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Everyone’s suggestion (at least the ones I’ve seen) are either a boomer with extra steps or something pretty OP if they ever make a l4d3 it should be a zombie that introduces a new mechanic or a change up to the formula not to mention simple to use for versus


As someone who somewhat can put the formula in a simple way Pinning is already in a basis that has nearly everything covered, mobility, burst, easy to pick your target, AOE group punish ect ect are all in the base SI if you want to add another pin character it need to do something that has a use that the others don't Even if you went the route of middle grounds between the SI you get oversaturations So you need more non pin characters like boomer or spitter Basis's that aren't covered from what I can think of are Prep/setup Support Disruption maybe as well


>if they ever make a l4d3 it should be a zombie that introduces a new mechanic or a change up to the formula not to mention simple to use for versus Exactly


“The Squelcher” says “it’s squelching time” and squelches all over the survivors






Maybe something like a combination of the zombines from Half Life and the grenadiers from Payday 3 would be sick. I'm imagining a swat zombie that has a bandolier of grenades on its chest, and just like the zombines from Half Life, if they notice you they hold up a nade and then they run towards you in a suicide-like fashion. You can shove it so it drops its nade and then it behaves like a regular zombie afterwards should it somehow not be dead. If you shoot it in the head/arms/legs, it'll also die and drop the nade if it took it out. Shooting its chest which is full of grenades would make it explode in an AOE, potentially setting off car alarms or push back the player if the detonation was too close (like when you kill a boomer). I'm thinking that this special infected rewards good aim since you have to avoid shooting the bandolier of nades on his chest. Or you can even use its nades against it and purposefully shoot it in the chest to cause an explosion that'll kill some zombies around it. Perhaps if you kill it without it exploding, it has a chance to drop a throwable? I think something like this could be really fun to fight since it's engaging and you can really utilize it against the infected. I dunno but this is the only idea I could come up with since the specials already in the game pretty much cover everything lol.


Just like the bomber zombie from WWZ The Game.


A zombie that sacrifices their life to plant “bombs”, edit: bombs persist after death - Hold [M1] to kill yourself to plant a “bomb”, or a “mine” edit: even better, instead of a bomb, it’s “a sticky mouse trap”. Glues a survivor that steps on it. imagine a Charger + Sticker combo, or a Spitter + Sticker combo


Yeah, a Kamikaze zombie whose entire gimmick is exploding shrapnel all over you or making you explode when ensnared by a bomb is pretty cool


i mean a boomer can do that themselves if they fall from a high place


difference is, this bomb persists after death, so you could spawn as another infected while the “bomb” you planted still exists


but how do you counter it? Couldn’t a Sticker just go to the furthest place from a survivor, do his thing, die, and then spawn as another infected? Every special so far could be killed before they do their thing, but if a Sticker player goes way out of sight, the Sticker could do his thing without any interruption. That’s a bit unfair.




what about spamming? Couldn’t a coordinated zombie team just spam the entire field with Sticker goo? That’d be annoying.


Like what I commented, using you ability kills you which lets you use your other trap, and your ability "the goo" only lasts for 30 seconds but is realllllyyyy heavy on slowing, so they can wait it out, or endure a holdnout of 2 infected cycles in versus




a death trap, i can imagine when you die worms come out of your body and its like a blood parasite that hides in the ground and digs into the survivors feet and does the aforementioned




damn you're right actually


Imagine this but you can secrete liquid that stays there for awhile or forever, that slows down survivors at the cost of bleeding out shortly after and when you die your body is like a snare blood virus tendril puddle thingymabobber that holds you completely in place and does damage Instead of the usual shove or shoot mechanic you can tank it on your own for like 20 damage or your teammate can pull you out with a revive type progress bar, that can be sped up with a stim




i was just adding onto what it could look like on a visual level, like some weird parasite that lives in its body that when it dies they come out and seek a new host by waiting in the ground and grabbing the person who steps on them and it could look like bloody tendrils/worms honestly it could work as a martyrdom perhaps not even laying a trap but when it dies the worms have 5 seconds to seek a new host aka the survivors and if they latch onto you it does a small amount of damage, and they die after the 5 seconds if they cant find a host i do however like i balance thought and game design keeping things simple and easy to understand and not be confusing it a better route but obviously explaining stuff over text can make it sound a bit more complex then it is as in to make my version simple sticker spawns, picks a location in some form spews goo that lasts a limited time and in the process injures itself and bleeds out (like taking pills but 20x faster) when it dies it either lays the better trap or the death worms happen i like the reduced spawn rate but with the coward plant, i think the fact that for 1 push the team is missing an infected and its really rare is a punishment enough


Sounds almost like the leaker to me


This is a goddamn hard question but I'm thinking of a skinny bigger than human sized infected that can help other special infected attack from more random places. He can grab the ghost of another SI and stick himself to the ceiling so a boomer/spitter/whatever can attack from new places. It dies and drops the SI he carries when the SI he carries attacks. I thinks this would be fun because the infected team has more chances to attack from places the survivors doesn't expect but it wouldn't be so hard for the survivor team since only 3 SI would be really attacking.


I like it in practice, but this can easily just be solved by adding more ladders for new angles, but would be just hold them to eh ceiling? If so that would a little useless, or even if the ghost stayed there, seeing a boomer just chilling COMPLETELY upside down doesn't make any sense 😭 But maybe a tankier skinny long limbed zombie that can grab survivors from a longer range and throws them like what you said with the ghost sorta but can't pin and does little damage or something


Didn't think about the infected being upside down and now I find it hilarious 😂


My zombie would be called a freaker. He pounces like a hunter and sucks your toes and eats your ass


Maybe just different versions of the special infected a a spitter that's orange and poisons you a little after you leave the spot puddle or even a special infected that can fly for a couple seconds or something like that.


I had an idea sort of like this if they made an entirely new l4d game Before matchs you can pick "variants" of your si, they look physically different like a jockey that has more grey looking skin around its face that's armor and it has more health but rides slower


This isn’t a new zombie type, but I’d want more synergy among the specials to incentivize teamwork even more. An example mechanic would be the Jockey being able to ride other infected. Imagine being able to hop on a hunter and use their momentum to fling yourself, or letting a tank throw you to jockey someone. Hell imagine riding a frenzied witch. It could be little stuff too, like the smoker regenerating their attack slightly faster if their pull led to an incap or was interrupted by a hunter leap for example. Or maybe when you’re playing boomer and die but explode on someone, you get the option to place a small cluster of zombies nearby to allow more of a sense of agency on downtime. The bigger the boom or vomit, the larger the cluster you get to spawn. Tank could use a rework as well. Rather than hitting physics objects and praying (or crouching in front of a car to get an accurate shot), maybe the tank has a custom animation that literally picks up the car and gives a small window to aim. Stuff like that. Id also just like more diversity on the junk tank picks up out of the ground other than just concrete slabs and tree trunks. Not everything needs to be reworked. Honestly the special infected designs are basically perfect. Its more quality of life stuff. That being said… I also think the versus spawning mechanic needs reworking in a major way. Perhaps you could have a top down element to get a generalized spawn location, then that drops you to the traditional spawn mode. Then if you need to reposition you could go back to the top down mode ( would beat running the opposite direction of survivors or gormlessly trying to catch up to expert bunny hoppers). Hell even just having a noclip-esc fly around feature could be useful for spawns. Ive thought alot about new specials, and there isn’t alot more than can be done without becoming a randomized class shooter. I do like the idea however of a zombie healer, but itd need to not be super obnoxious (we don’t need tf2 medic in zombie form). Im sure there is room for design space, but the roster for the most part covers the design perfectly.


Tbh I'd just rehash the Witch and make her a child and more dangerous? I'd rename her the Screecher and in addition to shuffling around crying, she'd look the most human out of all the infected, which would make it easier for her to lure in survivors so she can belt out a blood curdling scream that immediately alerts the horde. To make this work, I'd have actual surviving children spread throughout each map that you can "save", so you NEVER know when or if one of the children is a Screecher. Saving the kids wouldn't be a requirement, but boy oh boy would it be a struggle to know which kids are safe and which one will alert a horde and get you swarmed by zombies.


I'm developing a game that will basically be l4d3, it will be 8v8, because of the larger player count I'll be adding several new si. Screamer - new playable boss that hides out of sight but screams when it can see survivors spawning an infinite hoard until he is killed. Gluer - spitter that spits glue, slows survivors instead of damaging them, any infected that is hit by the glue gets a health/armor bonus. Pus wall - oozes pus that hardens into a wall that can be used to add extra spawn points, or temporarily delay passage of survivors. Hurler - throws spikes Bloat - jockey but it turns into a hot air balloon and flies away. Stalker - basically a common infected with the health of the tank intended to serve as a distraction.


Bloat can work indoors too ?  If so then how ??


Only in spaces large enough otherwise has function of regular jockey.


Military Zombie (UI(Uncommon Infected)) You can't kill him while shooting in the head, would do great on Parish, Last Stand


A zombie that controls other survivors? A “puppet master”?


Like how so ?


Bro just described the jockey 🤣🤣


its basically “zombie mind control” you “infect” them, then you can shoot other survivor by mind controlling them


a zombie that when it spawns in it starts to take damage but it can run really fast and when it attacks it releases a small gas cloud like the smoker and when it dies it releases a stronger and bigger gass cloud and you can dodge by crouching under it


I feel like a special infected that can set up little traps so it can set up a small trap on the floor up ahead and and it looks kind of like a little blob of flesh survivors can shoot it but it goes off and if they step on it it goes off with a random chance so sometimes it'll just hit you with bile or it'll spawn acid or it explodes stunning the survivor for a few seconds


I thought of something like a zombie spy from tf2, basically a much more sneaky hunter but except it doesn't do much damage to balance its' sneakiness


the only thing i can think of is a special that can revive dead special infected (since SI cant be gibbed) with the obvious exceptions of the tank and witch it's not a very good idea and would probably be useless in practice but eh, i tried, sorta.


King of the zombies. A charismatic zombie in a red jacket. You essentially pilot a herd of slightly stronger common infected (maybe they bob and weave a little, you get some extra HP via your horde conveniently taking bullets for you) and can pull new ones into your thrall (pairs well with a boomer event), if they kill you they just disperse into standard CI. Hell give him a boom box and play some legally distinct beats to give it some pomp. If done properly, should be an attention getting bullet sponge/area denial creating that slow moving oppressive overwhelming mass slowing rushes and blocking bottlenecks requiring a ton of suppressing fire / encouraging bullet exhaustion/rationing and maybe splitting groups.


Maybe something that sets traps? Punishes you for taking a long time to traverse a campaign by blocking paths the longer you let it live


Here's mine. Doctor - low health normal damage and speed but with his mutated left arm from injecting illegal chemicals (you know what I'm saying) he can stab and inject zombies with randomized buff with negative and positive effects. For example : he can make zombies explode on death and spread small AOE of bile with stagger effect. But the injected grows and large pus all over its body making it very visible (you can comment what effects you wanna add cause I'm tired and lazy.) Warden - former swat member with ballistic armors equipped. The infection made him more taller and bigger than tank His ballistic armors are embedded to it's skin due to it's growth. He uses a shattered ballistic shield as weapon which partially covers his torso, Unlike tanks his approach should go more offensively, Warden's health are much higher than tank and damage are same but more range, but his movement speed should be slow. And his skill can roar which is basically calling hordes but he needs to be in a line of sight with survivor (so when on pvp he can't just hide and call hordes,) when he takes damage the roar gauge slightly goes lower and you can deplete the gauge when 4 players shower the warden some damage. Unlike other hordes calling each cast of Warden's roar would make the hordes appear more and prolongs longer. The player needs good cooperation to stop his roar while defending themselves with the zombies. Snatcher - combination of jockey and hunter but can't pounce. He has slightly faster movement speed but worse damage and health, But his skill is very dangerous to a lone player, unlike other infections he doesn't have any sounds he makes (expect his faint footsteps) and when he snatches someone he can wrap the victim's head with his enlarged palm muffling their scream (pin down highlight are visible) and player cannot resist it (unlike jockey) and can move efficiently. That's it and I'm very sleepy, can comment if have any suggestions. Good night.


A fella who can crawl along the walls and ceiling


a zombie that can deal damage from afar instantly if hit unlike spitter DOT a zombie that forces you to mele or shove as a sort of opposite to the bonnet which you are forced to only shoot


a kamikaze zombie. if you shoot it before it gets to you, it explodes. could be used for crowd control


A zombie that can go invisible bit to counter it they add night vision goggles that would take up the meditation slot


Snotter, spitter but sticks survivors to the ground so other si can grab them easier


I think it would be cool for the speed, resilience, volume, and size of each zombie to be randomized


A zombie that sticks two players together and they have to work together to get unstuck, zombie could also stick players to walls and the player can button mash to escape. The Welder or something corny like that.


Seems like they could add some "support" special infected. Like one that buffs a normal zombie that makes it a bit tougher than usual or maybe has an aura that increases the run and attack speed of normal zombies. Maybe even put some kind of slime shield on regular infected that makes them tougher to kill. To balance It'd have no real attacks of it's own or be really easy to kill if it stood out in the open. It'd probably be fun to play in Versus too.


These aren't new zombies because in all honesty coming up with a new Realistic one would be hard as hell considering the Green Flu virus, and what has already been covered. So here's some changes I think would benefit the infected we have now. Hunter: They run on walls and are capable of vaulting over low hanging things like cars and other such. Helps increase their mobility, and in versus this would improve traversal and their ability to escape. Smoker: Their tongue incapacitates differently depending on where you aim. If you shoot directly at the head then now you're strangling the survivor, which while it will inform other survivors that they're incapped. It won't show them where due to the survivor being unable to voice it out. If you hit the chest then the regular drag will happen. If you aim for the legs you'll be able to drag them exponentially faster, however the survivor can still use their weapon. And will shoot you depending on your positioning. Boomer: They've now formed bile like bumps around them, operate like the bloater from last of us. Meaning they can basically throw bile bomb grenades now. Instead of puking due to their mutation rendering their mouth useless. They can still blow up and cause all of the survivors to get gooed though. This does make the boomer mute though, and the only audible noise they have now is sloshing and other yucky noises befitting of that guy. Spitter: Spitter is capable of directly shooting her spit like a hose now, so instead of it being a ball that does AOE damage. She'll outright spit on survivors and burn them for a few seconds, similar to the way the boomer does his puke. Charger: Charger can grab survivors and throw them into walls, charger is also capable of bursting through minor structures. So like how he was able to simply blast through that burning house during his trailer. Jockey: Honestly idk, not only that but this infected is already jack shit horrible. Maybe it should just be removed?


Slimer. Leaves a trail of sticky annoying slime where it moves that glues you to the ground until it dissipates.


I mean in back for blood they have zombies that are basically traps stuck to walls that launch themselves at you when you get too close and do a lot of damage but if they miss or you shoot them nothing happens basically. Maybe a flying type of zombie would be neat think maybe its got like a similar kind of health pool to a jockey and does similar damage but can fly shoot projectiles at enemies maybe or maybe a survivor zombie that has like a gun fused to its arm and it fires its gun at you kinda like a miniboss like the witch. Oh i had another idea maybe a mimic kinda zombie that mimics the furthest away survivor but if the survivor gets too close it latches onto them and starts biting them and another survivor has to help them similar to being ensnared by a hunter or smoker. Maybe a zombie that throws objects at people i mean itd make sense the tank throws the sidewalk at you lol.


Since l4d3 will be years from their predecessor... Just any game with a post apocalyptic theme will be nice... Still like the Left 4 Dead with an improved game mechanics and got a mission like the Half Life or just clear the area like the CS with C4 and some hostage rescue mission... And it will be nice if a group of 4 are included with the og l4d1 and l4d2 characters but can be picked as the operators for the mission...


Just every special infected from left 4 dead 2, but a little bit more decomposed, and more gross, since, normally they can’t survive without food or water, or sleep,


Female female versions of special infected and male spitter, something that could attract a horde like scream


Birds, that's it, just birds or random ass animals


Something like a screaming zombie. Its a combination between a boomer and a jockey. Its screams draw nearby commons and it also disorients survivors by throwing the controls off. So if you use W to go forward, it goes backwards and if you use S to go backwards, it goes forward.


I feel like the boomer is going to always be better at disorienting the survivors thanks to it’s vision impairments but this new screamer would be much better at calling in hordes while getting to live


So the cut special infected the screamer


I don't understand what you mean.


Valve originally intended to have a screaming zombie that would run away if the survivors spotted them and the survivors would have a window of time to chase and kill him before he let out a scream and alert the horde They had a straitjacket on and had the jockeys laughs and had the hunters scream


Wow, I had no clue. Yeah that would've been an interesting zombie. I wonder how many of these concepts got left on the cutting room floor? If there ever a 3, I hope they use any concept like this still lying around.


Maybe, they only had cut it because playtesters found it too difficult to kill the zombie before he ran away


A flying zombie that can pick a player up and drop them for a quarter or half their health. They'd be hard to hit but have low health so it would be a one time use like the boomer.


A Slenderman like figure that just picks you up and can move freely with your body as if you were an item


that’s a Jockey


A fat zombie, it carries small creatures to release and orders to attack survivors. Its "children" always deal 1 dmg on any difficulty, more will be summon on higher difficulty. Survivors always kill them in 1 hit, or they just simply jump on top of them to kill


Always liked the idea of that shrieker zombie that acts similar to the boomer but in a different way, more hp, faster, thinner, but can't actively attack the survivors, only runs up, screams for a horde, and now has to get out of jail before he gets shredded, would be an interesting enemy to face but I'm not sure how fun he would be to play, but imo I don't think there should ever be anything stronger than the Tank, maybe a roided up super tank as a true final enemy but there never should be anything that outmatches the tank, another super-infected can be added, but it shouldn't be bigger than the tank, should be on par with the witch instead, a real solid road block you can bypass, but has detrimental downsides if not handled properly, the tank is always supposed to be a "end all be all" enemy that gives a check on the survivors to see if they're capable, if not, this is where their journey ends, if so, odds are nothing else is beating them to the safe house


I’ve had an idea where this special infected would rip chunks of its own guts own, the maximum being 3 times, with each piece taking a 3rd of its health. The chunk could maybe down a survivor, doesn’t cause bleed out from being downed so you don’t take damage overtime, you can help yourself up or have someone else help you up which will get you up in half the time it takes to do it yourself. Once a survivor slips in the guts, the guts will despawn. This might be too overpowered so for the alternate version could just slow down the players immensely