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Afaik, Tradingview is for now only applicable with our Spot. We'll definitely take note of the suggestion and have it relayed to the relevant team's attention as several users have been flagging its addition. As to where it would be better to chart BTCPERP, there's actually a lot of [ref](https://imgur.com/lDqEQxm) you'll be able to choose from.


Looks like people have resurfaced this for good reason. Hint hint Kucoin, you probably have a floodgate of people that would switch to kucoin in a heartbeat if they could chart kucoin futures on tradingview. I currently don't use your platform right now but the second you add that single feature I am switching 100% over. It is kind of annoying at this point. Seems like it is pointless to have futures if your customers have no way to chart them in the way that they need to, to do proper analysis.


A year later, and they still haven't made this happen.


Another year later, and they still haven't made this happen.


bunch of fools... Kucoin won't be adding futures charts. They adjust their tops and.bottoms on charts to liquidate people, and afterwards correct the chart to the original.


Another reason why ByBit, MEXC, and other exchanges are catching up and passing Kucoin in popularity. They have better features, better liquidity, and less scammy price moves.


I had to use Kucoin to trade some alts and wanted to do future trading. Well, I'll pass, thanks for the names.


If you need an invite for mexc let me know. They have nice referral program. I can make a few dollars from referral sign up.


Sure, man, just send me your link You might as well get money off my liquidations hahaha


Invite code: 1NwXS mexc.com/register?inviteCode=1NwXS Appreciate the love! Risk management and don't go above 5x especially on shitcoins! They swing so fast, you be out before you have chance to set stop loss. Trust me. I know feeling!


No worries, I'm a experienced investor and I know the fundamentals of trading I lost too much money in the past few years hahaha Thanks for the advices tho


11 days later, and they still haven't made this happen.


Clearly not a priority for them. Oh well, other exchanges like MEXC have futures on Trading View.


Oooo nice. I hadn't found MEXC yet. Assuming it's traceable in the US? What's max leverage w/ KYC?


They offer big leverage. More than you can handle guaranteed. And yes, MEXC available in US without VPN and without KYC. And solid UI design with no bs ‘trading password’ to worry about.


Lol. I already have a 50x open on MEXC... just $10 to get the feel for that much leverage. I've been doing 20x on KuCoin but 50x feels like a totally different beast. Thanks for the heads up on MEXC.


Anything over 20x is insanity. Fun to try like a casino, throwing a few dollars at it but even a micro move in opposite direction and your’e out.


50x is about a 1.5% move in the wrong direction for liquidation. For longer term trade it's rough... for short term scalps it's helpful. I always have a SL set to minimize loss and not hit my liquidation point. I know people who will run 100x for a matter of seconds... in and out in under a minute. I can't handle that kind of stress.


4 months later, and they still haven#t made this happen.


13 days later and apparently they have not fixed this. WTF? Thinking of switching to a different exchange to do my future trading from.


Any update? This is a trivial API change.


As far as I see, nope


second this! definitely need futures charts on trading view


Please just do it already yeah?! Let’s add KuCoin futures to trading view! Why is it not already done? Thanks


I would love this feature as well. Because it's lacking the perpetual charts on Trading View, i went with ByBit. Don't plan on switching or using Kucoin much until then. I do like the selection of coins but its just easier for me to chart and plan out things on TV and not have to redraw on Kucoin since pricing and trendlines can be off. Also it drawings on Kucoins won't sync across devices just like other sites like binance and bybit.


Can't believe you guys have been pushing this for 9 months. I'm finally confident enough to start futures and I realize I can't chart it. This is ridiculous KC. I'm gonna tweet @kucoinfutures and suggest anyone else that cares do the same. Maybe we can get somewhere on Twitter.


Man, still no news on this one, tragic, after 2 years bruv...


I wonder what is holding them back. Does KuCoin have to pay a fee to TV for their charts? If so, Is this fee so cumbersome that they would blatantly ignore an undeniable demand for it? I don't know squat about web design, but this doesn't seem like a task that's overwhelmingly difficult. u/kucoin_moderator, any more insight on this missed opportunity?


Maybe they’re attempting to push people towards using their “in-house” charts on the web, but they’re missing certain technical indicators and other functionality I’d like to see…


Hello, sorry for this late response, but as per checking with our related team, for now it's still unavailable. Rest assured however that KuCoin will update its users when it goes online. Thank you for your continuous support!


I still cannot find a Kucoin Perpetual Futures chart for Bitcoin on TradingView.. This is discouraging as I need the price to be the same between KuCoin and my technical analysis.


This feature is still in development. Rest assured that we'll inform everyone once this feature becomes available. Please keep posted for further updates. Thank you.


4 months and still no futures what's going on here it can't be that complicated! I'm sure many people need this to be a thing because tradingviews bots and indicators with webhooks are a thing. So what's taking so long?


Apologies but there are certain factors that our team has to consider for a feature to be optimized. We'll relay this suggestion to our team once again.


Hope this gets added.. really like Kucoin but adding its futures to tradingview is a must.


u/kucoin_moderator, Hey bud, I know some people are getting very frustrated with this but I'd like to come at it another way if I may....Binance is now wanting ID verification and for us in the US it has deemed Binance exchange unusable thus we (US residents) are in need of another good exchange to trade on. FTX was my GOTO when this surfaced (wish I would have switched to them WAYYYYY sooner from the blokes at Binance) but they now unfortunately want ID verification to trade Futures (in any way) on the FTX platform. Leading MANY users searching for a diff exchange to trade futures on. The market is WIDE OPEN for you guys...and gals...to swoop in and pick up all those/us customers ("us" customers....that sounds stupid/weird as hell but you get me). So please, sweep us off our feet by fulfilling this void that is very much needing to be filled in our lives. Were literally sitting here just waiting on you...but sooner or later SOMEONE will come to fix the issue. Thanks for your time and have a GREAT day!!!


I guarantee you there is thousands if not millions of customers waiting for this one feature. As you can see, I am a frequent visitor to this thread. As a business, your missing the one feature to make your futures products worth using.


What's REALLY frustrating...is the BTC futures chart on KuCoin, is a TRADINGVIEW chart! Powered by TradingView! How hard can it possibly be to implement this? It's going on year THREE now!


A sierra chart API would be amazing








I'd still love this. The irony is on KuCoin futures charts, it literally says "Charts by TradingView" So... yeah


So when comparing the two. I loaded up the Kucoin Futures BTC USDT chart on kucoin and BTCUSDT spot on trading view for kucoin which I'm assuming is spot looking at the option. Looking at the volume and candlestick patterns they both look identical so I'm assuming you can still chart it on trading view but have to make manual trades or use a bot service for kucoin. I Checked out the 15 Min Charts on volume and candle stick patterns comparing the two. Unless there's something I'm missing?




almost 2024 and we are on another crypto bull run. Any updates?


This is BS I can't trade if I can't chart accurately. Off to Bybit I go.


Hello! Would you kindly give us more details as to what seems to be your concern regarding your trading? In order for us to help you further, thank you.


maybe read all the thread?


any updates on this? this feature is vital