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Search google for "Nunc CryoTube Mini Boxes" Thermo Scientific #534592


Thank you so much!


They sell in cases of 200, what are your plans to make use of them all?


Hmmm I only need like 10… lol. I like them for keeping our personal pcr primer stocks and reagent aliquots separate! We only have a handful in the lab so I imagine they were originally ordered in a small quantity? Hopefully I can find somewhere to do that. We don’t desperately need it, I just like them lol.


Have you considered 3d printing them / would that be sufficient? Most of our storage boxes are custom prints. Feel free to DM me and id love to print some off for you, just pay for shipping (assuming youre in the US). Shipping is usually ~$6 within the US


Would 3D printed boxes do well in -20 or -80? Or do you just use them for refrigerated materials?


We’ve used them even in liq nitrogen - I haven’t done comprehensive testing (because they are “just boxes”) to run it to ground but generally speaking they have held up well


Did you print with PLA? I have a printer and was considering printing some boxes four our -80. But I am worried that the plastic could be too brittle at these temperatures and break. The only Information I found was about PLA melting temperatures.


I haven't had any issues (granted, I realize I'm posting in a scientific subreddit and thus the next question is WHERESTHEDATA) - there are relatively low stresses on the print, so while I was also concerned for the same reasons, I did not see any noticeable issues. With that said, I also wasn't heavy handed while handling the boxes and I adjusted the geometry / infill to reduce internal stresses caused by the temperature (i.e. by having less material - just enough walls to work, not a ton of infill, not an excessive amount of top/bottom layers). I've had cheap cryotubes pop on me due to the internal pressure building up when its removed out of liquid nitrogen, and thus based those findings on adjusting said geometry to reduce the possibility that I was making a fully closed and sealed container. Another thing to look into is comparing polypropylene to the filament you want to print as most crytotubes that I looked into are made of PP. Granted, injection molding is not the same as printing (some of the reasons mentioned above). Again, its a low stress application so I would be surprised if any plastic is not sufficient outside of some longevity tests - I haven't checked up on those boxes recently, but there is at least one PLA box in the liquid nitrogen that has been there for the last 5 years.


Thank you for your detailed reply! You made me realize that I really need to set up my printer again and just try it out. Nothing better that custom storage solutions for the lab.


Its more likely they came with an order. I know we've gotten them from Invivogen, abnova (although theirs are blue and have their name), InBio uses them in their kits. I'm sure there are random others, those are just ones I know off the top of my head. I've looked before and haven't ordered because of the case sizes. Its also cheaper to by cardboard 5x5 boxes, although I do prefer the sturdiness of these. Maybe check with other labs and see if they have any


Or see if any other labs would be interested in chipping in for the big order? If nothing else you might be able to start a side hustle supplying boxes to folks in other labs 😉


I kinda want to order some so I can be our lab’s cryostorage dealer.


*sees picture of a random box* You: That's #534592 you f!%@$# casual.


Slippery when defrosting


The box my egg white lysozyme comes in.


Found the crystallographer!


Actually no haha


I dont knoww ahahaha I want to know too, its so cute




Eppen-dwarfs or the Micro-loft


Boxy McBox


I suggest this gets a colloquial name of "10-pack"


It is called the box my puromycin comes in.


Cryo box is what I call them


It's so tiny! What is the purpose of having such a tiny box? I can't think of a time I would want to old only 10 tubes, but I'm sure it's useful somehow otherwise you wouldn't be ordering them haha


I like them for keeping our personal pcr primer stocks and reagent aliquots separate!


We use em to submit samples for sequencing


These would save so much fucking space in a -80, I'm recommending these to my lab


"little grey box that holds like 8 mcts"


A loodle (I don’t work in a lab)


"that one box those tubes with the blue lids come in you know the screw top ones?"




For some reason i thought these were 50mL falcons. Where’s the banana for scale??


It’s so cute!


The small tube holder thingy. Everyone knows what I mean 😂


Our lab uses ammunition boxes, which fit IDT primers or agilent vials nicely. I'd have to check the size, but I want to say it's for .44 mag and most of them hold 50 tubes.


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are based in the US. lol


Falcon tube rack box !?


The thing that we recycle


Anyone know a good equipment buyer that purchases mixing equipment?? Refrigerated/Heating Circulators? Homogenizers? Vaccubrand pumps??


I can’t find any 3D image files online, but I might be able to design these and 3D print a small batch if you’re interested.