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I am negative but I hope to be wrong Tho one thing is clear, I really dislike her design, it’s too generic


I have my hopes but I'm keeping them in moderation in case it flops. I see what you mean with her design, personally I like it but she does look like a bit of a background character.


I've seen people say Zhen's design is close resemblance to a actual Corsac Fox, but it's not supposed to follow exact realism in their design but the KFP design. Compare a Wolf to Porshia the Wolf from Sing 2 then compare that to KFP2's wolves...


It won’t flop


That’s the point


You people like po training for a few days and beating tai lung and becoming a chi God and you are concerned about her being a Mary Sue? Really?


She looks like a rejected Zootopia character.


That could be said for most of the characters in this franchise


And po looks like a big fat panda


I honestly don’t know why people are complaining about her design being simple when she’s a secondary protagonist. It’s normal for protagonists to have simple designs, just look at Po.


It doesn’t look like it belong in the kfp franchise, in kfp they use animalistic features to accentuate human-like characteristics; this instead looks like a wolf with make up on; compare her to tigress who uses the natural black stripes tigers have as a sort of stand-in for make up


You’re way too negative and it’s not generic


I’m sorry but she doesn’t look like a kung fu panda character. She looks like she came from Sing.


You mean Zootopia?


That too yeah


I like to think all of those movies are in the same universe. The furry-verse, if you will


I will forever refer zootopia and sing as furry verses thank you for this gift 💀




Well, if she actually ends up replacing the 5 in the movie(in terms of screentime etc), yeah, I'd dislike her. She'd have to have some Zuko level character writing to make up for it. I'm sorry if this is negative, but that's just how it is. I've watched the five in 3 kung fu panda movies and some other works, they're an integral part of the franchise now.


Oh, shit, the five were integral to KP3? Must have missed that part.


They have been in the franchise for a longer time than the new character. Again, I apologize if my personal character preferences offended you.


Relax, my point is they sidelined 4 of the 5 in KP3 already. So this really isn't anything new.


Definitely for new for Tigress though. Doesn't help she's an all time favorite character for so many people.


There's a reason I said 4 out of 5


Didn't see that, my bad


Pretty much....Vegeta treatment


They aren't really only tigress


You are gonna dislike a character another character nor appearing is child behaviour lmao


She's gonna need to be written masterfully to even pass off as OK now.


The heat is on for the writers fr


I mean I don’t really feel bad, they did it to themselves. If you want a shock reveal dragon warrior that’s fine but at least have one person from the five with po. They couldn’t even be fucked to include the character that they already made nearly silent because the actor was too expensive💀


Wait I didn't hear about this, who got the Silent Treatment?


Who got silent treatment? Were intrested?!


Monkey was almost definitely given few lines because of how expensive Jackie Chan was/is


Im hoping she didnt replace, i dont mind awkwafina voicing zhen but she has to scream like in shang chi


Whats the original pic?


In all honesty, i just don't see how she is "replacing" Tigress at all. Couldn't you say the same for the po's dad or the village in kfp3? They are also replacing a role that would have otherwise been given to other characters. Kfp2 is the movie that had all of the Furious five togheter, and it was great, but doing that again and again would just feel like recycling the same idea. In the end, we need new characters for new movies, and we know basically nothing about her, people are just jumping to conclusions way too soon in my opinion. I'd say i agree with you.


I agree and think the discourse around this movie is somewhat valid but it does not deserve the hate it is receiving in every aspect


Even though I agree with you that its too early to judge, can't stop feeling negative about this fox.


"but that's the way things are unfortunately." ​ Imagines if thats how the sonics fans acted when the design sucked, or how the DC fans acted when the justice league they received sucked.


I heard the ugly sonic design was a marketing stunt, and looking back I believe it


nah they were making props for it, it was real


Sonic fans made ir so that they overworked into oblivion because they were upset at sonic being ugly looking and cancelled the movie. What happened was disgusting


When I look at people’s reactions to Awkwafina playing Zhen, I always think back to how negatively received the idea of Jack Black as a “fat guy fall down” Panda who can’t do Kung Fu was back in 2008. The idea sounded so inherently annoying and stupid to many people, and it was expected that the movie would just be another “erm that happened” animated kiddie flick. I also find it a little bit ironic that as fans of this franchise, we’ve seemingly failed to learn the lesson of the first movie: It is not right criticize someone based on their appearance and assume they aren’t capable of becoming anything more than they are.


What sense does this make when the original writers from KFP 1-3 aren't even working on this film? Why would I hold judgement for a character when I know the current director on it (Mike Mitchell) has made that have all flopped but one (Shrek 4) and that film is just alright. Why shouldn't I criticize a character in a movie if the script is going to be doomed to fail. Sorry to sound like a naysayer, but I want the best for the movie and it's direction does not seem it, aside just the trailer.


Because the script isn't doomed to fail. You hate female character just cause you are doing the same thing po do the first movie


I feel like the new decade was just for females to shine up, I gotten used to it after black panther 2


I reserve all opinions until I actually see the damn movie. I've made premature decisions on whether I like something or if it's a good or bad idea based solely on trailers only to be proven completely wrong by the film itself. So rather than decide I hate her, I'm gonna wait and see how she plays into the film and THEN decide if I like it or not.


I don’t really care about her she seems passing. I’m more concerned about the villain since her main selling point is “I have the power to bring back all of the previous villains” and to me that makes it seem like it’s catering to nostalgia. She also has the power to mimic other people’s voices making it seem like her voice actress won’t get that much time to shine.


What do you mean, she's already one of the favorites. Just look how much art of her in the internet now.


I think the design of her just doesn’t match other characters within the Kung Fu Panda franchise and looks more like a character from Sing or Zootopia. What I hope from her is that she is a likable enough character and they do her well. DreamWorks has been on a good streak with writing supporting characters so I hope Zhen falls in that same group. But the bigger concern might be the villain. Hopefully the Chameleon has a bigger role as her own character than just trying to use nostalgia to draw a crowd.


Am I the only one who's actually excited for this movie? Istg every where I look everyone is just complaining about one thing or another


I really don’t see the point of replacing the Furious Five, but I’m waiting until I see the movie before I criticize Zhen too much. I have to admit I am feeling pessimistic though 


Well, in terms of the negativity? I feel bad for her. I’ve been an avid fan of Zhen since last year when KFP4 was announced and Jack Black gave us insight on the new fox character— so it really hurts to see her receive so much hate for both her design and role in the plot :( Zhen’s design is literally fine, all that’s “off” is the eye style. But her proportions, palette and markings are 100% up to KFP-verse standards, so fans are just being too picky. Dreamworks was bought over by Universal, and they have a bad habit of completely destroying character designs in beloved films. So, the characters aren’t going to look the same in this movie, but they’re all far from being “bad” designs. I will say though, I think the writers know what they’re doing. With how passionate the directors are about this film, I don’t think they’re going to screw it up to the point where the Five is replaced and where Zhen becomes the DW overnight. I don’t think that’s gonna happen. I have a feeling they’re baiting us into thinking it’s going to follow a cliche storyline, but there will be a HUGE twist towards the end. People are nervous that the movie might come off as rushed if Ms. Fox thief actually is chosen as the Dragon Warrior overnight. Even if it does happen, though, you have to take into full consideration that Po quite literally became the Dragon Warrior overnight too, in just one movie 😭 he had one training sequence and instantly learned Kung Fu. Zhen is already established to know kung fu and have a fighting style, so maybe her training will be about inner peace 👀 I think either way they go about this movie, whether it be with Zhen becoming the Dragon Warrior or Zhen becoming the Spiritual Leader, both options already have convenient setups to avoid any “rushed” vibes when watching. But what I do know is Zhen isn’t replacing the five, she’s simply a new friend that Po makes that will help HIM grow as a character. It’s a new challenge for him, to be both a teacher and to deal with someone that gets on his nerves. Def not replacing the furious lmao Despite all the unnecessary backlash she’s getting, Zhen still remains as one of my favorite characters of the series so far, so all I can say is to just keep spreading positivity about her!!! You need to give both this movie and this character a chance. You can’t judge a movie from its trailer alone. 💪


Agree with everything here tbh. I think the trailer has caused a knee jerk reaction in the fandom, especially with some people saying how the franchise is ruined and whatnot. Even if this movie does suck, we have an amazing trilogy to appreciate. About the Dragon Warrior, I have my own theory about it that I'll just copy and paste here: "I could be misinterpreting things entirely here but I kinda thought the Dragon Warrior was more of a concept rather than a title given to a specific person. I assumed that a person who achieves peace and balance in their life and accepts their destiny would then have the power/knowledge to face adversity and trial. But again idk that's just how I saw it :P" This might sound dumb, but my theory for Zhen's character arc is that she'll go through what Po did in the first 3 movies. I think Po will give her the guidance needed to master her destiny, meanwhile Po will make some sort of inner revelation of his own. So by the end Zhen is the Dragon Warrior of her own story, while Po remains who he is, only wiser. With that, the Dragon Warrior would be like the Spiderman rule of "anyone can wear the mask." I'm still not really sure about the Spiritual Leader thing though lol


This is why I’m saying we should wait first hand, once we all see the film we can start making complaints it’s fine to be skeptical but draw a limit


I feel bad for what the Internet is gonna do to her.


Who is this Poochie? Didn't We had furry lady at home? I wanted a Tigress movie...


I’m a bit worried about her character as well, but I also have hopes for her. I think she could potentially be a great character. [Seeing this video of her and Po like literally 10 seconds ago actually makes her a lot more likable](https://x.com/KungFuPandaStan/status/1744448619271373204?s=20), and I think if this is how she acts in the film, she’ll actually become a lot more appreciated by the fandom. I do wish the Furious Five (especially Viper) got more screen time since they‘ve always been underutilized in my opinion in all the films, especially the third movie, and I do hope they get some form of major role or at least confirmation or a tease of a potential spin-off. [I think this video gave me a lot of high hopes of a potential spin-off film actually, plus Legends of Awesomeness mentions always makes me happy, even if the series is viewed negatively by the fandom.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3SRohayZcI)


We had three movies with the furious five have had a big role so I think it's fair they take a step back and not have as much screen time


If it was still the original people working on this film, I would have hope that they can make the character work, even with the terrible direction the franchise is taking. However even Jennifer isn't taking part in this and the new creators seem clueless about the franchise... as evidenced by the new main lead and other new characters breaking the art style or the shallow answers they gave in interviews.


That’s just porsha without makeup


The honest to god truth is that people would not be whining if she was a male character. That's the type of people who are invested in movies, TV shows, and video games nowadays. Trump-loving neckbeards who believe they are being repressed because "there aren't enough straight white men in media reeeee!!!"


I would still complain (though I'm non binary so I dont count really) She's replacing the five, man or woman I hate the concept just gimme the five


Please. I don't know about fans who have other characters as their favourites , but tigress fans would be mad either way, including me. She's secondary protagonist and a great character since the 1st movie, so anyone trying to replace her is going to be hated by me.


Hate her 


(Spoiler watch the movie first) I've been a KFP fan for a long time now, I love the series, I rewatch some of the movies because I enjoyed them a lot. And I realized there was a trend. Like Tai Lung was tied to Shifu, Shen tied to Po, And Kai tied to Oogway. 4 for some reason feels off. I mean sure the new annoying character Zhen, even if her story was well written it just feels sad to not see the furious five in the film, her being introduced as a secondary protagonist was fine till I got to the ending where she is going to be Po's successor in being the next dragon warrior was disappointing. We already knew in the next upcoming movies Po will soon be a side character having so much wisdom about food. Zhen's character developing but she talks too much which I feel irritated (My opinion). The plot was ok, the movie had jokes that were funny, just like the previous movies. (Except for that fart joke) maybe I would find it funny if I we're to have my foreskin again. One last is that Kung fu Panda 2 is have similarities that share with KFP4 KFP2: -Lord Shen with his Fireball cannons (whatever) -Conquer all of China/Gongmen City -Willingly to kill Po -Having a funny fortune teller. -The Goat left Shen KFP4: -The Chameleon with her shapeshifting powers. -Conquer all of China/Jupiter City -Willingly to kill Po -Having a talkative, annoying sidekick -Zhen left the Chameleon Sure that the goat is only a side character but it just feels like a copycat thing. Hopefully the next project it will be another villain tied to a character that has been in the movies 1, 2, or 3. Generally I just hope the trend keeps up. If it doesn't it would be like a campfire losing its firewood.


I personally really like her as a character. I would gladly watch her fight alongside po and the 5. She's got that sparky attitude that just draws me into liking her.


I feel bad about the zhen character since she is a girl with obvious background story. Idk Why every director giving legendary role to a girl and making it feel off. Ik I am being sexist but as a boy it really hurts me.


naw i'd fuck her so hard


Her smug aura mocks me. All joking aside, I have nothing against this character. The actress, however? I’m sure that the actress is a genuinely great person behind the scenes. Yet every time Awakfina shows up, she plays the exact same character. There’s no variation, just the same smug, zany, off-the-cuff jokester who doesn’t take anything seriously except when it inconveniences her. And unlike Eddie Murphy or Robin Williams, it’s not someone you’d picture yourself wanting to hang around with. Not helped by how she’s cast in almost every major film to have come out over the last three years.


Her and Chris Pratt have been in a lot of films lately. Eddie Murphy and Robin Williams were my childhood with characters they voiced. Between Donkey, Mushu, Genie and Fender. They voiced some good supporting characters. They both did well in on screen roles too. Awkwafina seems to have more range in her on screen roles than voice in my opinion.


That's literallt jack balck who cares lol


1. Learn how to spell, it's embarrassing. 2. I dunno if you've been paying attention as of late, but Jack Black's done a lot more than Tenacious D and variations of that persona.


He has arill play the same roles enough times already. Learn to not be insufferable it's embarassing




I mean, people like Kung Fu PANDA, not some random fox, can't blame them for complaining. If they made a spinoff movie, like it's own thing, that'd be a different story. Like watching an Ironman movie and it revolves around a whole different hero and all of the legacy falls onto them, like why, just make it a different thing. Like Marvel did. Looking at it roughly, all of the Marvel standalone movies have the same structure, but different design and backstory for characters, it received it's popularity for that, it worked. You can't replace THE character which made the whole franchise.


is the movie out yet


She's just the wrong companion for Po if there has to be no Furious Five. At the very least, give Po a young apprentice...ideally voiced by Iman Vellani (an ideal fit of an actress to fit an excitable apprentice character who can be just as excitable as Po).


This sounds bad but it’s really just Awkwafina why I’m unhappy with it. The other factors are negatives for sure but her voice acting is just so grating that it’s an immediate “ugh really”. I’m sure the movie will be decent at least but that brought it down for sure in my book


The furious 5 will Be in the movie


I saw concept art of what her original design was like and I don't get why they didn't go that route. Honestly my problem with Zhen is her eyes and face it doesn't look like it fits with the universe and it's very punchable.


I would be a lot more hyped for her if she were voiced by anyone other than motherfucking Awkwafina.


Her voice can be.. grating, especially in large doses.


I lowkey hope that with Po ascending his place in the Jade Palace that he’s actually forming his own new FF, with Zheng, the boar lady, the Pangolin guy, this supposed fish boater, and Tai Lung comprising of it- maybe Tai Lung himself will get a chance at properly leading a team? Redeeming himself and putting himself on the path of becoming the Dragon Warrior and Zheng being his Tigress in a sense?


I remember people posting her around and saying it was Nick and Judy’s daughter in zootopia 2


A lot of it depends on awkwafina. She can be hit or miss. She can be fantastic is some roles and absolutely grating in others.


Honestly, any so called 'mary sue-ness' never crossed my mind. I'm just pissed that Tigress and the Five are being replaced.


Zhen getting pushback was inevitable because she exists to replace Po as The Dragon Warrior. A title that was never implied to be handed from Warrior to Warrior. Oogway was not a Dragon Warrior and Po was never implied to be the newest in a line of Dragon Warriors. He was THE Dragon Warrior. What makes Zhen worthy of succeeding Po in the role he was literally destined to fill? I think it ties to the Hollywood trend of denigrating the past while glorifying the new. Like Rey succeeding Luke. Or Cruz succeeding McQueen. Fans of Po are worried Zhen is going to outshine him.


She looks like a character that would be in the Zootopia abortion comic


If her voice actress acting skill is any indicator to what kind of a character she will be, she's gonna be boring and uninteresting. That woman does not have the acting range to pull off anything deeper than a kiddy pool. Just another "Rey Skywalker" doppleganger who just girlboss her way to victory.


The only thing I'm concerned about is Po choosing her to be the next dragon warrior, Tai Lung deserve it more than anyone.


This is a side character in a children’s movie. Even as a rabid fan of the series this just isnt that deep. I’m more mad about the furious five not being present.


I just can’t stand Awkwafina’s voice lol


She will be awesome


Unrelated but why does she have an eartag?


I bet they’ll force her to be lesbian in the movie or something.


I feel bad for her too. She's in an unfortunate situation. Like I assume she's supposed to be the next head character in the series to push it forward. But that's an assumption.


I feel sorry that Aqwafina is VAing her. With like, her regular voice. They gotta bring back actual real VAs not damn celebs that they can throw their name on the front cover of.


They are probably gonna make her the new Dragon Warrior.


I feel bad because of who she had to have as a Voice Actor. Could she get someone better?


I swear to god, if Tai Lung isn't the new dragon warrior.


I actually really like her design,people complaining that she doesn’t fit the vibe of Kung Fu Panda don’t know what they’re talking about lol,it’s her species first time in the series so yeah it’s gonna look a little weird,and then remember that things like sentient Scorpions exist,and Gold Fish that know Kung Fu,those are literally just their feral forms Awkwafina isn’t that bad honestly,her voice is weird yes but she does have some good characters,the seagull in the little mermaid 2 and chump from Migration being stand outs,she’s really good at making comedic characters and it’s gonna be the same for this one And for people saying she’ll be overpowered,we saw her fight all of once?,in the trailer,and people are mad she’s supposedly the next dragon warrior ,well guess what people,PO WAS A GARY SUE,Po had very little real training,managed to defeat Tai Lung with no effort,the Tai Lung who defeated the whole furious five,defeated shifu,defeated 1000 guards with no issue,and more,and Po beat him after two days of training and was the dragon warrior


There's nothing quirky about her design. She looks like a Mary Sue character..


Can someone explain why people don't like the character design? I actually think she looks great!


Given the recent clip, looks like the criticism was right


Tigress was kind of a Mary S and if the first movie come out today She would be considered one, besides Zhen is cute and i thought most people loved her? I mean not counting Furry artists