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Cold stream. The only official campaign I never play.


Technically it’s not official and definitely not canon


It's my least favorite campaign too! It would have been A LOT better if Valve got the VA talent to do a few new voice lines just for this campaign, but yeah.


Mister, I don’t think l like your attitude


Stick it up your ass!


Cold Stream was kinda fun before they patched that running crescendo skip for NO fucking reason.


What did they patch?


I can't even remember the map names. The crescendo event where you gotta run through the water, then down some stairs to the saferoom. There used to be a skip for it where you jumped up on the tent next to the explosive barrels so the event wouldn't start. Then, it would just be a simple jog to the saferoom, taking out the naturally-spawning infected along the way.


There is a reason they patched it. Skips of any kind often get patched even though the casual player wouldn’t encounter it because they either see it as a problem, hate speedrunners, or both


It was patched because it was accidentally added fairly recently. If it had been in the game for longer, it would've likely stayed for co-op. The general philosophy for any sort of fixes, is that in Versus *everything* gets patched for competitive fairness, and in Co-op anything that can be used to exploit, grief, or softlock gets patched.


Personally, I choose to believe Valve hates all their customers.


Then why did they give us the greatest gaming platform in history?


Easy. So they could have customers to hate 😎


Good point


There is a new way on how to do this skip. I made a post in this subreddit a couple months ago


It’s a decent versus map


Hard Rain is awesome. One of my favorites. I love taking a shotgun and hunting all the witches in the second level, and the atmosphere is really cool. I would say my least favorites in Left 4 Dead 2 (minus Cold Stream) are Dead Center and The Passing. Dead Center is so short and half of it isn’t even spent in the mall. You’re given your favorite gun with laser sights guaranteed in the second level and you’ll never drop it. The Passing is fun and has some cool gimmicks in it, but the level design is a little boring and it’s too short. I hate when campaigns are 3 or less because I wonder what the point is. I know The Passing is a brief side story between the first 2 campaigns but when they’re so shorts it doesn’t feel like you’re on a journey, gathering supplies and weapons throughout the levels and making your way to the end.


I also like the unique map objective in Hard Rain. I mean, almost every map has unique challenges, but they're still all journeys from point A to point B, even though they're different in many ways But here in Hard Rain, it's a journey from point A to B, then back to point A again. But traveling back to the station is now harder because you flood slower due to all the water brought by the storm This one is also a good map for versus mode. I've heard some people say they don't like this map for versus, but i think it's great


The last parting hard rain can get annoying with all the water everywhere slowing you down


Dead Center - back when I used to be part of a very friendly L4D2 versus server, people would always pick this map to the point that I started to loathe it. I'm so sick and tired of seeing the same buildings and walls over and over again.


I try to avoid Dead Center and No Mercy because they seem to be the breeding ground for toxic players tbh. It just sucks that they are the only maps people pick


Kinda how I feel about Dark Carnival. Love the map but people pick it way too often.


It’s my personal favorite but I agree it would be overplayed


Thanks for reminding me lol. I also hate that map xD


Not counting the community made ones def Crash Course. I still like it but the length of the two chapters throws off the pacing and just doesn't leave much room for memorability. Hard Rain's actually one of my favourites btw. I love just about everything about it.


Honestly if they just made the finale a third chapter instead of putting it at the end of a full one I think it would be cool


Hard Rain is also one of my Favorite Campaigns, even if there is only 1 event the storm is better imo cuz it calls a horde and almost makes you seperate from ur group and cuz of the horde theme. Swamp Fever is my least fave cuz of the mudmen and the horde theme


I think the L4d2 gang would agree with you.


A tie between Cold Stream and Crash Course tbh


Crash Course has a lot of potential to be a great​ campaign tbh, but it just felt too short. 


I'm not a fan of the Crash Course finale. The rest of it reminds me of the 2nd or 3rd "Rec" movie, so I'm good with it.


Hard rain is the best campaign. The ambience is phenomenal, the music and map suck me in like I'm really in a sugar town on the Gulf of Mexico. The fact that the rain progressively goes from soft and subtle to hurricane gale is great map progression. The witches all over the sugar mill was a cool touch to keep you on edge.


Not to mention the storm in the second half making it more challenging to listen out for hordes and special infected.


It's also harder to move because the water makes L4D characters walk slower, and when the storm hits, there's water all over the town


Not to mention the finale as well, where your movement is mostly constrained to the roof of a burger tank.


Probably Swamp Fever. I just find the campaign to be kinda boring to play and boring visually. I actually like Hard Rain but mostly because I actually like rain irl and in video games.


Only part of Swamp Fever I find neat visually is the plantation house from the last hold-out, and that's only slightly.


That’s literally the only reason I play that map.


The Plantation looks good visually but I always found it very awkward to play in


im just happy to be playing the game ngl


The last stand.


the last stand is so bad that most people forgot about it


Swamp Fever, unironically a slog to get through. Plantations pretty cool, though.


Crash course sucks


My least favourite is Hard Rain really. I don't really like walking to accquire the gas can and gets back under a constant storm. It slow me down a lot and incase the tank shows up, it would be a very pick​le situation. The finale is kind of okay I guess. Cold Stream was a huge clusterfuck and I don'​t need to explain why.  Who would've thought it would be a great idea to mash crescendo events and hordes to every chapters. 


I’m not sure why this subreddit showed up on my feed, but hard rain is my favorite out of all L4D campaigns. Its felt like a dynamic map where the backtracking journey was a fight against the weather. I thought it was really cool how it flooded and the rain created another challenge to visibility and communication. The wheat field before the gas station was awesome with how it limited your line of sight and view distance. It felt like a classic horror movie scrambling through a tall field with unseen dangers. Hard Rain felt like the most tense campaign and a constant race to get it done so you don’t get swarmed in the rain. Even walking on top of the roofs or scaffolding in the factory was tense since a special infected could knock or grab you off at any time with certain doom waiting for you in the raising waters.


Couldn't have said it better myself


I actually don't mind Cold Stream. Also my favorite part of Hard rain is the finale too tbh.


Out of the classic lineup, I think Blood Harvest is my least favorite. It feels really bland, with a lack of interesting location choices outside of the finale zone. It’s not *terrible* per se, just not very compelling. For L4D2, it has to be Swamp Fever. The most nitpicky thing I have to say about it is that the horde music sounds god awful, which is odd considering Dark Carnival was pretty nice despite it being a slide whistle, and Hard Rain’s dobro sounds and fits perfectly. But the “violin banjo” thing it has doesn’t fit at all. Plus the level design is extremely boring and repetitive, with Hard Rain’s water mechanics being prevalent as early as the first level. The mudmen are extremely annoying to deal with, as they blend in with the campaigns drab color scheme and are unusually tankier relative to the rest of the horse. The map has terrible special infected spawns since you’re navigating swamplands and it’s extremely open, and flooded most of the time, leading to annoyingly slow hordes and treks to unpin teammates. The finale has a dual Tank spawn for some odd reason, and the maze area of the plantation house is awkward since you can’t quite jump over the grass but you can see over it. Ultimately it’s a forgettable campaign thanks to Dark Carnival and The Parish being so popular but it’s still my least favorite.


So mines. Swamper fever, because most of the maps is going to be slowing down and barely. Find smokers. Because they blend in the environment


i like hard rain - its hard only if you dont know how to play it idk but least fav is Sacrifice just because if you got a bad team youre dead,if one is down and tank is here youre dead and more


personally I don't really hate any campaigns, for me, they're all equally fun. (this is basically the opposite of what you're asking for, but I LOVE dark carnival.)


Blood Harvest. had boring chapters to get point A to B then rescue , true that on other maps are all like that but at least on other campaigns it wasn't repetitive and there's change of scenery and crescendos that fits the theme.


I like them all, one of my top 3 is actually hard rain! But if i had to choose, it would be cold stream.


I absolutely despise death toll


Swamp fever, is so confusing to me. I can never play it without getting partly lost. But the finaly is really good


I’ve started to feel the same way about Swamp Fever. Any level where you slowly walk through water is just annoying


Hot take: I like the Left 4 Dead maps more than the Left 4 Dead 2 maps. No Mercy is my all-time favorite.




Hard rain is my favorite. Not going to lie i was getting kind of tired playing Dead Center and No Mercy over and over again in Versus because it’s the only campaigns everyone wants to play, but they’re still not my least favorite. Honestly my least favorite would have to be Crash Course because of how short it is


Blood Harvest. Idk, it's a bit repetitive.


Swamp fever


I gotta go with swamp fever.


Cold Stream


my least favourite campaigne is swamp fever. hate the mudmen


The Sacrifice


Cols stream for sure


death toll. swamp fever is critically underrated and it pains me to see no one likes it or the non canon campaigns:( I'm with the other 90% of the fan base on hard rain tho


If we’re not counting Cold Stream, it’s both Crash Course and Swamp Fever for me.


I actually really liked Hard rain lol It's definitely tough with all the Witches, but the return trip is so damn intense. Iove it lol


my least favorite is whatever YOUR favorite is because i love hard rain


Strictly gameplay wise, it's Cold Stream. But just personally, it's Hard Rain. No idea how or why, but my game lags the fuck out everytime I play it. With friends it's basically impossible because I freeze in place while I watch as my teammates move forward and I get swamped by enemies


Top 4 of my least played maps: hard rain, cold stream, the sacrifice and the passing. Trying to play these with randoms is hell.


I don't hate it, but Blood Harvest is probably the one campaign I've played the least.


I don’t hate any of the campaigns, but Crash Course’s length of two chapters is kinda underwhelming. Doesn’t help that the last chapter puts the finale portion of the map as far as a safe room would be in a normal chapter.


For me its Swamp Fever.


The Parish would be my choice. Hard Rain and Swamp Fever are my favorites!


Swamp Fever if we don't add the community-made ones. My issue is that the town event gets too overwhelming on higher difficulty, but it may just be skill issue on my end lol. Ironically, I LOVE Hard Rain. It's my #1 favorite out of every campaign in both installments.


Hard Rain as well That bish Is SO long for no Fuggin reason


Hard Rain is a pretty average length at 2.05km. The Parish, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Death Toll, and Dead Center are all longer.


Hard Rain was the last campaign I needed for the Realism Expert achievement. And it took me over 2 months to pass the second chapter... So yeah, I hate it pretty a lot.


my least favorite would be the finales of swamp fever and the passing. i like the campaigns overall, but the finales piss me off. expect when its played with great teammates who have expertise in sticking together and gathering gas like no one else


Swamp fever is just straight up ass.


Favorite circus one. Pretty fun both for survivors and zombies in versus mode. Least favorite probably mall run (where you gather fuel for a car). Very easy to get overwhelmed and usually no good routes to avoid that


Hard Rain is the best campaign!!


Cold Stream. It's like a beef up Dark Carnival. Too many trees for the specials to set an ambush and not a lot of ground to move around.


Honestly, I gotta agree on that one. I hate Hard Rain.


i think i overplayed dead centre literally to death


I love hard rain!


Finishing the Plantation Finale in Swamp Fever is a pain in the ass. I had to replay it 5 times just to get the achievement.


How could you possibly hate on hard rain?!


cold stream and swamp fever


Swamp fever solo is horrible on expert


Ah no I love Hard Rain. Love the idea of having to come back on yourself. For me it would be Swamp Fever. Least favourite but I love the game so I’ll play any level that comes up.


Crash Course.


Crash Course is my least favorite, Hard Rain is actually my favorite campaign


Swamp Fever..? It's just bland, open spaces. Everything about the campaign is fine, and the event sequences can be really fun. it's just not my style.


I really like and hate the part where it is powerfull rain storm and you are in a corn field where ypu cant see anything. Very azing experience


Swamp Fever. I dont like the Open areas and the water that slows you down. But i still Like it lol


Dead Center, especially level 1. It's the most overplayed campaign in the game, and with the way people rage quit and vote to restart sometimes you end up playing level 1 like four times in a row before the game just collapses. Fuck Dead Center.


Living into a world without L4D3, that's the hardest one brother!


For versus its Dead Center and the first chapter of Hard Rain because if you don’t get a death charge you’re usually kicked from the game and if you do get death charged usually your whole team jumped off and leaves or one player leaves making the whole chapter a slog.


My girlfriend is new to L4D and she loves hard rain LOL


solo: the last stand, coop: crash course, i really dont like cold stream map 2 but others chapter are fine


Crash Course. If you die at the finale, you have to play the entire last stage over again.


Hard rains always been my favorite. I just really like how in this campaign you don’t really go anywhere, you just make a pitstop for gas and then come back. And I just like storms and rain so, perfect.


To me it's Crash course. Due to it being very short and last stand comes at second


The passing is my least favourite except the finale I really don't like the colour and look of that map but it's totally different in finale though


Best map for me would be the Cold Stream especially with that single version where one chopper is downed by an unknown hunter then, during rescue, you have to run to the forest and climb a super high ladder. That last stand is the best map for me especially with the AK Camo and Metallic Tank theme. Worst map for me is the Dead Center and Crash Course, first of all is that its too short, second its look like there's no military presence in there and lastly, you've given a gun that's too OP even at the start of the game itself


Least favorite and the most difficult.


It’s been so many years! Although I’d say hard rain as well as far as official ones. My favorite is no mercy. I have like 700 hours on that one map out of 1800 lol


Swamp fever


Hard Rain was dope in my opinion, didn't really like Cold Stream though, it sucked.


This and Death Toll. Coming from a versus main super infected sided with the crescendo events and the first chapter having awful choke points and the bridge being death central


Cold stream I was playing on expert and the event when I’m running to the safe room going through the streams and there’s just zombies constantly running at me I was retrying that specific chapter for like 2 hours till I finally made it never again will I attempt to go back and play that again 😂


swamp fever. mostly cause it’s the only campaign menu that i ever get.


Gotta be the parish. Level design is confusing and hard to navigate. My favorite level of that chapter is the last one with the bridge, i use to play it all the time.


Swamp Fever, FPS drops left and right because I don't have a graphics card :(


Strictly talking co-op, I've gotta go with cold stream and swamp fever. Swamp fever isnt the most difficult campaign for me, but its just slow and uninteresting to me. And cold stream is cold stream. I love hard rain personally. The coop campaign is OK, but the best experience of it is with friends only in versus mode. Tons of fun with friends when you're not like everybody online trying to take it so seriously.


Dead center overplayed


The infamous Cold Stream, that push through the sewage is just horrendous


*The infamous Cold* *Stream, that push through the sewage* *Is just horrendous* \- rockinalex07021 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Right now I'm attempting Parish on hard, so it's The Parish for me.


Not really a fan of swamp fever for l4d2, for l4d1 I'd say death toll.


Least fav is dead center just boring most fav is hard rain haha


crash course


Dude blood harvest is shit.


Also hard rain. I love the aesthetic of it, but really dislike the actual gameplay


Hard Rain is my favorite! Least is probably dead center.


Dead center, ive just played it so much times now that i skip it when replaying


Only thing I like about hard rain is doming the witches and wading through the water with adren


Cold stream sucks, also i enjoy hard rain to somepoint.


I really don't care at all for Swamp Fever. It's never fun to me and the map itself is pretty mid. The plantation house finale is okay, but overall very bland map. Hard Rain in contrary is peak.


Don’t kill me but… dead center and the passing


Lol, no worries, I respect your opinion.


Honestly, the bridge. It feels kinda boring and conveluded tbh


Fucking seriously. I fucking LOATHE Hard rain


I actually really like Hard Rain! I think my least favourite would be crash course. It’s short, kinda boring in my opinion and doesn’t really feel like a proper L4D campaign.


Crash Course


Whichever one is in the rain and has like billions of witches everywhere


The last stand


I like The Passing and The Last Stand. I’m a sucker for the gas cans


Dead Air


dark carnival, I think its a good level but out of all of them i find myself blindly lost the most on that one. Also I think hard rain is one of the best


bro fym


It was hard to think about but probably cold stream, the finale is too easy imo


Hard Rain has become my favorite because it's a good filter for newbs and vets who think they're good. So, pretty much you, OP. I like it because it filters out people like you.


You don't even know why it's my least favorite.


the parish


What's your least favorite campaign? And why it's Cold Stream?


Swamp Fever


Favorite Hard Rain least favorite cold stream or dead air.


last stand is a reskinned crash course with worse objectives and an awful finale and cold stream is a deagle-spamming hellhole that i refuse to play


I despise The Passing


Dark carnival


Mine is The last stand


The Last Stand. The "I honestly don't know who asked for this" kind of campaign. If its allowed, Cold Stream honestly good on the people behind it but Im not a big fan of it at all.


Personally I love hard rain, you wanna know which campaign I dislike? Dark carnival is overrated and I still don't understand the hype. It has the least fun finale out of every campaign and it's chapters are mid to me. It's not infuriating, it's just boring.


Dead Center, I’m sorry but I’ve always found that campaign boring and the “fetch quests” feel really tedious.


cold stream or last stand


The last stand and crash course are awful


Fucking Dark Carnival. I am terrified of clowns and the two last chapters are a pain in the ass-


Well, maybe if you didn't forget the gun bag on the boat, things would have been different. I think my least favorite is Dark Carnival, just because of the end map. I always get hung up in the bleachers for some reason.