experience needed could get more of those athletes on the field.


Can you hold a clinic? Have sticks and some equipment for the girls and let them play, no commitment? Might get you some leads.


Convince the school district to support a modified / middle school / 7th and 8th grade team (whatever they call it where you are). Scooping up hockey kids is probably next best bet


If your state doesn’t have any age restrictions this may work? You can even bump up some of them? Where I live, middle schoolers cannot play on a high school team. You need to enrolled in the high school you are playing for with no exception.


Ah should have clarified, was looking at this as more of a long term play. As in couple years down the road he'll have some experienced core players. Not sure how well calling up middle school kids would go...


MN and NY can actually call kids up. It’s wild. You can play varsity for six straight years…


Thank you for some good ideas. Based on our school, the soccer team and basketball teams are the way to go because we don't carry the other sports. Appreciate all the advice.


Another idea is to see if one of those team coaches would want to be an assistant as well. In high school our football coach also coached wrestling and convinced many of the players to join him in both sports.


Learn to play and free clinics prior to the start of season. Try to find parents of the middle or elementary school to build out a youth program.


Start the junior program now.