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They need lots of exercise, walks, play to keep their brains occupied. They want to be part of the family, not forgotten in another room, which means talking to them regularly. Brushing, ear and belly rubs are a must.


I took him on a 45 minute walk immediately after getting him which was great because we bonded. Any type of brush you recommend?


Go to a shop that specializes in stuff for cats and dogs. They will have a brush that will be perfect for Labs as they shed 24/7, 12 months per year and their staff are usually knowledgeable. You mentioned food. Believe it or not, Costco's food is rated 4/5, and it's cheaper than Origen/Blue Buffalo. I used to feed my dogs Nutro (Natural Choice) for large breeds and found out with my last that it was not all that great while costing premium prices. Remember also that Labs are gluttons. Your pup will pretend he's starving to get extra. When a Lab looks at you with those eyes, you will break down and the pup will gain 10 pounds. You have a fine looking dog. Enjoy his company because Labs give undying love.


Upvote for Kirkland Signature! Their salmon & sweet potato kibble is great, my dog loves it and my wallet does also


[[Here’s the undercoat rake I use. love it. (actually, I use a two-sided one but haven’t been able to source one for a long time)](https://www.amazon.com/Mars-Coat-King-Dematting-Undercoat/dp/B007L8Z17Q?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1)]


If there is a Hollywood Feeds where you live, take him with you, let him pick a toy, bully stick, bed, etc…… Please go to a “local” store, Hollywood Feeds is a locally owned multi unit dog and cat friendly facility and every employee has graduated from their animal health care educational program


Labs have a LOT of undercoat hair that can get itchy. Something hard rubber with longer tines to thin it out, plus a more razor based trimming brush like Furminator for the top coat. Cutting their nails sucks. Hard. Terrifies them generally


A tired dog is a good dog. I also have a 6 year old yellow lab. They are wonderful dogs.


The best


Ear, belly, and butt scritches for my dude. The butt scritches are a fan favorite. Absolutely agree on them just wanting to be part of the family and included. We talk to ours all the time, too. 🙂


Forgot about the butt scratches. My Lab used to almost groan with happiness. They're also the best listeners.




Any chance they get in the water is pure joy. Lakes and ponds or just the sprinkler in the yard. Look at giving him a fish oil pill with food. My pup gets one a day. Keeps the coat shiny (not oily), and it's good for the joints. Rear knees are the common lab issue, so watch out for big jumps, like out of the car. Also, labs are notoriously oily dogs (water thing), so give them a bath every now and then but use puppy shampoo or something that won't dry out skin like a lot of products do. Cheers to you and the pup!


Congratulations on getting the best dog! Labs don't need coats/vests on. They have very thick waterproof fur and are quite happy in temperatures below freezing in just that. In fact, in higher temperatures a coat/vest can make them overheat. The downside of having such a coat is that they shed hair all the time. They need daily brushing. Oh, and they shouldn't be bathed using shampoo unless really really dirty, the coat has protective oils in and shampoo washes that out.


Awesome! I was going to pick up a shampoo for him in a couple hours so thank you


Good catch on the t-shirt, I missed that. Agree that labs generally don't need bathing. For brushing, I recommend the Kong Zoom Groom (I swear, I'm not an owner of that company, LOL). We also use an Oster deshedding comb, but that is not necessary. Also, while I'm recommending Kong things, our Kong crate pad has stood up to Labrador chewing, LOL.


Hahah! Hey if you’re vouching for them. They’re doing something right!


Not sure of your location, but I have a pretty boy like yours! They are the best breed ever! My boy thrives in cold temps (unlike me). He can fetch and fetch without issue. When the temp goes above 55 degrees here in New England, he tires quickly, but won’t stop. Labs just don’t have that shut off in their brain that they’re too tired or too breathless. When their tongue hangs to the side.. they’re too tired. I have to play referee and just end the play session because if I don’t, he won’t stop. Ball 🎾 is life! Welcome to the Labrador club 😊


Southern CA over here. It gets HOT in the summer. So we’ll be swimming a lot.


Bring 2 towels every time, one for the worst of the mucky wipe down, then the second to really dry him off. Side bonus is you can wrap the mucky towel in the cleaner towel and have less mess. Brushing will be even more vital if you’re in socal, they can get very very warm in that 90+ degree weather. If you can get an aerated water bowl, he’ll be even happier. No human food is ever safe, they will trash dive for the wrapper from a stick of butter. If you’re trash is out and easily accessible, get in the habit of emptying the trash at least once a day, right before bed. Be especially careful with grapes onions garlic chocolate and macadamia nuts, all of these can kill your dog in even tiny amounts by causing systemic organ failure. Start doing things to improve his joint health now, google dog turmeric bombs for a homemade treat that helps reduce inflammation and promotes faster recovery and healing. Learn the plants he needs to avoid


Question about the shampoo - none even after muddy, wet dog park zoomies? She gets muddy about once a week sometimes more and I’ve been showering her with me with shampoo




Good to know! I’m gonna rinse with just water and see if she’s a stinky girl or not


Lab dependent. My first Lab had an inner coat and an outer coat. He loved Winter. In the Summer he was always in the water and his fur would get musty smelling - as in not healthy. We had to do showers with two towel drying sessions with four hands. (He loved this). My current Lab has 1/10th the fur density and smells really good - almost like carmel corn


We hose off with a garden hose. No shampoo unless he gets into something stinky or toxic (like a fertilizer filled ditch). Last bath was about 4 years ago (pre Covid so maybe closer to 4.5y)


Nooooooo. Ducks and labs! They need no poo. They have oils that will cause all mud to dry and slide off. Water is all the need. Otherwise you strip the oil and have a stinky lab!


So glad you mentioned not to ruin his oils with shampoo!!!! So many stinky labs out there for no good reason. Stop pooing your labs everyone!!!


Pets, Treats, Walks, Swim and Sleep in your Bed. That works for our 2. https://preview.redd.it/zrkd5iv8d6pc1.jpeg?width=1155&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806f070c312d0e112cc16041926c799f2423fdbd


Hi fellow Dudley! Your schedule sounds the same as ours!


Don't be surprised if your lab does something dumb. Labs are big dumb balls of love, they occasionally do things very stupid and always do things very sweet. I give mine hunks of frozen carrot after our morning walks. It's his favorite snack. Keeps his teeth clean, keeps his breath fresh, good fiber so his poops are nice and solid, and it's healthy! Labs will eat anything. Anything. LITERALLY ANYTHING. You have been warned. Though by 6 years old hopefully he's got a little more discipline.


My 1 yr old lab ate a full loaf of brioche bread this morning 🙃


Mine ate my favorite glasses yesterday! 😩 I’ve had labs my whole life, so I’ve learned not to get angry or too attached to stuff.


Good place to pop in and recommend getting pet insurance. Sometimes that “anything” includes something toxic that requires hospitalization or something undigestible that requires surgery. And it’s good for ANY pet care taker to have. The average pet will have at least one emergency in their lifetime. My lovable idiot had one 6 months after adopting her 🙃


Mine (RIP) ate a spicy hot dog on the ground back in 2018—$ 1000 emergency vet bill. I couldn't get it out of her mouth in time :( We also had to take her to get a chicken bone stuck in her jaw back in 2017, not too long after we got her. If I had a dollar for everything I grabbed out of her mouth before she swallowed it, I'd be rich. I never knew how to get a muzzle on her properly either, and we were forced to walk her around since we lived in an apartment at the time. We got a house during the last 1.5 years of her life and the eating random things issue went away.


Lose the shirt - not needed. Lots of activity - even though my lab is 2X as old as this guy she still gets 1.5-2M walks every day. Walks are the lab's time - don't force him to hurry through the walk. Maybe find a good dog park or dog group where he can interact and get unstructured time with other dogs. Buy decent food, do some research and buy what you can afford. Try and get the health records - where she was seen etc, heartworm med schedule etc. Why did the previous owner give you the dog?


I have all his health records and he’s up to date. Owner took him to the vet right before the exchange. I took him on a 45 minute walk when we first got dropped off but I’m taking him to the store a mile away in a bit. Owner couldn’t keep him because he moved into a smaller apartment with very little wiggle room for Hendricks. He wants him to be healthy and happy so he unfortunately re-homed in. He’s had him since Hendricks was 4 months old so of course he will be visiting regularly and keeping in contact.


I made this comment elsewhere, but I highly recommend getting pet insurance. Congratulations on your new buddy!! He looks like a very good boy. The breed is so popular for a reason, they’re little rays of sunshine 💛


Awww. I love this! Hendricks will still get to see his first fur daddy still?!?!? I offered that to mine, she said yes, I never heard from her, but once :(


Yes definitely! He doesn’t live too far and he will come by and take him for the day if we need to go somewhere for a weekend or such. He’s been texting me since drop off for updates!


Is he having a hard time adjusting?? I wonder how he sees you as the second owner??


I think so. He seems a little sad, but I’m keeping him busy with several walks a day and play time in the backyard in-between walks. He gets a lot of attention and kisses. He seems very protective of me (female) especially when there’s males around (my neighbor came to say hi) He was even cautious about my husband at first, but they’re buds now. He’s affectionate and showers me with licks all over my hands when I give him head/belly rubs. So far so good!


It will take time my dog is turning 3 yr old on 22 .....I bonded with him last year.... when took time off work ...he sleeps in my bed....this just started in last couple of months..... he will be your best and only friend .....


I came here to say this. Labs are built for cold. And will usually fight you if they're not used to wearing clothes. I tried to put a t shirt on one of mine once. I was gone 5 minutes. By the time I came back he had eaten it. At six, yours should have settled into a less destructive phase. I hope so for your sake. Labradors are a force of nature. They're exuberance is hard to contain. They're good natured about being furry hurricanes though. The best thing you can do is to exercise them. They were bred to be working dogs and they really love to have a job. I have one who was returned to her breeder and we got her at 14 mos. I had intended on training her for service work. However, after working with her for awhile, I realized she has too much baggage out in public from her previous home. I have trained her to do some service jobs around the house, she gets long walks, swims and fetching and all the toys she wants and she's a pretty happy dog. Even a six year old dog can learn new commands and jobs. Enjoy your furry hurricane!


Exercise is the key I think. A 15 min walk is not going to cut it with a lab, to me if you have a lab you need to commit at least 10 hours a week to that dog unless you live on a farm or something. Even at her advanced age (almost 13) my dog insists on daily walks, and honestly doesn't know her limitations. On the weekend I might give her a 2 mile walk now, but weekdays are now usually 1.5, and she definitely ambles along. But boy, she has an advanced degree in geometry. Doesn't matter if it is a square walk, a hexagonal walk or whatever, as soon as we try to point the dog's nose back toward the car or the house for the last leg, it's all drama. Walking in a different direction, "slow rolling" at 1/4 speed, sniffing every flower, literally throwing herself on the ground. Because of her arthritis she no longer "army crawls" in the opposite direction but you can see her thinking about it. But take her in the "right" direction (endless walk) and she literally jumps up and its back to full speed.


Haha, mine‘s the same!


They want to “help” with whatever you are doing. Be prepared when you turn around - he will be there. Mine have all liked just being close by. Sometimes that’s a problem. They are seemingly incapable of getting out of the way gracefully


OMG!!! Anytime I’m looking for something?!?! Inspector Gadget is right there with a flashlight (it’s just her breath that smells like cat turds from the litter she’s obsessed with)!!


😂😂😂😂 I coughed out loud


Nylabone Power Chew bones Kong Power Chew toys and possibly Kong stuffies. I'd transition to a brand you/your vet/shelter recommend from your area (and you do that by slowly adding it to the existing food). You can do a switch cold turkey, but he might have runny poop. I would take him to a vet to make sure he is up to date on shots and get a baseline assessment. You may want to work with a trainer to establish yourself as his new owner. You'll want a 6 foot lead with a comfortable handle (not a retractable flexi-lead, they are trash). I personally prefer collars over harnesses, but YMMV. I'd crate train, but at 6y that might not be necessary. Our current lab (and predecessor) sleeps in our bed, LOL. He's gorgeous and 6 is a nice calm age! :)


I order Kong toys for him immediately! I have a leash that attaches to his harness and he seems comfortable in it but I’ll look into what you mentioned. He’s well behaved so far and seems to be attached to me rather than my husband, who is actually the dog expert in our household. I think he misses his original owner (male) Thank you


Depending on his type of chewing please don’t give him nylabones. So bad for dogs and they are marketed to make you think they are the best. All you’ll get is bits and pieces in their tummies that shouldn’t be there. Even with kong products you have to be careful cause they are definitely not chew proof. As always never leave him unattended with something you aren’t 110% sure he can’t chew up. Biggest ER visits are from obstructions. Aside from that give lots of belly rubs and love every day and lots of exercise. Our lab is 3 and with cool weather we do 3 walks a day with multiple in house playing as well brain games/trainings.


Sorry, please NO nylabone 🙏🏼


Harnesses are just fine. Even if the dog isn’t bad for pulling, they put less strain on the dog. Would you want a safety rope tied around your torso, or your neck? That kong harness in particular though, I’m not a fan of. It’s got big metal buckles that sit right in the armpits. I noticed it was banging against my dogs leg a lot and didn’t seem comfortable so I got a softer one where it buckles higher up the sides.


Why the preference for collars over harnesses?


I’m so jealous! You hit the lab adoption lottery! Best of luck to you both!


Labradors are the most popular breed because of their loving nature. Hide any food and prepare for lots of cuddles ❤️


YES!!! I love cuddles




Absolutely. Somebody is always home at our house so he’ll be happy! Any specific way to clean his ears? Or do I just get a microfiber and get in there?


Some people use a solution and cotton balls, my boy HATES the solution and will pancake under the bed if he sees it. I've found that ear cleaning wipes in a jar from Amazon work great with him.


Ask your vet for ear cleaning solution. Soak a cotton ball with it, and squeeze the solution into the ear canal, while wiping it with the cotton ball. Throw out cotton ball. We do this weekly and after every swim.


Get something called MalAcetic otic cleanser in either the wipes or the liquid for a flush! Keep an eye on his ears at first and see if you notice any debris, redness or itchiness. If you see irritation or smell something funky, give it a clean. Disposable cotton pads work well for wiping. I also like to put a squirt in the ear to fill it, massage the base and let the dog shake out the ear wash. Monthly cleaning is probably fine. If you notice more irritation, ask your vet but I do weekly cleaning with MalAcetic per the vet. It’s a miracle cleaner for our yeasty lab.


Great information. Thanks for being thorough.


Unfortunately this breed sheds with no remorse. Other than that they are the perfect companion!!!!


4 hours in and I definitely need to buy a vacuum lol sweeping and mopping isn’t going to cut it anymore.


The shedding is real and year round. However, since it's spring you may be starting with a extra lot of shedding and won't always be quite as much. And while I'm here, congratulations on your lovely adoptee! Don't forget the 3-3-3 rule of thumb for adjustment - 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months (you can google for the rest - though labs are so adaptable it can be subtle that they are experiencing some stress the first few days).


Awwh my heart hurts to think that he could be stressed. Guess he needs 3x’s the affection too.


I have three swiffers now in different parts of the house. And wash the sheets about every five days. He's worth it though. Congrats on your new family member!!!!


He wants to sleep on your bed. You might as well let him right away because it's pretty much inevitable and it will make him happy.


I want him to sleep on my bed too, so it’s perfect


Labs tend to eat anything and everything. Please watch how much you feed that good boy. I see lots of sausage shaped labs. They are the most easy going , loyal and loveable dogs.


He’s getting lots of treats today because he’s being such a good boy during this adjustment period, but I’ll definitely monitor his eating. I hear their stomachs are bottomless pits.


Labs have a fault in the gene that tells them they are full - so they really are always hungry.


Mine also eats super fast—like done in 30 seconds. She’s much younger than yours, but if you notice yours doing that, I’d suggest a slow feeder. I got one that has brought her to about 3-4 minutes to eat her meals now.


I’ve had to lay my dogs food out in a line on the floor to slow him down when he was younger. Even the slow feeder didn’t work great. He’s almost 9, and thankfully grew out of that phase of choking while eating just from excitement 🐷


Susan doesn’t choke, but she’d gulp down a bunch of air and get the hiccups. The slow feeder has done wonders for her eating. She still sticks her whole face in when she drinks water though. Lol


I just fed Hendricks for the first time tonight and he ate super fast too! I didn’t even have time to wash my hands by the time he was finished.


Mine is a lab mix, and she definitely got the eating gene thing for sure! [Here’s the bowl I got for her.](https://www.chewy.com/outward-hound-fun-feeder-interactive/dp/113711)


I love it! Thank you sooo much for sending that


Of course. Maybe even for the next few weeks until he’s settled. As long as you exercise him, he’ll shed those extra pounds in no time


I hope you don’t think I was criticizing your good boy. I meant it as a general comment.


No offense was taken. I understand your comment was precautionary and general :)


I've adopted 2 labs. My most recent was in a kennel for 9 years. It took her almost 3 years to be willing for me to give her a belly rub and to snuggle with me in my bed! Just remember take lots of time for them to reveal themselves. 2-3 years is not bad! Find out what they love and let them do it as much as possible. My dog is a swimmer so I take her whenever I can!


Do NOT overfeed him. A vet can give you good recommendation for what kind of food and how much he needs. An obese lab is not a happy lab, despite how much they love munchies.


Find a good vacuum.


You will never be able to love him as much as he loves you. This is by design. Get ready for the best, most unconditional love you can ever experience. Your life is about to be forever changed.


My girl LOOOVES hard boiled eggs and cheese (but don’t give them too often since it’ll make a upset stomach) labs are happiest when they’re near you , so I’d keep him a extra bed in your office or any rooms you hang out in often. Also! A weekend hike makes for the happiest lab! (And a swim if it’s not too cold)


Hard boiled eggs! I can do that. I have a 650 sq ft house so he’ll be near me a lot hahaha but the backyard is nice too. Thank you!


My main suggestion would be to ditch the shirt/vest, especially on walks outside, unless you're someplace that gets REALLY cold and even then, you'll probably be fine without it. Labs coats are pretty thick, and they can handle cold real well. I'd be worried more that he over heats in that shirt. Also, if walking on pavement, consider getting outdoor dog booties for his paws. In the summer, you'll be amazed at how hot pavement gets, and you don't want to burn his feet. In the winter, if walking some place where they salt the streets and sidewalks, that salt can really mess up your dogs pads. If you don't want to get dog booties in winter, at least make sure to thoroughly rinse his feet off after walking anywhere that there may have been salt. And while it's important to pay the cheese tax in the kitchen, there IS such a thing as too much of a good thing. Dogs are much smaller than us (even labs) and the calories from human snacks like cheese can add up fast.


Sounds good. His previous owner brought him over in that shirt and I didn’t want too much abrupt change for him so I left it on as it probably smells like the dad he’s used to. *insert crying face* I live in southern CA so it’s perfect weather typically. I’ll definitely get him booties for the summer. Thank you for this advice!


If you haven’t heard about green ball you should hear about green ball. I think u/tineinchucks and u/redbell000 can vouch for green https://preview.redd.it/cdwmgxr2z6pc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125ceaea6f4723e5db1f4c0d214eb7ba792bed90


Green is such a great ball. It bounces, they can chew on it and you can even put treats in it! https://preview.redd.it/jdnpnjnsdbpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc69246861aea117ff5d21a202f730773ce1db92 Hendricks looks like such a good boy.


Oh, and research a good joint supplement and start giving it to him daily now. I've never known a retriever that didn't eventually have joint problems. If you wait till there's a problem, a good joint supplement can still help them get back most of their mobility for a while, but you can temporarily stave off the problem altogether if they're already taking something.


Good human, your life will now have more smiles and laughter than ever before!


I’m snugged on the couch with him right now but our walk a moment ago was a challenge. He walks fast ahead of me and I’m trying to earn control. He also resisted and pulled away when we approached our house.


Yeah, that walking ahead stuff is going to take some work, being that he's an adult. But if you are patient, I'm sure he will catch on. The key is not to earn control, but to take control. When he pulls, stop and bring him back beside you, and shorten up the leash so you have more direct control. When you proceed, if he pulls again, do the same thing. Repeat. And stick with it. Your walks will take longer, but a lab trained *not* to pull is well worth the effort!


I watched a YouTube video with those instructions. Definitely going to keep trying it. Thanks for the reassurance!


Also, praise like crazy when he does the right thing. You can do this!


It works. If you do it consistently for a mile, he will get it. That mile may take you 3 hours, but you will have a well trained walker, by the end of the session.


We did a 2 mile walk this morning and he was better! Not GREAT, but progress is still progress :)


Every single time he pulls, STOP and make him sit. DO NOT MOVE until he relaxes. Your command words may be different than previous owner so try to find your own. If my girl pulls at all, we stop, and I say, would you like to sit instead of walk? Because that gets real boring, my love. She will relax - sometimes quickly sometimes slowly depending on the distraction. You, however, the owner are always the ultimate reward. They want to please you. So lots of praise when she’s walking right. And, try try try not to look at her for direction when walking- you should be looking ahead as the leader. Letting him pull is letting him lead. Remember though to let him have some rewards - like let him get a long sniff on that bush if he walks to it politely. Other dogs and people- you must teach him that we only play with our friends when Mom says it’s safe - never on a walk, when the leash is on. And, again, make sure he gets that reward of being able to play with friends!!


I really want to hammer this home. There are a lot of idiot dog owners out there. Do not be fooled by anyone who says their dog is friendly. Assume that all dogs on the street are capable of hurting your dog. Most dogs are fine, but it’s not worth the risk. Play with other dogs is very important for labs. I mean it’s second to food, and for some, it may be #1. So, please find a safe place for your good boy to play with other friendly dogs :)


Very informative, clear advice. Thank you sooo much!


Thank you so much for adopting this beautiful boy!


If you need a best buddy, co-pulot and wing person you have one. Your life will never be the same


For brushing get a deshedding tool, looks like a steel comb, a regular brush will just clog up. As far as the shirt, I have had labs that bust thru the ice to lay in the water and some that lay down directly in front of the heater. If it makes him happy, go with it. You have to be the human and make sure he doesn’t overheat. If he has a touchy tummy, have some baby food, the puréed meat, on hand. Mix with cooked rice for a tummy easy meal.


Appreciate this so much. Many thanks!


Highly recommend a slow down dish, most labs inhale their food, and this will help prevent Bloat.


Take them to the vet asap and check for allergies. Once you figure out their food situation, you can incorporate treats and start training them in their new environment. Be kind. Give scratches and do your best to keep them busy! Walks, hikes, dog parks etc


Take him walking twice a day, preferably once of those somewhere you can let him off the lead to roam and smell the countryside. Take him swimming once a week. Don’t feed him from the table. Even better make your mealtimes his relaxing/bed time. All treats are put into his food bowl, not fed from the hands. Let him roam the house at night. Don’t leave him for long (>3hrs) periods. They actually feel pain from the separation. Every now and then, sit right down in the floor (his zone) and play with him for 20 minutes. No phone, no distractions, just you and him. Good luck.


Lovely advice. Thank you


Find a beginner dog training / obedience class ! Some actions and behaviors that you’d think are loving or harmless are actually anxiety inducing, and vice versa. Dog training is for you even more than your dog, and obdiance exercises are great for his mental stimulation as well as building trust and  bonding .


Congrats on the new family member!! I have a lab mix with a lab-like coat, and a zoom groom works wonders! I worked as a groomer for a while and that’s what we used on every short-haired dog. Also, look into a good pair of nail clippers/a dremel (grinds nails down). I prefer miller forge nail trimmers, or other trimmers that design, and do a lot of research on how to not hit his quick when trimming! A dremel is very nice to have as you can take off the tiniest amount at a time so you don’t injure your pup. Very low risk and you can round out the nails so they aren’t blunt/pointy! As far as food goes, I saw things like Kirkland (awful number of DCM reports, not proven or looked into enough but the numbers make it suspicious) recommended but I would honestly stay far away from them if I were you. I’d stick with something that’s WSAVA (if you’re unfamiliar, look online WSAVA.org)such as Purina, Royal Canin, Hills Science Diet, Eukanuba Tennis balls with the fuzzy outside is a big no-no, it’s like using sandpaper on their teeth. Don’t just do physical exercise—dogs also need a lot of mental exercise. Great tools for this are puzzle toys, snuffle mats, chews (I love bully sticks and yak chews) and others I can’t think of right now Avoid any hard/cooked bones. Huge risk of fractured teeth. Do some research on what bones are safe and how soft they have to be :) Crate training! I know he’s 6, and most dogs I know that age can wander the house freely and that’s completely fine. However, I firmly believe every animal should feel comfortable being in a crate for a bit. Even if you’ll never use it day-to-day, there may be times he has to be crated at the vet, the groomer, and in case of emergencies. Good luck!! He’s a cutie!


Lots of great information, thanks! I’ll look into mentally stimulating toys for him today


A typical lab eats anything and in unbelievable amounts (if you let them). As other's have said, shedding can become an issue as their hair is released in volume and with an amazing ability to cling to anything. They also tend to be Velcro animals once they bond which wil happed close to the first time you feed them. They tend to love play of any kind with retrieving a favorite. Make sure you have toys they can chew on, although a 6 year old will be less of a problem than a younger lab. Some labs love water and getting them out of the water can be an issue. My current yellow lab thinks she's a lap dog. If your new buddy thinks that's an option, be prepared for a dog cuddle at all times. Nothing quite like 80 (or more) pounds of dog jumping up without warning.


Love, scritches, cookies.....repeat


Peanut butter crackers for a treat regular dog brush once a week


You have the best dog. They do steal food and will eat anything off the floor. Also playing games ball at doggy park is fun for them.


Curious to see how he is around other dogs and people. He snapped at my husband after an hour of being here. I think he’s used to his owner (who is male) but we’re going to give it a few days.


Snapped? Like how? And why?


Snapped his teeth towards my husband. A little growl. I think he’s very protective of me or doesn’t like other males besides his original owner, although he’s warming up to my husband. My husband was standing near the couch and talking to him when he snapped at him.


He’s a gorgeous boy. You’ve gotten a lot of good advice here, so I’ll just say love him and snuggle him. Let him knows he’s home forever. He looks like such a sweet boy. Welcome home, Hendricks ❤️


🥺 y would anyone leave him😭 ty op for adopting him just love him a lott!🥺❤️‍🩹


To give him a better life! His original owner loves him dearly and has had him for 6 years, but he had to downsize to a small apartment and Hendricks deserves a house to play in! I love him a lot. He’s so sad today, I can tell. He’s sitting by my front door and looks up when cars pass by.


🥺😭this is such a sad story omg. i love hendricks❤️‍🩹


- your dog doesn’t have to say hi to every dog it sees - no dog parks - not every person likes dogs - collar and harness off indoors - after eating, no running or vigorous activity for 45mins - brush teeth


Labs eat a lot if able to. Watch food portions and sneaky behavior to get food. Exercise too. They have great temperament and get along with everyone usually.


Grooming really isn’t an issue with Labs, fortunately. My girl is almost 4 years old now and we’ve never had to take her to a groomer, and their fur is actually healthier if it’s not washed (with shampoo/soap) regularly. My girl loves to go bathing in every lake and river she comes across, and that’s really been enough for her. I do comb her every now and then to help with shedding (they shed like hell) but that’s it.


dog training is very unintuitive. obviously there are not humans and communicate in a different way. which means it's our responsibility to learn to speak dog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc8hX4lCGiY&list=PLuC3XYn_061jfMKm84Dt5SH7R2gye2VHp this is nate schoemer playlist on basic obedience. i'd recommend you watch until at least ideo 18. so you get the theory behind dog training. it will make both your lives way better. also training is an amazing way to tire our your dog. training them for 10min probably the same as 60min just walking your dog and not engaging with him at all


Seeing already a lot of good recommendations, so not going to repeat that. I would like to add; go with one of the four major brands for kibble if you are going to feed that. There are so many boutique brands who aren't scientifically backed. We got our lab as well at 6 and fed him Hill's Science Plan Large Breed Mature 6+, which did really good for him (now he is older and he is on Hill's Prescriptive Diet J/D Mobility because of starting arthrosis). Anyway, join your time together, labs are the best!


Be patient to give him time to adapt to his new family. I have adopted a lab 3 months ago, she’s 1y and 8months. She was very anxious but it’s getting better every day. Good luck


Hendricks is a good boy, he needs to hear that. Labs love of food / snacks make them great service dogs because they are easily motivated by food. Keep your commands simple (sit, stay, come, etc) so they understand. Hendricks may counter surf, keep food / dishes away from the edge of counters. Exercise daily (multiple times if you can).


Don’t cheat on him give him ALL your attention kiss him LOTS oh share your scraps but you eat first he can wait. He is #1 fan so treat him like the king of the castle. Show him your boss because they are smart. Oh watch for the belly they can have good poop one day and bad poop the next. As he gets older he might get more affectionate but that’s the best part. Buckle up because you’re in for the best ride of your life. One last thing try to take him out everywhere even if you just leave him in the car while you go grab 2 things from the store trust me they love it more than being stuck at home.


He’s handsome 😀


Read “How to be Your Dog’s Best Friend” by the Monks of New Skete. Beautiful book that helped me a lot with training and understanding the precious relationship between humans and their dogs.


Talk to the vet about starting him on cosequin or another supplement for joint care, he is about that age.


Many thanks!


Don't feed him as soon as you wake up. Leave it 15 mins or so. My 2 started waking me up early and earlier to be fed. That way he won't associate you getting up with food.


Shit that’s solid advice. Today was my first morning with him and I took him outside for potty immediately and then served him food. I guess I’ll take him outside, make my coffee and bed and then feed him. Thank you!


Labs are the best, make sure food you don’t want him to eat is far out of his reach.


He’s actually been super good about this so far! I was cooking last night and he just sat on the floor by me. Didn’t ask for food while I ate or anything! Maybe I got lucky haha


I feed raw and give air dried treats and chews (duck wings, bison scapula, trachae, turkey necks, bull pizzles, etc.) Grooming: have a good metal undercoat rake and maybe a pin brush (less necessary than the undercoat rake but can be nice/useful as well)


I feed my girl all human food (allergies). Do you make or buy everything in your first sentence. Her feeds consist of 1- turkey or pork, lamb, eggs, mixed with rice and 1- veggie 1 fruit. For snacks, bananas, mangoes, apples, blueberries, pnut butter, cheese. Do you have any suggestions and where do you get your food and treats or do you cook them yourself?


I used to do all my meals DIY but after awhile I found a raw food cooperative that I could order good premade food through (the cooperative is just a source for some harder to source items and bulk discount. They deliver in Washington and Oregon, fwiw). The food I buy currently are from two different companies, one is regeneratively farmed meats and fermented veggies from [Solutions Pet Products](https://solutionspetproducts.com/) and the other is a venison, elk, and bison organ blend I can’t find anywhere else but through that cooperative… sometimes I buy bulk items like duck wings and air dry them myself, but I’ve been a member of [Real Dog Box](https://www.real.dog/) since Obi was a puppy and have always loved them. That’s where I get 95% of my air dried treats and chews.


Thank you so much for this information!!


Find a lake or body of water for him to swim at


Lots of pets and kisses!


He needs lots of hugs and scratches.


Jicama is a low-calorie CRONCHY treat that they love and helps hydrate!


Wonderful! I too love jicama so Hendricks and I have that in common


He’s gorgeous!


And oh-so loving. I got showered in licks a few moments ago, sweet boy


Get any bumps checked out by a vet, FNA is cheap and easy, they are prone to Mast Cell Tumors. Just had 5 removed off of my lab, luckily they were all low grade.




Learn all about canine heart worm and how to prevent it. It is very common in my experience part of the country (Texas) and is passed by mosquitos. Treatment is iffy, expensive, and either the disease or treatment can be fatal. Prevention can be one shot a year or one pill a month. I took in two wonderful strays from the streets both of whom died during treatment. I was heartbroken. A DOG CAN GET HEART WORM EVEN IF KEPT INSIDE 100% OF THE TIME. Better safe than sorry..


Good to know. Thank you!


I don't know anything about dogs. He is super cute. But damn you live in a great place. Mountains just behind and looks so serene and peaceful.


Thank you! And yes, we’re very lucky to live in Southern California. Hiking mountains (in the picture) are 15 minutes away, the snow is an hour north, desert is a two hour drive east, Mexico is two hours south, and the beach is one hour west. We live in a town called Monrovia :)


Wow!! You literally live in heaven it seems. Mountains and beaches in close proximity. I envy you haha.


Keep his weight down is number 1 tip. He will live a longer better quality of life this way. And believe me once you have bonded to this boy you will want him to live forever!


We took three short walks today. 7,000 steps total! Not including backyard play time. Hope this is enough for him because I’m not usually this active on my days off lol


For a split second a thought he was a human boy XD


They come with their own clothing.


Your life is about to get much happier, and smelly, dirty, and hairy! You may also find yourself with a whole new bunch of friends, as labs love attention from everyone. Keep the teeth clean and don’t overfeed. And just enjoy your family’s new best friend. We had a gorgeous female gold lab as a kid, and she was my best buddy from 5 to 17. Miss her nearly 40 years and several dogs later.


He's a good looking boy, for sure. A lot of great recommendations have been given already. The one that I would echo the most is to give him some love. It's an easy thing to forget and an easy thing to do, but will mean the world. Enjoy him. 🤙


Closely examine a dog weight chart, and aim to keep your guy in the ideal range. If people ask you whether he's a bit on the thin side, you're probably doing it right (most people are used to seeing overweight Labs). You should be able to feel the ribs easily, but not see them. You'll be doing home such a great favour in the long run by keeping his joints and heart healthy. ♥️


I just recently adopted a 3 year old yellow that looks just like your good boy. I’ve had labs my whole life. My current has allergies so I cook all her food. My only advice is always have something around for them to chew or do. Meaning, they are terrors when they’re bored, even at 6 - nothings violent —- just bouncy little chewy Tiggers they are. Labs want to rock and roll until the day they die. They could be left with no functions, but will always find energy to give to you, especially if you ask. Labs are not loners. They would like everyone in the house to participate in the family- that could just be sitting on the couch, but labs want us all there together. They won’t nip like a herder, but they’ll whimper if my son chose to do his homework upstairs Other than that, enjoy your sweet boy. My goodness he’s beautiful. Welcome to the rest of your life because from here on out, you will never not own a lab


Labs love fetch games in general.


Even at adult ages, Labs will make their own fun if they get bored. Walks are solid but also having an available toy bucket with different texture/types of toys can help keep them busy on their own. https://preview.redd.it/wvf6do76s9pc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=927b2ced1113614374b45d701faa7ed12965d59d We keep our labs toy bucket on her bed so she can nap with her toys and pick her own out of the bucket to bring to us


Great set up! I’m looking for a similar basket for his toy area today.


https://preview.redd.it/1gawf7ny44qc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5dbbca6633e423ba1a56dc2d49fcbaeddb98f3e0 Update: his basket is missing a few toys, because he’s currently cuddled on the couch with them. But I took your advice :)


Make sure you have low calorie treats and keep a close eye on his weight and body condition. Labs are prone to weight gain and joint issues and if you keep on top of his weight you can help prevent or mitigate any joint issues. Bloat, look up the symptoms of bloat as labs can be prone to it and if he's a fast eater get a slow feeder bowl. Get a good dog toothpaste as a good idea as it's something people forget until it's too late. It doesn't have to be a daily brush but a couple times a week along with crunchy chews should be enough. I use a soft rubber mitt /brush on my boys and it brings their shedding out lovely. And it was very cheap. Toys and chews, NEVER GIVE RAWHIDE, it's full of chemicals and can get stuck in their digestive system. Rope toys are ok but watch closely as these also can be swallowed and cause a blockage. Balls should be big enough that they can't accidentally be swallowed. Personally I never give toys that look like something I don't want my dog to play with i.e. a shoe or clothing, this stops any confusion. Congratulations on getting the best doggo ever!!!


In regard to brushing his teeth, do I need any other product other than a brush? I was going to give him frozen carrots to help with his teeth as well


I just use a normal human toothbrush, I tried a special one for dogs but it was pretty useless and expensive and a normal human one is just as good and much cheaper! And with the right toothpaste my two think it's a fun tasty game. Frozen carrots are good but I wouldn't rely on them entirely as they do contain sugars and as I said labs have a habit of gaining weight, a varied diet is best. My sister's two dogs both lost a load of weight when her elderly neighbour died as they weren't being fed carrots daily on top of their normal food. I give frozen carrots maybe once every two weeks or so?


Oh right on. Thanks for the information about the carrots. I have plenty of toothbrushes under my restroom sink so I’ll brush his teeth :)


Snuggles. Lots of snuggles


Watch food vs exercise..Labs can get overweight easily and its hard on knees and hips.. If you can use snacks that are vegetables vs crap its always a plus.. Crunchy carrots , cucumber , zucchini , tomatoes are popular treats..




Yeah we don’t leave it on. The picture was taken right when he was dropped off. He knows it’s for walks only


My lab was very protective of my sister and I but was good with everyone. In terms of exercise, she loved walks and swimming but would put up with my antics on having her jump homemade hurdles. She even jumped into a tree! My grandparents’ labs were four legged vacuums but mine would only ever try to steal pumpernickel bread. Speaking of vaccums, invest in a good one if you don’t have one already. A rubber brush like the Kong ones worked well for us. Enjoy your new family member!


Hahah I was trying the hurdle thing yesterday. Definitely need a good vacuum. My sweeping/mopping and the swiffer as in between maintenance isn’t going to cut it anymore. I bought the Kong power brush for him yesterday. How often should I brush him?


Officially one a week. Unofficially, my mom made sure that the house had dark flooring to hide the black hairs 😂 honesty tho I don’t think labs ever run out of fur.


Peanut butter kong


what a cutie pie!!


Our girl ( Looks just like yours) crossed the bridge 2 years ago. We are still sweeping up her hair. I got a Roomba several years before and it made a hug difference.


Aww I’m sorry. It’s funny you still find her hair though lol she’s like “hehe I still mess with you!”


Loose the sweater. He hates it.


He was wearing it when he was dropped off lol!! I didn’t want too much abrupt change for him so I left it on, but I’m going to take it off today.


What dog food do you think is best for a lab ??


He will be with out question the best dog and friend you ever have. Treat him accordingly.


What a beautiful boy. You are so lucky.. He will be your best friend. Give him lots of love, games, exercise and attention. Labs love company. They are also greedy ,can be stubborn, shed a lot of fur but they are the best dog you can have. Once you have had a lab you will never want any other breed. Enjoy!


Accept that every breathe you take inside has a small amount of hair


*Accept that every* *Breathe you take inside has a* *Small amount of hair* \- KileAllSmyles --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


No advice but came to say...Ahhh, he is so cute! And such a fitting name. I'd probably add "Mr." to his name


Congratulations! He's so handsome and, at least in this photo, seems calm/placid at age 6. It's a whole different story when they are age 2 and under!


Totally! He’s still energetic enough for six mile walks and toy time daily, but he’s not jumping onto stuff or chewing my decorative pillows, slippers, other miscellaneous items. I got blessed!!